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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 463 KB, 600x800, Despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16148567 No.16148567 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16148591
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I hate credentialism so much.

>> No.16148718

I want to get really sweaty and slap my balls against that anime girls face

>> No.16148729

i think i'm gay tbqh

>> No.16148730

I'm thinking of seeing a prostitute

>> No.16148758

I think with each passing day I become more of a doomer.

>> No.16148762

Please come back and tell us about it

>> No.16148815

I once saw a bunch of prostitutes while waiting for the taxi. They offered the driver a blowjob. Anyway, seeing them had no effect on me.

>> No.16148842
File: 133 KB, 500x440, Yes+honey+_d4908cf97c649604cb9c1e2571053c06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i stop doomscrolling? help

>> No.16148864
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nice. be happy and proud and look for a nice bf/gf to shoot with

>> No.16148869

I used to think I was gay but then I found out I was bi

>> No.16148874
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>> No.16148902

Tell me if you find a way because im in the same boat as you friend

>> No.16148915

Im heavily considering saying fuck college and just working at whatever jobs I can get that wont make me off myself and get an apartment. All I care about is saving money to leave my country and only career goal I have is being a librarian

>> No.16148954

I was going to tell you to avoid college but you need a degree in librarian science or some shit to be a librarian.

>> No.16148981
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>> No.16148983

Thats my concern as well but I dont know I was thinking I could try and learn library science on my own or take it in the college of the country Im going to. I just feel like college right now is a waste of resources, im majoring in history because working at a museum wouldnt be bad either but college feels like it just drains my life force

>> No.16148995

concepts such as "humans are nothing but play things of the gods", from the greeks makes more sense to me than people acting like they are in control at all times.
The Lightening and the Sun is a good read. It has similar relations, in the tense that the bold exact power of nature (such as lightening or lava) are similar to the bold and exact power laid out by such people as genghis khan. I'm still currently reading it.

>> No.16149025
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>> No.16149080

shut up nigger

>> No.16149085

fuck off tranny that's not for you

>> No.16149099
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>> No.16149111
File: 3.82 MB, 270x270, Rejection.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would rather have a conversation with someone from 200 years ago than someone from today. People seemed more human in the past. What changed us?

>> No.16149118

The world wars

>> No.16149126

Try as I might
I cannot bring to sound
nor sight,
Of the images that reside
inside this cranium
of mine.

>> No.16149156

No. People back then wanted to talk to people 200 years back too. I was reading this book called another study of women, where basically they proclaim that the age of noble ladies is over (and this was set in the 19th century). It's basically a never ending thing. Say after fucking 50 years, degeneracy would have reached such a leel that heroin would become a human right. https://twitter.com/GayLubeOil/status/1293968634373533697

>> No.16149189


More people, more society, lesbian humanity to go round.

>> No.16149201

>Fukn auto correct changed less to lesbian.
>I mean, lesbian humanity sounds pretty nice.

>> No.16149205

im leaving back for school tomorrow, bother was admitted to the hospital last night, was going to tell my mother not to bother inviting me back home if he was still leaving here but my mother tries her best and she didnt need that
writing this in bed now, thankfully brother is still in hospital

>> No.16149215

Why is your brother in hospital

>> No.16149224

he caught the coof?

>> No.16149231

im 110% convinced its psychosomatic, but from what i heard its respiratory issues >>16149224 good guess

>> No.16149232

Read the old man and the sea. Simplicity can be good as long as you find it challenging.

>> No.16149235

I want pussy but my girl left me

>> No.16149237

I didn't do shit all weekend. My job comes back from remote work / furlough in like three weeks. I'm going to have to get scanned by some shit to go inside, then i have to sit there in a mask and try to talk to people all day in a room with windows that don't open. My job is normally ok, it gives me something to do, and covers the rent, but I'm not looking forward to this.

>> No.16149239

All my friends are ossifying into positions they plan to vote in 4 months and I'm just hearing them pontificate on images they saw on screens, events they could just not even know about and be fine.

>> No.16149245

Animeposters should all, every single one of them, be permanently banned from all boards except /a/ and /jp/.

>> No.16149248

Despite the wild volatility in the stock market earlier this year, my brokerage accounts are basically exactly the same give or take a few gees. It's like nothing happened. Heh.

>> No.16149258

your friends sound retarded, but you might also be retarded, its impossible to tell without more information

>> No.16149262

i just came to a footjob vid

>> No.16149266
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Too bad that's never going to happen, so cry your fucking heart out nigger

>> No.16149267

Lol wat? I post here, I'm obviously retarded

>> No.16149268

Even when things happen, nothing really happens. It's all a slow uneventful decline

>> No.16149271

no clue what youre talking about, i post here and im not retarded

>> No.16149272

should we tell him?

>> No.16149273

bad news, anon

>> No.16149306


I'm now going to watch River Of Grass on Criterion Channel because it's only an hour and 15 minutes long, and the 90s are comfy, hope it's good

>> No.16149552

You find what you look for anon

>> No.16149595

You'll never leave this place so get used to it. Just enjoy the ride. Or don't. Doesn't matter, you'll be stuck like the rest of us either way.

>> No.16149653

go jerk off to cartoon dickgirls faggot

>> No.16149746

Nah, that's more your speed you fucking dick loving degenerate. That's why you brought it up.

>> No.16149751

In fact, if I get there in time, i'll make more of these threads with anime just to piss you faggots off.

>> No.16149769

>be massive coward
>fav philosopher is nietzsche
what did i mean by this?

>> No.16149775
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>Turning and turning in the widening gyre
>The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
>Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
>Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
>The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
>The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
>The best lack all conviction, while the worst
>Are full of passionate intensity.

>And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
>Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

>> No.16149778
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Based and anime pilled

>> No.16149931

I think the observation that people aren't reacting to the real world anymore is correct. There is no other way to explain how in a time of such peace and prosperity, certain parts of society are more or less ready to collapse.

>> No.16149943

what a bunch of retards

>> No.16149967

Man, most people who own cats shouldn't be owning cats; they know nothing.

>> No.16149979

What makes you say that?

>> No.16150029

Demons, demens! They can only hear me, they can't find me, they can't kill me. Only I can touch, lick and make sense.

>> No.16150311
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/fit/ is probably the greatest force for good on the internet

>> No.16150469

Why do you read books? I personally hope that it will inspire me enough to gather courage and face the life.

>> No.16150506

Consider chemical or physical castration or shock therapy.

>> No.16150512

i quit going to /pol/ because it was depressing and now i go here and /ck/ instead
it's helped

>> No.16150516


>> No.16150522

Hopefully he dies and it teaches you not to be a presumptive person that would doubt your own brother. Hopefully this pains you your entire life and leads you to realize how bad of a person you fundamentally are. And if you don't, you wind up burning in hell for eternity where these torment your faculty of memory not for a lifetime but an eternity, with every second on agony and your only thoughts being how poorly you treated and doubted him only in thought.

>> No.16150526

Imagine spending your time doing that, you absolute faggot

>> No.16150533

>no u
Go suck some tranny dick, faggot

>> No.16150540

/fit/ is full dyels, just as /lit/ is full of dyers.

>> No.16150550

I wrote 9105 words in my journal today.

