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16161010 No.16161010[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Without making an appeal to the Christian understanding of human dignity, tell me why preferring one race over another is wrong. Is having a preference evil?

>> No.16161019

Go back to >>>/pol/, basement dwelling incel.

>> No.16161031

back to /reddit/ incel

>> No.16161035

it isnt. but the whole concept of racism as an ism implies a paradigm of wrongness. in group prefference is natural. of course what can be consider in can change and isn’t necessarily race.

>> No.16161041

I just don't get what I would get out of discriminating against other races. The internet has proved we're all pretty much the same.

>> No.16161047

This is a philosophy board, I bet you got filtered by Socrates, didn't you? If you can't stand feeling uncomfortable, then maybe YOU should go back

>> No.16161052


There is not a valid reason against it, and in fact most races have a preference for themselves over others. We were never meant to co-exist, which is why we will always have racial issues no matter how many policies you put in place.

It'd be better if races went back to segrate themselves by countries, people would be happier overall

>> No.16161061

Have you really never had a friend that was from another race? lol

>> No.16161064
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>back to /reddit/ incel

>> No.16161066

>noooo not the heckin economerinos

>> No.16161082
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Ok chud

>> No.16161084


I have actually, and I've had this conversation with him. We both agreed that at the end of the day, it is impossible not to have a preference for your own race.

That's like telling me you'd rather save someone else's mother than your own, its stupid, it makes no fucking sense.

>> No.16161087

I have plenty, doesn't mean I want to see my country turn into a fucking shithole Brazil. Problem with people like you is that anti-racism implies diversity and multiculturalism (which is a dog whistle for anti-europeanism)

>> No.16161099

>That's like telling me you'd rather save someone else's mother than your own, its stupid, it makes no fucking sense.
A lot of progs would save someone else's mother, they constantly are shitting on family, especially if their family are politically right wing

>> No.16161100

I do, and I would dig ditches for them if it meant the erasure of over 50 percent of violent crime in my ancestral homelands.

>> No.16161101

>it is impossible not to have a preference for your own race.
My friends of other races came to the same realization. Diversity can only work on the micro level, but scaling it up on the macro level means the destruction of society

>> No.16161112
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no i have not

>> No.16161114

>Prove to me that X is wrong without appealing to Christianity
Nobody can. Secular ethics takes as self-evident certain fundamental truths that are really founded on Christianity, such as the innate value of human life.

What do you make of ancient multiethnic and often multiracial civilizations such as Egypt, Rome, Byzantium, Persia, the various Caliphates?

>> No.16161124

OP, btw 16 replies thus far and not A SINGLE answer to my question. You would think that a pressing issue like "racism" would at least be justified easily.

Imagine a fucking Alien landing on earth, how the hell would you explain why it's wrong to have a preference? Lmfao

>> No.16161127

>I am racist, therefore it is impossible to be anti-racist
Great argument mate

>> No.16161139

prove that racism is right

>> No.16161140
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>Without making an appeal to the Christian understanding of human dignity,
Can I make an appeal to Kant's notion of human dignity then?

>> No.16161141

>What do you make of ancient multiethnic and often multiracial civilizations such as Egypt, Rome, Byzantium, Persia, the various Caliphates?
Non of those were multicultural, THAT'S THE DIFFERENCE. Persian cultural, law and order dominated persia, Roman cultural, law and order dominated Rome and you know what happened whenever someone tried to revolt? They got killed in masses

>> No.16161144

Yeah, but that's because they hate themselves.
Pretty much, we agreed that having interactions towards a goal, friendship or commerce is absolutely fine, but trying to mix all races together is just not possible, even when you actually try you find races literally decide to segrate themselves in different areas of the city, it happens naturally even in countries that openly oppose, and fight segregation.

People want to be with other people that are like themselves

>> No.16161146

>it is impossible not to have a preference for your own race.

Why do you think this? It is of course easier to relate to somebody who looks like you and has a similar cultural background, but I still don't see why I would "prefer" someone who looks like me over someone who doesn't look like me but has a personality I appreciate.

