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16181664 No.16181664[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys what are some books about being a 25 yo kv

>> No.16181673

There are none. Virginity should be lost as soon as possible because saving it for someone is for delusional Christfags. If you are still a virgin after the age of 17, it's time to commit suicide. Sex is a rite of passage and not getting any means you are pathetic and undesirable.

>> No.16181677

i honestly have no idea besides 1984. even Dostoevsky's characters, despite being literally me, were having sex

>> No.16181682
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I want to know as well. When you have food, shelter, recreational money, but no qt girl or sexual pleasure, life feels liek a prision sentence

>> No.16181685

>If you are still a virgin after the age of 17, it's time to commit suicide

My nigga you just killed 95% of 4chan wtf

>> No.16181687

>Virginity should be lost as soon as possible because saving it for someone is for delusional Christfags
sometimes i wonder if i truly value the idea of pair-bonding or if it is just my cope for still being a virgin

>> No.16181698

you only say that because you don’t have it. if you had it you wouldn’t be happy. anyone who tells you sex makes you happy is lying, trying to brag because they are insecure, OR they were happy regardless of sex. you will always want more no matter what you have.

>> No.16181709
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>haha hey stacey you should ask out anon
>eeeewww gross i would rather die

>> No.16181711

1984? Didn’t he have a wife before Julia?

A Compassionate Leave by Richard Yates is a short story like that.

Sex will probably disappoint you but you should really just get a hooker somehow if you can.

>> No.16181719

If you're not disgustingly fat and/or pizza faced and possess some Aryan physical attributes theres a good chance you have been percieved as physically attractive to a good portion of women for most of your life. Physical traits are largely secondary when it comes to the acquisition of a woman however. A woman can cum solely based on your persona and your energy if she perceives you as a dominant and unique male. Again, if you're not an eyesore then it's likely your attitude and the vibe you give off thats hindering you from attracting a mate. Get the fuck off of 4chan, workout, and devote yourself to some kind of ambitious pursuit. Ultimately your attractiveness as a man is defined by the extent of your ambition and discipline.

>> No.16181731

i have no recollection of Winston having a wife

>> No.16181734

Stop being such a melodramatic pussy, goddamn

>> No.16181741

my diary desu 1 year ago

>> No.16181748

The mental part is harder to overcome than the physical part you dumb nigger normie subhuman. I haven't interacted with a single person other than direct family in years. I have never had an informal conversation with a female. You cannot grasp that, stop pretending you do.

>> No.16181758

> I haven't interacted with a single person other than direct family in years
>I have never had an informal conversation with a female
Whose fault is that?

>> No.16181770
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my mother and probably also the jews

>> No.16181773

How did you manage to hold hands with a girl but not kiss? Seal the deal next time and plant a big smacker on her lips.

>> No.16181782

i am worried that the thrill of a kiss will make me breathe so heavily that i may end up breathing in her mouth

>> No.16181785

>The mental part is harder to overcome than the physical part

Thats quite literally what I said. This is your fault. You're too weak to overcome what blocks you mentally. Tried to help you but you can die a virgin now for all I care. Incels are a waste of oxygen.

>> No.16181786

might i recommend some books on rope and knots

>> No.16181789
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>> No.16181802

Nothing but hormones, Anon. These little chems trick you. Just one slip and you're enslaved by a woman because she has reproductive rights that you don't. A man is wise to keep his dick in his pants, fucking no one ever and doing his own deal. Sex is merely for sheep to use as self-validation. "Everyone else does it so i have to do it too i'm helping ensure the future and my heteronormativity blah blah blah i'm fucking retarded."

>> No.16181805

if you were him you would be no different so your advice is just you talking to yourself

>> No.16181812

sex is a pleasure no different than any other pleasure. it will happen naturally if you don’t get in the way of yourself and that is why most people have children

>> No.16181854

I have really fucked up hard every association I have had with women. I have never approached any women myself but a few have tried to get close to me and I either rejected them then later regretted it or I got too scared if they were actually pretty. It’s weird seeing how many opportunities I have had since high school and ten years later I have barely improved. If history serves as any indicator of my success then I will finally have a girlfriend in ten years from now (really I just want a short romance but I know if I ever connected with a woman I wouldn’t have the courage to let her go)

>> No.16181867

>I have never had an informal conversation with a female. You cannot grasp that, stop pretending you do.
so who is to blame other than yourself? Have sex incel.

