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16156543 No.16156543 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, I'm currently reading something that is quite dry and I can't imagine it being too many peoples cup of tea, but it's definitely interesting and its Ethic by Aristrotle. Have any of you read it what did you think?

>> No.16157473

I'm reading it too rn

>> No.16157500

You know what else is going to be dry? The minge of every crush you'll ever have when they look at you.

>> No.16157540

Everything by Aristotle is dry. I've only read Organon and Metaphysics by him. Which Ethics are you reading?

>> No.16157551

Not OP but I'm currently reading the Nicomanchiean ethics which I'm sure most normies wouldn't be able to read and probably haven't

>> No.16157565
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It's good, but reading alongside a commentary makes it more enjoyable to read. And read contemporary virtue ethicists like Alasdair MacIntyre and Stanley Hauerwas.

>> No.16157612


Aristotle was right about almost everything. He is difficult to read and even harder to really fully digest, and so I echo the other guy in saying you may benefit from a commentary.

>> No.16157613

Don't flatter yourself too much. It is not taste in a specific art form that creates the "normie", but I digress.

Nicomanchean ethics is more politically focused than Eudemian, right? What did you get until this point?

>> No.16157665

Oh shit, I’m reading the Nichomachean Ethics right now too. I Personally do not find him dry at all. I think it’s because most of what we are taught about ethics is centered around this book. “Work hard, play hard” and the like. That’s why I think anyone reading it find it to be dry because we would see it as common sense. Also, he vacillates between ethics and meta ethics.
Planning on reading The Art of Rhetoric after I’m done with this.

>> No.16158950

Nicomachean Ethics is one of the easiest works of his that I've read. It is dry at places but it was overall entertaining. Organon is a completely different story. It's a much more dry work and I didn't feel enjoyment in many of its segments. The part I enjoyed the most and which was the least dry, if dry at all, was "Topics".

>> No.16158976

Ethics is his simplest and most pleasantly written work, suffering least from constant catalogues and categories and definitions
It's also the only good book on moral philosophy ever written
Judgement comes close but it's ultimately merely the greatest piece of sophistry ever written

>> No.16158990

Aristotle definitely isn’t enjoyable to read as Plato, but I found Ethics to be much easier to understand than something like The Republic because it was drier.

>> No.16158999

>he's reading Ethics so as to not seem normie
Never gonna fucking make it.

>> No.16159010

Aw man i‘m reading plato rn and was hoping aristotle would be just as enjoyable.

>> No.16159014

It's all downhill after Plato.

>> No.16159162

Plato was the aesthetic peak of philosopy though there certainly have been other philosophers that wrote very well after him, the brevity and wit of Plato, a man whom we know to have been almost like Kant in his daily attitudes (DL tells us that people used to say "if you are invited to dine at Plato's, eat beforehand"), remains without competition to this day

>> No.16159174

What makes Aristotle boring compared to Plato?

>> No.16159204

For one, we don't actually have books by Aristotle but rather notes for his lectures
Secondly, he is just much drier, obsessed with definitions and categories (not in the way Socrates pursued definitions. Aristotle just kind of flings shit at you)
Early Aristotle is a little more fun than late Aristotle since you can feel his anger at his philosophical rivals through his notes but the dryness was still there
There is a sort of mathematical precision to his writings that doesn't work out well in terms of readership experience

>> No.16159212

>if you are invited to dine at Plato's, eat beforehand
What? Does this mean what he offered his guests was meager?

>> No.16159273

Yes, Plato lived and ate very simply (and his dinners had a similar character) which is probably part of the reason why he lived for as long as he did despite the occasional enslavement and other such hardships

>> No.16159681

>just kind of flings shit at you
Stopped reading at the low IQ metaphor. Keep them to yourself Amerimutt.

>> No.16159688

I haven't ever seen any normie read stuff like aristrotle like I do.

>> No.16159689

I mean Aristotle sure isn’t boring, but how Plato reads like being in a conversation, Aristotle reads like being in a lecture hall.

>> No.16159690


>> No.16159708

Plato is for gay plebs that also like to read novels aristotle is for chads

>> No.16160173

based retard

>> No.16160185

ty salty platofag. Now back to your fantasy novel

>> No.16160188

You have to go back.

>> No.16160210

after you fictionfag

>> No.16160252
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>have I read plato, you say? Unfortunately, I have and I found this prose to be a bit too juvenile, more for the immature. I much more enjoyed Aristotle's lectures

>> No.16160268
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>plato's prose
Yeah, I'm thinking you're cringe

>> No.16160279
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>> No.16160401

Just started EN yesterday, finished book 1. It's not as dry as I thought it'd be, but some parts are a little plain.
Alright, anon, whatever you say. It's not particularly difficult, whereas the Republic is, relatively speaking.

>> No.16160427

Wow so obscure

>> No.16160510

Don't you have your J.R.R tolkien novel to read up on? While I read Aristrotle?

>> No.16160528

>not reading both tolkien and aristotle

>> No.16160559

>not reading both tolkien
Ah, so I take it you're a platofag

>> No.16160608

rent free

>> No.16160754

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.16160813

>im so upset all i can say is u retard!!
Are you a women perchance? No need to admit to being a platofag anymore, since I can already tell you are by this lack of wit.

>> No.16161230

>im so upset all i can say is u woman!!

>> No.16161253

? There is a whole lot more than in that sentence than saying you were a woman and it was also more than 4 words unlike your unwitty post; furthermore, you already said the same insult "retard' in a different post. At least try to be witty and if you can't see the difference between your post and mine that you replied to, then I'm afraid to say you are lacking cognitive abilities platofag which is of no surprise as you are a platofag kek

>> No.16161269

You are basically a filthy casual until you’ve read all of his biological treatises.

>> No.16161272

>just repeats what an aristrotlechad says
Jesus, do all of you platofags lack any sort of brain or creativity?

>> No.16161293

aristotle was too hard for me. so I stopped after plato

>> No.16161319
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>thats cool op I love the heckin playdough though!

>> No.16161344

Well honestly the biological treatises aren’t hard at all. They’re basically just an animal encyclopedia of the time.

>> No.16161353

Never got why people say Aristotle's stuff is 'dry' as a bad thing. Sure it's lectures/student notes and not his dialogues which were apparently too crappy to copy, doesn't mean it's not enjoyable.

>> No.16161372

It's just platotards getting filtered.