>doesn't mean I want to see my country turn into a fucking shithole Brazil
Uh, anon, surely the state of a country has to do with politics rather than skin color, no? Also, you can be anti-racist and be against open boarders.

Then you're not really their friend.

>> No.16161147

He can't hes just a bitter incel and wishes he was probably black

>> No.16161155

>What do you make of ancient multiethnic and often multiracial civilizations such as Egypt, Rome, Byzantium, Persia, the various Caliphates?

They really weren't multiethnic in the way modern people would like to imagine, one culture or race was always more dominant, and people still segregated themselves in districts to be with their own.

So what's the point? Let races have their own countries, let them be happy with their own people

>> No.16161157

>You would think that a pressing issue like "racism" would at least be justified easily.
You're retarded for thinking that. Justifying our moral intuitions, even the most basic ones, such as "don't kill innocent people" or "don't torture babies", is extremely hard. The arguments most people will bring against those crimes will be often incoherent.

>> No.16161159
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>tell me why preferring one race over another is wrong
I can tell you why not favouring your own race is wrong (biological drive for your kin group to succeed evolutionarily), but I’m sure you don’t need convincing because you’re based already.
Redpilled post
Not him but I’ve had many, there’s no reason why you can’t be personable and experience human connections despite race difference, but on a broad societal level Plurality is atomising and leads to social instability.

>> No.16161174

>genetic diversity causes societal conflicts

>> No.16161177

It is deteministic. It is an admission that you are just a biological robot reacting to certain stimuli. You abolish the human will by prejudicing it below immutable and random characteristics. For if you cannot help but hate what cannot be helped, you cannot help but leave part of yourself forever in the dark never to be affected by the working of your own will

>> No.16161179
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Isn't racism essentially just threat-assessment? It's another tool in our survival mechanism, because we're obviously made to prefer familiarity rather than the unknown.

For example, you have two kinds of racists. The violent one, and the nonviolent, peaceful one.
The first will harm another human being in some way, the other will, at best, only say something that's perceived as hurtful.

The first instance is a lot more objectively indefensible than the second. Now, if both men are racist, why did only 1 bring harm to another? So obviously there are factors outside of racism that motivate us to harm others, such as anger, rage, psychosis, delusion.

Yet we aren't waging a political on any of those, are we?

>> No.16161190

>Why do you think this? It is of course easier to relate to somebody who looks like you and has a similar cultural background, but I still don't see why I would "prefer" someone who looks like me over someone who doesn't look like me but has a personality I appreciate.

My own personal experience, as someone who is mixed race, and has had the change to live in Africa, Spain and England.
You are right to think we are all humans, even tho we are not the same in terms of your qualities (self control, Intellect, strenght, speed)

But one thing we all share in common is the desire to be with others of our own culture, race or tribe. I know for a fact blacks are as racist as whites are, so are Asians, Indians..

You can be friendly towards other races, but it doesn't mean we can really co-exist without conflict

>> No.16161196

Racism is not just a preferance. You can prefer any arbitrary group you like, and in terms of identity and community a subnational regional loyalty makes most sense.

A racist system where people are categorised into castes and discriminated accordingly is completely different. Why is it wrong? Fuck you, Im not writing an essay, prove why its right first.

>> No.16161200

*waging a political war
sorry, I accidentally a word

>> No.16161206

>why is it wrong
>i can't answer
>plz do it for me
lol brainlet

>> No.16161213


Pretty much, which is why racial profiling and stereotypes exist. Blacks are seen as criminals, because most of then than not interactions with them have led to a negative experience.

>> No.16161215
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First prove why discrimination is inherently bad.

>> No.16161218

The burden of proof is on the racist, since he's the one making a positive claim.

>> No.16161229
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>based already.
Based recognizes based.

>> No.16161232

Because it's icky and it hurts his feelings
>looks like I have two candidates for the job the Harvard educated John Smith and Tyrese Dwayte an ex-felon out for armed robbery and rape. Now I can't discriminate here.

