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/lit/ - Literature

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16157639 No.16157639 [Reply] [Original]

She is too young to write a book. Zoomers don't realize you need to be 40 years old before you have the proper abilities, and people... this isn't woman hate. Women especially believe that the societal feedback they get is real while they subconsciouslty know it's just because they're women. They fully know they did not earn their accolades. They even devise a mental illness, known as 'imposter syndrome' so that they can dodge the feeling associated with it on an external phenomenon. Do none of them, for one minute, stop and question that maybe the reason they feel imposter syndrome, is because they are actually imposters? I feel bad for women authors. They really think that the attention they get just for being women means they have a special talent.

>> No.16157649

>She is too young to write a book.
boomer cope
life is over once you're 18, just give up

>> No.16157660

fuck off lindsay you are a fucking moron communist

>> No.16157678 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16157686

I knew that when people say nice things about me it's not real, thank you for confirming it anon.

>> No.16157689



>> No.16157701

>Women especially believe that the societal feedback they get is real while they subconsciouslty know it's just because they're women.

This is true, women constantly realize they could have taken a shit in a shoebox and a bunch of men would have clapped and given them a participation trophy, and then they panic that they're nothing but a series of holes. But in those moments of panic they never think of a solution or resolve to reject empty male accolades, they just dive back into the stormy ocean of their own feelings as fast as possible so they don't have to face the pain anymore.

>The female body is a chthonian machine, indifferent to the spirit who inhabits it.

When some woman finally wakes up fully, fully realizing the total hollowness of her relations with men and all the social structures created and participated in by men, and not backing down from the realization but embracing it, it will be the second great awakening in human history. It will be this scene:

and we will enter a new GOLDEN AGE

>> No.16157708

What's the book about?

>> No.16157711 [DELETED] 


>> No.16157713

ah so it’s a book sequel to her movie

>> No.16157718 [DELETED] 


>> No.16157720

Kek old Simpsons were great

>> No.16157725

well still if you are young you have to practice writing if you want to be good in the future

>> No.16157734

Lindsay Ellis' babby here AMA

>> No.16157736

yea that bit was golden

>> No.16157739

Should I off myself, o almighty fœtus?

>> No.16157743

We have daily threads about people claiming if you don't write Infinite Jest when you're 10 years old you're a failure.

>> No.16157744

lindsay carole ellis film critic author lindsay ellis nostalgia chick baby murderer professional sow fetal alcohol syndrome endangers others on road baby killer flabby rat face plain doughy lindsay carole ellis axiom’s end review abortion book review goodreads

>> No.16157749
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>> No.16157752

Women don't actually do things that can be evaluated in any metric, because her womanness permeates the work. Any evaluation, positive or negative, will be related to because she is a woman. There is no opinion you can have about a woman's work that isn't related to holding her up because you simp for women or calling it trash because you hate women. This is why old female authors used to conceal their gender when publishing, the only way a female's "art" can be evaluated by any objective standard is if her unsightly sex is concealed and not connected to the work.

>> No.16157753

did you let the door hit you on your way out?

>> No.16157754
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>> No.16157756

Which is true, btw.

>> No.16157760

how the fuck do you know she had an abortion

>> No.16157761

hell yeah dude, it's cozy down here
no lol

>> No.16157764

hey lindsay i made you an acrostic


>> No.16157768


>> No.16157771

her movie “Fat Bitch With Gunt Punts Runt From Cunt” duh

>> No.16157773

Every time a baby is murdered a bell rings

>> No.16157780

Has anybody read it? I don't trust her faggot simps on /tv/ to give it an honest review.

>> No.16157782
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>> No.16157799

Found on GoodReads
>I was thoroughly underwhelmed by this book. Cora is a protagonist I could just not connect with. Many of her choices made me to want to throw my book across the room. While this is described as similar to arrival Cora is a interpreter who is aided by implant in her brain the translates alien language. This didn't require her to learn anything in particular about their language and the fact that she studies linguistic was a red herring that led no where.

While this book has creative descriptions of what first contact with aliens could be, it fails at making me care about any of the human characters. I was more interested in Ampersand then the human he seeks to communicate through. The important existential questions about what a advanced alien civilization could mean to how humanity was briefly touched on but never explored.