>> No.16150556

for every 50 forever dyels and pseuds there is one e/lit/e bodybuilder who would otherwise be video game autist, and that is very good

>> No.16150572

Bulkfags and masturbators aren't a force for good. They're low IQ and take a quantity over quality approach to life. Best way to build muscle is to eat high quality protein like salmon and rib eyes, and take low dose anabolics. This builds real muscle, and doesn't destroy facial aesthetics. Its also healthier than eating literal shit tier sources of protein like whey and chicken. Also, going to a gym is bad advice. You want to build your own gym as gyms are bad environments filled with scum, homosexuals, and women all secreting their diseases through breath and sweat. Not to mention, the women serve as a distraction and incline the mind toward sexual thoughts so any good done by working out will be undone by the horniness that follows. /fit/ is cope, the board. They want to drag other people down with them instead of offering the best advice like me. They even cope when they see better muscles and say not muh natty.

>> No.16150583

ok fraud fag
the /fit/ elite eat high quality foods, lift more than you and look better than you while still natty

>> No.16150593

Cope. It takes years to build even a modest amount of actual muscle. Anabolics speed the process only slightly and still require working out.

>> No.16150601

Painfully low IQ stylometry and non argument.

>> No.16150607

post your physique, prs and team sports contributions

>> No.16150616

160, all muscle (not bulkfag pretend fat cope). 6 feet tall.

Never played team sports aside from when I was a kid and didn't go to high school.

>> No.16150622
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>160, all muscle
>6 feet tall
post your body cookie cutter

>> No.16150639

Why? I'm not an insecure homosexual like you looking for validation.

>> No.16150643

it's generally accepted that it takes 1 year to put on 10 pounds of muscle muscle natty.... if he doesn't bulk low weights like that seems about right with roids.

>> No.16150654

>1 year to put on 10 pounds of muscle muscle natty
maybe if you do starting strength 2 times a week
if I were roiding I would expect to be a lot bigger than 160 at 6 foot

>> No.16150656
File: 329 KB, 1280x960, 1589906762916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to escape cyberspace. It is messing with my mind everyday.
A strange feeling of despair and confusion hits me every time my phone gets a notification, and I automatically check to see if it's something important, but most of the time it's just banal reminders to not miss out on some special event or just a reply from another user to some random comment I left somewhere in the deep ends of social media. Even though I am aware of the shallowness of cyberspace, I can't help but engage in it. Sometimes I can't even figure out where my phone is because the notification bell sounded like it came from anywhere.
Sitting in front of a screen for multiple hours per day feels more exhausting than physically working. I stand up and feel my body losing its weight, as if the floor beneath me is unreal and my brain needs to process my surroundings, like a virtual world that needs to load before you get a sense of orientation. I go to the kitchen not knowing what I'm looking for, then I walk around the apartment just to see if everything is still exactly how it was 6 hours ago, then it's back into cyberspace.
I start to get annoyed by the virtual world so I pick up a book, something digestible that doesn't need a lot of focus. But in the back of my mind I'm always reminded there's something exciting going on in cyberspace that needs my attention. After reading about 10 pages I feel stressed out and decide to just lay in my bed and do nothing, maybe pick up the phone if an opportunity allows that (such as yet another notification).
At the most random and unexpected moments images will appear in front of my eyes. Not real images, but pixels that I recognize from my time in cyberspace. I've been looking for a new laptop lately, browsing 10 different sellers to look for just the right one, reading hundreds of spec sheets. Then when I'm in the real world, fragments of pixilated images pop up suddenly. Things like "16 GB of ram" or "Ryzen CPU" will appear in front of me with no real control over them. When I'm in bed, sleeping or just mindlessly laying down, images of pornography confront me and I get an erection. It bothers me so much to the point where I'll turn on my laptop again and start masturbating, which in turn creates another cycle of porn imagery in my mind.
My memories of the real world start to fade and get replaced by these meaningless images that reflect my time in cyberspace. I don't know why it's so hard to escape it, but one reason might be that I wake up every morning and get started by two inky black screens. Even though they might not be that big in comparison to other furniture in my room, they take up the whole space and control the way I go on about my daily life. Their sheer presence is confronting and provoking, telling me that all it needs is one button click to get hooked. It is hard to ignore their postmodern technical architecture among the ordinary looking wooden furniture.

>> No.16150662

I take low doses and do cycles. I'm not interested in being super ripped.

>> No.16150677

get stared at by two inky black screens*

>> No.16150885

now I've written 12598!

>> No.16150928

Seeing that poor bastard get soccer kicked in the head from behind while he was sitting on the ground last night in Portland has to be one of the top five most violent acts by BLM/Biden voters so far! Man, that was gruesome.

>> No.16150942

Post link. Didn't see it.

>> No.16150948

That anime girl and all other women who use nail polish have stinky toenails.

>> No.16150960

I laughed at this for 10 minutes.

>> No.16150968

There was some article I read from /g/ once about how our software is generally made like garbage and we shouldn't be okay with applications constantly breaking like they do now. Currently, I have a $165 Yamaha Steinberg UR22mkII audio interface for my guitar, and every few minutes it erupts into a horrible crackling sound such that it's useless for any actual task. You can find a thread of people with the same issue on the Yamaha website, and despite releasing a new driver which is supposed to fix it, the issue remains for me. However, the issue seems not to exist on Linux, so perhaps it's another one of the many (many) issues Windows 10 has introduced for programs developed with literally anything else in mind. It doesn't -just work-.

I wonder if the PC experience will ever improve, or if we're stuck with this. There's no good reason for our technology to simply break all the time, it's just something we're all used to.

>> No.16150972
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>> No.16151039

Feels good not to be a fleshcuck. Also, counterfeit meme and poor application. Wouldn't surprise me if you made this and are reposting your own inferior version.

>> No.16151071
File: 70 KB, 400x388, 79B3F573-AEB9-4B94-827B-C43DBE709A5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally had sex with an intelligent qt girl, talked about philosophy in bed
>feels good

>> No.16151093


>> No.16151098

It's the ugly girls who go the dyed hair intentionally bad mullet face full of piercings route because they know just how ugly they are and that their only chance is to signal to others that they're sluts and hope to attract guys who mistake them for alt. What I think many incels misunderstand is just how many young women for whom one night stands leave them feeling miserable but do it anyway because they feel its expected of them. I don't think that changes anything, but it's something to keep in mind.

>> No.16151099

imagine being a fornicators in 2020

>> No.16151110

Thanks for the recommendation it looks interesting. You’re completely right as well and its a lesson im starting to learn funnily enough as soon as Im going into my first 4 year university. Ill give it a shot and see how things turn up.

>> No.16151144
File: 107 KB, 368x531, screen-shot-2016-06-24-at-50808-pmpng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello? I'm dying here. Can someone please take my call? I've been waiting an eternity. The phone just keeps on fucking ringing. Is there anybody there? Can you please just take the fucking call? My patience is running very thin. I'm literally dying here. Can you even see that you have a call waiting? Do you even care? Fucking morons. Have you heard of customer service? I've got some serious problems with this shit. Yes, maybe, I do just want to complain, but the least someone could do is pick up and acknowledge that. I've left thousands of messages. I just want to know that somebody is there. That this isn't some big practical fucking joke. Because, really, all I can do is laugh right now. It's all I got left. Tell your boss that I AM SERIOUSLY DISSATISFIED. Just pass that message on. I am not happy. It's disrespectful. It honestly is. The nerve of you people. I'm considering cancelling the whole service. I'll just pack it all in. I mean, fuck it, why not? Goodbye dickheads. I'm outta here. Does it even make a difference at this point? I don't see that it does. But I will not forget this. Because if I ever get the opportunity - and by some miracle in the future I find your godforsaken HQ - believe you and me, I'm going fucking postal. Semi-automatics. Explosives. The whole nine yards. You guys are going to get it. Until then FUCK YOU CUNTS JUST TAKE MY FUCKING CALL

>> No.16151147

>Feels good not to be a fleshcuck
Didn't Saint Peter say that chastity isn't for everyone?

