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/lit/ - Literature

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16150329 No.16150329[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any literature about turning 25 and having no degree or employment experience for over five years?

>> No.16150332

my diary desu

>> No.16150344
File: 254 KB, 458x588, gfj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm almost 23 and have never worked nor have any qualifications and i dropped out of uni twice and have 40k debt

>> No.16150349

Go all in on Chainlink and hope for the best

>> No.16150356

fug same age as OP and same situation as the 'roo poster. No hope.

>> No.16150388

I'm about to turn 26 next month. I have a BA and a MA, a paid stipend as a PhD student, some teaching experience and more to come as part of my program, and only 10k debt (never had any more debt than that), which I can pay off right now if I wanted, but I'm not in case Joe Biden erases it. Feels nice.

>> No.16150393

congrats on not fucking up your life, anon

>> No.16150395
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Required reading for all NEETS.

>> No.16150397

I'm pretty much the same as you, expect replace the word "nice" with "bad".

>> No.16150401

i heard someone say this book was very graphic and sad

>> No.16150420

I wouldn't call it "graphic", but morose for sure.

>> No.16150490

wait till you get cancelled for getting these dubs

>> No.16150544

Not graphic, but it might induce suicidal anxiety as you feel the years slip away.

>> No.16150903

This, bought in at 4 and well... the rest is history

>> No.16150908

Is it too late to get in on it, or should I look for another one?

>> No.16151019

I've never had a job or a gf

>> No.16151332

You're not missing much, modern day work is unnatural and unfulfilling.

>> No.16151358
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tfw 24, dropped out of college at 17 in 2012ish and have had one job since then that lasted roughly eight months, that was from late 2017 to mid 2018, now too embarrassed to apply for anything because they will inevitably ask what the fuck i've been doing over the last decade, yet i still have to convince them that i'm 'dedicated' and a 'hard worker'. kill me. obliterate all life.

>> No.16151454

Damn guys, what the hell

>> No.16151462

Your suicide note probably will at some point. Who are NEETs trying to kid, honestly?

>> No.16151481

Maybe you should look into other sources of income like shoe reselling, stocks, just something more entrepreneurial.

>> No.16151538
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I am 27 yo, on a dead end job with a shitty salary with no prospects because of corona.
I am still living with my parents, never had a girlfriend and the only time I had sex was with a prostitute.
And I didn't even came.
What is the best way to kill myself

>> No.16151553

Well, this explains the quality of the average post.

>> No.16151582

shotgun to the head

>> No.16151588

Funny enough, had been listening to Nirvana a lot recently.

>> No.16151589

if you're even somewhat "good with computers", and im not even talking about programming knowledge, you can easily insert yourself into any small business as an admin and amaze them with your excel skills. learn how to do a pivot table and they will think you are magical. i kid you not.

not even joking. most small business owners are scatterbrained as fuck and have no time to learn how to do anything properly, no time to look up and experiment with software, etc.

t. "small business consultant" whose business education amounts to having read antifragile

>> No.16151646

How do you even find people to do consulting for?

>> No.16151648

Get a qualification, any qualification. Even the shittiest certificate or diploma makes your resume look infinitely better than one with nothing, also volunteer for charity work and put that on your resume, HR roasties love that

>> No.16151653

Not him but IT professionals are in massive demand worldwide, so it’s not usually that hard to find jobs, unless you’re a codemonkey who has a job that could be done way cheaper by an Indian

>> No.16151783

I got lucky and knew a property manager that needed some help. From there I found new clients that have kept me busy over the last 3 years

>> No.16151815

>so volunteer for charity work and put that on your resume
No one cares lmao
t. HR

>> No.16151845

what are the thinking mans books for turning my life around
im a semi neet but I passed the entry exam for an bio engineering degree and I need to escape my old pathological habits like cooming and shitposting for 4+ hours

>> No.16151889

Real talk, wear a shock collar and zap yourself whenever you think about 4chan or porn

>> No.16152002

If it's at all possible for you, I've found that genuinely the best way to get away from all this shit is to just have some semblance of a social life. It's nigh impossible to think about porn and all this other nonsense when you're outside doing stuff you like. Of course, not possible for everyone, but I thought I'd suggest it just in case.

>> No.16152014

my collected memories desu

>> No.16152065

I sincerely recommend 12 rules for life/maps of meaning by Jordan Peterson
You need to build yourself a coherent life narrative and subsequent vision of the future
Do his self authoring program if you have any experience journaling
Best of luck

>> No.16152085

Confederacy of dunces. It’s your biography

>> No.16152092

You should be a janitor. Great job for a loner, you dont have to talk to anyone and offices don't usually get that dirty other than winter.

