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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 342 KB, 744x1152, 81tWlJts1rL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16149286 No.16149286 [Reply] [Original]

What was the worst book someone on /lit/ recommended to you?

Pic strongly related.

>> No.16149293

I don't take recommendations from /lit/. I just read and post about shit I read.

>> No.16149299

Why didn’t you like it?

>> No.16149309

you got filtered hard nigger

>> No.16149311
File: 41 KB, 448x685, images (74).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking piece of shit, holy fucking book full of piss

>> No.16149322
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>> No.16149326


>> No.16149472

Why tho? I'm reading it right and it seems to be going great.

>> No.16149607
File: 93 KB, 400x610, b1d8be4d4aaf96f98e457f8aac30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reactionary slave morality trash

>> No.16150079

I read Turn of The Screw and Other Stories by Henry James before I was reading /lit/ but I see it recommended on here and sincerely hope nobody reads that shit ever because some channer memed them into it

>> No.16150185

Lmao typical bootlicker

>> No.16150197

I just bought this. Looking forward to it.

>> No.16150198

tropic of cancer. rambling trash.

>> No.16150205

>he got filtered by a classic

>> No.16150206

C&P. Legitimately terrible book, the characters were over dramatic, the plot contrived, the morals forced, the message nonsensical. What even is the take away? If you're not a sociopath like Napoleon, don't do crime? Genius

>> No.16150359

same here anon, its hilarious and more entertaining than much of the stuff floating around today

>> No.16150365

Lmao there's literally nothing wrong with that book you brainlet. It has been an inspiration for countless writers after it. It's just a comfy collection of short stories for people to read during plague quarantine.

>> No.16150415

>he says while piling on buzzwords

>> No.16150423

Every word I said has a strict definition, they're anything but buzzwords. ISAIF is just a nonfiction version of Lord of the Rings.

>> No.16150432

It’s good but too short to be really interest. Kinda dragged down by the pop culture references too.

>> No.16150442

You just don't like Russian lit it sounds like.

>> No.16150463

>Every word I said has a strict definition

R*tards like you use 'reactionary' as a slur for everything under the Sun.

>> No.16150468

>R*tards like you
Elaborate. I'm not a leftist, nor a commie.

>> No.16150514

>I'm not a leftist

just fully laughing

>> No.16150597

>calls people filtered while shilling zoomer pop philosophy
sad cope

>> No.16151327
File: 25 KB, 320x499, 516Qedw9OOL._SX318_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incredibly mediocre and one dimensional

>> No.16152528

Kill yourself roastie whore

>> No.16152536

I thought the Decameron was great when all the stories where like 3 pages max, then I got to one that was like ten pages and had to drop it, plus you know there's no way youre gonna remember all 100 stories so whats the point.

>> No.16152542

Kindly contract aids

>> No.16152570
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>> No.16152578

damn, you seem more active than usual. for a while there I thought you might finally have found some other corner of the internet to infect but nope

>> No.16152638


>> No.16152653


>> No.16152666

I loved it!
Maybe it wasn't of your taste, man.

>> No.16152697

Basically everything by James Joyce, I can see why he’s heavily studied in literature courses university, but beyond that I certainly don’t find him to be an overly enjoyable or useful writer to read, just an extremely smart one

>> No.16152708

>giving tripfags the attention they crave, instead of filtering them

>> No.16152742


>> No.16152798
File: 12 KB, 55x81, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op obviously has never put the devil in hell

>> No.16152847

East of Eden. I was expecting a better Grapes of Wrath but instead I got an underwhelming story

>> No.16153342

The Iliad. It’s just ancient capeshit

>> No.16153353

I liked Turn of the Screw. Fight me, bitch.

>> No.16153369 [DELETED] 

low iq

>> No.16153397

I was also very underwhelmed by this.

>> No.16153410

But sure he has some devils in his.

>> No.16153427
File: 6 KB, 214x236, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not from /lit/, but I got a book of short stories by a guy here and it was pure shit; extremely shallow and with biblical quotes at the beginning of each story that, sometimes, were misinterpreted. Somehow, this writer is praised and people love the book.

>> No.16153443

name faggot

>> No.16153583

I can't remember his name and the book title is "Complete Works of *his name*". Also, I don't think it was translated to English.

