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/lit/ - Literature

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16179865 No.16179865[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>years since /lit/ was last comfy: three

>> No.16179869

I was here three years ago and it wasn't. The only thing from back then that I miss now are john green threads

>> No.16179873

/lit/ is very comfy now that everyone is racist

Not /pol/ racist like obsessed with it, just normal racist like knowing that racism is real and good

>> No.16179904

Honestly i stopped posting months ago and when i post now is only to comment "built for BBC" to make redditors seethe.

>> No.16179946
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It's over, anon. /lit/ has become an extension and weird combination of R*ddit and /pol/. People here don't read anything much at all. If they do read, it's cringe non-fiction or entry-level fiction. The mods don't delete bad threads. Nobody bothers to post images anymore, despite the fact that this is an IMAGE board (R*dditors don't post images, this is how we know R*ddit is dominating here now). 90% of OP's are shitposts and bait threads. If you post anything long, sincere or thoughtful, you get ignored. If your isn't bait, you get ignored.

It's just over. /lit/ is dead. It will never be the same again. There are just a handful of anons who make this place worth it sometimes, but how long before we up and go? How much more can the good anons take?

>> No.16180019
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Individual threads can still be comfy if you make them so.

>> No.16180032

I try, anon. Pls read Sebald

>> No.16180123
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I'm sorry Schierke poster, i'm a non-fiction poster and have been for years. But i effort post and do my best to keep it book-specific. Please forgive me.
Twitter refugees are at least as big a problem as redditors on this board

>> No.16180139
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>But i effort post and do my best to keep it book-specific.
No worries, that's much better than what we normally get here, viz. shitposters who don't read at all. I would prefer sincere non-fiction readers to shitposting non-readers any day. But hey, remember, a little poetry once and awhile won't kill you!

>> No.16180142

Welcome to 2009.

>> No.16180145

Ban all philosofaggots.

>> No.16180154
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And religious chat too. I say this as a Christian, it's really disruptive and 99% of the time not based on literature. Philosophy and religion should just have their own board already. /lit/ should be for actual literature, not sacred texts, not treatises.

>> No.16180184
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I've been reading a bit of poetry recently. I wanted to like the romantics like Blake and Shelley but i don't like poem simply being in service of structure rather than having a "point". But i also don't like some modernist poetry where there is too little structure in service of a "point". So i found the poets of the late 19th-century to early 20th-century have been most to my taste.
My favourites have been Yeats, Frost, Eliot, and Poe. I know it's pretty newfag taste, but i still like it.

>> No.16180193

Lit is slow enough as it is

>> No.16180206

/lit/ is way too fast you newfag cross-boarder.

>> No.16180215
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>My favourites have been Yeats, Frost, Eliot, and Poe
Pretty based, anon. Poe is one of my favorite writers in the English language. Yeats and Eliot are classics. If you like them you'd probably like Joyce and Pound.

And I love the English romantics, but I get why they're not as accessible as the modernists. Sometimes they can be a bit dry.

>> No.16180237

/lit/ is too fast now
The number of archived posts of the last 3 days have doubled since March

>> No.16180250

GOOD. I'm glad.

>> No.16180450
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fuck you

>> No.16180998

How do I make threads comfy?

>> No.16181002

Shut up troglodyte. Non-fiction is what /lit/ was made for go somewhere else schizo.

>> No.16181014
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>/lit/ years ago
>dfw and john green threads non-stop


>> No.16181022

>People here don't read anything
I don't. I just masturbate several times a day watching porn. And I did come from reddit.

>> No.16181211

Go back.

>> No.16181434


>> No.16181440


>> No.16181465

This. Twitter is a worse problem than reddit

>> No.16181470
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>being a computer guy

>> No.16182086

well put

>> No.16182114

I think a religion board would be really helpful, every board I browse or have browsed has a portion of its front page dedicated to the exact same threads and arguments.
I like keeping philosophy on lit though.

>> No.16182160

pedophile = anime watcher tranny = women = sex addicts = bourgeois = humanists = homosexual

>> No.16182171


>> No.16182181

I think religion and philosophy belong here desu, the history of literature is too bound up with them for it to make sense to separate them all out as needing distinct boards. There is too much philosophy posting here though, that can't be denied.

