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/lit/ - Literature

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16169683 No.16169683 [Reply] [Original]

Why most fantasy authors can't write women for shit?

>> No.16169706

Both male and female fantasy authors idealize women. It's demanded by current commercial reading and publishing trends.

>> No.16169715
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Why can't Forklift drivers fly a plane ?

>> No.16169739

Because fantasy is for brainlets and normally they're a bit on the older side.

>> No.16169742

I wish there were just no women in fantasy like in LOTR.

>> No.16169778

I wish there are just no men in fantasy

>> No.16169788


Because they can't have a conversation with one for longer than 30 seconds without nutting in their jorts. Look at this guy, isn't it obvious?

>> No.16169802

He looks a bit like Eric Butts in Booktuber form.

>> No.16169811

they don't write women particularly worse than any other genre in my experience

most of this criticism is feminist garbage "haha men can't writer women xD"

>> No.16169821

Women just aren’t interesting
Sex and babbies are pretty much all you need them for. Otherwise they are utterly disposable

>> No.16169825


Maybe men can't write women, but women can't write at all.

>> No.16169836

Wearing an unbuttoned dress shirt over a tee with a ((((funny)))) slogan to hide your andro boobies is just asking for trouble.

>> No.16169851

I could kill most women with a single strike.
It’s amazing how much better men are than women.

>> No.16169916

I heard he got pressured into shoe-horning in an LGBT character out of nowhere into one of his books? Is this true?

>> No.16170859


>> No.16170863

What would that look like?

>> No.16170872

Like "The stars are legion"

>> No.16170883

The best written women are either terrible people or men with tits.

>> No.16170888

Most (probably all) fantasy writers don’t write well to begin with so writing women poorly just comes with the territory.

>> No.16170893

I love how the thread is split between shitting on fantasy and shitting on women

>> No.16170917

Im a fantasy writer and I may write some women in the future. Any tips?

>> No.16170931

Don't write fantasy. Don't write women.

>> No.16170942

What kind of fiction would you write instead of fantasy?

>> No.16170973

Anti-fantasy where the hero guns down hobbits, goblins, and elves and such and titty-twists the often-rotund, often-bearded authors of those claptrap tales

>> No.16171072

sounds based

>> No.16171084

Women are simply uninteresting.

>> No.16171157
File: 437 KB, 1600x1595, George-RR-Game-of-Thrones-Martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's about right.

>> No.16171292

This is on my list after another anon recommended it, is it any good?

>> No.16171344

He's a devout Mormon so I find that hard to believe. I mean have you read any of his books, there is hardly any sex or cursing to be found.

>> No.16171403

absolute incel

>> No.16171467
File: 155 KB, 453x364, gagasgasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all planes are commercial jumbo jets
I bet some can. There is totally amateur pilots who forklift for a living and can fly a little cessna. So next time before you talk shit about forklifters you FUCKIN FORKLIFTPHOBIC IGNORANT ASSHOLE.:Think again. Have a good day sir.
>t. forklifted during uni