>> No.16151164

You’re going to get whats coming to you if you’re not trolling. Have fun

>> No.16151190

Whats coming to me?

>> No.16151196

What is he going to get? A human interaction?

>> No.16151201

based God.

>> No.16151269

fuck you too

>> No.16151296

A plump and juicy peen?

>> No.16151299

*elevator music*
Welcome to heaven, all operators are currently unavailable and calls are answered in the order they are received. Remember patience is a virtue.
Welcome to heaven, all operators are currently unavail...

>> No.16151301

A philosophy gf/wife?

>> No.16151523


>> No.16151590

Just make sure you dont simp for her too hard before she fucks you over. Thats all Im saying.

>> No.16151632

Good post

>> No.16151633

Write What's On Your Mind

>> No.16151656 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16151703

frantically grasping for a sense of normalcy that's nowhere to be found.
was it ever there?
i don't know.
will it be?
god i hope.

>> No.16151727

Going to let random.org pick my future.
Religion and what language to learn.

>> No.16151753

I'm a believer in "digital detox." You take time out of the week to get away from your devices. Go to the park and take only a book with you. Don't use your computer the first few hours after waking up or before going to bed, which are important times for the mind's functioning. These times are when your mind is either in a fresh or a highly receptive state, shoving down digital scatterbrained trash during these times is like eating junkfood for breakfast or drinking three cups of coffee before bed.
Despite digital tech deliberately being designed to be addictive (it's called captology) and despite the almost reflexive use of it, the habitual reaching for your phone, the feeling that you can't do without it, you can renegotiate your relationship to technology. Nearly everyone could stand to do a little reflection on how they relate to it. The biggest tell of all is that tech ceos sometimes don't even let their kids use their own products. They should know more than anyone what's going on under the hood.

>> No.16151788

It was in a crystallizing moment when I considered the implication of my involvement in the disaster that was about to unfold. Players were arranged accordingly, each of us ready for the roles we had been assigned. In front of me was a superfluous notebook I would never write in, and in front of them was a stack of printouts. The air was redolent with the smell that described a poorly ventilated room. The man across the table adjusted his glasses while perusing the papers in front of him, then exhaled slowly and audibly with a half plugged nose. Beside him, the woman looked at the printout that likely had my name on it. She looked at one side, then the other, flipping faster than I thought she could be reading anything. The man cleared his throat and looked at me over his glasses.

>> No.16151800

What's On Your Mind

>> No.16151820

i hope you never have anyone in your life terrible enough to make you question what you just wrote

>> No.16151891

Is that why you wrote that essay?

>> No.16151927

How to see beauty?

>> No.16151943

Saw a fly kamikaze into my fly tape.
Its back is turned from this world and sticky now.
Its hands are up and moving- looks like its praying

>> No.16151956

thanks, I initially just wanted to leave it at the first two sentences but I got carried away.
Interestingly I was thinking the same. Whenever I eat something I have this habit to turn something on for entertainment, whether it's yt or some anime. It is somehow impossible for my subconscious to just enjoy the food without the need for entertainment. A few days ago at work I ate my breakfast and I noticed just how peaceful it is without distracting technology in front of me.
A week without technology seems like a huge step to me, but I'll definitely plan my days differently from now on.

>> No.16152016
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Ass > Tits > Face > Feet >Hands

>> No.16152125
File: 31 KB, 367x484, 4CDA32DD-F02E-426A-AF10-9E8CD858A0EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i‘m reading tolstoi‘s confessions to my husband and he falls asleep

>> No.16152167

Take note when something strikes you as beautiful. Don‘t judge or compare, just notice. With time you will see beauty everywhere.

>> No.16152563

Cardi B interviewed Joe Biden today

As I write this here I am nagged by the feeling that it's so ridiculous and retarded that it must be fake, so I should double check that it wasn't a joke video, but I just saw the video and I'm pretty sure it's real. So something that I'm convinced has to be a joke, that I'm embarrassed to even believe because it would demonstrate a lack of critical awareness and healthy incredulity, is actually real at a presidential, world leadership level. Joe Biden talked to the illiterate transvestite crackwhore who sings about getting fucked and sucking cock to a demographic of young teen girls.

The first thing Biden did was show his young teen daughter to the surgically modified degenerate superwhore role model who tells kids that they should be an illiterate retarded streetwalker made of 40% plastic and slathered in makeup instead of being a real human.

How long is this going to go on? The media is a fifth column, they are an entertainment industry that works for international finance. They are traitors and literal enemies. When will this be acknowledged as a war? Not when they cover up rape and murder for years, not when they burn down towns for twitter hashtags? Not when a presidential nominee validates the whole minstrel show by talking politely to one of its most degenerate figures?

How do you fight an enemy that rots you from the inside out, while paralyzing you into a state of ignorance and complacency? The very fact that people can look at Cardi B and all the rest of the minstrel show and think, haha no big deal that's some transgressive shock value pop culture crap that's always been there, means we've lost. Teen girls didn't dress like whores when I went to high school, now they do. Zoomers are reaching a new level of degradation and dehumanization I didn't think was possible, let alone at such a broad level. How do we come back from this? What is even left of "we" to come back?

>> No.16152597

The internet is definitely a monkey trap. If you think about it, everything we do is now tied to the web. People socialize through it, jack off with it, order food, apply for jobs, read the news, check the weather, buy stuff, do their banking, check their emails, find dates on it, everything. This concentration of reinforces makes the web extremely habit forming and it's why it's such a disruptive thing for so many people. And the fact it basically compulsory that you use it now in this culture is pernicious.

>> No.16152606


>> No.16152623

The hilarious thing about it all is that until 2008 when Obama picked him for VP, Biden was a super uptight dude representing the suburbs both literally (muh train to DC) and spiritually. Now as a geriatric, he's reinvented himself as a hip grandpa stuck in the 70s.

>> No.16152632

>Teen girls didn't dress like whores when I went to high school
When did you go to high school? the 50s?

>> No.16152689

>Don't use your computer the first few hours after waking up or before going to bed
That's a good point. The moment you wake up and the first thing you do is go on 4chan or youtube or twitter, you're consigning yourself to spending hours on those sites without realizing it. I have a whole host of things I 'want' to do in my mind which are still left hanging because, well, it's just easier to get swept up in the internet and before you know it all that time is gone. But "swept up" isn't the best word, is it? When you think about it, 4chan and youtube and etc. are pretty boring. A good thread happens once a day if you're lucky, a good video maybe every few hours. The rest is just barely enough to be entertaining. We all know it's shit, but it's just too easy to keep doing, isn't it?