>> No.16152094


>> No.16152097

Stop reading and get A FUCKING JOB

>> No.16152105 [DELETED] 

damn dude lolllll

>> No.16152118

Whenever you feel like you have utterly failed at life, these threads can make you realize it could always be way worse.

>> No.16152120

I wish I knew how to find a job that would let me read and write for a living, guys

>> No.16152128

You’re not gonna turn $100 into $1,000,000 the way some early buyers did but you can make a cool grand or two if you buy in now and are brave enough to weather minor dips and hold for a few months until you see numbers you like

>> No.16152129

I never held a formal job and I sure hope I never had to. With that being said, all I know about you people is that in a just world you’d be all dead.

>> No.16152131

Security guard.

>> No.16152137

uuhhh bros what happened to /lit/ and the exaltation of NEETDOM and mockery of wagies? only condemnation now. i thought NEETDOM was lit approved. b-bros?

>> No.16152159

>Get a qualification, any qualification
>also volunteer for charity work and put that on your resume
Useless. It really gives you nothing for your CV unless the job you're applying for is related to charity work.
>HR roasties love that
Except they're not the decision-makers, so it doesn't matter.

>> No.16152176

Yeah, yeah. I can probably kill you with one hand you stupid homo

>> No.16152185

In Utero is the best album of the 90's, there I said it.

>> No.16152188

You're mistaking this board for /r9k/.
To survive as a NEET, you need a very specific natural mindset. Most people wither when exposed to the realities of NEETdom.

>> No.16152197

>very specific natural mindset
what is it, sensei? detachment?

>> No.16152204

Raekwon purple tape bruh

>> No.16152208

Almost the exact same for me.

>> No.16152211

That's not even the best Wu-Tang album bruh

>> No.16152220


Charities are just resume filler for people with absolutely nothing, especially for ppl who didn't go to college and don't have an extracurriculars. Moreover, volunteering for charity is actually very competitive in places like NYC that are filled with overachieving fucks, there can be months or years long waiting list to volunteer at some places, you could probably get a job that pays money easier to be honest

>> No.16152225
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gonna turn 29 next month never worked dropped out twice of university. after years dating gf left me because i live with my mother. regrets? a lot

>> No.16152230

Wrong. It's the best. Second best is Method Man. I know you like that one with the cartoon cover art, but that doesn't make it good. Deal with it.

>> No.16152236

And yet the culmination of your success is lording it on chans...
Zhuang Zhi. Bhagavad Gita. Eventually the bible. No shit.

>> No.16152260
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>> No.16152261

Those are the Scottish highlands right? I went hiking there for many summers and it's so breathtaking :)

>> No.16152263

Hermit-like mental self-sufficiency. Long-term NEETdom cuts you off from society at large and goes against all the social conditioning you've absorbed. Many people crack after some time and become desperately unhappy. I'm not talking about the independently wealthy variety or the scam artist who jumps from host to host, of course, but the true dyed-in-the-wool parents' basement/social security loser NEET.

>> No.16152264

I'm a 25 yr old high school dropout. Dropped out of college too. I thought I'd make it but I didn't. I know how you feel, OP.
Gonna go back to college with a colloquium doctum and get a government "loan" that I'll never pay back. At least that'll give me a few more years of fucking around on the government's dime.

>> No.16152279

ah yes. i fear dying alone. not even fit for neetdom

>> No.16152284

How did so many of you guys drop out? I thought you're all geniuses who read Kant?

>> No.16152291

im the genius who never read and plan to read kant

>> No.16152292
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I wonder if it's still at my dad's house or some deadbeat friend stole it

>> No.16152324

Intelligence doesn't always mean you will do well in school. Also most of the people here are fakers.

>> No.16152329

If you were truly satisfied with life you wouldn't feel the need to brag to anonymous strangers on the internet

>> No.16152417

... How did you come to that conclusion?

>> No.16152437

I can't read a page of Kant.

>> No.16152453

Spiderland is waaaaay better than that.

>> No.16152471

How do you guys cope with death anxiety? Is there really even a way? Good god am I sad

>> No.16152482

Spiderland has remarkable replay value

>> No.16152490

Fuck around with occultism until you realize Jesus is probably kind of real.

>> No.16153697

4chan is full of people with broken lives who can't fix it.

