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/lit/ - Literature

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1616211 No.1616211 [Reply] [Original]

I'm feeling down /lit/.
I would take this to /adv/ but, clearly, they wont know much about literature, and would probably recommend me some "pick-up-artist" bullshit.
Give me an idea of a book to cheer me up/help me get over a female, or one which will just generally make me not give a fuck anymore?
Failing that, just name me a big one to throw at her head.

>> No.1616213

What troubles you?

>> No.1616218

Fight Club - Chuck Pahlanuik

While reading that novel I gave no fuck and pretty much became content with the idea of not living to see the next day. Strange really.

>> No.1616220

JPod, Douglas Adams

>> No.1616221

read the stranger.

it took my not giving a fuck to a whole new level...

>> No.1616219

Youth in Revolt comes to mind. I liked it a lot. Nick Twisp is totally relatable, and Sheeni is the biggest bitch in the world who makes you end up hating women by the end of the book.

>> No.1616227

walk in the woods by bill bryson

>> No.1616242
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Thanks, everyone.
Any more suggestions?

>> No.1616251

The Outsider - Camus

>> No.1616267

Agree here. Most people here don't like Palahniuk but it does pump you up.

The novel or the short story?

>> No.1616278


obviously the novel. also known as the outsider.
salinger does not even come close to camus.

>> No.1616285

Thank you!

>> No.1616451

where is that?

>> No.1616629


Hey did you save that picture from me, OP?

Stephen Conroy is one of my favourite artists.

>> No.1616633


>> No.1616658

Probably, I saved it a week or two ago from this board.

Thanks for the bumps guys, I've ordered The Stranger, any more suggestions?

Don't know, sorry.

>> No.1616687

the old man and the sea

>> No.1616925

>I've ordered The Stranger
Cancel! It's nihilistic bullshit.

>> No.1617167

>implying absurdism is nihilism
oh you

>> No.1617189

The Sun Also Rises

>> No.1617200


absurdism is the bitch version of nihilism

like fucking agnostics (bitch version of atheism)

>> No.1617213


Absurdism is enlightened Nihilism.

>> No.1617222


your post is meaningless...

>> No.1617228

ITT retards that don't understand what the point of absurdism is supposed to be

It's surprising to see that for as many people on this board to have claimed to read The Stranger, so many have completely missed the message of it.

>> No.1617229


kill yourself then. why are you posting in this thread?

you get some kind of pleasure thats why

>> No.1617249


you are an idiot for categorizing absurdism and nihilism as separate entities...they are virtually the same...the only difference is lack of commitement in the former.

fucking stupid queer...talking with competence.



>> No.1617274

Look, how about you stop shitting up the board for a little while (difficult to do, I know) and go actually read The Stranger. Take it at face value and I'm sure it'll support your misinformed opinion, so try and read between the lines. This is a thing common in literature so you're going to have to pay attention to realize there's more to it than some apathetic frog that thinks life is boring.

>> No.1617296


you really are fucking stupid...

im done arguing with you

>> No.1617300

>yfw you realize you never had an argument to begin with

>> No.1617304

nihilism takes many forms... if you are going to refer to nihilism, it helps to be specific... especially since, clearly, most people have no idea what it is beyond "belief in nothing" which is overly simplistic

>> No.1617328

absurdism presuposes that there is meaning, though humans can never find it.

nihilism is the recognition that meaning is merely a human construct and therefore not present in existence.


this idiot simply cannot understand the link between the two...or the inherent futility of striving to find meaning...
mersault is the embodiment of this futility.
camus was largely misunderstood...
this thread proves it.

>> No.1617336

>absurdism presuposes that there is meaning, though humans can never find it.

Absurdism presupposes no meaning, hence the absurd endeavors of man in his struggle to attain meaning.

>> No.1617339


check yo FACTS nigger

>> No.1617343

read some bukowski, my boy

>> No.1617349


i don't think you know what youre talking about.
that would be nihilism...just because you used the word absurd, does not make it absurdism.

>> No.1618915


>> No.1618918


>> No.1618926

Hm. If you're looking for being revved up, definitely Fight Club or something like that. Or any Tom Clancy novel (Red Storm Rising has so much man in it that your chest hair will grow chest hair) or novel starring DIRK PITT. Look at that fucking name. Dirk. Fucking. Pitt. My god.

If you're looking for an emotional catharsis that will basically drag you to the depths of the human's will to continue living, read something like The Trial, The Castle, The Metamorphosis, all by Kafka. Someone recommended The Stranger by Camus, another good call. I'm thinking that something by those Russian existentialists might work rather well.

>> No.1618930


>If you're looking for being revved up

Goddamn it fingers. Why must you fail me at this crucial juncture?

>> No.1618947


Misunderstood by whom? Camus isn't speaking through Meursault any more than Voltaire speaks through Candide. Camus certainly didn't believe that one must give oneself over to the gentle indifference of the world. You only have to read some of Camus' later works to discover that. He has largely rejected 'Absurdism' in the post-war period.

Alternatively, you can read (most people who have read The Outsider have also read this) The Myth of Sisyphus. One imagines that Sisyphus is happy not because he simply accepts his fate, but because he recognises it, becomes equal to it, and, ultimately, rebels against it.

>> No.1618949


Absurdism does not presuppose meaning at all. The 'absurd' is located in our search for meaning in a meaningless world. That does not mean that there can be no meaning, however. It just means that meaning is not imposed upon us from without. Meursault realises when he is in the court room that other people are determining his character for him. He has been unable to construct his own values (or meaning) and that is the revelatory moment in the novella.

>> No.1619184

bump for relevant answers.