>> No.16152783 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, the feds busted the guys who killed Jam Master Jay in 2002!

>> No.16152826

oh man, I'm watching it now, why does Cardi B talk like she's Puerto Rican, I thought she was supposed to be black?

>> No.16152830

she keeps saying:

>free medicare, free college

sorry, cardi, this isn't bernie you're talking to, biden doesn't support that shit

>> No.16152835
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some places still allowed women to be normal average looking humans well into their teens

it's only the last 10 years that they've normalized being a tart from age 12 onwards. my 13yo sister listens to this

>> No.16153213

I just downloaded Rousseau's Confessions in audiobook, certified comfy af

>> No.16154209

Great post anon, thank you.
>Sitting in front of a screen for multiple hours per day feels more exhausting than physically working.
Every second day I do pull-ups and push ups with a weight jacket for as my workout and it isn't exhausting at all. In fact it is refreshing when I get up from the computer and excersize.

>> No.16154231

burning incense is underrated. I got a lavender one which just makes my home such a beautiful place to spend time in. pure bliss.

>> No.16154249

So kinda remain with feeling without analyzing it too much?

>> No.16154310

Another day, another disappointment. The loans did not come through. Looks like I won't be doing to school another year.

>> No.16154329

Futa cock>>>>>>face>tits>ass>feet>hands

>> No.16154368

sorry anon

>> No.16154494

Face>General Proportions(Not fat/midget/7'ft ft freak>Personality>Tits>Ass>Job/Money

>> No.16154498

Its not your fault, so don't be but thank you.

>> No.16154518 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 1200x785, how_get_every_apple_watch_activity_achievement_badge_1600home_thumb800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone doing the August 2020 Apple Watch achievement? I have 71.6 miles to go.

>> No.16154568

how the fuck did the neolibs elect Biden as the nominee. like what the fuck. I am so disappointed with trump even as a right winger and I just wanted any good president, this is so disappointing and makes me quite anxious for the future of america and the free world

>> No.16154575

Shut your flapping mouth, fats.

>> No.16154581

what. I just cant wait till josh Hawley is president

>> No.16154592

Ok, Jack. Let's see how many pushups you can do then.

>> No.16154744

My work hasn't had any woke webinars for all of August. Wtf is going on? Is the revolution cancelled?

>> No.16154784

we all let the world be unjust

>> No.16154880

>doesnt want an amazon gf

>> No.16154914

preferring ass over tits is spic and nigger culture and that's why it's the new ideal body type for women in america

>> No.16155000

>anon you need to vote for Joe “war crimes with a slice of lime” Biden! Our state hasn’t gone blue since Reagan but you need to vote to stop Trumperino!
Just let it end, I’m begging you.
>tfw it’s almost certainly going to be a contested result
No escape

>> No.16155018
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>> No.16155083

Meaningless unless adjusted for poverty education etc and undiminished for several generations.

>> No.16155230
File: 42 KB, 406x402, juststfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>out-of-context crime statistics
daring today aren't ya?

>> No.16155627

Nothing is on my mind. Just the feeling of dread that I've had for almost a year now. It is strange how the physical feeling of depression can precede the negative thoughts. I will feel this physical heaviness before the feelings of dread. The closest feeling it resembles is grieving.

>> No.16155787

Collapse is mostly long and uneventful. Yes the world is fucked, but it's not going to fall apart next week, or for many decades yet. Just live your life and ignore current events to the extent that you can.

>> No.16155818
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>tfw 21, never had a job, kissless dicklet
It's over brehs...

>> No.16155842


>> No.16155872


>> No.16155892 [DELETED] 

Everyday is his ever he says okay and the every day is his been days does the day been a day because his say is D-Day in Iran says a-okay, ever he be Ms. Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet.

>> No.16155907

I have a very fragile ego. My writing is the only area of my life where I feel a genuine sense of pride, however small. I've sent some of my work to writing groups in the past, and I discovered my stuff inadvertently reveals some embarrassing aspects of my life I'd rather people not know. I've been in therapy for more than a decade and while I have improved, I don't think I can take putting myself out there to get torn to shreds by agents or whatever. If that makes me a bad writer, so be it

>> No.16155912

Give the details here and I'll think of a good defense for you to say in real life.

>> No.16156050


Clown world doesn't even begin to describe things anymore

>> No.16156368

In the vast history of human civilization, mankind hasn't been more than just a footnote in events that we don't understand. Do we really want to know what's laying past us? Or do we prefer the safe, quiet atmosphere of our minds, so great, yet so weak?

>> No.16156386

I don't understand what the Kid from Blood Meridian meant when he told Sproule that what was wrong with him was wrong all throughout him.

>> No.16156786

All of human perception (even abstractions, no matter how complex - even this very post) is (are) derivative of observable things (that is to say, drawn from comparisons and such), and all observable things are themselves derivative, arising from some singular "one." Call this God if you will.

Reason is therefore emergent from things. Perplexingly, this holds both for the noun and the verb. Nature gave itself the means with which to perceive itself (all life possesses this, in varying gradations - this seems to be emergent from self-replication), the highest form of this faculty being the capacity to reason. In giving itself the capacity to reason, it gave itself purpose.

But, a kind of collective solipsism is important to consider here. If the universe cannot perceive itself, does it exist? Quantum states, insofar as they suggest the answer, on any scale, is "no," would seem to indicate there is an omniscience. If that is the case, then things perceiving themselves would seem to be a foregone conclusion, in the sense that they must always have, and that the singular "one" from which everything is derived is itself endowed with this capacity, whatever it is, hence God. More aptly it might be said that perception is baked into reality, whether it is manifest or not.

Then, that we are created in His image is an obvious truth, as we are uniquely endowed with the capacity to reason likewise to the "one," that is required for existence in the first place.

I need to read more philosophy so I can grapple with this idea more properly.

>> No.16156893

I tend to write multiple drafts of my post before I actually delete everything and then just resort to closing the window once I've organized some thoughts that I thought I needed help with. Although it seems like most of these posts in these threads are shitposts or cries for help, I'll just post my personal version of an appreciation for /lit/.
Thanks anons.

>> No.16156903
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>> No.16156916

The DNC was fucking embarrassing.

>> No.16157135
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In some remote corner of the universe, poured out and glittering in innumerable solar systems, there once was a star on which clever animals invented knowledge. That was the highest and most mendacious minute of "world history" — yet only a minute. After nature had drawn a few breaths the star grew cold, and the clever animals had to die. One might invent such a fable and still not have illustrated sufficiently how wretched, how shadowy and flighty, how aimless and arbitrary, the human intellect appears in nature. There have been eternities when it did not exist; and when it is done for again, nothing will have happened.
- Nietzsche

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
- Lovecraft

>> No.16157189

i'm so ugly, no one will ever love me, i'm seriously considering suicide.
my hopes always crash.

>> No.16157481

Yea writing isn’t for cowards

>> No.16157502
File: 536 KB, 1500x1442, x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate life but at least I'm horny. I'm like Tarrare but not hunger just lust.