>> No.16153720

Cucked by christ

>> No.16154026

my diary desu
2020 has taken my father, my job, my gf left me, no friends , no valuable degree to get a job or any particular skills other than F&B management and that's dead for a while
yet for some reason, i couldn't care less, i don't feel bothered by any of it

>> No.16154069

consider suicide you filthy jew

>> No.16154086
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>33 year old virgin
>two meme degrees
>thanks to my extensive retail experience, all I'm qualified for is retail shit
>no interest in going to school

Books for this feel

>> No.16154114

not everyone is born priviledged like you. When you grow up in a shithole with an alcoholic parent, education tends to be more of a minor side quest.

>> No.16154161
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>> No.16154232

If you are low IQ

>> No.16154280

Not that anon but even the most intelligent people can have their future prospects ruined by a poor upbringing

>> No.16154333

blue album

>> No.16154604

Lucky For Life

Only options at this point.

>> No.16154776

>Reddit moment

>> No.16154809

Now that I've been a neet for 5 years. I've come to the conclusion that it's really hopeless for us. There is no easy pull yourself up by the bootstraps fix for this. We missed the boat and fucked our lives up for good. It's exhausting to see people recommend getting a qualification or just stop watching porn or whatever. That does nothing. Best case scenario is a dead end job and alone forever eventually inheriting parents house. That's all I can see.

>> No.16154846

SSI and food stamps. Stop playing your loans.

>> No.16154847

hi /b/, what phase is the board in right now?

>> No.16154919

Similar position. Have a BA, currently working towards an MA, have a stipend for being a research assistant and 20k debt (not all of which I will use). What a time to be alive.

>> No.16155019

I want to an hero, but I want to make it seem natural to lessen the pain on my family.
Any ideas? I don't care how painful it is in the moment.

>> No.16155025

Any recs for certs?

>> No.16155028

damn all that and still an incel

>> No.16155033

At least you had a gf.

>> No.16155100

I'm sorry anon, especially about your father

>> No.16155120

>yet for some reason, i couldn't care less, i don't feel bothered by any of it
This hit too close to home.
Just can't care anymore.
Can't get myself to do anything because I simply don't care.
It's all so pointless.

>> No.16155468

Mein Kampf.

>> No.16155483

talk to a man smarter than you

>> No.16155636
File: 288 KB, 850x1303, 1559195822511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NEET book
Welcome to the N.H.K. novel
It's about a 22 year old NEET trying to break out of being a hikokomori, but he fails and the author himself says so in the afterward that he is still a massive loser even 5 years after writing it.

>> No.16155927

You can fuck up for 3 more years and still be better than me.
Get a job at a factory. TV made you scared of it, but really, you go there, someone holds your hand all day/week depending on how long it takes to learn a job and then you mindlessly repeat the simple task and get paid for it. And with 50-150 people per shift depending on it's size, you'll make friends too.

Trust me. They make the shit as easy as possible because workplaces can't discriminate, so they hire absolute retards. The irony being that the actual downies are better at work than the assholes who try as hard as they can to not work, doubly so because the work is easier than trying to look busy without doing work.

Don't fear. Go for a plastics factory. Nothing heavy there if you're out of shape. Painting is heavy, because you'll be painting metal shit, and even hanging 3 pound springs all day will wear your arms out, reaching to the top of the rack.

>> No.16156306
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>21, dropped out of college this spring because I went berserk and stopped going to class after my gf broke up with me
>never made a single friend during 3 years of uni
>never had sex, which is even more embarrassing post-college
>only job experience is two months retail
>can't use that on resume because I burned that bridge when I quit by just never showing up or contacting them again
>25k in debt
>living with my parents, no way out for the foreseeable future
>tfw it might be best just to join a monastery at this point

>> No.16156373

I don't recommend this book for suicidal and depressive people, this shit will you hit you like a train.

>> No.16156426

come on guys, just lie on your resume. Everyone does it.

>> No.16156488

>dropped out of college at 17
how did that work? did you get in early? please elaborate

>> No.16156577

How did you go beserk bc of your gf breaking up with you if you're still a virgin

>> No.16156628

Read Siege

>> No.16156659

We never had sex. Tried a bunch of times but I just couldn’t get into or something

>> No.16156665

How do I join a monastery? Do they still exist?

>> No.16156694


21 is very young and 25k isn't that much relatively speaking. You'll be fine.

>> No.16156828

Try reading Oblomov by Ivan Goncharov. It does a pretty nice job of showing what passiveness in life can lead you to.