>> No.16181868
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i once got a hug from a 9/10 exchange student who had nothing but pity for me

>> No.16181875
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>3 inch penis
>shitty bone structure
nothing keeps me going anymore

>> No.16181887

If you’re not in good shape this is not a problem that’s difficult to solve and 100% one of your own making. It’s not something that’s happening to you, it’s something you’re doing.

>> No.16181888

>no different than any other pleasure
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.16181891
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it could be you in the webm one day anon

>> No.16181894


>> No.16181897

Not the guy from White Nights, for example.
Not sure about Myshkin.

>> No.16181912

120 yo kissless virgin here
I need to know how to kill myself thanks in advance

>> No.16181923

>120 yo
sounds like you'll die naturally soon enough anyway

>> No.16181934


>> No.16181942

Time is on your side, friend

>> No.16181946

Is White Nights his best short?

>> No.16181952

a girl in a crowded hallway once brushed her arm against mine accidentally. i had never felt the touch of a woman before and had a shortness of breathe and quicken of my pulse.

>> No.16181954

not bad, at least she touched you so you must have something going for you. keep watering yourself and your bud will blossom :)

>> No.16181970

You were worthy of taking seriously until you ousted the PUA inside you

>> No.16181973

Who the FUCK cares who's fault it is NIGGER it has no relevance

>> No.16181992

i just mean the pursuit of sex is no different than pursuing other pleasures. i assume you disagree because sex is the best pleasure on Earth, tied with drugs anyways. and you wrap it up with all this romantic nonsense you have been fed your whole life. the purpose of sex is reproduction only, we use sex for pleasure though because we abuse all of our senses and take them away from their natural purpose. i am not saying don’t have sex or don’t seek pleasure but this is the reality. saying your sex is deeper than pleasure is nothing more than self-aggrandizing and making a story out of your experiences. there is NO difference between sex with a drunk stranger or your longtime girlfriend, other than the beliefs you have accepted about sexual morals.

>> No.16181998
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been hit on multiple times by gay guys and never by girls. do girls think i am gay?

>> No.16182015

You are gay.

>> No.16182018

you sound like a timid bitch

>> No.16182026

i am not gay but my mum thinks i am though she never asks, she just makes strange references and hints like telling me if i was gay she wouldnt be ashamed

>> No.16182055

We know from history that virginity was once seen as a virtue. It was the time when being a virgin defined your value plus it increased social status, especially for women. However in today's world we can see how ridiculous this is. As most people have lost their virginity by now and some of us are even proud about it! This shows how societal views have changed over time.
The only thing to consider is that some people may still view it as a virtue. But why? The answer comes from the fact that they are simply conservative in their thinking and don't want to think of new ways to do things. There's nothing wrong with being conservative but taking one's conservatism too far would lead them down a dark path, such as supporting social injustice.
Let's take a look at the Bible, which is a book that most people see as sacred and therefore an authority on their moral values. The Bible has many things to say about sex (as it should be obvious). In the first place, there are only seven passages where God explicitly mentions sex or sexual conduct in some way.
First of all, God is against rape and sexual abuse. He condemns the perpetrators as evil (Leviticus 20:13), which means that it's not acceptable in any way, shape or form. This shows that sex should be used for love instead.
Second, God commands us to have children and make sure they grow up in a healthy environment (I Corinthians 7:3-5). What he means here is that we should give them the best education possible and create a good society for them. This does not mean having babies as early as possible but thinking about our future generations.
Third, God condemns pre-marital sex (Leviticus 18:20), which is to say that he doesn't want anyone having sex before they're married. By now, many people have become liberal in their thinking and do not see it as a sin anymore. In fact, the majority of people will agree with this notion.

