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/lit/ - Literature

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16176706 No.16176706 [Reply] [Original]

/theory/ general
What theory are you currently reading anon?

>> No.16176711
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The chart

>> No.16176726

Theory is fucking boring

>> No.16176741
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Blanchard's typology of transvestitism.

The retards who say "theory" are roastie tourists who live on twitter and facebook, and think 4chan is the wild west. It instantly makes you sound like a twitterfag to say "theory." Just read the book and post about it instead of reposting a chart endlessly and demonstrating that you don't know how 4chan works. You're allowed to read a book and talk about it here. Do that.

>> No.16176754

why call it theory when it's just philosophy?

>> No.16176774

why call it theory when its implementation leads to the exact opposite of what it promises? Is there a word for that? Is it anti-theory?

>> No.16177040

So as to distinguish it from the real historical philosophy of our time: proletarian praxis.

It is called Theory so that people not yet out of Frankfurt School can claim to be contributing to The Struggle.

To quote an Alabama Communist: theory (WITBD) and practice (12 gauge shells).

Pro-tip: Aufheben was a police operation. So was Frankfurt.

>> No.16177203
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Marxism. For failures by failures

>> No.16177204

They literally just think it sounds cool to call it theory, that's all there is to it

>> No.16177241

Group theory. How is this Marxist drivel in any way relevant though?

>> No.16177372

I'm still reading the Greeks. I haven't left them and never will.

>> No.16177398

cope harder rightoid

>> No.16177424


>> No.16178044


>> No.16178062

reddit spacing

>> No.16178078

I'm reading Adorno's Minimalia Moralia. I don't get half the little paragraphs and the other half seem to be a minor point that's dressed up in obtuse writing. But I do enjoy that they're aphoristic. His longer works are too difficult to keep track of the point he's trying to make under his writing style.

>> No.16178119

all the great philosophers were neets

>> No.16178131

Mate I was here before you were born in eternal september.

>> No.16178132

Theories are failed constructs, and Political Theories from Plato to Marx are failed social constructs.

>> No.16178335

how many of these do I need to read to get laid?

>> No.16178461

this isn’t literature

>> No.16178566 [DELETED] 
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Are you an idiot?

Why are you talking about this sort of thing? You do realize AI is taking over, right? We won't be talking about the Communist Party's intelligence in a few years but Machine Intelligence surpassing us in virtually every endeavor.

Check out

For example: AI can philosophize now, write essays, write poems and fiction better than humans can now. Tesla's stocks are riding and AGI's (Singularity coin) value rose 20% in one day. Get informed

>> No.16178580

I mean the singularity would likely either lead to a post-scarcity world (AnComs wet dream) or we will all die (Regular communists win), no?

>> No.16178597

just the deleuze

>> No.16178600


>> No.16178665

What proletarian praxis are you going to accomplish by reading the Critique of Reason?

>> No.16178706

I have a theory that you need to be depressed to be a philosopher. Is it true?

>> No.16179124

Well I’m going to pull some high titted fourth year BA/BEd tail. I’m going to enjoy myself. And it’ll make drinks at the union meeting more fun that debating comparative league player Sportsbet odds. Why else would one read Kant?

>> No.16179408


>> No.16179539

So >>16177204? Got it

>> No.16179624

This is more embarassing than the fact you use piscord. There's no justification for putting niggas like Mauss, Arendt, Whitehead, Habermas, Kant, Deleuze, Weber, Said, Mignolo Merleau-Ponty, HAraway on one and the same chart as 'theory'

>> No.16180185

I keep saying that I"m reading the Habermas public sphere book. I'm being needy and awful a this point.

>> No.16180196

can someone break down the problems with The Fourth Turning? I've been reading it lately and it seems fairly convincing but I am a pseud brainlet

>> No.16180340

Why are socialists so fucking detestable?

They are honestly such an unlikeable group of people. Just a bunch of miserable bitter cunts.

Extremely online Leftists are the worst.

>> No.16180399
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>Ad hominem against a dead person

Isn't /lit/ supposed to be the smart board?

>> No.16180586

is there a chart for theory that influenced the CCP? Not interested in sex and race

>> No.16180600

Because academics use it to guide and inform their work. The research and writing is the praxis, and the philosophy is the "theory" that informs it.

>> No.16180630

This is a complete lie that all the idiots believe.
Not to mention Marx hated the shit out of philosophers because his only objective was to manipulate idiots to obtain power.

>> No.16181431

How do you like it anon

>> No.16181448


>> No.16181472

that's precisely the chart I don't want to read, as I've said I'm not interested in sex or race or anti-colonialism whatever

>> No.16181490

>Haraway, Kristeva and Iragaray influenced the CCP
you have to go back

>> No.16181558
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Theory of what?

>> No.16181588

>people will start with these without first having read the Greeks
fucking pathetic

>> No.16181592


>> No.16181609

why not? and those are only the last two rows

>> No.16181629


the CCP first grow out of the introduction of liberalism and skepticism into China , the import of guys like Dewey and Russell, and homegrown writers like Hu Shi... this was a reaction against Confucianism and the traditional Chinese worldview that they thought was holding the country back and resulted in the humilation of colonialism, the major consequence of this was they all became atheists and developed naive egalitarian views

so the Chinese first tried aping the west but whenever non-whites ape whites they end up resenting whites and a backlash is inevitable, in this case rather than moving west young people began to study in Japan where they were introduced to Nietzsche and Marxism. Marx's works were barely translated into Chinese at the time of the rise of the CCP, and it wasn't until the 80s where the party members actually studied his work in any depth, this was one of the few perks of being a banished party cadre forced into solitude for a decade during the Cultural Revolution.

in the liberalism vs anti-liberalism argument, Communism inevitably won, mainly because the money and power of the USSR and like in other developing countries, the Soviets were viewed as the key to national liberation, whereas liberalism was viewed as the doctrine of the traitorous comprador class.

charts are for faggots

>> No.16181657

Personal distate I can't rationally defend, just thinking about those subjects bore me to death and I'm not very impressed by the practical applications of those current of thoughts so far

>> No.16181668

99% of women will not give a shit about kant