>> No.16182215

desu there isn't a ton of religious posting here compared to other boards with legit preaching, at least people pretend to discuss the bible or Lewis or something. Still, while I wouldn't want religion (or philosophy) banned here for the same reasons you said, to tied in to literary tradition, I think a religion board where Catholics/christians/protestants/paganlarpers can go yell at each other. Would be a fun board desu

>> No.16182395

A board for religious debate would be cancer

>> No.16182570
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>I think religion and philosophy belong here desu
It's fine if it's actually centered around a book, which by the way, is almost never. People just start threads talking about random stuff related to those subjects, they're almost always bait too. That said, I wish we had more discussion of poetry here. I'll try to make threads about poetry and they just die. And people here only read meme-novels so we barely have any nice talk about that. And drama is basically even more ignored than poetry. The reason is because non-fiction bait threads seem to dominate here, which is what you would expect after R*ddit took over.

>> No.16182685

Waddaya mean?

>> No.16182745

All races are equal. There's literally no difference in cognitive ability between races that evolved for thousands of years in widely varying climates.

>> No.16182752

a significant portion of the internet in the early 00s was forums that debated religion, it was such a big deal for some reason. The average person on the internet was a lot smarter back then

>> No.16182756

epic post

>> No.16182779
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>> No.16182797

I have never been racist but yesterday I tried to think of the Platonic Idea for humans and should be something beyond biology that defines races. It has nothing to do with superficial skin color or bone structure.

>> No.16182800 [DELETED] 
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Go spread your Jewish propaganda someplace else fag. Pic related is what the average leftist looks like, studies constantly show that right-wingers are better looking and more /fit/.

>> No.16182804


>> No.16182819
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>right-wingers are better looking and more /fit/.
maybe, but definitely not the ones shitposting in social media like you
seethe cringe cope dilate and have sex

>> No.16182857
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/lit/ now merely an "intellectual" repository of the culture war. "Please give me books that will make me based and redpilled," is the theme of the day. Faggots choose their ideology like they would their class in an RPG and then, as praxis, buy books that gather dust and shitpost on here/twitter. This place has felt totally (as opposed to just gradually) stagnant for the last year or so. When I came here, I unironically thought that this place could house a burgeoning literary movement that would have real world effects on the wider culture. What a naive retard I was.

>> No.16182894

All that matters is war and domination, not intellectual masturbating about useless theories. You are seeing a new movement, of people who seek knowledge in order to have the mental tools to shape reality. Go read another faggot book by Deleuze and achieve nothing of substance in the real world.

>> No.16182906

>studies constantly show

There are studies about which political group is uglier?

>> No.16182925
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Pretty much 100% spot on. You said it best.
>When I came here, I unironically thought that this place could house a burgeoning literary movement that would have real world effects on the wider culture.
Same. I remember we used to actually discuss literature here. There was a certain energy in threads. People made long, thoughtful effort posts and often too. People shared original work that wasn't just shitposts and there was good critique as well. /lit/ peaked, I guess. I wish there was a place to migrate to, but I know we won't be able to replicate what we had. This general trend of sanitizing the internet and making it boring and mediocre is happening on a massive scale. There are no longer cool places to retreat to online.

>> No.16182929

Problem is everyone pretends like they're the smartest person in the thread and shits on everyone else. No actual dialogue anymore.

The meme generation killed 4chan in general. It used to be a place with actual conversation and memes were more organic. Now people come here specifically for some sort of meme culture and dilute the whole site.

I wonder if a better discussion site will come along at some point.

>> No.16182931

You can't even read a post properly, why are you on a board about books?

>> No.16182948

Such thoughts can only be the result of a very sheltered, if even the smallest bit stressed life (in the form of things like ostracization within local social circles and negligent caregivers).

I have nothing but pity for you.

>> No.16182958

If someone could do for /lit/fags off the back of 4chan what Moot did for weebs off the back of SA, that would be ideal. Probably aren't enough numbers to justify it though.

>> No.16182959

literally me

>> No.16182965

All we need is a new forum. Even if it's an old-school looking forum (probably even better, it would deter anyone not interested in the content).