>> No.16182085

You don't know how much damage you're doing with posts like this retard

>> No.16182105
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>There are none. Virginity should be lost as soon as possible because saving it for someone is for delusional Christfags. If you are still a virgin after the age of 17, it's time to commit suicide. Sex is a rite of passage and not getting any means you are pathetic and undesirable.

>> No.16182112

Ok virgin

>> No.16182117

This is true but in order to be happy with no sex you need to have had it a number of times first. He needs to be familiar with what he doesn’t need

>> No.16182119
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>Ok virgin

>> No.16182134

he does you retard read the fucking book

>> No.16182153

t. Seething khv or former traumatised khv

>> No.16182176

If you are dumb enough to take them seriously you deserve it

>> No.16182193

i read it years ago and him having a wife didn't seem so significant enough for me to remember as i remember it being that he was a child when all the war shit was happening so using my memory i assumed that the new world became so before he would be old enough to even marry

>> No.16182204


>> No.16182223

Underground Man does not count because he paid for it
raskolnikov did not have sex with sonya before being sentenced and during his time on Syberia as far as i know

>> No.16182232

she sucks at skating. What a poser

>> No.16182236

true but raskolnikov was engaged to the daughter of his tenant or whatever before she died so he would have not been a virgin if not for that tragedy

>> No.16182274
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I'm so obsessed with women with large pretty doe eyes with thick arching eyebrows and it makes me suffer. I'm so paranoid about not being able to marry one. How do I stop thinking about them? FUCK

>> No.16182284

please ask these retarded questions on /r9k/, if you were actually interested in reading you would already know that there are a lot of books related to your plight. I bet you are an annoying piece of shit IRL, that's why women flee from you. Not the fact that you are under 6 feet, not the fact that you are ugly, but your narcissistic soul. That being said, Aldous Huxley was a virgin until his 30s, so was Mircea Cartarescu, life isn't all about sex. And the fact that being a kv is such an important topic for you that you make a post on 4chins, shows how retarded you are.

>> No.16182300

>sex used for pair-bonding with your reproductive partner is no different than cooming in someone you'll never see again.


>> No.16182303

and good riddance I say

>> No.16182332

>et the fuck off of 4chan, workout, and devote yourself to some kind of ambitious pursuit

>> No.16182346

he does. he did not like her though, because she was one of the big brother good eurasia and eastasia bad drones

>> No.16182350

did you cream your pants?

>> No.16182360

you sound like a cutie anon

>> No.16182373

>she was one of the big brother good eurasia and eastasia bad drones
fucking normies

>> No.16182386

Two of the only books I'd recommend are;

The book of Pook by Pook

This is a compilation of forum pots by a guy called Pook. It is about getting laid but goes much further in talking about self development/acctualisation, how they play into getting women and life in general.

Models by Mark Monson

Simple and effective flirting and communication. One of the things guys do it over compilcate things, this one is simple enough to follow.

Tbh though I never got laid untill I started working out very seriously. All the seduction knowledge in the world won't help you if you don't look the part. But I guess the opposite is true, you can't get laid without talking and interacting with women, unless you're totally physically maxed out which almost no one is.

>> No.16182390

go to mgtow reddit they would love to hear about it.

>> No.16182413
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>> No.16182424

read nausea mc-kun is literally me and get's rejected by a landwhale

>> No.16182538

Kek dude. Fuk them, jus do yourself. You could actually use your gay facade so your mom doesnt give you shit about findong a wife

>> No.16182544
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>> No.16182572


>> No.16182622

Natalie Mars doesn't look too bad nowadays

>> No.16183150

>If you're not disgustingly fat and/or pizza faced and possess some Aryan physical attributes theres a good chance you have been percieved as physically attractive to a good portion of women for most of your life
absolutely delusional. the 60s are over gramps

>> No.16183218

You’re only saying that because the last 20 years have somehow conditioned you to think fat is the default state of the human body.
If people have normal, healthy habits it’s actually a lot of work to get fat. You would have to eat yourself sick twice a day and give up hours a week of agreeable activity.