The book was fast paced, and the last one hundred pages kept me wanting more, which is what pushed this from a 2 star to a 3 star read. It's just an OK sci-fi , which is light on the science and failed to have much emotional payoff. The human, alien relationship became deep and meaningful without much to explain why it would head in that direction

>> No.16157812
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>applauded by one of the green Brothers
this must be some good literature

>> No.16157817
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Lindsay is a NYT bestselling author. No amount of cope can change this

>> No.16157818


>> No.16157831

What the fuck does that have to do with her killing her unborn child?

>> No.16157833
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You guys are alright sometimes.

>> No.16157834

>NYT bestselling author
who isn't?

>> No.16157836


>> No.16157842

>"It's as real as any first-contact story I've ever read" - Hank Green

That doesn't sound like a glowing endorsement to me...

>> No.16157866

I am not an author in the first place nigger, but rest assured, if I were, I would have been, just like every other "writer" these days

>> No.16157883

Nice cope

>> No.16157892


>> No.16157898

The biggest reason DFW was a failure, really.

>> No.16157910

>17>>16157831# >>16157834#[1440xlindsay ellis.jpg_
based slut

>> No.16158008

More like Embryo’s End lmao

>> No.16158010

>wrote a sci-fi novel

>> No.16158461

>too young

>> No.16158572

That's a really nice sounding title ngl

>> No.16158595

well when you sacrifice your child to Moloch jews in power will answer the devils call.

>> No.16158850

KEK could you get more equivocal.

>> No.16158893


Those were the years when I hit my head and hit someone’s head.

>> No.16158917

ah the peak of human life

>> No.16159002

This thread encapsulates all that is good and bad about Four Channel.
>mfw Lindsey will never abort your baby
>why even live bros

>> No.16159131

Youth has nothing to do with it, writing corny sci-fi YA bullshit at any age comes from a brain stunted by crass pop culture films and video games. She's a cheesy person with lowbrow, shitty taste. This cannot be fixed easily and in fact most such people scoff at actual literature and bring out dead white male meme etc.

She is a lost cause. Bloom bitched about this for decades but nobody listened.

>> No.16159144

Women have nothing worthwhile to say.

Shut the fuck up and rear children.

>> No.16159239


>> No.16159347

Started reading this yesterday, got about halfway through. Comes off as very amateurish in terms of the writing and characterization, I cant imagine that this would have gotten reviews half as positive if it wasn't for her name attached to it. Does the second half get better or am I wasting my time?

>> No.16159469

Boy I sure do love incel threads!

>> No.16159558

>this isn't woman hate
>Women especially believe that the societal feedback they get is real while they subconsciouslty know it's just because they're women. They fully know they did not earn their accolades. They even devise a mental illness, known as 'imposter syndrome' so that they can dodge the feeling associated with it on an external phenomenon. Do none of them, for one minute, stop and question that maybe the reason they feel imposter syndrome, is because they are actually imposters? I feel bad for women authors. They really think that the attention they get just for being women means they have a special talent.
>I don't hate women

>> No.16159963

Bump because roasties are getting mad


>> No.16159982 [DELETED] 




>> No.16159987

shut up Lindsay you dumpy whore, if your baby was female you’ve enacted far more violence against women than any anon in this thread. go complain to your hog disciples on Twitter now. many anons have a complicated relationship with women where they want the best for them but have been let down and berated by retard women systematically and so are disillusioned about this whole gender relations thing. there is nothing complicated about my feelings for the Abortrix Lindsay Ellis, though. i am blissfully misogynist towards and about her every day. Lindsay, you are basically more like a hog and less like a woman.

>> No.16160063

Always thought she was in her 30s

>> No.16160804

>What the fuck does that have to do with her killing her unborn child?
What does that have to do with her being a successful author? I swear, a good 80% of you are only against abortion because women make you uncomfortable.

>> No.16160956

no one is too young to write a novel, you simply need to have the right connections + victim identity to get published.

>> No.16161018

She wanted to name it Childhoods end but Clarke had already claimed that one

>> No.16161559


>> No.16161598

>you simply need to have the right connections + victim identity to get published
like sorry for himself white guy?

