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16161654 No.16161654 [Reply] [Original]

Life is full of suffering and chaos. Happiness only exists in brief periods of time due to serotonin and dopamine rushes. The concept of "pursuit of happiness" is a modern invention constantly promoted by Jews in Hollywood and big greedy capitalist (((corporations))) to make you think that coonsuming product will eventually make you happy, but it doesn't. When you're in that state of mind, you become a slave to the system that doesn't give a single fuck about you but only thinks of you as a possible consumer and returning customer.

The irony with many of the stereotypical Marxists is that on the theoretical level they are actual communists but on reality they are some of the biggest mindless npc coonsumers in the world and the ones keeping the system 100% alive.

That being said, any books that explicitly criticize this consumer society?

>> No.16161700

>The irony with many of the stereotypical Marxists is that on the theoretical level they are actual communists but on reality they are some of the biggest mindless npc coonsumers in the world and the ones keeping the system 100% alive.
And the irony of this post is that you just used Marxist paradigms to come to this conclusion

>> No.16161720

why do altright halfwits come here with their epic reheated 2015 takes? can’t you all just stay on twitter and pol?

>> No.16161728
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>Marxist paradigms
>If you criticize Capitalism and consumerism you must be a Marxist.

>> No.16161730

>conflating happiness and pleasure

>> No.16161733

>Happiness only exists in brief periods of time due to serotonin and dopamine rushes
Look at this retard

>> No.16161741

there is no real happiness in this industrial hell that is the (((west)))

>> No.16161754

>The concept of "pursuit of happiness" is a modern invention constantly promoted by Jews in Hollywood and big greedy capitalist (((corporations)))
yeah that fucking Jefferson, goddamn Hollywood kike

>> No.16161757
File: 125 KB, 1024x819, Moldbug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an interesting perspective OP but I'd be willing to bet that you'd be interested in engaging with some of Curtis Yarvin's works, who goes by the pen name Mencius Moldbug, who has incidentally influenced shrewd master philosopher and fellow accelerationist Nick Land. I believe it would be beneficial for you to peruse his masterstroke known as Neocameralism, a political system for the 21st century, in which people are ruled by sovereign corporations enabled by an all-encompassing patchwork system that demands free exit to all inhabitants of the sovcorp, as well as competition among all the sovcorps in attempting to align the interests of the product distributor and the product consumer.

Here are some short primers to get you started:

>> No.16161758

There is, you just have to maintain as little contact as possible with smartphone-addicted tards and social media
Western society would be vastly improved if the internet were eradicated

>> No.16161825

No, this is our board.
You should leave for reddit now.

>> No.16161859

thank you friend, will definitely check it out.

>> No.16161887

How do you maintain hegemony while unplugging from the system?
Or in other words, how do we step back from the abyss as a society without giving the insects leeway to march all over the earth?

>> No.16161917

just have a life goal, get good friends and a wife and children

>> No.16161930
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It unironically works that way and corporations and marketing teams know it. The modern notion of "happiness" is completely based around consumerism and Hollywood propaganda that can only exist in an industrialized, globalist and individualist society.

>> No.16161931
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Yes. I wrote one.

It was never published of course. It isn't something self-help and Aschehaug would publish.

My book is a novel following my alter ego.

He is big tough and doesn't afraid of anything. So I wrote a story about it. 130 000 words. Just a huge circle jerk to my ego. And I shit on the world. Made everyone look like the piece of shit they are. Then I went to a publicist. I went to Aschehaug, jewish sounding, and Kagge who publishes self help books. Then I made them read it.

I literally watched them tremble and cower before my books. They got angry. It was one of the few joys I have had in a long time.

Long story short. It will never get published... They said.


>> No.16161946
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>he fell for the happiness meme
pleb. The pleasures of life come from actions of spite and actions that sate the ego. Who cares about stupid shit like a "consumer society"? As long as one's own consciousness exists, pleasure can be derived from all manner of things; achieving one's goals and filling your heart with conventional aspirations is for niggers and fiends; true pleasure is that of the ego: securing one's self above others no matter the level—I do it even in this post—is an easy way, self loathing is another, conflict and harm against yourself or other actors, ect. Perhaps you lack the intellect to comprehend something so human but one can achieve a life time's worth of pleasure from pushing someone down some stairs and then throwing themselves down after them. Unless society removes stairs and pain, this will always be available to you.