>> No.16156881

Same except I dropped out of community college and I have no debt.

>> No.16157061
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I tried partial hanging myself like 5 times yesterday, but failed miserably. Had to use an extension cord and a door knob because I don't want my family to find out before I die. I read the entire SanctionedSuicide hanging guide twice and still failed.
People describe instant loss of consciousness 10 seconds after you compress your carotid arteries, but all it did for me was making my head feel like it was going to explode and a little bit of convulsions.

Why the fuck is it so hard to die?

>> No.16157133

Hey anon. I get that once every couple years. It sticks with me as part of my every waking moment, then it goes away. There's nothing we can do about it, but we can still make our own everyday lives better for ourselves, and that's good enough most of the time.

>> No.16157144

Try a train.

>> No.16157146

Bro literally are you gay? Ask yourself this question and be honest.

>> No.16157233

All methods are going to be painful Anon. The pain response of your central nervous system exists for a reason.

>> No.16157239

Any literature about how you'll spend the rest of your life working wageslave food service jobs despite being college educated because every single job that requires a college degree also requires a billion years of experience for entry level jobs and you're automatically filtered out if you don't have it?

>> No.16157675
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write one, faggot. call it antinatalism in nutshell. parents created you but failed to create a job for you, a purpose. society of stupid pederasts.

>> No.16157798

My parents and family didn't pass me but eh most trivial wisdom. Everything I know about the world I know from things read online, mostly from 4chan.

>> No.16157860

It's also horribly written, as most Light Novels are.

>> No.16157956
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I think I finally found a career path I can be serious about after being a worthless waste of space for years but the anxiety that my resume has been irreparably fucked by all those years of inactivity still tugs at me.
How much do recruiters care about me having ~6 years of nothing between my high school graduation and college? I attended college during those years but never actually got any credits or diplomas so it doesn't count.

>> No.16158791
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Not them, but I'm thankful for your post.

>> No.16159093
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>> No.16159168

Pretty sure I would know if I was gay retard

>> No.16159280

The funny thing is the corporate shills in America succeeded in making community college seem taboo and poor

>> No.16159662

Jesus how did you fuck up so hard? Time to join the military and save money son, they will fix you.

>> No.16159684

i wonder how many useless under 30s men there are, with no prospects, no degree (or a useless one), no career. in the past we'd probably have enlisted as cannon fodder or sent off to the colonies or something and now we just fade into irrelevant neetdom

feels like there should be somewhere we can go

>> No.16159692

Get into a trade

>> No.16159707
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26 with no debt and make a decent living just working a phlebotomist job that I got from a trade school for free. I actually enjoy my work, feel useful and have some self worth. And I get steady hours and can spend my off time just reading and lead ing languages and cooking. That's my life and I'm happy. Trade are pretty cool to have

>> No.16159713


>> No.16159735

what did you hope to gain by sharing this information?

>> No.16159823

Sign up for a CDL class. Pass your exam. Start driving 18 wheelers.
You can earn a decent living and still be pretty anti social.

>> No.16159842
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Yo, I'm 20 y/o and I'm thinking of studying philosophy mainly because it's the only field that actually interests me. Thing is, obviously this degree is useless but I'm thinking it'll be alright because I could just work a min wage job and do some self-made shit on the side (music, yt videos, drawing, filmmaking, anything that fulfills me) and then hopefully start a career off of that.
I used to study cs but I dropped out after one semester because all the students were filthy bugmen and the thought of sitting in front of a computer screen for 8+ hours a day working on a project that I'm not even interested in plus all the shitty internships I'd have to do just to climb up the career ladder would kill my soul.
What should I do bros? Go for what interests me or for what pays?
this is when you start doing your own shit. Go see if you can make valuable content off of shit that you like. start a yt channel, a podcast, learn a skill that you can apply etc. We are lucky that we are not 100% dependent on employers to make money when we have the internet. Use it.
Damn, I'm on vol. 5 and I'm really enjoying it so far. I didn't know the author was still a loser.

>> No.16160115

>ill be alright because i'll just do some vague side hustle
>hopefully this undefined thing i've made no real plans regarding becomes my entire career
>i used to study but dropped out because bleh

not trying to be mean but you should be more realistic about your future.

>> No.16160258

you're right, but then again I feel like we're all walking on thin ice anyway so why plan something? the way I see it, the only alternative is climbing up the career ladder by doing internships and essentially becoming a slave to your employers. You may be "safe" in that sense but at what cost?
I don't have one specific thing that I'm certain to be successful at, I still need to find out what works me but that takes time. Most people need time to figure this out, there's no need for rush.