>> No.16161619

/lit/ sure hates to see a cracker winning

>> No.16161642

I cant comprehend wanting to know what a woman has to say about anything

>> No.16161698


>> No.16161704

based redditor executing his code

>> No.16163045

She made a flick about it

>> No.16164554

Just finished this today, legitimately awful. Stale, amateurish prose, paper thin plot and characters and a blatant sequel bait ending that doesn't resolve anything. If Lindsay Ellis wasn't already famous theres no way this would get published

>> No.16164590

I want to rape Lindsay. Smile at the inane garbage spewing from her mouth and cut her off with a hand to the throat. Drive her to the wall and spit in her mouth. Pull up her skirt and push her panties to the side. Thumb her clit and breathe in her ear. Throw her to the ground when the juice starts pouring. Allow her an illusion of escape. 10 seconds. Then I jump her from behind. Grind her face into the concrete. Make use of that cunt. Cum deep inside. Whisper baby names in her ear. Open the door and throw her out. Doesn’t matter where she goes, she knows she’ll always be mine.

>> No.16164618

Glad I read this before paying $37CAD for it. Almost picked it up today but that price tag wasn't worth it. Now I definitely know it's not.

>> No.16164637

I started reading it. I had no idea who she was before I got it, nor do I care who she is. Too many references to shit from back then which even though I lived through I don't fucking understand all of it. Some bad writing in general specially in the first chapter. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, but it's not bad. Just a typical mediocre book. I assume she wrote the book a very long time ago and never updated it to make it contemporary to us or to her

>> No.16164656

Fuuuuuck. I want to slap her in the face until she starts to cry. Bend her over a table, or maybe the back of a couch? Rape a baby into her, but gently carry her listless body to my bed. Care for her, and my unborn child as she slowly balloons.

>> No.16164681

So I take it you didn't read any of it?

>> No.16164779

Moar like 'Embryo's End' LMAO

>> No.16164784

Not a single word. Just saw her face in the op, and I'll be damned if she doesn't have the trappings of a perfect sex-pet written all over her.

>> No.16164788
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>> No.16164797


>> No.16164814
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What was the point of having the main character study linguistics if she just gets a translation chip in her brain that does all the work for her?

>> No.16164816

Shame your mother didn't

>> No.16164856

She looks like the Cake Boss did her makeup for that photo.

>> No.16164882

Shut UP Butterfly I swear to God your posts stink like a fucking drunk old lady turd even without your gay trip

>> No.16164890 [DELETED] 

>barren old hag wants other women to kill their own babies too

Damn butterfly you cold

>> No.16164912

Nice cope

>> No.16164915

based redditor executing his code

>> No.16164936

>Lindsay Ellis
Shoot yourself gen x'er.

>> No.16164942

>Muh seed!


>> No.16164950

God damn! I want to shove my cock through those prettied up lips and make her taste the inside of her ass. I want to punch her in the back of her head and fuck her until her mind breaks.

>> No.16164953

There was the Town Car.

Seeing the car briefly stunned her into a stupor; she had not actually expected to see anything there. Why hadn’t she turned the station back to NPR? Why, God, why had she listened to “Fergalicious” instead of the news?

She whirled around, scanning the mostly empty cubicles, half expecting the Town Car guys around any corner to throw a bag over her head and stuff her in their trunk. She considered leaving work altogether before deciding it would reflect poorly on Demi, and she was already on Demi’s shit list. Besides, the Town Car was there, the men were not. They were likely somewhere in the building. Perhaps they were waiting for her to leave. Probably, this was nothing.

Possibly, it wasn’t.

Cora stiffly brushed past the few other people in their cubicles who had decided to work through lunch. By the time she made it to the elevator, half convinced a couple of FBI agents were waiting in ambush at the exit, she decided to go to the cafeteria on the third floor rather than find lunch anywhere half-decent. But when the elevator doors opened, a large brick of a person stood on the other side. His face lit up upon seeing her, and Cora struggled not to wince in return.

“Sabino!” It was Eli Gerrard, one of the only people at Kaiser she knew by name. Eli was not a temp but a college graduate who worked in IT. “You okay?”

“Um,” she managed. The door began to close, but Eli smashed the Door Open button, smiling like he’d done her a big favor as the door bounced back open. He fancied himself part of the hacktivist crowd, and, like most of his peers, he adored Nils Ortega.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

She wasn’t sure whether Eli was the best person she could have bumped into or the worst. She grimaced, conscious of how suspicious she looked, and moved inside the elevator. “Well…”

His eyes lit up as the doors closed behind her. “Is it something to do with your abortion you baby-killing cunt?”

