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16155964 No.16155964[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>poor people good
>rich people bad
W-woah...Bravo...Bravo, Marx. Bravo.

>> No.16155971

Wow u are really smart

>> No.16155975
File: 28 KB, 416x295, 1597543189205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hhhmmmmmmmrrhmmmmmmmmmmpfffffff fugggg.... fugg....... ugrghhh hmm rmmmm fugg FUGG FUGGG HRM HRM RM

>> No.16155980


>> No.16156013


>> No.16156015


>> No.16156101



>> No.16156113


>> No.16156122

desu i dont like poor people by virtue of them being poor.

>> No.16156153

Zizek took this position in while responding to some crazy libs
Poverty don't create noblemen that's why it's a curse

>> No.16156434

Incredible and thoughtful analysis of Marxian theory

>> No.16156464


>> No.16156466

This but unironically.

>> No.16156490

The nobility are nobility because they expressed some novel virtue.
The novelty of that virtue wanes pretty quickly, but the poor never had it in the first place.

>> No.16156491


>> No.16156533

which is bullshit

>> No.16156562
File: 71 KB, 1300x957, woman with tp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood why Marx thought that once the proletariat had the means of production, that everything would be hunky dory. What made him think that there were not power hungry assholes within the proletariat that will immediately subvert the cause to satisfy their own ends?

>> No.16156571

>What made him think that there were not power hungry assholes within the proletariat that will immediately subvert the cause to satisfy their own ends?

fucking this

>> No.16156650

Marxism has destroyed America

>> No.16156678

i dont think you can make that radical change within a year.
even then a change would divide people . with this segregation comes a rebel group ready to take it down or in this case protest against this change

>> No.16156686

America is the furthest away from Marxism, imbecile. A first world country that can't even give its people free healthcare and college is somehow Marxist. Embarrassing. Retards like you need to be shot dead.

>> No.16156746
File: 57 KB, 644x800, soyrage.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America is the furthest away from Marxism, imbecile. A first world country that can't even give its people free healthcare and college is somehow Marxist. Embarrassing. Retards like you need to be shot dead.

>> No.16156768

Because it’s a materialistic ideology based off of Christian eschatology. Utopia occurs after the messianic figure(s) reshapes the world in their own image.

>> No.16156784

A glass of water only needs a tiny amount of feces to make it undrinkable.

>> No.16156791



>> No.16156802

>Utopia occurs after the messianic figure(s) reshapes the world in their own image.
so the Church was supposed to be a Utopia in Jesus's image? The followers will bastardize and blaspheme the Messiah's message.

>> No.16156803

the fact that he was a NEET living completely seperated from reality. He just ASOOOOOOOOMED he knew what he was talking about, and had no real experience with working class people. It's not any different that ivory tower liberals living in 99% white towns who have maybe once interacted with a single black person in college thinking blacks are being oppressed by police just for fun. They have absolutely no experience with the people they pretend to support and have no clue what they think about in their daily lives. Truth is, it's not much. And they're certainly not thinking about the greater good.

>> No.16156805

I specified eschatology you dumb fuck.

>> No.16157349


>> No.16157717

>power hungry assholes
Don't assume evil when stupidity fit, but yeah fuck those guys.

>> No.16157774


>> No.16157792
File: 120 KB, 408x450, A99C393C-7505-4245-99E5-5A7D79416B76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit dude you’re coping so hard.

>> No.16157814

Marx was so against getting a job he let his own child die from the conditions he forced it to live in.
His own wife begged him to be a man and provide for his family, but instead he chose to leech off Engels in exchange for Engels getting to fuck his wife.
Marxism is Cuckoldry.

>> No.16158111

American education

>> No.16158114

He did.

>> No.16158150

There's no morality involved in dialectical materialism. Read theory. And remember to read Hegel before proceeding to Marx.

>> No.16158600

He's right, though. Engels pleaded with Marx to work in a factory at least, but Marx refused to work after he ended his journalism. The impoverished conditions he was then lead to live in because of this caused the death of 4 of his children.

>> No.16158611

Read Marx, brainlet.

>> No.16158682

Reminder that people aren't stupid because they're poor. They are poor because they're stupid.

>> No.16158686
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, laughing kardashians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16158785

It is the job of a civilized infrastructure to make the water drinkable. Oops, public infrastructure is socialist.

