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/lit/ - Literature

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16178395 No.16178395 [Reply] [Original]

So what exactly makes a good adventure story?

>> No.16178397


>> No.16178404

Can you please be serious?

>> No.16178421


>> No.16178424

Kill yourself retard

>> No.16178445
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>> No.16178740


>> No.16179070

A harem with at least one childhood friend and a man in drag

>> No.16179464

My story doesn’t have any romance in it. It’s more of a character driving himself to his doom chasing an impossible and stupid goal.

>> No.16179495

Consecutive events following each other without pause. The events need to connect in some way (it can't be just random stuff happening), and the characters need to face challenges every chapter.

>> No.16179507

So like a tv show where there’s a new problem to solve every episode or two?

>> No.16180433

>main character is an orphan and is the chosen one
>the world is eating it self
>there is magic and monsters
>there are guns but people still use swords
>god is angry and is going to kill everyone
>takes place in a fantasy medieval europe
>main character has a harem consisting of his teacher, the princess, childhood friend, foster sister, pet dog, and every girl at school

>> No.16180711

adventure stories generally are made of 3 components - a journey, a crisis on that journey, and a triumph in some way to complete the adventure. these can be subverted, reversed, or distorted in some way but to be an adventure story they usually complete the journey crisis triumph narrative arc. apart from this, what makes a good adventure story is everything else that makes a good story, interesting characters, solid world building, well written dialogue, ect.

>> No.16180726

I'd say world- and character building are among the most important factors in adventure novels. Adventure novels are just about the most suited genre for escapism (however much /lit/ likes to shit on that term), and being able to form a decent mental image of the surroundings and characters in the story facilitates that enormously. That's why, personally, I'd say an adventure book typically gets better (there are exceptions) with a higher page count.

>> No.16180729

The adventure is a metaphor for some dumb pretentious shit

>> No.16180733

Something that speaks to the readers subconcious. So essentially any works based on the structure of classic mythos, such as the Hobbit or LOTR.

>> No.16182145

Where can I read a good iteration of this story? Asking unironically

>> No.16182162

Sex tourism in multiple countries. Finding Azunyan and ejaculating inside of her vagina.

>> No.16182970
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Hmmm anon I’m paki. I don’t think I’ll be able to score