>> No.16160371
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>tfw this anon is like the younger version of me
I'm 25, I also switched out of a possible CS life after one semester trying it out (I hated it) and became a philosophy major because that's the only field I'm very interested in. I'm in a PhD program right now. My hope is to make it through and land a job in academia. Since that's competitive, the worst case scenario means I don't get a job, in which case like yourself I might turn to a minimum wage job, maybe even something better depending on what's available. I don't think I would mind it. I grew up poor and that's the only life I know, and I've been ok all my life, things can only improve from here. Like you I'm interested in maybe making self-made stuff like videos since I have a philosophy background, I think I could get some kind of an audience if I put in the effort. I draw on the side as well so I could take commissions down the line. I genuinely wish you the best. Keep doing what you're doing. I'm making it out okay. My only advice is that you only go into philosophy if you feel you're really good at it compared to other philosophy majors at your school. Then go get a PhD (maybe an MA in the process) at a competitive top ranking program. Good luck anon.

>> No.16160725


>> No.16160770

most horrific realization of my life ngl

>> No.16160837


>> No.16160912

i dunno just do it

>> No.16160915

If you at least have soooome skill in a above average degree, with luck and dedication, you can push yourself ahead. I started playing classical guitar at 18 and today I have a comfy work teaching. In no fucking I'm the best, because I started too late to rack up those years of experience. My rec, probably learn cooking or a trade. If you are good, then it won't matter how old you are.

>> No.16160929

thanks man, always feels great to know that there are people who were once in my shoes and are now doing alright.
I'm not a very competitive person. Is philosophy that hard? All I know is that you learn the history of philosophy and how to write arguments. I'm honestly unable to judge whether or not I'd be able to keep up with everything, yet alone be better than other students. But I like writing and I wouldn't mind putting real effort into it.
Also how do you measure being "good at philosophy"? Because I haven't read much up to this point. I'm familiar with some basic concepts and ideas but I'm far from well-educated.
Bottom line is that I'm honestly more concerned with my social life than my career. I've had zero friends for like 5 years, never had a gf either. I really am desperate for a sense of belonging and a social life. If I don't make some friends in college then I'm afraid I'll probably be lonely forever.

>> No.16160951

I'm from the UK. College starts once you leave secondary school at 16. It's different now though I think; this was back in 2012.

>> No.16160953

Join the national guard

>> No.16160958

you are in denial, gayboy

>> No.16160977

You can lie about having worked at something meaningless like McDonalds. It's fine.

>> No.16160990

Please tell us more about your experience with ket and if possible the dosages you take and in what circumstances / environments / company.

>> No.16160996

Do you think buying bitcoin a $15 dollars was getting in late?

>> No.16161024

you guys are dumb lol just get a CLEET and then work as a security guard

u get paid to call the police if something bad happens

>> No.16161034

Why do I want to take the anger that I have against myself out on others so much? Ok so life is worthless and I want to kill myself. But my life isnt the only worthless one. I dont feel empathy for those better off then me.
I mean If Im gonna kill myself anyway why shouldnt I first kill as many others as I can?
First off therapy is very gay and Im not a shizo. It just seems super logical to me that If I wanna take out myself I should have no problem in killing others. Its just, I need to get a grip and actually do it you know

all a joke btw ^^

>> No.16161069

not all of it !!

>> No.16161166

Uh what would you gain from taking people with you exactly?

>> No.16161254

I'm in the same position. 26, high school drop out (finished it later via exams) , college drop out (twice). I've got some experience working in retail and waiting tables. That's it. In fall, I'm going to local trade school (2 year programme). If I manage to get a normal job from it and finally be able to afford my own place - good. Otherwise, I'm going to kill myself. Both of my lifelong good friends moved away and are starting families, while I'm stuck here in this circle of hell. I hope I make it because this cricle of guilt,shame, feeling useless and having no purpose is literally rotting my soul and I'm not going to be albe to take it much longer.

>> No.16161296

if that doesn't work out you can still wait for the revolution. It will come definitely.

>> No.16161304

What would make you feel less worthless anon?

>> No.16161308

It could be fun? I dont know. If Im killing myself it should at least be somewhat interesting for me. And I want attention. Man Im just fucked. Im just so angry all the time. I never get sad only angry, so obviously god wants me to kill something for him right?

