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1616502 No.1616502 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on Madame Bovary?

Only from people who have actually read the book, please.

>> No.1616505

havent been able to read the whole thing

but i love Flaubert and the book

i would even call it the great french novel

>> No.1616512

I read the article about the film version on Wikipedia, so I can say it's one of the greatest pieces of French realism.

>> No.1616513
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>> No.1616517

See, that's the problem. Everyone says it's the greatest French novel of the 19th century. But why???

>> No.1616519

I read the back of it at Barns and Noble, it's super gay.

>> No.1616520

because they havent read the whole thing.

>> No.1616526

a romantic captured realism

that's why

and it was the first modern french novel, but that doesnt mean much i suppose

shut the fuck up

>> No.1616529

::: Checks credentials of both posters::: Yep. You're both qualified to review it.

>> No.1616531


I saw that movie. It was pretty good for soft-core porn.

>> No.1616532

>and it was the first modern french novel

Sure, if you just ignore Balzac.

>> No.1616543

What does "a romantic captured realism" really mean? It sounds like something made up to impress an English prof.

>> No.1616548

Implying "Jacques le fataliste et son maître" wasn't modern.

>> No.1616553
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>shut the fuck up

>> No.1616559

Don't cry.

Ok, now who the fuck has actually read this fucking book????

>> No.1616573

he was forced to write a realist novel, being a romantic himself, and ended up capturing the entire movement in one work

if you can't appreciate that maybe you should just stop arguing

it's disputed, don't be angry

>> No.1616574
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I found your nnymu

>> No.1616575


>> No.1616581

I read the book in a period of my life where I thought I was a misogynist. I was struggling hard to not think of Emma as a fucking ungrateful bitch, and wanted to see her as a confused woman dissapointed of life after being enchanted by romantic novels.

I still think she's a bitch

>> No.1616583

No one is arguing and who said I can't appreciate it? If you can't offer a valid defense of your claim maybe you should stop making claims.

In what way did he capture the entire movement?

>> No.1616586

Best review yet.

>> No.1616587

well i'm sorry that you let your personal frailties affect your reading of the novel

>> No.1616592


see >>1616513

It's a book about a loose, fanciful bitch and it was a struggle to finish because Emma is such a twat.

>> No.1616593

Me too man, me too.

>> No.1616595 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1616598
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>mfw people think MB is about romantic frustration

don't worry

at least you're humble

>> No.1616600

>women authors

>> No.1616608

ITT: People who have only read reviews discuss books they have not read.

Carry on.

>> No.1616643
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>women authors
>Madame Bovary
u trol mi lol

>> No.1616650

>gustave is a woman's name

>> No.1616655

troll'd. hard.

>> No.1616669 [DELETED] 

Okey i read it. It was not an easy read, this stream of consciousness thing is not my favorite technique. But i like how the novel encircles Madame Bovary from every perspective. Like all good novels it is groundbreaking in form and lacking in story.

>> No.1616679

Finally! Thanks for the honesty.

>> No.1616680
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>> No.1616683
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>> No.1616686 [DELETED] 


>> No.1616688
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