>> No.16157506

I am way too young to have deep lines around my eyes
how do I fix this

>> No.16157525
File: 8 KB, 236x378, 1B45E7C6-A8CD-4B66-94F2-3252E078E1F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David was born to be a bastard, despite all his efforts to be a good person. God, philosophy, literature, music, science, none could stop the virility that emanated from him. He was big and tall, thick and strong, and a kind of handsome that was less pretty than it was menacing. His smile was cowardly. His politeness and amiability were the source of much ridicule and he didn’t understand why. It wasn’t until his twenty first year that a certain traumatic incident drove him into a kind of madness, and he shaved his head and began scowling at people instead of smiling. Then people started to like him. Boys respected him, girls followed him. Men waved as he walked by, and their wives bit their lips and made frequent turns to see where David was going. Something inside of him wanted what his body wasn’t made for, despite all his efforts for friendship, love, and peace. When he finally recognized himself in the mirror, reflecting on who he really was, he began to burn.

David was born to be a bastard, and there is nothing he can do about it. His mind was too fast to make friends with, and David’s appearance was too hunky for any man to be comfortable bringing their girlfriend around. He literally drove women into heat and was the source of many women’s sexual fantasies. But it must be clear. David is not a pretty person and what it is that makes women obsess over David is something even they are afraid to admit to themselves. David is the kind of person who, when walking around a neighborhood, will be visited by a police officer rung in by a scared neighbor. “Do you live around here?” Police officers ask. A second police officer shows up not too long after the first, in case there is trouble. David never wanted or saw himself as a troubled person until trouble made him troubled. That’s the trouble with David, men want no trouble with him. This makes up the infatuation girls have over him. David remembers a little boy hiding behind a great oak tree during recess and crying into a lunch box. A different life, a different person. What stares back at him in the mirror now is something bane, frightening and wholly other worldly.

>> No.16157539
File: 138 KB, 1543x2142, F1FC5A1B-03B2-4FBF-8133-7EA632B6EAEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were signs of course, but he didn’t know what to make of them back then, he was too young to understand exactly what it was that made the parents of his friends warn them about him, or what they meant when they would say of him that he was a “bad influence” or that he was to be kept away from. It was a joke, it had to be. He tried so pathetically to be “nice”. He didn’t know what to make of the fact that, through his teenage years, all of his sexual experiences were with his friends girlfriends. He tried his best to imagine that the girl with pale skin would go to prom with him. She would not. That she liked his soft piano playing. She did not. His still life drawing of the philosopher praying to God? No. It wasn’t until many years later that he realized that when the Swedish girl with a Spanish name confessed to having a boyfriend it wasn’t to interrupt their intimacy, let alone break off their relationship. He felt so strange thinking about how she had spilled the beans about her soccer playing boyfriend after she had gotten completely naked, and he was collapsed on top of her, and they nose to nose, and her smile qua invitation to become who the bull he was destined to be. None of that made an impression on him. In her embarrassment she rushed to put get dressed and exit his life forever. But he was too young then to know of such things. He waited for her call but she never rang. Many years later he would find out that Hailey still hadn’t lost her virginity.

There’s was something curiously strange about being on the verge of dropping out of school, excelling in nothing, flunking Chemistry and Biology, walking through the halls with nothing but a copy of the Bible, being alone and to himself, yet a gravity in presence, being bigger, scarier, and meaner looking than any army recruitment officer visiting the grounds that day. If only David hadn’t had that obsequious smile and that gay friendliness would he have had the fruits of those later years drop in his lap then. But he wouldn’t have known what to do with them even if they did. David was keen on being a “good friend” and a “nice person”, even while those smaller and weaker made the best attempts at seeming like they had what David had. He didn’t know it yet. It didn’t matter though. The moment David figured it out the gig was up for everybody else. David arrives on his own time and wherever David goes the hands of the clock are his.

>> No.16157541
File: 51 KB, 1543x2142, 39594122-65F7-480C-AFC7-07D5DD51710F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When David is there people fall behind him. Nothing compares. If they have the look, the size, the personality, it still pales in comparison to the menace that comes with David wherever he goes. Now that he’s stopped pretending, now that he has given up and has just begun walking the earth tall, bald and stone faced, there is nothing left of anyone else. Nature has somehow endowed David with the curse of predation that strikes fear in the hearts of those around him. Without father or mother, country or creed, and no place to go and no dreams to chase, David is in it as if everything were already his. Nature somehow knows what will happen and prepares David for what will happen. All that is left for David is David and when it did happen David didn’t stop because at the moment of absolute destruction David becomes all the more powerful.

>> No.16157542
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>> No.16157576

Get a job retard. Experience is everything, or close to. Work will develop your practical skills and personality, not to mention start you on the way to independence. Make yourself somebody a who can provide comfort for a woman, even if that's only emotional security, and they will provide for you, even if it's only pussy. (I don't imagine you're interested in much more atm)

>> No.16157594

damn I look like this but more manly and handsome also I get pussy

>> No.16157606

oh fuck my hairline is receding

>> No.16157640

These Indian tech scammers are retarded

>> No.16157651

Why would I settle for one disrespectful lying cunt, when I can gather loads of obedient straight virgins?

>> No.16157654
File: 243 KB, 680x709, Nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hate going outside.
Every time I sell billboards, adverts, shops, people working, especially early in the morning, it makes me want to go out and mass murder. I am exhausted of feeling like I live in a society where death is ignored, where people go about their lives pretending any of this makes sense at all.

It only happens when I don't sleep tho.

>> No.16157667

I had my doctor fill out a form about my depression, and in the expected duration field he wrote "Possibly for lifetime, but at least for the next year"
That "possibly for lifetime" bit really stings

>> No.16157696

Why? I've been having chronic depression for atleast 20 years.

>> No.16157705

I just want it to end some day, nothing feels real anymore
A month or two ago I thought, "If I'm still like this when I'm 30, I'm going to say screw it and become a monk"
It's not a bad idea, yeah?

>> No.16157729

Why do you think becoming monk would help to deal with it?

>> No.16157737

Women constantly realize they could have taken a shit in a shoebox and a bunch of men would have clapped and given them a participation trophy, and then they panic that they're nothing but a series of holes. But in those moments of panic they never think of a solution or resolve to reject empty male accolades, they just dive back into the stormy ocean of their own feelings as fast as possible so they don't have to face the pain anymore.

>> No.16157738

Have you considered the possibility that you are a genius, and that everyone around you is stupid and is making you depressed? Seriously. All those “I’m right and everyone else is wrong” joke memes are serious NPC propaganda. The idea that one out of many has been backed up time and time again, and that you are gifted person surrounded by idiots who are happy doing things that you find depressing might actually be a sign to follow a higher calling away from society, and not drug yourself so that you can blend in easier

>> No.16157745

Not that anon but I kind of agree with this way of thinking, there's an aggressive "you're not special" attitude common today that reeks of tall poppy syndrome.

>> No.16157746

I think I'm an accelerationist but I don't really know what it means, I just want another civil war to start in the United States because what else could happen next this year. United States confirms the Tic Tac UFO sighting that happened 10 years ago, 5G scare, Coronavirus, stock market died for a few weeks, social distancing, toilet paper shortage, Iran shot down a civilian air liner because their general was assassinated via drone strike.
I saw some of my friends talk about how hating nazi's used to be normal in the world. The more they talked about it, the more I wanted to be a nazi, sort of like how cigarette companies started showing pictures of people with festering cancers in throats and gums saying "smoking is really bad, stop smoking" yet people still go into stores to buy and smoke 2 packs a day.