>> No.16161952

Probably impossible. Society wasn’t ready for the internet and things are likely to get far worse before they get slightly better
All you can do is read good books and spend time with frens and famly

>> No.16161985

>The irony with many of the stereotypical Marxists is that on the theoretical level they are actual communists but on reality they are some of the biggest mindless npc coonsumers in the world and the ones keeping the system 100% alive
Communists are materialist and operate on the same ideological paradigms as capitalism.
It’s kind of odd you’re talking about this now OP. This has been talked to death on the internet the past decade.

>> No.16161998

>bitches about "consumerism"
>gives no alternative

Fuck off.

>> No.16162038


>> No.16162053

Full buddhism

>> No.16162055

Oh, so religious bullshit. You can fuck off harder then.

>> No.16162061


>> No.16162065
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>Oh, so religious bullshit. You can fuck off harder then.

>> No.16162162
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>Consume BAD
They're rolling out the 2020 NPC model hard

>> No.16162223

I agree consumerism is one of the symptoms of the problem, but consider this: people can actually be sensible and meaningful consumers (selecting knowingly for products that make sense). But no one is fixing consumerism like this, the machine keeps running. I think there has to be an underlying issue at work. Why else would people not fix consumerism? Criticisms against have been around for decades, the benefits of being a smart consumer are clear to most. Yet, none act. So the problem is deeper than consumerism (even of rushes and experiences, not just produce and services).

>> No.16162231

ACC proselytizer!

>> No.16162390
File: 139 KB, 1024x788, 1585610953290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schopenhauer The Wisdom of Life

>> No.16162400

>Life is full of suffering and chaos. Happiness only exists in brief periods of time due to serotonin and dopamine rushes.
Imagine being enough of a loser that you aren’t enlightened enough to be happy 90% of the time, happiness and pleasure are not the same and it’s perfectly possible to be happy in western society, though one must ignore much of it for that to come about.
>there is only capitalism or Marxism
Go back.
Yours is the outlook of someone whose entire worldview is tainted by post-enlightenment humanism.

>> No.16162403
File: 245 KB, 80x80, sweetassinyourface.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have the sex
WAPs all over the place
get it

>> No.16162417

>That being said, any books that explicitly criticize this consumer society?
It would have to be a book that advances a society more powerful than it. What's the opposite of consuming material? Yeah yeah yeah yeah that's right come back to GOD

>> No.16162422

what you call "happiness" is just the absence of pain and boredom but it doesn't exist per se, its just a negation of pain and boredom

>> No.16162426

What you call "pain and boredom" is just the absence of happiness but it doesn't exist per se, its just a negation of happiness.

>> No.16162455
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>me smart with words
pain is very real idiot, boredom too, try to find happiness anywhere and you will not find, just histrionism

>> No.16162462

Infinite Jest, White Noise, Brave New World.

>> No.16162508

Boredom is the absence of happiness, because it denotes a lack of meaning and purpose, from which happiness extends. You cannot have an absence of boredom because boredom is itself an absence, its a pointless statement, essentially sophistry to get around saying “if you aren’t bored then there’s something good there”.
Pain is real, but often can be avoided and not all pain is truly bad, it’s possible to be in pain and happy so long as the pain serves that meaning or purpose we seek. The presence of bad does not negate the good unless you have a mental illness.
>happiness isn’t real
This outlook proves that your problem is a wallowing in self pity, you can only conceive of negativity either because it’s all you know or because you fetishise it.

>> No.16162560


>> No.16162574

>yfw anti-consumerism is pushed to make you accept being poor and having nothing while holding an air of contempt for the smaller percentage of the populace getting richer and indulging in rampant materialist 'porn
>yfw you think you're going against the grain while the whole environmentalist narrative is about you consuming less and accepting the death of the secure bourgeois society

>> No.16162596

mencius moldgub is a faggot ass pen name if ive ever seen one
but his ideology, what the fuck is it even about?

>people are ruled by sovereign corporations enabled by an all-encompassing patchwork system that demands free exit to all inhabitants of the sovcorp, as well as competition among all the sovcorps in attempting to align the interests of the product distributor and the product consumer.

what the FUCK does this even mean? how would life be different from now if it was this way? what would be the changes? why do these people make it their lives mission to be as hard to read and incomprehensible as possible?