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16158754 No.16158754 [Reply] [Original]

Is he worth reading?

>> No.16158763

>Everything is terrible SCREW YOU DAD


>> No.16158888

A mediocrity shallower than a virgin's pussy. His books attained a rare purity of unoriginality; not a single thought in them is his, which is probably his only redeeming quality given how shit they are. Style is shit. The only readable passages are when he quotes -- and he quoted only what the doxa of 70s Paris quoted. Useless in the worst sense of the word, a disgusting excuse of a man, from his fascist debut in dracula land to the poseur business in Paris. Makes for a great chimney fire if you have.

>> No.16158969

>sad shit philosophy
If philosophy is not optimistic or neutral then it's not worth reading.

>> No.16158981

t. Romanian

>> No.16158983

Yes, he's basically a Schopenhauer expansion pack

>> No.16159195

lmao'ing @ the amout of seethe levels itt

his books are a catharsis if you're a death addict

>> No.16159207

If it does not make me feel good about myself then it is not worth reading.

>> No.16159232

every great piece of art is based on tragedy

>> No.16159320


>> No.16159541


>> No.16159658

he looks like my old math professor, except dumb

>> No.16159785

God Cioran is so hot. I want to smell his manly musk. Imagine those steel-hard asscheeks bearing down on you from above, pungent with rich Romanian sweat. And I bet Cioran would have been too miserable to even wipe, and he would come closer and closer to your awaiting face, but slowly, teasing you. And you'd pretend to protest 'Emil, no! Get your dirty butt away from me! It's gross!' but he'd just smile and say 'Eat my decay, shitboy'

>> No.16159913


>> No.16159970


>> No.16160351

dopamine addicted bugman

>> No.16161076

And I have no idea what everyone who said no is on about

>> No.16161091

If you read one of his books you've read em all. Since they're all relatively short just read A Short History of Decay.

>> No.16161128

Does he talk about pissing in the street? Someone posted a quote from one of the pessimists about the reality of pissing in the street but now I can't find it.

>> No.16161135

you're probably confusing them with the pissimists