>> No.16161233

>You can be friendly towards other races, but it doesn't mean we can really co-exist without conflict

What does this mean? So, if you have a friend from another race you secretly wish he would go away?

If you, yourself, can personally connect with a person from a different race, despite the color of his skin, despite the food he likes, despite the socio-cultural memes he grew up with, because you think he's a really cool dude, what makes you think racism is unbeatable? I don't deny that racism exists and that there are racist of all races at all.

>> No.16161239

a counter-argument isn't required when you fail to make an effective argument in the first place :^)

>> No.16161241

It's already been answered in the thread.

>> No.16161244

I have had more negative experiences with blacks than with whites. The crime data available points towards blacks being more likely to commit violent crimes. This aligns with my anecdotal observations. Whether these factors are due to race or to poverty, why would I not display an avoidance toward black people? The reasons for their behavior are irrelevant; as a rational being of self preservation, I would prefer to be around them least of all racial groups. From my point of view, this racism is far more logical and defensible than its lack.

>> No.16161250

Leftist literally made up that word 100 years ago, and you are telling US to show proof? Kek

>> No.16161258


That's basically what the other Anon said earlier, on the microlevel you can absolutely be friends with other races, but on a large scale (countries) it is not possible, because at the end of the day a country is like a living organism composed by the individual cells, of which their culture/race will result in one final expression. So conflict for whom will be the dominant culture/race will always be there, because the goal of any living organism is to spread, and dominate its environment.

You can have Muslims, and Christians in one country, but there's always be an inner conflict for domination of every individual in said society, even if its masked away by politics, fake smiles and meaningless symbolism.

>> No.16161261
File: 126 KB, 700x701, black-people-racism-problems-comic-strip-obiaris-7-5ecf5b0771f66__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH I literally can't why the FUUUUCK does every place have to be infected with brainded /pol/ rightoids!!!!!!
This was supposed to be a LITERATURE board, you FUCKING IDIOTS.
Racism is NOT /lit/.

>> No.16161267
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Its retarded. Counterproductive. Primitive. It only benefits the caste thats in control. The world would function better if race was done away with, there was stable peace rather than constant war to be on top, and everyone enjoyed equally distributed economic production, employment and revenue, because then the whole world would be cooperating, reducing its required labour hours, and progressing technologically.

Allah willing, silly human divisions will be wiped out and we will all be richer.

>> No.16161268
File: 2.41 MB, 1592x1528, AFD15FDB-041B-42C4-BC1B-B2D40F6858FD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s racist.

>> No.16161273

you're acting like the white girl in your comic

>> No.16161277

frogposters fuck off

>> No.16161282


Imagine how beautiful that world would be, not having to worry about filthy low IQ niggers trying to stab you for 20 bucks. Nor Indians rubbing their buttholes, and making your food. Or Chinese insects eating dogs, nor Jewish pedophiles trying to subvert your economic system, or White trash doing heroine.

I hope Cyborgs replace humans.

>> No.16161299

>there was stable peace rather than constant war to be on top, and everyone enjoyed equally distributed economic production, employment and revenue, because then the whole world would be cooperating,
le Prisoner's dilemma faec

>> No.16161300
File: 68 KB, 1007x1024, 1597608618607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Racism is NOT /lit/.
and yet i am here, and racist

>> No.16161301

>it's counterproductive
I expect you to take your holidays this year in inner-city Detroit and you can tell us afterwards how productive a time you had.

>> No.16161302

>beyonce webm
we truly have been infiltrated

>> No.16161306

You either forgot to green text OR you're literally the white woman in your pic related

>> No.16161309

That would be nice, but it's hard to get there when, despite being only 13% of the population...

>> No.16161310

Sorry, not even webm, a fucking shitty gif you probably found on google images

>> No.16161312

Yeah, that's my point.
I can't open the link, could you summarize the main claims in it?
Yes. An appeal to tradition by itself is meaningless, you have to state why said tradition was correct in its beliefs.