>> No.16164968

Just about the level of discussion I'd expect from 4chan: none. Instead, just hollow meme spouting.

>> No.16165006

>meme spouting
Where!? Mongol cast-offs were made by and for rape.

>> No.16165012

ok yeah let’s have a book discussion on a flabby whore’s first book that is by all accounts middle-of-the-road. go make a good thread if you want discussion you dumb faggot tourist. go say something of value you stinky reddit cunt, i dare you. participate in a better thread or fuck off

btw abortion is murder

>> No.16165018


>> No.16165055
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Are you a woman? I'll put a baby in you too.

>> No.16165075

>reading scifi written by roastie
Your first mistake

>> No.16165131

i thought she was 26 when i wrote this thread. this is even sadder that shes 35, postwall, childless, and her books that mediocre. That screams desperation.

The only way I would respect her is if she published it secretly on a pseudonym. Only then she would know if she is a good writer or not.

I have been thinking of your remark about women being a chtonian machine all day. very interesting because it means women must on some level all hate themselves and know they are living within an illusion.

>> No.16165141

It's never a good time for midwits to write books.

>> No.16165143
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you people who don't post any excerpts are the worst, here form your opinions on this

>> No.16165173

that is an entire page dedicated to what can be put in one sentence.

>> No.16165217

>it means women must on some level all hate themselves and know they are living within an illusion
As a female anon I can confirm this is the case for myself.

>> No.16165295

>As a female anon
Thanks (no thanks) for outing yourself. Why does my brain force me to cherish and protect women, when my base self wants to beat and rape? I can't even see this whore, and have no evidence she is even a woman, but still I stand ready to defend (her), off this post alone! God send me a hooker and take this cum off my brain! Blood. Sex. Violence. AAAAAHGHHH

>> No.16165303

I'm glad I'm not male, seems like a disease.

>> No.16165320

I felt the urge to protect them as well. But there is a 75 % chance that they are actually a tranny.

>> No.16165327

And you only exist because it has spread unchecked across the earth. Show me a tit, a leg, a cheek. I will commit genocide just to smell you. How does it feel to be earth's most precious resource?

>> No.16165341

>And she was already late for work.
One sentence paragraphs make me cringe when not done properly. This is the case.
Yes, they're not easy, but that's why you should reconsider using them. A fucking paragraph to tell me she was late for work? fuck this.

>> No.16165352
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I actually only bought it for the cover art. Yes I am a brainlet.

>> No.16165374

Imagine having sloppy sex with her--the porcine grunts, the unkempt pubic hair, the pallid rolls of flesh, the smell...

>> No.16165390

Her baby boy would have been proud of her.

>> No.16165393

fuck, it was meant to reply to >>16165143

>> No.16165394

Its just dull. She isn't doing a good job of evoking the motion of the car or the characters' movements so there's no energy in the scene. The part with the onomatopoeia reads like Sneed Wendig.

>> No.16165407

Who was the female author who sent feet pics on reddit? Has anyone read her book?

>> No.16165422

>unnecessary em dash
Piss off rookie. I am the coomer-king of this sandcastle.

>> No.16165557

I'm against abortion, because the children not baptised in water couldn't be saved, anon.

>> No.16165565

Or maybe there's just something inherently disgusting about women who kill their own children. I guess we haven't been conditioned to think it's acceptable.

>> No.16165777

Not uncomfortable enough to actually kill them, which is more than she can say for her kid

>> No.16165896

> noooooooooo you can't kill a disgusting half-pajeet baby

honestly, I support euthanasia for a lot of """"people""". Abortion is fine

>> No.16165907


>> No.16165965

Thats fine then, we only oppose abortion for white people

>> No.16166084

I would gladly read book about it. Maybe you should write one anon.

>> No.16166107

This fat bitch is an unironic baby killer and I will personally take a shit in between pages 100 and 101 of every copy of Axiom's End that I find in the bargain bin of my local bookstore.

>> No.16166118

I love this insane idea that being against abortion is necessarily misogynistic. You're killing a human bro, shit is gnarly and I don't care that you've got a gash instead of a proper cock and balls.

>> No.16166154


>> No.16166162

but the baby was going to be half white

>> No.16166230

Only hollow thing here is the fucking graveyard you call a womb, you fucking sow

>> No.16166242

Dilate troon
Worse than anything is mediocrity posing as excellence.