>> No.16182971

>When I came here, I unironically thought that this place could house a burgeoning literary movement that would have real world effects on the wider culture. What a naive retard I was.
This only matters if you think the wider culture can be salvaged.

>> No.16182997

>You can't even read a post properly
How so?

>> No.16183019

I wish it would be the better philosophy and literary threads on here without the politics stuff. There is nowhere else to go. I just want to discuss something that isn't Star War on Reddit.

>> No.16183053

I remember that and I partook in it. The level of discourse is still about the same

>> No.16183072

You're not taking into account that the average level of discourse now includes things like Youtube comment sections and Facebook

>> No.16183245

>/lit/ was so much better back in the day...

You mean when it was the tranarchy discord server?


>> No.16183317

That forum age was horrible, in a thousand different ways 4chan doesn't really suffer from. Every one of those forums was full of postcount whores and "forum regulars" who inevitably deformed every thread into a clash of egos among the local celebrities and their cliques.

Look at SomethingAwful. The inevitable result of that style of forum was the suppression of dissent, the petty doxing of people who stand out, and the elevation of the sorts of politicking cocksucking no-lifes who are willing to spend 5 years worming their way into power by hanging out in IRC channels and befriending admins on AIM, like Icequeen and Ozma. The only funny parts of the site were banned, irreverence gradually became dangerous, crazy people like troons somehow became normal while light mockery of such fuckups was banned.

When I try to remember forums from those days I think of a piece of shit congealing and rotting. The only way to enjoy those forums was if they were relatively light and focused on the hobby itself, and ideally had lots of normie boomer dads posting, to prevent "permanently online" people from taking over.

>> No.16183584

It all went down when people stopped posting "Invisible Cities" threads daily

>> No.16183585

>When I came here, I unironically thought that this place could house a burgeoning literary movement that would have real world effects on the wider culture.
kinda difficult when the overwhelming majority here hates literature

>> No.16183946

Before 2016, things were different.

>> No.16183983

It is as they say, no one is born racist. You learn it by starting with the Greeks.

>> No.16183991


>> No.16184449
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There is a war for the soul of /lit/ that is being fought between the forces of /pol/ and those of JIDF. And each side is perfectly willing to destroy the village in order to save it.

>> No.16184737

/pol/ has had a fucking terrible effect on this board. this is meant to be a slow paced, relaxing place to chat about literature with people who actually fucking read it. but any enjoyment one could have here is ruined by the /pol/ hordes, who still haven't gotten over the 2016 election and think everything is an epic fucking culture bro!!!!!! they don't even pretend to read, and just spam the catalog with barely concealed threads to circlejerk over epic based tradwife facism incel whatever like the mindless drones they are
i sincerely implore you to please fuck off back the nuclear hellscape that you clawed your way out of and leave us alone
or better yet, read some books

>> No.16184739

These are dark times Frodo, we dont get to choose the times in which we live, we can only choose what we do with the time we are given

>> No.16184747

/pol/ack can only use real and good to describe his ignorant, ostracized ideology.

>> No.16184755

fucking saved.

>> No.16184764

>saving something that doesn't push their jewish supremacy agenda
I think you may be legit retarded mate

stfu you stupoid cunt, burying your head in the sand isnt gonna make the big bad world go away you fucking faggot. /pol/ didn't start this shit, they are people who are trying to tell stupid cunts like you wtf is really going on is because it all hands on deck if you value freedom and your future you entitled narcissistic little fucking cunt. Your ignorance and stupidity puts people in danger you little shit

>> No.16184784

I would beat you senseless with a rubber hose you whiny little incel faggot. I am glad you are so distressed by the real world invading your safe space. I hope cry yourself to sleep every night about it

>> No.16184790

what is it about being a chinlet that makes them so fucking based
maybe it's because they can't get any pussy that they aren't held back by women and are free (or perhaps have no other option than) to engage in higher pursuits
the future is short and chinless my friends, the gammas will inherit whatever is left of this earth

>> No.16184795

you say this like internet racism isn't the biggest fucking cope ever
but anyway, even if you were right (which you aren't), this isn't the place to discuss it. i'm sure many people will be willing to chat about it on /pol/ with you, so why are you hanging around here?