>> No.16161315

Nice digits. Obviously he would feel a kind of power that he has never allowed himself to feel before

>> No.16161316

why didn't you just learn to code, not even trolling, i can't believe someone who wastes their whole life on the internet can't figure it out

>> No.16161328

no one wants to be a code monkey

>> No.16161330

Killing myself lol

>> No.16161337

God isn't giving you signs dude

>> No.16161341

Only based advice this entire thread.

>> No.16161357

Barring that. There has to be something that you want. Also just go to therapy, you're talking about how you're so "angry" you wanna kill yourself. You're not schizo but you have some shit you need to sort out.

>> No.16161364

You should start praying and go to Church. By the way killing yourself and others will just force you to return to Earth and live a shitty life which ends in your murder

>> No.16161370

>go to church bro
>buddhist reincarnation nonsense

>> No.16161386

I know you are right. Therapy I guess. But only pussies go to therapy and there is little you can say to refute that.

I mean he made me that way for a reason. I just see no one else drowning in hatred. I will stop posting

>> No.16161396

>implying you aren't a pussy
Many people are drowning in hatred. Hatred for what, in your case?

>> No.16161447

>implying you aren't a pussy
Guess going to therapy would be me finally admitting it.
>Hatred for what, in your case?
Im mad that I am not loving, caring, open minded, intellectual and interesting. I hate what I should be and I hate what I will become If I stay myself. I love my hatred I dont want to let go of it, its the only thing making me special. I think a special moment with my anger could at least change my life. Not for the better obviously. Im so fucking stupid

>> No.16161662

Doesn't matter, these things are for low immature people who think life is meaningless unless someone much like their dad is telling them what to do.

The problem is that it's a age of relatice unprecedented hyperabundance and there is actually no need or use for mindless drones any more. If you don't take a job someone else gets one and the vast majority of people aren't even capable of learning a skill that would actually set them apart from any other random nobody. People having to get credentials in the form of degrees to provide a service or boon, is something that actually hinders people who have potential to be actually useful.

>> No.16161850

Take the CS classes. Even if you don't want to make a career of it, IT jobs will never run out for you. It'll give you more energy too to do your side projects than some horrible retail job where you're on your feet dealing with the most entitled wannabe tyrants. The pic you used is no joke, I used to work at a movie theater and it drained the life out of me. It's not the allure of beer and shitty foods, but the abject frustration and exhaustion around it.

You can still take any philosophy, literature or history that interests you and maybe do a double major. Even if it takes a few extra semesters, you'll want a machete when you're in the jungle.

t. 25 and no marketable skills

>> No.16161894

I cannot talk for the other anons but in my country university is kicking you fast if you don't pass the exams after the 2nd or 3rd try and unless you don't take a social-science-humanities subject like STEM, business, law, etc., you will have to invest time and energy to pass the exams.20-50% are being filtered out in engineering for example.
From my high-school class about 30-60% of the guys dropped out at least once.
Me too, so I chose a social science where you effectively cannot fail unless you deliver a plagiate.

>> No.16162358


Don't do it anon. Your family loves you. Do anything except suicide, I know it feels like there are no options or ways out right now but there are. In the future you won't be able to relate to how you are feeling now. I know because I was there once. What helped for me was therapy and shamelessly hitting up everyone I knew.

>> No.16162541

Are you sure you're doing it correctly? Have you read Suicide and Attempted Suicide by Geo Stone? I recommend it, you can find it on liben

>> No.16162546

I'm quite looking forward to it, honestly. Sweet release from all of this nonsense.

>> No.16162552

> /lit still hasn't learnt to accept themselves

>> No.16162555

Came here to post this. Dont pay your loans its all bullshit and the worst they’ll do is all you all the time

>> No.16162561

same altho do have bachelors in engineering but like 50k debt. i just dont wanna work it sounds lame to be honest

>> No.16162566

>the worst they’ll do is all you all the time

>> No.16162572

Sorry im half paying attention Im watching a movie, worst they’ll do is call you all the time is what I meant

>> No.16162580

pissing you off

>> No.16162595

i agree somewhat altho they can and will garnish your wages altho if you arent making wages they cant garnish nothing. eventually, maybe, they will give you some sort of deal to pay it off for cheap if they really think they're never gonna see a penny of it unless they do

>> No.16162599

anon nobody that has been in a university is pissed off by a guy with a phd. everyone here that knows what its like feels more bad for him than OP

>> No.16162603

They cant garnish SSI and if you qualify for SSDI you can file for permanent disability discharge anyways.