>> No.16183224

bold of you to assume that I am fat as well as that it's just fat people who don't get laid nowadays

>> No.16183233

again you can even be a bit fat and still get women. a girl who I think liked me but I wouldn't move on her cause I'm an autist ended with a fat guy.
anyway. thanks for reading my blog

>> No.16183242
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>some Aryan physical attributes

>> No.16183260

It literally is, you’re either out of shape or socially inept if you can’t.
Either way it’s a consequence of your own indulgences.
You can’t choose to cultivate an eccentric aloofness and be surprised everybody doesn’t assume you’re a contemplative intellectual.

>> No.16183269

It is downright ridiculous to pretend you don't know what autism is on 4chan

>> No.16183392
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This 100%. Everything this anon said is absolutely true.

If you are a male virgin over the age of 17 and you are reading this, please, kys your self. Your failure is unrectifiable. In any other period of history you wouldn't even be considered a man--the idea of someone being a virgin past puberty would be unheard of. There is no redemption or happy ending waiting for you and you have no value. Everything good and healthy in this world despises you.

>> No.16183416

Yeah, for some reason people think that young people didn’t have sex before marriage before 1965.
Just because it wasn’t in good taste to portray it in popular fiction doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

>> No.16183535

this is something I remember zizek talking about.
there are certain rules in society that are just for show and you're an idiot if you follow them

the whole sex before marriage was one of such rules

>> No.16183564

>please, kys your self
they can still provide value to humanity as javascipt coding bugmen working on web apps in san francisco

>> No.16183622

the internet is the worst thing to happen to humanity since monotheism

>> No.16183660

i lost it two weeks before turning 19 and went on to having ~40 sexual partners before settling down at 26 with the girl i'd eventually marry.

>> No.16183677

Guys I have a far worse problem. I think I have never been really in love with a girl. Never been really attracted after talking to them. I mean sexually Im attracted to them but you know there is no hope for you when you cant even idealize other people anymore. Im unable to love. I dont care about stickdickinchick. My mental state is driving me to certain doom even if I had gotten laid id still be depressed and brutal

>> No.16183720
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No, because they are warped and sickly defects of humanity. They are a contagion. You cannot allow such elements any existence within your society. They breed an air of pestilence in regards to the healthy and whole. They begin to hate anything that is not as deformed as them. Their sole essence becomes that of resentment.

And given the opportunity, they will project their warped idea of existence onto any part of the world that they can subdue--which is why giving them positions of any power whatsoever will inevitably have disastrous consequence. And yet, to deny them this capacity to act out will likewise lead to morbid outcomes since their frustration at being denied a position of power in society will lead to virgin rage like that hapa dork and all the subsequent incel shooters.

It is imperative for people to fully understand the situation. A person can only ever act upon the basis of their character. They can only ever act out their internal reality. This is a fact of existence. But the innermost reality of a male virgin over the age of say 16 or 17 will necessarily be a warped frustration that generates a hostility to life, or at best a keen self-destructive attitude that will then be projected upon the rest of the world. With this as his only foundation, the male virgin is a liability that the rest of society cannot be indifferent to.

Women intuitively recognize all this, which is why their behavior to males who are virgins past high school takes on the rebuffing character that it does. Women are actually invaluable in sussing out these sorts of deepseated deleterious elements in society, and their instinctive assessments of men should not be treated frivolously.

Think of it as a problem of public sanitation. Male virgins are an unsanitary element. Both psychological and biologically.

lol yeah and then everyone clapped.

and if you admitted to being a virgin at 19 in the work environment I'm in you'd never live it down and still be considered "the virgin" by every actual adult man and woman.

>> No.16183748

Having children is the real rite of passage desu.

>> No.16183759

Is this pasta or autism?
Also why do you hate yourself so much incel?

>> No.16183760


>> No.16183772

ITT: self loathing virgins LARPing as anti-virgin chads to bait their brethren.

>> No.16183781

fuck off there are alot of people who are still virgins in their early 20s. yes there is a point of no return after ~25 but that's another matter.

before many men lost it early because prostitution was very widespread and easy to get. nowadays you will probably get beaten or arrested if you look for a whore.

but that's besides the point. single people can still contribute to society. they can take care of their relative's children for one thing,
also some of the greatest minds in science and philosophy were never seen with women, like newton or kant

>> No.16183792

>lol yeah and then everyone clapped
well no, but it was fun.