>> No.16184828

kek, you're so fucking delusional if you think /pol/ is anything more than fear mongering and ignorant bumbling like what you just did.

>> No.16184863

perfect response

>> No.16184877

I will beat both you stupid little fucking faggots. I cant wait until your stupidity directly kicks you right in your dick. I imagine being this stupid it already does fairly regularly but you are too fucking stupid to realize it even with people literally shitting it down your stupid little throats. Choke on a shit salad you little soi bitch.You are prob both stupid niggers

>> No.16184897

sorry that i haven't been convinced by seeing you and all your friends hundreds of schizophrenic posts about "duh jewz :(((((" lol

>> No.16184900

>t. seething /pol/ack

post a picture of your hands, pussy.

>> No.16184919

Why his hands of all things?

>> No.16184971

it's probably an extremely feminine, soft, and un-calloused hand.

>> No.16184980

looks like someone mentioned pol, racism, marxism or leftism and now the fools whose only contribution to lit is to find and yell at each other in every thread
this is at a minimum correct in the sense that both are willing to destroy the village in order to save it. I get that this is important and this thread is vague enough to allow it but why is it that every thread like this has to be dominated by your types yelling at each other, neither of you are going to change the others or any onlooker mind by posting "I will beat both you stupid little fucking faggots" or "kek, you're so fucking delusional"

>> No.16185003

This thread isn't very good

>> No.16185005

posting since 2013, /lit/ used to be a little better but not by much.

>> No.16185009

hmmmmm i wonder what changed........

>> No.16185037
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you're right about a lot of this but I just want to add some stuff on. Since this board deals with books and there are books about political theory, philosophy, religion etc. Naturally discussions on fascism, marxism and capitalism will arise. The problem is as you said polacks culture warring, but its not like leftypol is any better, go to any thread about fascist literature and there will be people going out of their way to fling shit at everyone trying to have a discussion in that thread. The problem isn't this or that politicla group existing, its that 4chan exists as an internet battleground and instead of a dedicated userbase discussing books/theories and ideas there are retards who come to the board to search for everything they dislike, call it cringe/incel, and the opposite with everything they like.
Angry low-IQ retards dragging the level of discussion down. Don't become part of this lowered level of dialogue by yelling at all the right-wing incels when you enter their threads and ignore them when they enter yours. Let's get some more effortposts and good discussion going around.

>> No.16185041
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There is only one objective force I am loyal to: Natural Law.

I seek the destruction of all forces loyal to Positive Law, who will to force change and enact their own vision of the world. Fascism, progressivism, libertarianism, monarchism, they are all worthless. Ashes to ashes.

Darwinism is the only effect.

>> No.16185050

I agree, that being said what did you expect to happen when you made a thread about how the board you're making a thread on has gone to shit?

>> No.16185072

I expected it to die after 10 replies. I didn't account for the possibility that "racism is real and good" would yield anon dozens of (You)s

>> No.16185078
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Get the fuck off my board, schizo.

>> No.16185090

I like this post though

>> No.16185128

/pol/ has caught attempted murderers, child abusers, pet abusers and terrorists wtf have you ever done you soi cuck incel faggot? You are nothing and nobody, you post and whine on this board because you have no friends and are a socially awkward frail faggot this is afraid of the world. You are a lowly, worthless piece of shit and even you know it. stfu you stupid little bitch I would stomp your fucking shit in if I ever ran into you

>> No.16185135
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Oh, you're baiting. Nevermind. You should still leave though.

>> No.16185142 [DELETED] 


>> No.16185143

I will shit in your fucking face bitch

>> No.16185157

/pol/ is useful as a filter because anyone who is seriously upset by /pol/ instantly outs themselves as a newfag tourist fresh off the boat from reddit/twitter.

Only newfags care enough about some other guy's opinion disagreeing with theirs to try to censor him and throw a hissyfit when they can't. Long explanations of how "/pol/ has ruined this site/board" are just whiny copeposts from tourists mad that they can't downvote here.

Notice how these posters are always humorless and femininely emotional. They respond to banter by digging in their heels and crying more. God bless /pol/ for filtering these tourists.