>> No.16166247
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>Prepositional phrase about some grand event contrasted bathetically with main clause about some banal event.

>> No.16166259
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Wait...are you talking about this guy from tgwtg?

>> No.16166267
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>> No.16166309

I dunno dude, she seems to be doing pretty well

>> No.16166331

I don't read books sponsored by Moloch

>> No.16166350

>brand name in first sentence
cringe and millenialpilled

>> No.16166413

is an abortion really this big of a deal it defines someone forever? I thought it's fairly common and acceptable among women like 1 in 3.

>> No.16166493

Half white=non white, besides mutts are usually the worst, lack of identity makes them unhinged (see hapas)

>> No.16167217

It depends. If you're someone who believes that human beings shouldn't be murdered, then yes, it defines someone forever.

>> No.16167571

My favorite part was when Captain America cast fetus deletus on Princess Belle and they all lived happily ever after in polyamory with a mulatto

>> No.16167802

that is some mental gymnastics, like saying condom is murder

inside she is in a living hell like all women her age childless. esp since her book is not too good. look at that excerpt above

>> No.16167825

How can we get the scientific and philosophical community to report on this post? This anon has singlehandedly solved the abortion debate! It's obviously not murder to crunch up a baby that is living and breathing and kicking and moving around because a baby grew from a sperm so every time you are jacking off you are killing millions of babies which is absurd because I love to blow loads therefore babies don't exist!

This also conveniently solves the murder and genocide problem, because a baby is grown from a sperm, which is meaningless, therefore it is meaningless, and a human adult is grown from a baby (meaningless oversized sperm) therefore it is also meaningless.

Using this information I have plugged this into my reddit utilitarian calculatron and discovered that the mathematically most efficient way to end the abortion debate is to abort all abortionists. They are a minority, so their removal will make the majority of anti-abortion people happier. I fucking love science.

>> No.16167854

Do you people not realize that a zygote is a totally different organism than Eggs or Sperm cells?

>> No.16167856

b-but something she did like 10 years ago!

>> No.16167861

get outta here roastoid

>> No.16167898

>woman boringly has car trouble

very compelling. t.b.h. it's not as bad as I thought it would be.

>> No.16167918

I don't think they teach it in highschool biology anymore because they're mostly a bunch of pro-choice ideologues.

>> No.16167956
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if abortion is murder instead 99 % of women do not regret it. When people commit murder they are messed up for life. See this article.

>> No.16167979

>abortion is not murder because when you tell murderers they didn’t murder they feel okay about it so how is it muder when it’s okay and they’re empowered because the tv said said that thing what it was not murder and women’s rights :3
teach me how to craft an argument, anon

>> No.16167999

I think I saw that study before. They asked women immediately after they had an abortion whether they regretted it, and of course they didn't. The realization and consequent guilt takes time to sink in, but of course the purpose of the study isn't to find out how women actually feel about their abortion in the long term, but to convince idiots like you that abortion is perfectly acceptable. It's not science, it's rhetoric but even if that wasn't the case what difference would it make? Murder is wrong independently of whether the murderer feels bad about it. It doesn't matter how women feel about their abortions.

>> No.16168016

Lindsey Ellis and the Curse of the Haunted Vagina

>> No.16168084


>> No.16168289

>Men especially believe that the societal feedback they get is real while they subconsciouslty know it's just because they're men. They fully know they did not earn their accolades. They even devise a mental illness, known as 'imposter syndrome' so that they can dodge the feeling associated with it on an external phenomenon. Do none of them, for one minute, stop and question that maybe the reason they feel imposter syndrome, is because they are actually imposters? I feel bad for men authors. They really think that the attention they get just for being men means they have a special talent.

>> No.16168311

You stupid retard.

>> No.16168312

>people tell the truth about their psyche
braindead post

>> No.16168313

Only for retards.

>> No.16168368

>Asians especially believe that the societal feedback they get is real while they subconsciouslty know it's just because they're asian. They fully know they did not earn their accolades. They even devise a mental illness, known as 'imposter syndrome' so that they can dodge the feeling associated with it on an external phenomenon. Do none of them, for one minute, stop and question that maybe the reason they feel imposter syndrome, is because they are actually imposters? I feel bad for asian authors. They really think that the attention they get just for being asian means they have a special talent.

best pasta

>> No.16168554

>this isn't woman hate.
starts and endless rant about how all women think and feel. not a single word about the book. kinda seems like woman hate, bruh.