>> No.16153593 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up satan noone wants to read that beaner trash. Cheap ass gas station culture. FUCK YOU

>> No.16153613
File: 121 KB, 319x310, 77B0EFB4-F72B-40CD-8BEC-513E849CBE38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha. Nice

>> No.16153618

Go fuck yourself beanerfly!!!!

>> No.16153640

Not in the mood.
And not hispanic either.
You need to go for a nice long walk.

>> No.16153663 [DELETED] 

You need to take a big shard of glass and seesaw your balls off you fucking nigger!

>> No.16153673

The Book of Disquiet. Just could not get into the style. There are so many mixed metaphors that I’d forget the first half of the sentence by the time I finished the second.

>> No.16153676

The bible

>> No.16153707
File: 409 KB, 1488x2344, 81q2N5pxuML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is boring and gay.

>> No.16153744

Honestly my diary desu its been pretty gay and boring. Ive also got to take a fat shit right now

>> No.16153879

Should go to >>16153443

>> No.16154297
File: 31 KB, 326x499, 51ZS-IpJSIL._SX324_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the first 50 passages and you've read them all

>> No.16154327 [DELETED] 

beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner
beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner
beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner beaner

>> No.16154371

agree it's shit

>> No.16154679

>He got filtered by fucking Dosto
read more please.

>> No.16154775

Haven't read Crime and Punishment but of The Brothers Karamazov, The Idiot, and Notes from Underground, The Idiot was the only one that really left a lasting impression.

>> No.16154810
File: 107 KB, 650x1040, Stoner_2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halfway through this now and I'm not seeing the appeal yet. So far he just rapes his wife. The plot is nonexistent. The style is a very dry, WASP style of writing. Edith is the only interesting character and that's because she is mentally ill. I guess I did enjoy the first couple of chapters where he is getting educated. I was really hoping for some more intellectual masturbation once I heard this book was about a professor. I know he is supposed to fuck a girl later in the book and I hope they have some interesting intellectual conversations. If the rest of the book remains this dry, I can't complain, but I did get meme'd hard.

Also I think Edith is cute when she is horny. I want her to claw at me and tear my clothes off and make me coom deep inside her.

>> No.16154848

I'm wtf-ing a lot at parts of your post admittedly but there are sections later also heavily involving the academic setting which are really good.

>> No.16154921

Quran by a mile

>> No.16154930

>but there are sections later also heavily involving the academic setting which are really good.
Okay cool, I'm excited then. Man, I really wanna pump Edith, I like when she was touching her tits in the mirror completely naked

>> No.16155207

I said he got filtered, not because he didn't like it, but because he didn't understand the message.

>> No.16155267

Probably Naked Lunch. It was fucking awful and I didn't get more than about fifty pages in. Why didn't you like The Decameron, OP?

This is a legit question, faggots.

>> No.16155325


>> No.16156492

I read East of Eden first, liked it very much, and then was completely underwhelmed by Grapes of Wrath. Just felt like Steinbeck sniffing his own farts with the grand narrative.

>> No.16156509

nice bolano digits

>> No.16156544
File: 104 KB, 602x339, 1_mT13M38tqaCJMVNA64hmhA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's in human nature to exploit your common man

>> No.16156995

I feel this with all of fishers books, there are astute, memorable and interesting passages in all of his books but he never gets to fully expressing the totality of what he wants to say in the book as a whole

>> No.16157240

Seems like you hate the fanbase more than the thought.

>> No.16157249

Stoner for me as well. The start was okay, but it turns into a ludicrous melodrama. Should have remained forgotten.

>> No.16157301

Literally half of this 80 page book is just him crying about what a shitty teacher he is and blaming capitalism for this instead of his inability to engage his students.

>> No.16157347
File: 56 KB, 850x400, Marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I can somewhat sympathize with any book which shits on capitalism but Fisher's fanbase is a bunch of gigantic faggots who have never read a rigorous work on political theory in their life.

>> No.16157577


>> No.16157741

Yes im not the only one that hates you now. They all hate you now. Please just die or fucking leave

>> No.16157824

G. K Chestertons the man who was thursday

>> No.16157843

Imagine being this soulless. I can't tell if you're a woman or a nigger.

>> No.16157847

>there's no way youre gonna remember all 100 stories
Imagine not rembering what you read

>> No.16157982

from the /lit/ criticism thing right?
mine was the best book to come out of that place and it's still not great :^)