>> No.16185164

Not even a leftist but lad if you seriously believe this you’re fucking retarded. I dont care how fucking “racist” the board is, everyone here is either a shitposter who doesnt stop or a psued who doesnt fucking read anything and if they do act like the most pretentious fuckwads on earth. /pol/ is also insanely racist but its hands down the worst board to talk about fucking anything because everyone acts like a retard. Go fuck yourself

>> No.16185168

I'll cum on you face nigger

>> No.16185192

based and red pilled lolz. This is the only post that matters in this entire thread. It is pretty hilarious that some whiny faggot would think anyone on an anonymous forum should care wtf they think about anything or think anyone else gives a fuck what they think, you nailed it on the head, they are refresh off a (((regulated))) platform with sou dripping off their neckbeards

>> No.16185200

>Notice how these posters are always humorless and femininely emotional.

The prophecy... it came true..

>> No.16185212

no you bitch

>> No.16185224

not bad, I'll chuck a (you) your way, would prefer that world over this one.

>> No.16185226

The entire front page is garbage, this might be the worst the board has ever been seriously look at this:

1. This terrible meta thread
2. Something to do with Shankara and Elst, eastern religion nonsense
3. 'do yall bullet journal'
4. Marx
5. what nonfiction books do you like
6. dosto thread about 'calling progressives and socialists cucks'
7. post lit version of the Aryan chad meme
8. books about being a 25 year old virgin
9. White fragility
10. Dfw thought MVT was advanced math
11. Sex
12. Decameron
13. Cosmological argument for God
14. /Trad/

jesus christ

>> No.16185236

do you consider it a win that this thread exploded or a loss because even though its become big a lot of the posts are shit?

>> No.16185243

I agree with this, spot on with the feminine almost histrionic cries of the anti-pol posters.

>> No.16185244

brug I got news for you. If you dont know the vast majority of leftists are legitimately mentally ill it is because you also have not been taking your meds and missed nappy time

>> No.16185247

I made this thread drunk last night probably hoping for some (You)s and I went to bed without checking it. I'm disgusted and I would delete it if I could

>> No.16185268

>2, 4, and 12
these are fine ideas for threads even if overdone or contaminated with some pseudery
that thread is a good laugh, not a problem unless there's multiple meme threads up at once.
You're right about the rest tho

>> No.16185286

congrats on the (You)'s, here's one more.
I have to come clean about really liking the second post itt though.

>> No.16185416

it's perfectly fine and healthy to be anti-/pol/. the problem isn't that you fags use le big bad words, it's that you simply do not make good posts. to think that you come bearing gifts of "humor" or "banter" by gleefully pointing out that someone is jewish or that women can't write or that this ethnicity is of inferior stock for the zillionth time is frankly delusional (and far closer to the censorship you constantly whine about being a victim of when met with any criticism) and, more importantly, does nothing for actual literature discussion. anyone with serious love for literature should distance themselves from /pol/ spillover at every opportunity. why would you sit here all day just to hate on things, i don't get it

>> No.16185501

t. 2016 election nigger

>> No.16185514

this, i literally don´t care if somebody is a racist here lmao, imagine getting butthurted because of that

>> No.16185525

you have to go back, lurk for a few years before posting

>> No.16185569

>(and far closer to the censorship you constantly whine about being a victim of when met with any criticism)
well no it's not, it's not even remotely like censorship

>> No.16185616

>calling the catalogue the front page
Can't make this shit up. Go back.

>> No.16185629


>> No.16185638

I literally listed each thread on the front page

>> No.16185640

>you know getting insulted or called a poo when I reveal I'm Indian is pretty much the exact same thing as censorship when you think about it

>> No.16185651

great post anon

>> No.16185662

nothing wrong about this

>> No.16185670

>normal racist like knowing that racism is real and good
keep telling yourself that as you continue to become alienated from normal society

>> No.16185680 [DELETED] 

This line of thinking is maximum retardation considering that there are no "pure" human races. Most racists unironically have this sort of pseudo mystical worldview.

>> No.16185759

why cannot we go back to the good old days of

>> No.16185871

Definitely me but when I noticed the suburbs I cried

>> No.16185877

>he doesn't live in australia
you're missing out, mutt

>> No.16185888


>> No.16186036

And even if there was it wouldn't matter- people are people.