>> No.16161314

Racism means you were filtered by the difference of existence of another person. And getting filtered is true brainlet behavior.

>> No.16161320

Why do mods allows these threads to stay but delete multitudes of others?

>> No.16161321

>research establishes that the emergence, prevalence, recurrence, and severity of intrastate conflicts in the modern era reflect the long shadow of prehistory. Exploiting variations across national populations, it demonstrates that genetic diversity, as determined predominantly during the exodus of humans from Africa tens of thousands of years ago, has contributed significantly to the frequency, incidence, and onset of both overall and ethnic civil conflict over the last half-century, accounting for a large set of geographical and institutional correlates of conflict, as well as measures of economic development. Furthermore, the analysis establishes the significant contribution of genetic diversity to the intensity of social unrest and to the incidence of intragroup factional conflict. These findings arguably reflect the contribution of genetic diversity to the degree of fractionalization and polarization across ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups in the national population; the adverse influence of genetic diversity on interpersonal trust and cooperation; the contribution of genetic diversity to divergence in preferences for public goods and redistributive policies; and the potential impact of genetic diversity on economic inequality within a society.

>> No.16161324
File: 52 KB, 720x715, 1*6t2vHyY7azwLme2lfB_D4g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because mods are based and redpilled, you got a problem with that?

>> No.16161325

Mods are racists who cannot understand Searle

>> No.16161327

>First prove why discrimination
Prove why it isn't first. See how that logic is terrible magatard. Use your brain

>> No.16161331

still crying about the searle threads lmao

>> No.16161333


>You cannot discuss topics that offend me

Fuck off, the mods are doing the right thing by letting people discuss at will whatever the fuck they want. This relates to Philosophy, so suck it.

>> No.16161335

Speaking of filtered thank fuck I'll never had to read your autism again.

>> No.16161347
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>Imagine how beautiful that world would be, not having to worry about filthy low IQ niggers trying to stab you for 20 bucks. Nor Indians rubbing their buttholes, and making your food. Or Chinese insects eating dogs, nor Jewish pedophiles trying to subvert your economic system, or White trash doing heroine.

IQ is mostly pseudoscience
Nigger violence is a socioeconomic problem
Indian cooks in the west follow the same hygeine standards as anyone and education/sewage building in indian solves hygeine problems there
Chinese eating dogs is a cultural habit not genetic
Jews arent more likely to be pedophiles and dont subvert economic systems
White trash doing heroin is socioeconomic not genetic

None of tbese problems arent inherent to biology. Your proof of why racism is necessary relies on hundreds of bullshit assertions. You're simply the caste at the top (rather than jews like you claim) and want reasons to stay that way, even though even thats not the most efficient system for you.

>> No.16161350

The burden of proof is on anyone making a statement. You don't assume at the outset that they're the same

>> No.16161355

>IQ is mostly pseudoscience
Stopped immediately IQ is the only way we have to measure the function of g. Read a book you utter pseud.

>> No.16161358


i reported it faggots

so long

>> No.16161365

what if socioeconomic problems are the result of anti-social behavior like shooting people

>> No.16161368

>IQ is mostly pseudoscience
>Nigger violence is a socioeconomic problem
I am interested in seeing someone elaborate more on the first of these but also the second to a lesser extent.

>> No.16161371

aka I want to stunt the development of the human race so my feelings can be validated

kill yourself

>> No.16161379

That's a good argument for interracial eugenic program: turn the whole world into one single giant ethnicity and you'll get global cooperation.
Furthermore, that blurb you've quoted (assuming that it is factually true) doesn't tell us anything about racial hierarchies, which is one of the main claims of racist ideologues. Even if you reject the interracial eugenics option, at best it claims that isolationism leads to more stable societies: what it doesn't claim is that, for example, blwck people are truly inferior to white people.
The racist are the ones making the first statement. Without that first statement, the anti-racists would not even need to discuss this question.

>> No.16161384

>socioeconomic problem
It's a genetic problem.