>> No.16162611

If you file for bankruptcy it instantly halts all garnishment action.

>> No.16162635

Personally garnished wages dont mean much to me since I think ill be fine living with low money since besides books I dont really buy anything I dont need. Eventually they take the hint like you said and either cut the bill in half or keep lowering your payments which is all that matters, they can fuck themselves and their fake ass debt

>> No.16162650

this is for federal only? do these apply to private as well?

>> No.16162666

indeed monsieur, im glad the loans-are-effectively-free-money-depending-on-your-lifestyle pill is catching on

>> No.16162707

>got a certificate for a skill like the boomers told me to
>All entry level jobs in the field require a minimum of two years of experience and extensive knowledge
>All the unpaid internships want a bachelors degree as a minimum requirement
Can boomers please just retire already. I'm literally offering to work for free to gain experience and I still can't get a position. I was at the top of my class and was told constantly that it'd be easy to find a job after I finished

>> No.16162720

which mental illness should i fake to get disability. first dubs chooses or best non-dubs if not enough replies

>> No.16162736

I think it’s going to be an increasingly normal thing as the post 9/11 generation increasingly enters adulthood. There’s a lot more uncertainty about the worth of post secondary education, along with a simultaneous distaste for the kind of lifestyles that more blue collar type work entails. There’s going to be a lot of kids stuck in the middle, and with wages and housing prices the way they are, I’m thinking it’s going to be increasingly more common for 20 somethings to just turtle up in their parent’s house and coast by.

There’s also a new emerging class of attractive people creating a social media industry based on their looks and social capital. This has always existed to some extent, but with platforms more accessible and democratized than ever, it’s going to get bigger and bigger with every year.

Not to sound like a reactionary, but that rat utopia experiment scares me more with every day that passes.

>> No.16162814

They seem to diagnose autism or aspergers very easily, it kind of is a bullshit diagnosis too.

>> No.16162838

You got that damn right Satan. Although I understand its not for everyone and we’re just lucky/smart enough to not live like consoomers. This pill is damn near impossible to give others

>> No.16162851

was this one of 4chans word filters? which word was it? i havent seen it before

>> No.16162862

It didn't take much for me to be diagnosed with clinical depression, so if your state awards disability for that, it probably wouldn't be hard

>> No.16162864

Anyone else a 20something about to enter academia and dreading it because they are a social conservative

>> No.16162905
File: 2.89 MB, 480x360, 1594998258053.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>laugh at the losers in these type of threads when I was younger
>years later I'm them

>> No.16162940
File: 50 KB, 529x697, 1591738447281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol americans are so fucked

I can't imagine being tens of thousands of dollars in debt because of school lmfao. I mean my life sucks but jesus christ you will spend years escaping that and most of you are saying you cant even get good jobs.

>> No.16162941

Im just saying that because of the based 666 my fren

>> No.16162955

Thats why a lot of people either take the NEET path or get the fuck out of here this place is a dead end in a lot of aspects

>> No.16162962

School is a massive scam in America right now. With covid cancelling many in person classes, you're not even getting the "college experience" that people typically pay for. Everyone is going 50-200k in debt for a degree that doesn't even guarantee a job anymore. The education bubble is definitely about to burst

>> No.16162993

t. midwit that doesn't cheat the system
I maximized my loans on purpose and never have and never will pay a cent back.

>> No.16162994

44, never made more than minimum wage. BA, MA English Lit (highest grades, elite university), many NEET years in my shameful youth, many years temping in banks, data entry; now an English teacher living in an Italian monastery, I drink and play old computer games and read when I can be bothered, owe the bank 10k, student loans a few grand, more to friends, no prospect of ever earning more than rent + booze costs but the monastery is comfy and the job is much better than data entry.

>> No.16163006

Any literature about being unemployed and alone for 10 years? Asking for a friend.

>> No.16163010

Private loans cant be garnished from any SS income so it doesn't matter and besides bankruptcy should discharge them if you're permanently disabled.

>> No.16163018

Depression or autism.

>> No.16163027
File: 224 KB, 521x937, 11FDB6DB-229E-4A8A-BEDE-3C967D73EFB6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me sir, its for you.

>> No.16163028

Academia is more conservative than the memes make you think. Probably about 25% conservative which is good and higher than the demographic of conservative students.

