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/lit/ - Literature

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1616828 No.1616828 [Reply] [Original]

Just ordered American Psycho, after deciding its up there with my favorite films i decided reading it is the next step. What am i in for?

>> No.1616833

Better murders, more of them.

Whole chapters dedicated to Cyndi Lauper, his ties, shoelaces, et cetera.

& then there are weird bits where he starts freaking his shit.

>> No.1616836
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>> No.1616837

Good book, but fuck me parts of it are difficult to drag yourself through.
There's HUGE diatribes he gives on mundane coprorate life such as people suits, shirts, tailors, choice in drinks and food, apartment decoration...

They seem to drag on forever before the book gets interesting, but it's worth it.

>> No.1616839
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As far as movie covers for books go, that's probably the best i've seen.

I still wouldn't buy it.

>> No.1616840

Pretty good stuff. More intense graphic murders, very descriptive. You also get insight on the 80s yuppy life and a lot of it is spent talking about brands and suit. And a real hit or miss book. It's laid out quite nicely though.

>> No.1616843

This is like the 50'th time I've seen American Psycho crop up on /lit/ --- It has got to be a samefag.

>> No.1616845


That's the point, though. It's reflecting the banality and repetition of yuppy-New York in the 80s

>> No.1616847

Material that was shocking and controversial perhaps twenty years ago

>> No.1616853

He also spends entire chapters critiquing music, like Huey Lewis and the News

>> No.1616854


I know, I get that it's the whole point but it's just difficult to be arsed slogging through at times.

>> No.1616859

Better than the movie. It's funnier.

That's not bashing the movie though. Bale was absolutely perfect.

>> No.1616863

you have my word this is the first time i have mentioned American Psycho on this board

>> No.1616889
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Here you go. Now take a seat so everyone else can talk about a book they enjoy.

>> No.1616898

Does it run in sequence or is it just event after event in a random order?

>> No.1616906


If all the shit was in a random order, it wouldn't be a very good book.

>> No.1616910

It's an excellent book.