>> No.16157750

That might seem like an idea but it happens to ridiculously small number of people rather than every guy whos depressed.

>> No.16157757

Women don't actually do things that can be evaluated in any metric, because her womanness permeates the work. Any evaluation, positive or negative, will be related to because she is a woman. There is no opinion you can have about a woman's work that isn't related to holding her up because you simp for women or calling it trash because you hate women. This is why old female authors used to conceal their gender when publishing, the only way a female's "art" can be evaluated by any objective standard is if her unsightly sex is concealed and not connected to the work.

>> No.16157775

Yea, I mean there can’t be any correlation with life getting more depressing and the number of people getting depressed. Like it’s not like we live in the information era where we can learn anything and know about everything with the click of a button. No, depressed people are just depressed, by depression. Uhhhhhh

>> No.16157807

No need for an irony. I'll im saying that if you're depressed you're more likely to be worse off than average rather than be genius.

>> No.16157853

Yea, geniuses were always really happy people who faired well with the people around them.

>> No.16157872

I wanted to call you a massive sperg, but then I read >>16150616 and >>16150639 and realized you were baiting. 7.6492/10, almost fell for it.
>instead of offering the best advice like me

>> No.16157875

I agree wholeheartedly. There are exceptions to this. Ferrante is an exception. I also think that it can be connected and still be a good thing, like Bronte or Dickinson.
Great examples are Greta Gerwig. The scent of pussy juice lingers on every frame.
I also think there are counter exceptions like Joe Rogan. Being a man is so important to his comedy and his podcast.
When I was younger I used to think that aesthetic standards are objective. I used to think beauty is objective, and that there are several principles that are set in stone. Now that I am growing older I am beginning to drift from that stance. I guess I have grown less self critical, but I tend to lose myself in things that only in retrospect I can see as cringe or in bad taste.

>> No.16157904

I'm scared that I've started to fall asleep in my day to day life. The days are blurring together. I remember a happy moment as though it were yesterday and feel shocked when i'm reminded it was a month ago. I don't think as clearly. I catch myself cutting sentences into fragments, mentally enunciating key points. I can't remember the last time I dreamt. When I do the things I used to love to do, I find myself blanking out, missing the passed time and failing at the task.
I want to wake up. I'm scared that I won't wake up because this is just who I am now.

>> No.16157907

Diet and exercise.

>> No.16157924

Most do that. It takes a lot of time. Sad, that there is little to be gained from that.

>> No.16157936

yeah, every genius is like schoppy.

>> No.16157938

I spent most of my day scrolling through shit. When I woke up I ate some of a spanish omelette, had a bunch of coffee, reinstalled a video game. I can't even tell you what movie I watched today, but I do know that I watched one. Days when I'm not working normally are such a relief. I feel alive and healthy. But I didn't go out at all today, except to buy some juul pods. I lost some weight recently and have been feeling pretty good about myself. The transgender woman at the register smiled at me, gave me a lingering look. I lingered looking at her, too, but didn't ask for her number, because I prefer to sleep with people who were born women. I didn't read at all today. I edited a couple of paragraphs in my book. I was having a tough time doing it. The tonality of it was awkward high school one-sided pseudo-romance that leads to rape. I cut several pages of dialogue. I put how I feel into an initial rough draft, which can lead to extremely strong character driven monologues but often creates dialogue that is embarrassing for me to read through and edit. I was working in agony, which produces the best results.
I spent hours upon hours looking for something to watch. I would give up, listen to a podcast, and cook or clean something in the house. It was a temporary solution, because I would inevitably return to the laptop or the tv. I scrolled through netflix and prime video to find something. I put on Drugstore Cowboy and had to turn it off after the first few minutes. I have realized that it is unhealthy how many porn videos I recognize, and have seen before. My head is such a mess from internet and from smoking weed. Maybe I'll pick up my current book and read like 50 pages. I'll feel better tomorrow if I do.

>> No.16157946

Yea Schopenhauer was a genius, that’s why he was such a hit in the universities

>> No.16157970

This is a common feeling among many people. I would socialize more. I would also take the other guys advice and diet and exercise hardcore for just a week and see how it makes you feel. But socializing is important also. I saw a tweet with tons of likes and retweets that was something like "Ihop did the ihob thing two years ago, time isn't real."
Instead of thinking try and pose questions to yourself.
I'll pose some questions to you.
Is this change in temporal experience just that? A temporary thing?
Why do others often feel this way?

It's much different than simply thinking about things. It is much more therapeutic. It is why people pay thousands for a good therapist. They need someone to ask the right questions. So save yourself some money and work really hard on what are the right questions you need to ask yourself right now--for temporary relief and longterm fulfillment.
For me I asked myself what my life would be like without reading. My answer was that I wouldn't have a life at all. I can only imagine a sinkhole with me or something approximating me all the way at the bottom.

>> No.16157995


>> No.16157998
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Aside from a period of ten years or so, Schopenhauer was generally cheerful and sociable.

>> No.16158016

People werent ready for his teachings.

>> No.16158049

You seem confused.

>> No.16158088

Is everything really pre-destined? Was i meant to write this message at this moment?

>> No.16158090

H e l l o ,
R e d d i t

>> No.16158143


>> No.16158147


>> No.16158168

The duality of God

>> No.16158189

You idiot, he's doing you a SOLID so you can apply for Social Security Disability.

If you get SSDI, that's $1000 to $3050 a month, untaxed and you never need to work again. This is chained to inflation and increases in line with consumer price index baskets.

If you have no work history, you'll get $740 a month unless your parents collect social security, then you can get 50% of their aggregate work credits without affecting their payout.

You also get
Free healthcare, zero dollar deductible, unlimited specialist visits. It's better than any private plan.

You can also potentially get
Food stamps. $200 a month
Fuel subsidy for home heating, a few hundred
>property tax reductions

>> No.16158393

It physically hurts to read when Phillip is being used by Mildred in Of Human Bondage.

>> No.16158590

tfw ingrown toe nail

>> No.16158819

If I exhaust my other options, committing my full self to mindfulness may do something other medicines cannot. The Western Buddhist community is filled with all kinds of shams but I am fully convinced meditation can give you deep insight into yourself if done properly. There's plenty of testimonial from normals who encounter truths they aren't ready for which put them out of commission for a while. All of us have something we could learn from an experience like that. Some will say it's no different from hallucinogens, but I've heard exploring through meditation is a much safer and reliable way of doing it, and it can show you things the hallucinogens could not. It's outside of my experience though.
This is worth thinking about, though gifted people are often depressed due to a fault of biology. Around half of the musicians I know that have produced genuinely special music have also suffered from terrible mental illnesses like depression (the real kind), BPD, schizophrenia, and so on. Even the lead singer of Deerhunter says he has absolutely no interest in sex. We can say these kinds of people are gifted since they produce great art, but they're hindered in ways normal people are not, and the idea they're fundamentally better would be misleading - they're mostly just 'different'. Where I want to agree is that a person like this can have genuine insights about the world which are never explored because they differ hard from general views. I would put myself in that group too, but since I haven't explored the ideas, they could just be nonsense, so I'll save myself the embarrassment and keep them hidden.
How often does that work for depression? It can't be too common, not in the states at least.

>> No.16158833

i wrote 5444 words in my journal today!