>> No.16186188

>Faggots choose their ideology like they would their class in an RPG
More or less endemic to all online spaces nowadays, I think. There's been a great smoothing and centralization of the internet.

>> No.16186210

>a great smoothing and centralization of the internet
go on. are there any good anthropological studies of internet communities?

>> No.16186230

It's stupid to pearl clutch about "racists being among us" or whatever. People from /pol/ can read, and they can discuss books too. What shits up the board is when /pol/ types start slipping into the same tongue-in-cheek but actually white knuckled serious posting "banter." It's tiring. Leftists do this too, there's just less of them.

>> No.16186296
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I am not tuned in enough to the academic community to know anything very up to date. I would hope there is good research being done on web 2.0 type communities. The internet moves very quickly, however, and good scholarship is slow. I am unsure if people as a whole have really reckoned with the massive sea change that is the relocation of the majority of people's lives to internet spaces. There's a reason people like Baudrillard and Debord are popular on here, but then again they were writing before the internet- and certainly before the "new internet" of the last decade.

Postman's book talks about the ways that the form of televised images inherently shapes the sort of content that can it can broadcast. I think this is a helpful framework for thinking about the way posting and social media necessarily reward certain ways of thinking about politics and the world.

>> No.16186355
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Let's pose a question: on an anonymous image board, how would you be able tell where any single poster is from? The answer is, only from the content of their posts. If someone from /pol/ simply read and discussed literature (as I'm sure there are many who do), there would be no defining feature to mark them out as /pol/. That is to say, the only reason people complain about /pol/ is because they visibly do not simply post about literature, they post about /pol/. No one is scared of the word nigger on 4chan, or that someone may be racist; I wouldn't care if I was discussing Yeats with swastika-ladened skinhead or an effete post-op tranny, as long as it was on topic. The problem with /pol/tards is not that they're racists, it's that they can't shut the fuck up about it.

>> No.16186984

Postman would have a stroke if he saw what was happening today. Poor (or lucky) sod missed the full rise of Web 2.0.

>> No.16187046
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I didn't know that Joyce wrote poetry, unless it is a different Joyce.
It isn't that the romantics are dry—i'm a non-fiction reader after all, I've chewed through my fair share of cardboard—it's just that they are very, uhh... obvious? explicit? exoteric?
I know this is near blasphemous, but I really disliked Coleridge's 'Rime of the Ancient Mariner'. I could appreciate the craft, but it just seemed there was nothing to the poem beyond the explicit tale of the Mariner wrapped in florid verse. I guess i want something both meaningful and beautiful, but can't appreciate a poem on aesthetics alone.

>> No.16187237
File: 1.03 MB, 1894x1080, lit everyday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took this screenshot in annoyance but now I kind of miss it. Back then I didn't think /lit/ could get worse. Who could've accounted for that r*ddit migration? Also, more people are reading because of lock down so more plebs who've only read the stranger and maybe 184

>> No.16187259

I seriously wish there was an imageboard for grown ups to discuss things on.
2ch has a board for everything, and people generally behave
Anglos ruin every imageboard, why can't they handle anonymity?

>> No.16187280

Cope harder

>> No.16187330

>he would prefer quantity over quality
Have some self respect. If you just want an endless flood of shitty opinions, go to reddit.

>> No.16187841

bump, fuck OP

>> No.16187854

What are some books about being a 25 year old virgin though?

>> No.16187939


What is even the joke here? He's a chinlet?

>> No.16187964

Joyce wrote lots of poetry. Many of them get turned into songs.
Look up Chamber Music. Even people who don't like his prose often like his poems.

>> No.16187977

my diary desu

>> No.16187991

simply stop being homophobic and make the board what you want it to be :)

>> No.16188205


top tier post

>> No.16188366

i was about to...

>> No.16188478

fuck /pol/ but based and true.

>> No.16188488

>all anglos/americans
Your taste sucks. That other anon is just trying to be polite.