>> No.16163037

Depression is really fucking easy and any anon here can probably pull it off if they aren’t already depressed. Schizo is another good one because depending how much shit you know and your behavior you’re already a schizo in the eyes of normies anyway. Otherwise go with autism its a classic

>> No.16163042

Become a pornstar and slay bitches for a living.

>> No.16163053

>about to enter academia
Good fucking luck anon

>> No.16163064

who is this? do we kno u? are u a named fag? ultra based. how did u get to the monastery?

>> No.16163071

o shit i didnt even notice, thanks for the check

>> No.16163077

Really just depends on what field you're going into. STEM is probably mostly liberals with a hat rack full of vintage fedoras

>> No.16163078

confederacy of dunces

>> No.16163082

File for bankruptcy immediately if you're unironically being garnished.

>> No.16163109

not that anon but is it seriously that easy? you take a loan, if they try to forcefully take money you just fucking file for bankruptcy and they cant anymore? and the only disadvantage is you cant borrow money anymore, and its harder to find a place to rent? thats it?

>> No.16163115

no one important
old monasteries have a lot of empty rooms, a student of mine asked a monk she knew if I could stay here and he said yeah why not.

>> No.16163126

thats awesome anon, sweet and godspeed

>> No.16163273

pretty much this, except i'm too socially retarded to pass an interview so use "i just dont wanna work it sounds lame to be honest" as cope

>> No.16163300

Yes and protract it as long as possible. If you don't own your own house, it makes more sense to seek public housing than to rent, as it's free in most areas. The limits for individuals is $50k but you can claim a GF that doesn't work without any proof of her existence to increase this threshold. If they send a social worker, tell them you broke up. Public housing is the literal projects so be aware. All things considered, still better than being a rent cuck donating $1000 a month and getting nothing in return.

>> No.16163314

Search your city + public housing or search your county + public housing to see the specific details.

>> No.16163331

Also, for NEETS who need immediate relief right now, you can qualify for food stamps. Search your state + SNAP and most will have an online application that's easier than filing for a job. If you are 23 and older, you qualify as your own person so questions related to household income include only you, NOT your parents. So for many of you, that will all be $0s. You'll get a card in the mail with $200 to spend at the grocery store and it gets reloaded every month. Seems like a small sum but this was big money when I was a NEET and destitute.

>> No.16163335

Was the original anon but yeah this is what I originally heard too you just have to deal with really shitty housing in exchange for not paying for a loan that will never be paid off. I have plans to leave the country with a friend though so I dont give a shit

>> No.16163401

No, you can still rent. Most will require a security deposit as collateral in the absence of good credit. I'm just saying you shouldn't period because that's just pissing away $1000 a month.

>> No.16163428

what's worse (in a social sense), living with your parents or not having a job?

>> No.16163434

They make you get fucked in the ass by fat dudes when you start. You have to earn the ladies through being used as one

>> No.16163459

If your academia plan fails, you could always become a patent draftsman if your command of English is sufficient. It's a remunerative, if not dry, way of making a living.

>> No.16163634

Not having a job.

>> No.16163641

the former

>> No.16163728
File: 355 KB, 2000x1351, stampede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait. No matter how fucked a situation you're in things can always get better. At least wait. Don't end it like this. There is much more to life than you can see right now. You'll be happy someday, but only if you are alive.

>> No.16163755

If you want to die thats fine but dont be such a fucking pussy, go out in a bang or doing something cool or good not being a bitch and making your parents live with that you ungrateful fuck

>> No.16163762

I daydream about dying so I won't have to wage slave for the next 35 years. Desiring death is a good way to overcome one's fear of it.

>> No.16163775

Most suicide methods have a high chance of failure. You need redundancy. Set up your own Final Destination scenario.

>> No.16163808

It's been over 2 years since I graduated and I still couldn't find an engineering job, with corona-virus, and my lack of experience I'm just about ready to give up on everything I wanted to do before.
Unfortunately I just got a job, but it sucks complete ass, it's way more work than it's worth, way way way more work. Plus it's still not in my field and it's only been 2 months so it would be a waste to even mention it on my resume.

I'm stuck in a third world country because it's where my family is so I'm stuck at third world wages which even at what should be a decent starting salary is below line in the US. If I was back there, right now at least, I'd be making almost 4 times as much money doing nothing on unemployment than I make in a month of work here.

>> No.16163837

What country? Also, America is rapidly turning into a third world nation so don't be too jealous.

>> No.16163932


>> No.16163992

24, virgin, work 12 hours a day for a high ranking minister in my country for a cucked government

no debt though so that's ok