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16165661 No.16165661 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best instrument to pair with reading? For me it's the piano - started learning it a while ago.

>> No.16165667


>> No.16165670

Accordion, everything else is pleb filter

>> No.16165676

The instrument I prefer is the guitar, it is portable and social. I don't know what you mean with pair with reading though, the piano does look more erudite.

>> No.16165681

Irish flute. Really miss playing in sessions.

>> No.16165722

this. analog synths are the best

>> No.16165976

the theremin

>> No.16165987
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Pipe organ

>> No.16166038


Accordion is based.

>> No.16166070
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Guitar, voice and harmonica

>> No.16166079

>Not playing Jazz Piano
>Not memorizing 7th chords

Jazz is the fucking shit

>> No.16166088

> .....to pair with reading

What the Fuck are you talking about.?
I like to play the kazoo whilst reading the bible??

Op is a fag

>> No.16166102

As in play and enjoy when not reading.

>> No.16166108

damn he do be kinda honest doe

>> No.16166119

You made me think of something. Who is that older guy on YouTube who lambasts classical music albums. I remember one insult he used was specifically "this is worse than Beethoven played on the kazoo."

>> No.16166152

anon that is too tangential and obscure, do you go outside often?

>> No.16166166

I‘ve been playing the piano since i was 6. It‘s my mediation really.

>> No.16166167

I play the bagpipes.

>> No.16166175

I saw his video posted on /mu/ once but I completely forgot his account name.

>> No.16166178

whats your go to reading /mu/sic /lit/?


the piano pieces from this Ethiopian nun have been the go to for almost a year now

>> No.16166187

I want to get one but they're so expensive, and all the MIDI keyboards under like $300 get horrible reviews
It's tough

>> No.16166188

You're a weenie

>> No.16166199

accordion is one of the less sophisticated instruments, assured to be pleb tier

>> No.16166201

Viola, drums, guitar, and bass. I'm passable at piano. Been getting into making tape loops recently.

>memorizing chords
>on the piano
Dude what? All you have to know is how they're constructed and you know every 7th chord

>> No.16166209

you should look into the Yamaha Reface series, some real good synths/organs at a manageable budget and size

if you're familiar with Nick Cave, his album Ghosteen was sketched out with one of those

>> No.16166212

depends, most of the time is just ripping off the French impressionists and playing melodies with little to no nuance with muh extensions

>> No.16166215

>It‘s my mediation really.
This but with an electric guitar with active pickups and a shitton of distortion

>> No.16166231

>playing all chords the same without voice leading

>> No.16166244

yes, piano
jazz is ok for having fun but it's the spiritual and intellectual equivalent of reading Bukowski, you want to play music mostly from 1650-1900

>> No.16166254

I see you're fan of Studio Ghibli as well

>> No.16166268

Memorization is much worse in this regard imo. When I said "know how they're constructed," I didn't mean just counting up the scale and putting your fingers in the right place. That's still basically memorization. But knowing even a little bit of theory opens up a ton of possibilities

>> No.16166272

Nice. Got any tips for a beginner?

>> No.16166334

Really depends on what your goals are. Do you want to play for your own enjoyment or become a professional musician? Or something else? Like impressing someone.

>> No.16166344

Bass and a little bit of guitar. Mostly normie-tier stuff, like Guns N' Roses.

>> No.16166385

I want to become skilled for my own amusement. When I have free time away from my law studies.

>> No.16166480

Can you read sheet music? Are you more interested in classical or modern music or you don‘t have clear preferences yet?

>> No.16166485

yup. he's posing lol

>> No.16166500

I can, to a degree. I prefer classical.

>> No.16166584

Yeah for classical i‘d highly recommend getting good at reading sheet music. There‘s a convenient app, i think it‘s called musescore, where you can get a lot of scores and then play directly from the app. It lets you customize tempo and add a metronome. I find it helpful to break down a new piece at the start, so i get a feel for the melody. But don‘t get too hung up on playing it perfect either. If you listen to the recordings on musescore, which are executed perfectly according to the scores, you‘ll hear that it sounds lifeless that way. After your fingers have memorized the movements to some degree, try to play with more individual interpretation. For example, sometimes a piece is meant to be played slow or pianissimo but i prefer it forte or fast at some passages. The good thing when playing for your own enjoyment is that there‘s no rules and nobody to tell you „blah blah that‘s meant to be played like that“. Everybody could theoretically learn to play a piece with perfect execution. Itms nice but not impressive. What separated the masters from the rest isn‘t perfection, it‘s the emotions they can lay into their playing. Ofc virtuosity is nice too, but it gets boring very quick. This is good news for someone starting out. Focus on making a piece yours when you play it. Look at it as a form of catharsis. If you‘re in pain, play with pain. If you‘re sad, play with sadness. If you‘re full of energy, play energetic. I‘ll guarantee you that this will bring you a lot of joy and an amazing outlet for pent up emotions.