>and if you admitted to being a virgin at 19 in the work environment I'm in you'd never live it down and still be considered "the virgin" by every actual adult man and woman.
do you go around saying "i'm a virgin" to strangers? i just kept it to myself, the girl i lost it to (a one night stand) didn't know i was a virgin.

no one ever asked me, and if they had i probably would've lied. it's none of their business, anyway.

>> No.16183791

Books that support this theory?

>> No.16183804

it kinda used to be. it was expected of you and most people would do it. in the 3rd world it is still the norm.

now there were always more men then women and some were left with nothing. they usually joined the army, the church or went to the colonies (or became drunks... oh well)

in the developed world it is not a right of passage anymore since you now are expected to have your life in order to have a child, with how expensive it is

>> No.16183806
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This is weak bait but I'll bite, and tell you something most "men" here can't accept because it'd shatter their fragile ego:
When a woman loses her virginity she loses her hymen. There is a marked physical body change. There are old cultures in which this is an essential event that people pay attention to and whatnot.
When a man loses his virginity no physical change happens. When you look deeply into it, nothing happens. Most people don't physically see you having sex your first time, they really just rely on your account that you did.
"B-but you get way more confident because..."
Because a girl validated you by suggesting you are attractive to her.
If you were some insecure wimp and getting laid for the first time is what kick-started your self-esteem and "manliness", I'm sorry to inform you but you are still as insecure as you always were. In fact that perfectly explains a post such as your current one.
I could make a long list of men who died virgins, or most likely lost their virginity beyond 17, throughout history, and contributed vastly more than you.
(Though I still think you're just a weak bait, but someone is bound to be stupid enough to believe your bullshit for real).

>> No.16183807

Who even ever wastes a single thought on their own past? Are you retarded? You could get laid tomorrow if lucky. But if you keep insisting that all proir years of virginity will hinder you of course they will. You Niggers need meditation. Just let go

>> No.16183809


>> No.16183818
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based. cull of the virgins when?

>> No.16183832

We already do cull virgins

>> No.16183868

Is this what people mean when they talk about mindfulness?

>> No.16183875

very based. t. 22 yo KHHV, this post convinced me to commit a hero. you want me to stream it guys?

>> No.16183884

If you're going to take your own life at least do something useful before you exit out.

>> No.16183891

How do I get laid when I'm a 5'5" mexican

>> No.16183899

like what? I've read the entire Western cannon already

>> No.16183905

join a gang

>> No.16183910

If you've read the entire western canon you don't need to ask me.

>> No.16183916

any ideas how to do it in a shitlib country without guns? I might do it too desu

>> No.16183937

Whatever by Michel Houellebecq

>> No.16183962


>> No.16183973

the actual title of the book is "Extension of the Domain of Struggle" but I suspect you're just a newcomer from incels.co and only know it by its adaptation

>> No.16183979

Myshkin def fugged Nastasya when they were in together Moscow

>> No.16183999

don't underestimate the power that autism gives you

>> No.16184014

I only know it by the title of the translation I read. I have read all of his books minus the poetry, Platform, and the one about Lovecraft.

>> No.16184037

He was a pure heart but not an autist.

>> No.16184095

my diary
t. 28 khv

>> No.16184096

he should have fugged aglaia who was best girl and everything would have been fine. she did all the fucking work for him he could just take her

>> No.16184124

im sorry but this is a meme, right?

no one here is actually still a virgin past 20, yes? how would that even happen lol

>> No.16184133

be 5'5", ethnic, have poor social skills, and live in America. Easy to live a miserable life here.

>> No.16184141

You're missing the point that the Prince is such a perfect guy that he's willing to give up the love of his life to "save" Natasya.

>> No.16184158

I don't know, it happens

>> No.16184164

I don't care they were the real OTP, and fuck the prince for ruining everything

>> No.16184182

Anon did you really expect a light hearted romantic ending from fucking Doetovesky?