>> No.16161385

No the antiracists make a statement too, they say that the races are the same. They have to provide evidence for this statement.

>> No.16161395

kek what a terrible post

if discrimination didn't exist you'd have terrorists running around America and blowing you up wholesale

discrimination works

>> No.16161397

When you are arguing for interracial eugenics you've lost. Nobody wants mutt kids with reduced IQ so you don't have to face reality.

>> No.16161402

you literal retard IQ is the only way to measure G you dont even know what a quotient is.

nigger violence is not a socioeconomic problem look at the entire continent of Africa

Indian culture is garbage
Chinese insects is a joke
white trash is genetics of European slums in the USA

Jews are the most subversive race in history that still exists today.

>> No.16161403

why is japan so beautiful if not for its lack of diversity and strong sense of culture?

>> No.16161405
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>>IQ is mostly pseudoscience
>>Nigger violence is a socioeconomic problem
>I am interested in seeing someone elaborate more on the first of these but also the second to a lesser extent.

IQ measures geometric reasoning, but in no way does it predict the outcome of a persons life, and the moral choices theyll make. It correlates with a lot of things like general success but in no way is it causal.

While its worth exploring IQ science further its clearly hijacked by people who reduce all human function to a grand iq narrative, which just stems from wanting a racist system that benefits them economically. Take any iq shill out there and replace iq with a similarly useless concept of 'purity' and theyll be indistinguishable from nazi propagandists.

>> No.16161409


Socioeconomics is a genetic problem, and while you are right castes exist, and those at the top do not want to relinquish their power (Why would they)
The only reason they are at the top is cause they are smarter, otherwise they wouldn't have gotten there in the first place

>> No.16161413

>It correlates with a lot of things like general success but in no way is it causal.

>> No.16161418

What you just wrote is not EVEN CLOSE argument and you don't even have proof of anything that you wrote in the slightest. You fedoratipping rat

>> No.16161419


why would I communicate with an idiot asking me a a flawed question with circular logic?

Proof is everything is true until proven false

From the get go that sums it up but why are you in the equation?

Why does that word have a capital letter, is that a person?

Right or wrong - taking sides - not your personal army

without - already setting conditions in enunciation

making - in the presumption of a present continuous of an action

appeal - as if that was an assumption

religion - where's that capital letter again

dignity - why did you put without and dignity in the same sentence

tell me why - is that a bsb millenium track

preferring - are we talking about shares like class A shares

another - like no voter rights

wrong - why would a connotation of right and wrong be applicable to preference in an instruction to take sides when that would flaw impartiality

the last question on preference and evil is called taunting

>> No.16161421

there's any interesting book called "the unheavenly city" that argued "time horizon" is the best predictor of life outcomes rather than anything else... but one can't help but think ppl with higher iq are going to be able to visualize and plan for their future better?

>> No.16161424
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Post redpills

>> No.16161427

Yet all the african niggers in africa on average have below retard IQ and would you look at that place lol. So in other words you are WRONG

>> No.16161429

>but in no way does it predict the outcome of a persons life
>IQ scores are the best predictor of success in Western society

>> No.16161432
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>> No.16161438
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>mfw I beat up the local town racist again today

>> No.16161441

Im too lazy to fact check this, can someone else do it. If it's true that is pretty amusing

>> No.16161446

I refuse.

>> No.16161450

Let me guess his name was cletus or robbert? or maybe john

>> No.16161452

You're evil.

>> No.16161453
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>leftists fantasizing again
unequivocally in accordance with your denial of reality

>> No.16161454

Post a timestamp of your flexed bicep so we can all have a good laugh.

>> No.16161460

There's no reason to fentanyl is already deadly as is and can is more deadly than heroin. Rappers get killed by this shit just by some of it being mixed into their pills

>> No.16161460,1 [INTERNAL] 

Treat other as you would have them treat you.
This isn’t Christian. Christianity lifted everything it preaches from somewhere else, so this “Christian understanding” qualifier is as superfluous as it is bullshit.