>> No.16188492

the shower pic is kind of funny though

>> No.16188496

I was here three years ago, it was basically the same

>> No.16188509

The problem isn't the points, it is that /pol/posting OPs, 99% of the time, are either incredibly low-effort, or legitimately sub 90 IQ. I don't give a fuck if a /pol/poster wants to push out a steamy shitpost in a good thread, they can easily be ignored, but when 80% of the threads on the first page are low-effort, <15 word /pol/posts about hating women or minorities, the board quality drops. Especially since /pol/ shitposts are rarely funny - they're super serious about the decline of the west and the horror of modern women, and it's just so endlessly boring and gay.

Also, this >>16185501

>> No.16188561

Read books, then come here to talk about them.

>> No.16188568

Should have been here three years before that.

>> No.16188610
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>if you complain because I spam low-effort offtopic shit in all boards you are a newfag
t.2016 redditor

>> No.16188618


>> No.16188622


>> No.16188744
File: 36 KB, 552x363, 1564664019767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15. nietzsche post that isnt even related to nietzsche

>> No.16188778
File: 63 KB, 256x353, 1596539197476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll check it out.

>> No.16188817

Can you become a jannie just for /lit/?

>> No.16189346

yeah but filling out those long ass forms is like getting a job at fucking mckinsey. like why bother at this point, time is precious for a reading person and you’d be here all day deleting threads. your compensation? poltards sperging out at you

it’s not so much the content as it is the clientele these days: how to attract good posters? is it even possible anymore? it’s clear that 2016 did more to make this site radioactive than the cp and targeted harassment of yore, the edginess became boring and mainstream (and the ”polite” part of the internet became gay and sterile)

>> No.16189403
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>> No.16189428


>> No.16189448

From the days of yore, when /lit/ was lit.

Garnett is not only superior in hotness, she's literally the best translator, unbeaten still, of russian lit. This fucking vile shit about her writing in the same voice for each author is complete and utter fucking bullshit. Her Tolstoy pulls me down into the awe inspiring magic of Lev's realer-than-real-life realism and is more vibrant and beautiful than any other translator's attempt. It feels like Tolstoy is standing next to you, telling the story.

Her Dostoyevsky makes me feel an absolute affinity with dosto, the way he accurately describes better than anyone what i go through and makes me see how he describes the indescribable currents of my mind and while i don't think he's the best russian author, he is probably my favorite and the one that wound rend my heart the most if i ever bumped into on the street. She also captures his sarcasm perfectly. It feels like you're actually reading dostoyevsky's own words.

Her Gogol makes me laugh hard as fuck, especially the overcoat, which in garnett really fucking feels like you're reading Gogol, and you laugh with him when he tales on the role of Rudy Panko the charming bee-keeper and when he describes the days of sweet and pathetic akaky akakyevitch (in garnett, that whole "brother" scene makes me cry for the state of humanity every time, even now thinking about it makes me emotional, while it's wonky as fuck in p&v).

She never uses the same "voice" and i thought she did at first because all the critics and nabby told me she did, but then i actually started reading these works of literature and different translations (i started seeking other translations because p&v were so shit) and now i have actual experience and love for these works, and love for garnett, reaching beyond she just being a mighty qt, she's more importantly also a mighty, towering above the rest translator who brungs you into the 19th century with a prose that feels strangely modern.

So what makes her a better translator, other than the fact of her works of translations being amazing? It's that she was a master of language. A master of english and obviously a firm grip on the russian, as she brings us tones that english literature never does, tones that differ from each author she translates.

P&V, on the other hand are decievers. They've charmed the public with their promise of a perdect translation with their retarded "formula". What happens in their text is that you arent reading english.
What if someone translated a russian sentence into english and its outcome being:
>"Now drag we down to the store!"
When in proper english you'd say
>"Let's go down to the store!"
simply for it being "accurate"? It kills the sentence. In russian, it's alive and proper, but a perfect translation is not real english and so the work suffers. This is why we need talented translators who have a knack for language instead of some autistic "logical" formula, like P&V claim to use.

>> No.16189577
File: 88 KB, 659x932, 1495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>years since /mu/ was last usable: nine
/lit/ isn't so bad in comparison.

>> No.16189626

/mu/ is the shittiest board alongside /lit/.

>> No.16189635

>alienated from normal society
Where do you think you are?

>> No.16189646

Why do you keep posting this guy?