>> No.16184199

I'm khv at 25. I just jack off and that's it. I've never felt a strong desire to be with a woman (or a man for that matter). It actually seems annoying.

>> No.16184207

I agree. I was so pissed when he choosr Nastasya instead of Aglaya who was a loyal, beautiful young girl with a rich family that loved the prince.

>> No.16184218


>> No.16184238

You’re probably gay and want to be penetrated. You don’t want to put it in a woman and you say you don’t want to put it in a man. That almost certainly means you want a man to put it in you.
If you have a cultural or religious aversion to homosexuals you’ll need to have a woman peg you.

>> No.16184249

brainlet, see

of course they're good for each other, that's what makes the ending even more powerful and depressing.

>> No.16184271

I don't know about that. By "not being with a man or woman" I meant not being in a relationship. As far as sex goes, my desire for it disappears after a wank. And yeah I tried anal stuff just to see if it was any good, and it kinda wasn't.

>> No.16184307

Only the top 15% of men get routinely matched by 85% of women on tinder and other dating apps - this is data supported. Unfortunately, just not being fat is not enough. I know this is a tough reality to have to accept.

>> No.16184308

hows your life?

>> No.16184314


>> No.16184327


>That being said, Aldous Huxley was a virgin until his 30s, so was Mircea Cartarescu, life isn't all about sex. And the fact that being a kv is such an important topic for you that you make a post on 4chins, shows how retarded you are.

Sex and reproduction is the primary meaning for most men as they are unable to contribute anything else that fills them with a sense of power and accomplishment. Unless you're in that scarce group of 0.1% of men who have the intelligence and connections to create some culturally important work of art or something in science or technology then family ties is the only source of meaning you realistically have in life. That, and Marvel movies and bing bing wahoo lmao

>> No.16184331

Not going to kill myself. What are you going to do about it?

>> No.16184347

dating apps are not real life desu

>> No.16184362

25, only v but same shit
Was only really interested in one girl and it didn't work out. The only reason I want a woman at some point is out of social obligation. I dont have a strong inner desire to be with one, the one time I tried to date a girl who was interested in me I lost interest fast and broke things off.

>> No.16184364

>I know this is a tough reality to have to accept.
Why should I care?
I’m telling you having sex in America isn’t the ridiculous long shot you think it is as you aren’t actively working to sabotage yourself.
If you want to hold yourself to the skewed standards of a flawed sample than go ahead.
But if you’re not fat then unless you’ve got a seriously fucked up face your biggest problem is probably your own melodramatic self-pity.

>> No.16184370

If social media accurately portrayed how the world works Hillary Clinton would be president

>> No.16184380

Every time

>> No.16184386

I've never had a girlfriend lads. Almost thirty. Fucking want to end it. No amount of stoicism cope can fix this.

>> No.16184391

Okay reddit

>> No.16184392

The only reason I want to be with a woman and have kids is so that I won't be alone on my deathbed.

>> No.16184400

>you aren’t actively working to sabotage yourself.
i will sabotage myself as much as I want

>> No.16184427

All the retarded strongman poses in the world won't make up for having no logical argument, good luck with the whole "trying to look cool online" thing though

>> No.16184466

Whatever you little bitch, stay a virgin and stay mad

>> No.16184474

>If you are still a virgin after the age of 17, it's time to commit suicide.
You just yeeted 90% of the most productive people in history with this recommendation, anon.

>> No.16184502

highly doubt it, age of consent laws and anti-prostitution laws are very recent

>> No.16184505

Haha good luck preaching “inevitable, perpetual virginity” despite several people telling you your wrong. I’m sorry i’m not willing to LARP as a kv just to validate your bullshit tinder statistics.
Do have sex though

>> No.16184510

>If people have normal, healthy habits it’s actually a lot of work to get fat.
Na-ah, BMI is 0.9 heritable. You just need one of your parents to be overweight to have 50% chance of being a natural fatso.

>> No.16184521


>BMI is 0.9 heritable

Proofs? I've lost weight and maintained it, as well as rapidly gained more than usual before. What about men who lift weights?

