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16149349 No.16149349 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start
>The Next Million Years

>> No.16149356
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>> No.16149456
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>> No.16149693
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pic-related is a great series - it's a slow burn that mixes the existential dread from facing a Lovecraftian monster with the paranoiac fear of spooks from dealing with a clandestine governmental agency.

If you are looking for a quick read, Missile Gap is a hard and fast dose of doomercore scifi combined with cold war era politics.


>> No.16149720

“The Doomsday Machine” by Daniel Ellsberg.
The elites can’t tame the financial industry in order to prevent the global economy from crashing every 10 years. And they want us to trust them with weapons that would kill nearly every human on the planet.

>> No.16149757
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don't read it

>> No.16149800

We Can Build You by PKD
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
My War Gone By, I Miss It So by Anthony Loyd (yes I know I mention it all the time, it's an amazing book)
Watership Down by Richard Adams (for real, seriously cool book)
Storm of Steel by Ernst Jünger
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
Ellison Wonderland; and I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream by Harlan Ellison
The news

>> No.16149878

anything Houellebecq

>> No.16149886

There are certainly powerful institutions that can heavily influence the economy, but global capitalism and finance as it exists today is so decentralized that actually controlling the economy is completely untenable. Nobody is even capable of fully understanding how it all works, or how the pieces of the global economy fit together anymore. Look at how split economists are on any individual issue, and that even with an advanced understanding of economics, one would still have to fully understand accounting practices, SCM and other forms of logistics, as well as the technical aspects of finance (which of course involves programming skills and advanced mathematics), and human psychology to really understand just how out of control the system we live in has become. Even if our elites really could see the bigger picture, their hands are tied because of how international the system is. Shits fucked, I hate my goddamn job for making realize that nobody is at the helm of the ship.

>> No.16149915 [DELETED] 

all of this shit becomes trite cringe once you've spent like a week on the web

>> No.16149922

probably too complicated like anything beyond pretty abstract formalism (the entirety of reality)

>> No.16150836


>> No.16151069

ITT: Underage retards

>> No.16152391

I liked annihilation and Authority, but it isn't really horror.

>> No.16152820

The Moviegoer

>> No.16152838

I have read it and it left me unchanged. His arguments are just reiterations of reddit-tier nihilism coming from a subjective, anhedonic view of life and Ligotti's take on suicide is also contradictory to the rest of his philosophy.

>> No.16153180

Cope harder like Ligotti's suicide argument but that's okay

>> No.16154620

Bumping because I'm a doomer

>> No.16154936

The Tartar Steppe

>> No.16154955

Angustina did the right thing

>> No.16156332

>anonymous complains about a thread he doesn't like: 1,000,000

>> No.16156352

This was not nearly as heavy or as effective as something like No Longer Human or The Elementary Particles. It was just repetitive and superficial, IMO.

>> No.16156967
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Everything Eugene Thacker has written

>> No.16156973
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I mean damn, Thacker so good, bby

>> No.16156992
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Ruda's Abolishing Freedom is a fucking time, too

>> No.16157446

I unironically didn’t really find anything flawed with his arguments other than that I don’t think life is bad. What’s so reddit tier about his thought? It definitely seems cringe when you have to read him reiterate the same two ideas for 200 pages but the idea’s themselves don’t strike me as incorrect. And yes I have read Thomist bloomer bs like Alasdair MacIntyre before you throw that tired heap out as your critique

>> No.16157465 [DELETED] 

The Incel dying sick and alone VS The Chad freezing to death

>> No.16157482

The Incel dying sick and alone VS The Chad freezing to death

>> No.16157779

>slow burn that mixes the existential dread


also, the author looks and talks like a total fag