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16175600 No.16175600 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else read the book Sister Carrie and enjoy it? Yea, Hurstwood was an adulterer, but he was such a strong dude. After he got kicked out of his house, he still took care of his mistress through such great lengths. I loved the scenes where he got a job during a work-strike and was called a scab, had rocks thrown on him, and he kept on going. This book made me realize women like Carrie are complete fucking whores. Men will do anything to keep them happy but it's not enough and they will cling onto someone who they perceive as better. I was super sad that Hurstwood committed suicide by gassing himself at the end while Carrie became a famous superstar by literally just being a whore.

Poor Hurstwood. Love the guy.

>> No.16175603
File: 174 KB, 446x650, Sister.carrie.cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the original cover when it was released. It didn't sell well because it wasn't flashy enough lol

>> No.16175787

Why was Sister Carrie such a fucking whore? She had a man who would do anything for her - even leave his rich estate and work in the fucking coalmines.

Fucking whore was only after his money.

>> No.16176157
File: 299 KB, 1651x1227, 1597689071268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a single retard on /lit/ has read one of the best novels of all time? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS?

>> No.16177380

Read it once. It was pretty good. I don't remember enough to talk about it tho. Ending was sad :(

>> No.16177769

People on this board just larp the top 100 books. Funnily enough, Sister Carrie is one of the most appraised.

>> No.16177828

Sister Carrie is one of my favorite books of all time. People shit on Dreiser because he's not a particularly gifted stylist, lots of his sentences are clumsy on a technical level. But there truly some moving passages that provide valuable insights. Also, you're right, Hurstwood is such a sympathetic character. Following his moral failings and eventual disintegration into despair and hopelessness is incredibly affecting. The scenes where he's debating whether to steal the money in the safe or when he's driving the trolley alone make the book god-tier imo. Great book.

>> No.16177969

That's it. I am going to re-read it. Thanks :)

For me, it was one of the first books that made me understand that reading can be a fun, for leisure, and still have things to learn from.

>> No.16178544

Tbh this book made me angry. Hurstwood was an asshole for taking the money, but nigga had integrity. Fuck that whore Carrie.

>> No.16178613

It's a good book, I really enjoyed the riches to rags plot.

>> No.16178791

Ha, I like how there was both riches to rags and rags to riches.

I wish the book also went back to Hurstwood's household - wanted to know what his ex-wife and kids were up to. Did she whore out as well?