>> No.16184547

Having a wife means you are more likely to have sex. The reverse isn't true, necessarily

>> No.16184558

>In any other period of history you wouldn't even be considered a man--the idea of someone being a virgin past puberty would be unheard of.
This is the thinking of historylet. Over 60% of males throughout history never reproduced. In few bottleneck situations (for example Indo-European countries invasion of Western Europe) it was over 90%. Nowadays it's only 40%.

>> No.16184588

Why tho? 25, soon-to-be 26v. My libido has already dropped loads in the last couple of years, I imagine it won't bother me at all when I'm 30. The desolation and heartbreak female rejection has caused me between the ages 17 and 22/23 already seems positively ridiculous and I assume this feeling will only increase with age.
As for the topic at hand, there are tons of books that deal with loneliness, if not outright virginity. I second Houellebecq's Whatever, Buk is also a solid choice I feel. He fucked tons of women after he got famous, but the rejection he experienced in his youth always shines through. Would recommend Ham on Rye in particular.

>> No.16184598

>What about men who lift weights?

>> No.16184622

>33 year old virgin
>Had a few first dates but never went anywhere
>No real interest in "actual" sex, jerking off is fine
>Jerked off a lot in high school and college, less now

Not sure where I'm going with this. I've always been a loner, and I had a bad experience in school. Guess I've always expected to be a virgin. As such, as much as I'd like to have sex, not having it isn't a big deal.

>> No.16184636

are you me anon (except for the 1st dates. some girls were trying to hit on me but I ignored them because of my retard autism)

>> No.16184662


If your parents are well-educated (and so largely sheltered from unhealthy environments) your body weight is basically preordained and there is hardly anything you can do about it.

>> No.16184861



Psychology always uses normie mentality as a baseline and universal. This assumption that low agency low inhib is like the to be end all of human nature. Anyone who does serious weight lifting or body building can tell you that losing weight is easy af. If you feel compelled to eat shitty food, then rationally choose not to fucking buy it. Actually calorie count if you need to. Most people do not even bother attempting to regulate their lives with much executive control so it's not surprising that even highly mutable characteristics end up having high heritability.

>> No.16184881

>your body weight is basically preordained and there is hardly anything you can do about it
Lol, imagine thinking this.
At least it explains why 4chan has so many virgins

>> No.16184889


Also, maybe a third of half of BMI stats are confounded by physiological constants that have nothing to do with healthy biometrics. Like bone density and soft tissue inserts

>> No.16184932
File: 31 KB, 660x574, 1480017629388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally still can't fathom the fact that people around my age and younger than me are having casual sex. It's utterly alien to me. Even the most innocent and delicate looking ones. I gave up the idea of dating pure virgin but you get my idea.

>> No.16184943

>Most people do not even bother attempting to regulate their lives with much executive control so it's not surprising that even highly mutable characteristics end up having high heritability.
Personality is highly heritable too, so the results are confounded. Weight is highly mutable only in certain individuals, which are that way also for genetic readons. Most fall to the baseline and experience rebounds after diets without the help of medication.

>> No.16184983

>Lol, imagine thinking this.
>At least it explains why 4chan has so many virgins
Did you read the article? It's findings are empirical. It was a longitudinal twin study with over 2400 participants. Substantial. I could provide you a meta-analysis if you want.

>> No.16184985


>Personality is highly heritable too, so the results are confounded. Weight is highly mutable only in certain individuals, which are that way also for genetic readons. Most fall to the baseline and experience rebounds after diets without the help of medication.

Yeah well most people have nigger mindset and this has always been the case. Again, nothing surprising. It does make me wonder how mutable things like intelligence is though, since it follows a similar heritability to BMI overall, and we know that BMI is heavily mutable given small lifestyle changes

>> No.16185047

>Again, nothing surprising. It does make me wonder how mutable things like intelligence is though
Only singular life event than can have great effect on intelligence is puberty and even that can change IQ by only a few points. Standard deviation hopping is impossible. The intelligence peak in adulthood is also around 40 y, and after that you ssloselowly lose mental capacity as your brain deteriorates.