>> No.16158835

desperately scraping at the limp tubules of my outer brain for something interesting to write to impress perhaps ten or fifteen people who will glance at this for no reason, for no reason.

>> No.16158836


the entirety of the universe is contained in these three posts (mine merely rehashes)

>> No.16158882

>excluded middle

>> No.16158906
File: 238 KB, 1071x1500, 6c90e3dea77aacdbd19d5c80d2b64f8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God gave us free will
And the boy made his choices
This way or that
Yes or no
Paralysed by infinity
Was his excuse
But deluded to the core
And so it went
He twisted himself
into something hideous
Spent his days pushing
pain onto others
I'll feel it this time
thank you
This monkey's gone to heaven
I'll see everybody there

>> No.16158911
File: 28 KB, 312x400, 89d5f7d44dcb8e0b561b311ed97d1b8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


vile boy
Do we live in a deterministic machine
Everything written in stone
Since the dawn of time
... Or do we have free will..
Etching our consciousness into the
Fabric of the universe
From one moment to the next
That is the question
But I am too weak
And too fearful
To believe in such majesty
I choose the easy way
foul boy
soulless and evil
leaves a bad taste on your tongue
This is my nature
This was my destiny from the
Beginning of everything
This is what I tell myself
Everything unfolding from a single point
We cannot perceive time as it truly is
Everything has already happened
Repeating again and again
This is what I tell myself
I have to
Because I have chosen fear over faith
We all have stories we must tell ourselves
And this is mine
Please think of the good times if you can
There were so many
I love you

>> No.16158944
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As a rebuttal, we can talk about depression as a kind of occlusion of the soul, a perceptual disability that blinds one to the warmth and light of existence. The patient huddles in a corner and watches the other people go by. To him they are prodigies, inexplicable, like paper dolls animated by a force he cannot percieve.

There is a psychological malaise that occurs in refugee children in uncertain circumstances. These children have survived starvation and shelling and the camps, but it is the indecision of western bureaucracy that destroys them.

The child becomes silent. They are always exhausted. The lids of the eyes seem to thicken. Eventually movement ceases altogether. They are awake, and aware, but they have given up. They have recognized their total powerlessness, and the powerlessness of their parents. They have learned that their will is worthless. They can be cajoled into eating. In severe cases, a feeding tube may be required.

I envy these children. Their souls are unclouded - they have accepted the truth of the world with their whole being.

>> No.16158961

Yes, this is what I was thinking about when I wrote this. I was reading the synopsis of a Lovecraft book, thinking if I should buy it. I have not read a book of him once in my life, shame on me, just heard about The Necromicon a lot. When classes end in uni, I might buy one of his books to start.

Thank you, Anon. Might you have a happy day.

>> No.16159028
File: 55 KB, 351x354, 1597012392031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people who read all day and spend the rest of their time writing, and they still never get good at it, produce anything of worth or get published. How the fuck am *I* gonna get good at it, starting now? No chance, zero, nada. No hope at all. But good lord I don't want to spend 40 years with STEM shit, I'm not even good at it
But I'm already 23 it's all too late oh God oh God I fucked it all up it's over

>> No.16159035

Theres probably no greater suffering than being mentally different but uncreative. Its like the worst of two worlds.

>> No.16159046

>There are people who read all day and spend the rest of their time writing, and they still never get good at it, produce anything of worth or get published.
I don't think that's true, but many people do lie about working hard

>> No.16159048
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Being a retard who's not good at anything and trapped in the middle class, therefor denied my calling as a ditch digger is a fate worse than death yes

>> No.16159066

>But I'm already 23
You are a tiny baby. If you keep up your faggoty self pity you'll wake up tomorrow and be 33, but just as useless as you are now.

>> No.16159081

self-aware retard? yes

>> No.16159082

You get good at creative stuff by doing it

>> No.16159088

>trapped in the middle class
You have it good.
Kill yourself.

>> No.16159092
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I've gotten sucked down the vtuber rabbit hole lads and I can't get out.

>> No.16159102

In a couple months I will be in my mid 20s. I'm pushing 30 and I don't have anything to show for it
Nobody who ever got good at anything found their calling this late
Look at your bookshelf and a find a guy who started when he was 25

Again, people who do this all day long since childhood still don't get anywhere and I've already lost so much time

I'm materially very comfortable but I will never fulfill my life's purpose of working at the tire factory

>> No.16159113

>people who do this all day long since childhood still don't get anywhere
Nah, they just lie about how much they do it. There is nothing magical about skill. Start writing ten pages a day if you want to be a writer. Take it seriously

>> No.16159114

Trump's going to pardon Susan B. Anthony? What the fuck? He had everyone thinking Assange or the Tiger King. I figured he'd pardon them, and then have them speak at the RNC.

>> No.16159122

That looks interesting. I think I can fit my cock in there. In that gap between the blue velvet sofa and the patterned fabric cotton sofa. I can fuck it. What's perfect is that my iphone 6s fits on the picture shelf which matches my exact eyeline. I can fuck the gap between the sofas while watching porn on my phone. This is the dream. I bet you fuckers are jealous. This is all for me.

>> No.16159136

I'm worse than mediocre because mediocre people are outside getting laid and talking to their friends - What the fuck have I been doing all day I've watched years and years flow by like nothing

Do I want to be? I would like to be, I think it would be nice
But I obviously lack dedication, conviction, passion and talent etc or I would have been doing this all along

Why do you care, they never do anything interesting just some committee voted and chairman advised the campaign team it would be a solid move that wouldn't annoy anyone
Nothing is ever going to happen you would be better off without internet access

>> No.16159150

I've fallen off the wagon with writing the past few days. I have tried to be hyper disciplined about writing at a consistent level of quantity and quality over my summer break, but the past few days I've been partying with friends and have only written the first page of an erotic short story and drunkenly threw together a summery of a Transformers fanfic to meet my daily writing quota. I also fear I might not get much work done today cause I still feel hung over and shitty.

>> No.16159154

if you have to write dog shit to get the writing done then do it, make it routine first, then get better

>> No.16159179

I am starting to hate humanity. Even people that I trust have disappoint me with the weakness of their character. I read the bible every day, but I can't help but feel that it's all empty cope. Being a bad person feels like the only real solution.

>> No.16159184

you think that is bad? I'm 24

>> No.16159187

read the part about pride

>> No.16159188

The degree to which everything is fucked up in the world strikes me as unreckonable. No one dares to see the full picture because the human mind shrinks before it. Complexity, if gone unanalyzed for long enough, begets chaos. In such times of drastic unraveling people will fall back on extreme measures to restore order. Yet history fails as a guide. Even as recent as the 20th century our predecessors appear to be as like children playing with rocks and sticks compared to the simultaneously converging and diverging realities we confront. And the biggest irony of all is that information technology, the one tool intended to help us tame complexity and master data, is driving the abyssal plunge into mass confusion.

>> No.16159201
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I think I fucked up my life

>> No.16159222


>> No.16159231

What the hell did you do?

>> No.16159234

Nothing spectacular
I just fucked it up quietly over a longer stretch

>> No.16159240

>Complexity, if gone unanalyzed for long enough, begets chaos.
Theoretically speaking, complexity defies analysis due to synergistic effects and chaotic output is its signature feature.