>> No.16166622

Thanks bro, will remember that.

>> No.16166625
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Guitar but i´m a beginner

>> No.16167827

Another piano bro here. What have you been playing lately?

>> No.16167838

i am a harpist but i can play piano as well! i love both instruments.

>> No.16167844

you’re ill

>> No.16167896

>harp and piano
Unironically kino as fuck

>> No.16167986

I‘ve been playing a lot of diabelli lately. I enjoy the sonatinas a lot. What about you?

Awesome. My sister also plays the harp, so naturally i‘ve dabbled in it a bit too. Good thing their logic is so similar.

>> No.16168120

yeah, they’re very similar...most harpists also play piano! what do you like to play?

>> No.16168134

I started fooling around with an old classical guitar some time ago. I’m currently trying to play some Fahey/Basho, which probably isn’t the best thing to start with. I might upgrade to an actual steel string when I’m better.

>> No.16168172

I've been learning how to play bass

>> No.16168174

violin and am learning piano now too

>> No.16168197

What about salmon hahahaha

>> No.16168250


>> No.16168257


>> No.16168288

Actually, when i was 5, my parents asked my sister and me what instrument we would want to play and we both wanted to play the harp. They told us it might be wise to lay a foundation with the piano, so we did that and my sister later switched to the harp but i stayed with the piano because i was hooked. I‘m by no means a professional musician, i just play for my own enjoyment. What about you? I find myself coming back to a very old sonatina book my piano teacher gave me shortly before i stopped going to lessons. It‘s got sonatinas by diabelli, clementi, bach and beethoven among others and i find them easy enough to use playing as a way to shut off my brain and listen to my fingers.
What do you like to play?

>> No.16168616

>tfw mom got me a piano tutor when I was like 4 but I was too naughty a child and I scribbled all over the score book
I was imitating cookie monster. Sesame street was a bad influence on me. I never told anyone that was the reason why I did it though, even at the time. And now it's too late to tell anyone who would remember that incident...
No clue how I still remember all of this. Even remember the music teacher's name. Though not what she looked like.

Anyway I learned to play the guitar in high school.

>> No.16168633
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>not playing the most /lit/ instrument ever
The fucking plebs I share this board with

>> No.16168650

You have received absolution for your sins.

>> No.16168660
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Get on my level pseud.

>> No.16168681

The sad part is even if I lived near an orchestra I would probably be kicked out for being a weirdo. I was just not born to socialize.

>> No.16168862

>he plays active pickups

>> No.16169316

bump to reply later

>> No.16169368

Play the piano, and have on and off for ~30 years (I'm in my late 30s now). I am not particularly good now and have basically lost the ability to just sight-read, though in my teens I was very good (classical). But I got to the point where I realized I was never going to make the jump to playing on a professional level, especially on a soloist's instrument (there is no 2nd or 3rd chair pianist after all) and largely gave it up. But would still play on occasion just to relax.

Nowadays I have a piano in the living room and play occasionally for myself or my wife. On occasion (christmases, burns nights) will play during small parties we host for singalongs.

>> No.16169383

Basically the same for me. Pretty comfy. I think if i became a professional i would have lost my enjoyment by now.

>> No.16169538

that's pretty sweet, anon

>> No.16169630
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I play badly 5/6 instruments and record music at https://scrugley.bandcamp.com
The most based instrument is the traditional korean violín imo

>> No.16169883

The cello is the most /lit/ instrument

>> No.16169908

i don't want to play the same instrument as shinji lmfao

>> No.16170119

Nice post

>> No.16170645

piano gang unite

>> No.16170650

what are spread voicing?
You do need to memorize, even if you end up playing by intuition, you still memorized something.

>> No.16170785

Oh very cool. I only know the name Diabelli via Beethoven lol

Chopin's Ballade 1 as well as a bunch of other stuff. I found this really cool Tausig transcription of a Scarlatti sonata. But I just found another Asian piano youtube channel so now I don't play anymore and I'm gonna kill myself

>> No.16170830

I play electric bass pretty well, and violin poorly. I get more pleasure out of the violin though. If I ever have the money and room, I definitely want an upright bass. I love string instruments, string quartets and violin/cello concertos are my favorite. They maybe aren't the best for reading though, concertos are very engaging. I'd play something like Satie or Debussy piano pieces at low volume to read.

>> No.16170845

Yo Yo Ma is a chad though

>> No.16170940
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>yo yo ma

>> No.16170955

fuck off shill

>> No.16170974

test post

>> No.16172599

How about the skin flute?

>> No.16172613

That's why you learn how they are constructed and not just memorize, you fucking pseud.

>> No.16172667

Highly disagree, I agree bukowski is low brow but I find ayler Coltrane and especially Charlie Parker as genius