>> No.16185055

My life has been terrible the past year. Up until about a year ago I was able to live basically in denial. I had no social life, no friends, etc, but I was able to manage by just not thinking about it. Then about a month before my 36th birthday I had an episode where I started having anxiety attacks and slipped into a depression. That lasted almost two months until the worst of the symptoms slowly subsided. The depression has stayed with me. It's just always there. I'm just always overcome by the feeling that nothing is going to happen in my personal life, that I've already reached the end at 36. The next big events in my life will be my parents dying. Then it'll just be me and my brother's family, who live halfway around the world.

>> No.16185125

This kinda shit causes mass shootings

>> No.16185129

I'm a 23yo virgin and I agree, most people who are virgins past the age of 15 end up becoming violent angry fanatics of one kind or another. Only a small minority of us are redeemable, virgins are your worst enemy we deserve no pity. "Hi I have virgin aids, I'm going to die and so are you." This is the mindset of the incel, we are a very dangerous group of people and all potential terrorists, mass shooters, and Hitlers were incels

>> No.16185139

Yeah as a 25 year old virgin, I should have been executed half a decade ago.

>> No.16185159

t. virgin

>> No.16185185

how did you end up in this situation? what was the most important contributing factor? do you find solace in online communities or is it just filling the void?

I think for me it was the lack of the ability to form any form of human relationships. I didn't really discriminate based on gender in my ability to creep people out. then it was the accumulated shame that finally paralyzed me socially.

>> No.16185217

My parents divorced when I was 7 and my mother moved away, left the country. Not saying this is the only cause. But I’ve just never been able to have a relationship with a woman. Have an unreal fear of rejection. I don’t really post anywhere online but here. I posted here a lot in November and December of last year, but stopped when I started therapy. Started posting again when therapy ended this June.

>> No.16185225

>how did you end up in this situation? what was the most important contributing factor?
not him but I'm 32 and also a virgin

being 5'5" is all it takes. literally think back to the last time you saw a woman with a man that short (if at all). funnily enough, I have an attractive face. I put my height as 5'11 on tinder and bumble one time when I was bored and I got a good number of matches and dms.

meanwhile in real life I have literally never had a woman think I was attractive. it's a shame, but that's the way things are.

>> No.16185246

This desu. I really want family

>> No.16185261

>first they came for the virgins, and I did not speak out, because I was not a virgin
>Then they came for the...
Sike nigga 5% of 4chan remained and then everyone was happy hihihi until the redditors invaded because 4chan was suddenly not that scary anymore.

>> No.16185266

Yeah but they never really had sex if I remember correctly because he got turned down all the time from her party simping.

Winston is no virgin tho because he fucked some rando gilf in proletown.

>> No.16185271


This is why short men who make it are absurdly successful, and women will be awed by their accomplishments enough to push beyond their cruel chimp instincts for a moment

>> No.16185285
File: 385 KB, 803x414, priestess_jain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then your soul will perish in Holy Flame, child.

>> No.16185293


No proofs of any of this, since such a mutable characteristic like BMI is highly heritable. It is all based upon mathematical inference, that highly heritable characteristics tend to be static physiological constructs. And the fact that we do not know of any strong intervention to begin with. All speculation, they would need a physiological explanation that rigorously accounts for the heritability in a mathematical sense

>> No.16185296

I can agree to having sex before marriage but having children before marriage goes too far for me anon.

>> No.16185393

Explain to me how fatties brake the laws of thermodynamics by somehow gaining more energy than they put in the system.

>> No.16185420

What is a kv? Literally can't find anything on a Google search even throwing in keywords to help. Is this /r9k/ shit I'm not in on? Sounds like the v stands for 'virgin.'

>> No.16185449

Lurk more newfriend

>> No.16185455

Kissless virgin
I’ve heard “kissless virgin“ on 4channel for years but this morning after reading this thread, it took me a moment to put it together with “kv”

>> No.16185496

They start by doing an estimate of the calories they burn every day by picking the “lightly active” option on a website instead of “sedentary”, which they actually consider to be a conservative guess even though it’s not.
Then they habitually underestimate how much food they eat, especially anything they have to guess the weight of and of course, take-out and Restaurant food they only count like 30% of.