>> No.16168562

I bet I would find a lot of Reddit in your browser history. Why did you faggots come here?

>> No.16168569

No one here's actually going to read some Channel Autism YouTube bitch's book.

>> No.16168587

>does killing your unborn child define you forever
Miss me with that haunted pussy

>> No.16168642
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Their animus is more than happy to make them become competitive and push into the job market. As far as their psyche is concerned climbing up the social hierarchy mean you will end up with a god-tier husband. Which is obviously bullshit because animus possession is probably the most unattractive thing a female can manifest. It screams that you have been raped my dad, come from a war zone or grew up in a society full of participation trophy cucks. Later is what happens in the west. The female psyche only grows by making babies, being a household woman etc.. Our girls are all stuck in adolescence with an raging animus determined to destroy this hell world that cucks have created. Just look at OPS pick. Her stare is the pure animus in a woman look. Whore make up for the chance an alpha magically appears somewhere. Perfection

>> No.16168669

>I don’t understand why the genre fiction written by a member of channel awesome isn’t being seriously discussed
When a stream of consciousness novel written by Enraged Enrique gets an in depth discussion on /lit/ then you can complain.

>> No.16168825

but it literally doesnt work other way around

>> No.16168868

you realize there's one million abortions a year. you people have isis beliefs. you think women are mass murderers? you want to overturn roe v wade?

>> No.16168892

>you want to overturn roe v wade?
i want to repeal the 19th amendment

>> No.16168906

Is this Murakami?
>I put on some [nigger] jazz, wearing my [brand] sunglasses, and made some noodles.

>> No.16168914

Only if they have multiple abortions, if they have one they are just regular murderers

>> No.16168929

>you want to overturn roe v wade?
Do you think the founding fathers meant to enshrine the right to an abortion in an amendment protecting privacy? I don't want to just repeal Roe v Wade, I want to burn the entire constitution and make something better because leftists have essentially destroyed this country by turning the supreme court into a legislator. The government is broken.

>> No.16168943

>you people have isis beliefs.
Is there something wrong with being Muslim? Okay racist.

>> No.16168970
File: 308 KB, 1000x750, 1593563584440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still dont get why faggots like you come here

>> No.16168991
File: 503 KB, 498x588, 1597445362674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reads like a toyota ad written by a 4th grader also
no forgiveness
i also dont know how every sentence can be a tangent and necessary at the same time. i think that just means the whole book is worthless. women should give up the pen and learn how to make some good ass lasagna

>> No.16169498

I think that I have too much empathy for women because we men want to fuck everything. When they do if they get pregnant, I have empathy for their situation. I don't think it is murder though, it has its own word. I can't bring myself to call hundreds of millions of women murderers.

A murderer is the worst thing there is. I'm actually curious if there is a god how they would see this subject, but sadly we know there is no god.

>> No.16169521

they don't think, they just parrot what everyone else is parroting on some online imageboard. the actual "npcs".

>> No.16169534

Stop thinking with your genitals.

>> No.16169612

>I can't bring myself to call hundreds of millions of women murderers.
lmao, reality is so fucked you go into denial. I get it, though. The fact it has its own word means jackshit. Abortion is the murder of an unborn child the same way regicide is the murder of a king.

>> No.16169616

No. I love abortion. It’s great. I have an abortion fetish though.

>> No.16169694
File: 74 KB, 828x579, (((FUCK_THEY))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't respect murderers

>> No.16169890
File: 102 KB, 750x1021, cryingisnotanemergency.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At 18 you are either destined for success, join the real world or end up here.

>> No.16170129


>> No.16170131
File: 3.53 MB, 2272x2672, 1589993899660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you think women are mass murderers? you want to overturn roe v wade?

Women want to overturn Roe v Wade, they just don't know they want it.

>> No.16170143

>I'm actually curious if there is a god how they would see this subject

Read the Old Testament. He was pretty clear how he felt about Canaanites and Babylonian fags killing their children every five seconds. You're supposed to smite the people who do that.

That's practically the first thing God ever said. "Go kill baby murderers and smash the false idols that tell them to murder babies."