>> No.16158786

>multiple marx shitposts for weeks
what is going on?

>> No.16158813

anon it has been like this for years

>> No.16158818

Mockery is an excellent way of letting everyone know you have no way of responding to the other person's point.

>> No.16158821

dont get me wrong there have been marx shitposts forever, but it seems like there is multiple every single day for a while now

>> No.16158826

probably just one anon.

>> No.16158829

Who said anything about the poor?

>> No.16158877

marxists exist on this board. they take themselves and their deluded, nonsensical ideas 100% seriously. Meanwhile in respectable academia among serious people marxism is an actual joke. triggering marxists is fun.

>> No.16158885

>marxism = government does stuff
the post.
completely embarrassing. what the hell are you even doing on /lit/?

>> No.16158926
File: 90 KB, 899x590, 9909003f14be01f037bf2c147baaedb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile in respectable academia among serious people marxism is an actual joke
Marx is taken very very seriously in academia and all over the world. The only reason why he may not be approached in american economics courses is because conservative/right libertarian garbage which has been destroying the country hold hegemony there. You are just ignorant and coked up on propaganda.

>> No.16158937

I never said government does stuff is Marxist just that it is ludicrous to say that a country's problems is from Marxism when it can't do measely things for its people like free healthcare and college.

>> No.16158979

You're wrong. Its Jewish eschatology viewed through a dialectical perspective. the Jews think their messiah will come and end history by making the Jewisj people an earthly kingdom that will reign over the entire world forever. Theres nothing Christian about it

>> No.16159001

Chapo tranny house refugees flooded here

>> No.16159008

>multi trillion dollar programs

>> No.16159025

Yes and for a worse outcome. Every other country with strong public programs pays less and is more efficient. The US doesn't follow them just so private enterprises can suck you dry.

>> No.16159042

So you're a basic social democrat sucking off Marx for some reason. Are you voting Biden?

>> No.16159049

>it can't do measely things for its people like free healthcare and college.
Survival of the fittest. Free healthcare is objectively harmful. Most plebs don’t even need education to work either. Marxism is moralistic garbage pretending not to be

>> No.16159059

>give purposely bad take on Marx so people can swoop and and prove OP wrong
Smart tactic but we are smarter than that

>> No.16159069

nice bait

>> No.16159071

I consider myself right-wing, but i really liked reading the Manifesto, especially his views on capitalism. I don't think abolishing capital is moral or practical, though. I mean, capital is work, but "transformed", right? Just like what you take from the soil after cultivating it. It's rightfully yours.

I wish we could integrate the left's critique of capitalism with a more traditional and religious view of society (i know that's basically fascism. I mean something that could be implemented).

>> No.16159076

I'm not a socdem I was just saying this:

>> No.16159134


This simplistic idea far precedes Marx with plenty of famous stories like Aladdin, Robin Hood, the story of the Buddha, etc...
You can't deny that the persistent popularity of themes extolling the virtues of poverty across the ages speaks to its intuitive nature among the general population
Marx was simply the first to put these old ideas into a truly actionable framework as a seemingly justified response to one of if not the greatest upheavals of human civilization the industrial revolution

>> No.16159138

finally we have achieved class consciousness

>> No.16159330

he btfo'd you

>> No.16159427

Not a justified response since the industrial revolution lead to unimaginable gains in material wealth for every economic class. Read an economics textbook at least.

>> No.16159439


>> No.16159463

yyyeah that's not really what he meant

>> No.16159485
File: 287 KB, 831x1008, 0848E2C0-F363-4A83-9609-E4451A4DC848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poor people bad
>rich people good
Oh my John Galt this is the greatest revelation of all time

>> No.16159538


Anon what are you even talking about
Are you really trying to tell me that Marx was just imagining the massive class disparity and subjugation of the working class because everybody had more stuff?

>> No.16159592

damn those millionaire rappers are geniuses

>> No.16159875

he's right though

>> No.16159929
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 1597039830955s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good people good
>bad people bad

>> No.16160296

lol. that is whole point. people are not good by default! hungry useless people are bad.

>> No.16160316

marx was stupid pederast. it does not matter who owns means of production in the long run, means of production replaced people, and people became useless.

>> No.16160373
File: 158 KB, 1027x1500, Georges_Bataille_vers_1943 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>underclass good
>aristocrats good
>everything in between bad