>> No.16159249
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might have just thrown away years of my life and thousands of dollars

>> No.16159264

Through it all the masses will flock to simplistic explanations, violent dichotomies, us versus them narratives, to quell the uncertainty raging in their minds. Already this can be seen in broad outline, prefiguring the standoffs to come. The masses will crave answers they can understand even if to understand here means to falsify. They will welcome harebrained conspiracy theories, sincere if illusionary religious prophecies, in a vain attempt to scry some sensible pattern and human sense amidst the onslaught of accumulating and compounding data. Gladly they will accept pacification through simplification to evade the offending burden of overcomplexity. Already we see this. The right favors reverting back to a kind of vestigial traditionalism, embracing a nationalism that almost seems quaint in the face of globalized technologization. The left has their own attachment to the essentialism of identity politics, preferring to view in terms of simple antagonisms between races and genders and reading significance into ultimately meaningless achievements (a black woman president! That will stop the crops from failing!). In response to too much harsh incomprehensible reality humanity by and large will choose clear and graspable fantasies.

>> No.16159271

I'm not so sure. There is a whole branch of systems theory called complexity theory. There are efforts to at least bracket it and understand how we can't understand it.

>> No.16159294

I hope everything gets really fucked up so when people ask why I didn't achieve anything at all with all the time I was given I have an excuse

>> No.16159306

The koshien tournament was fun. I recommend avoiding /jp/ for this stuff though, there's way too much drama.
You too

>> No.16159331

Did you just sell the bottom on Chainlink?

>> No.16159345

It's all OVER

>> No.16159348
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what is this year in the history of literature? what is 2020's endgame? will the firework this year be a nuclear blast because trump refuses to leave the white house? will the nobel prize go to houellebecq?

>> No.16159355

yeah I just looked at their hololive thread (1500+ posts, yikes). I will continue to avoid /jp/ in future, unless I have a JAV question, those lads know their stuff.

>> No.16159364

what did you mean by this

>> No.16159373

This is true. Uniform threads are also good
Keep your head up

>> No.16159386

same. i wasted 5 years on a thing which i realized i didnt like in the first place.

>> No.16159448

I’m speaking with a girl I met on a dating app, we’ve hung out and gone on 1 date so far, were supposed to go on another this week, but when I think about going it just sounds like a hassle. I’m still talking to her because I don’t want to be rude but I also think I’m being a piece of shit by continuing this when I’m not interested. I guess I’m waiting to see if the more I see her the more interested I’ll be and I can’t expect to fall in love after just a few dates

>> No.16159549
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I think /lit/ got too many pseudo-intellectuals that spend too much time on their college's reads, I mean good job in reading books that most would youtube but, move on.

Also, writing smut is like the best shit ever. All of you need to chill the fuck out, write some fucking smut.

>> No.16159551

My heart hurts and even reading doesn't feel cathartic anymore. I'm too mired in disappointment with myself to retain focus anyway. Sometimes I feel like guys only use me as a one-time thing because I'm either too ugly or clingy for them and I scare them away.

>> No.16159581

You need to be euthanized, cumbrain.

>> No.16159611

18 naked cowboys in the showers at ram ranch

>> No.16159627

Just say Kys. You'll seem less like a nerd if you do.

>> No.16159642

Meanwhile if whites where the ones that unflattering data was about, you would accept the results without any further inquiry and without demanding more controls.

>> No.16159672

I wish I had a cute bf that I could discuss philosophy, literature, and other arts with.

>> No.16159679

Go have a stroke, buddy

What else would you do with your time?

>> No.16159682

pick me

>> No.16159702

Shit or get off the pot, kid.

>> No.16159705

there are much more men who are into that stuff than women so it shouldn't be too hard

>> No.16159751

test? other thread is eating my replies

>> No.16159769

>go for a major that used to be good but is now a dead field
>graduate into complete grinding poverty
>no matter what I try I can't get a decent job here
>have to do a career change
>the program I want to get into is very exclusive
>had talent for this but never nurtured it
>know i'm generally smarter than my peers at everything
>know everyone else in the program is also a career changer
>still scared
>couldn't even sleep last night
>just feel stupid and useless
>application window opens in 1 month and i have to prelearn a lot of stuff by then

>> No.16159779

Why am I more attractive to gays than girls

>> No.16159781

Lacking muscle?

>> No.16159795
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Every day I've been telling myself "I need to drop out and do something else" and echoing back came "but what"
Now it's gonna take me 5 years or more to finish, I'm way too deep to quit, I don't like this shit and I'm not good at it

What did you major in? I'm afraid.

>> No.16159867

I feel like 90% of young men's problems stem from the fact that they graduated with a shitty degree and can't cope with post-grad job market depression

>> No.16159902

>with a shitty degree
sounds like a boomer cope,
younger generations have more stem degrees than they do.

>> No.16159906

>What did you major in? I'm afraid.
something that gave you a upper middle class career in the 80s+90s but is fucking dead today and no one told me, because 17 year old me didn't know any adults with white collar jobs to ask about it. not getting any more specific.
the job market is fucking trash. 99% of people can't make end's meet anymore. i've heard it explained that the middle class has been destroyed, and there are only the haves and have-nots now. economy is "great" stock market is higher than ever, but no one can even afford healthcare. we're full plutocracy now.

>> No.16159925

how long until the guillotine is brought back?

>> No.16159932

Please tell me the field, nobody will dox you for being a nuclear engineer or whatever I'm just having nightmare visions of you being future me
Good luck with your career switch brother, wish you all the best

>> No.16159969

accounting. i haven't been able to make more than 40k since i started, which is dogshit for a high cost of living area that requires a degree. in my area anything under 60k is considered not a living wage. and no matter what i do i can't get ahead because i'm competing against a bunch of boomers with 50 years of experience for a 50k job. i mean, all that shit and it's not even enjoyable, accounting is literally torture. you get caged in a chair for 40+ hours a week and you can feel your soul dying every second of it, and all that for pay lower than a good waiter at a nice restaurant would make. all the positions were converted to contract gigs so you don't even get benefits or a career for life anymore.

>> No.16159981

Why am I more attractive to lesbians than men?

>> No.16159986

Too strong?

>> No.16160001

are you a woman? I'm not but I find myself being attracted to lesbians much more than straight women. For some reason all the cool girls are lesbian

>> No.16160005

It's gonna work out bro, as long as you don't trap yourself in the torture prison that's the first step
Hope I'll manage a pivot as well, I'm a STEMtard

Why do you think lol

>> No.16160007

>all the cool girls are lesbian
Because girls who take dick are sluts.

>> No.16160026

You probably have the look that many lesbians try to achieve themselves, boyish and young with a little bit of a edgier look. Speaking of lesbians, the only porn I can get off to now is teen lesbians solely for the humiliation factor of watching a girl fuck a hot girl that I could never get and never did get. Utter despair I tell you.

>> No.16160053

>the job market is fucking trash. 99% of people can't make end's meet anymore.

It pisses me off that I'd have to live with three strangers just to afford a shitty two bedroom where one of us sleeps on the couch. I'm not even liberal but holy shit people are dying on the streets in record numbers raise the fucking minimum wage Christ sake. Every city is infested with dying drug addicts and record poverty solely based on the sentence "but if they raise minimum wage nobody will hire" well it can't be much fucking worse than this.

>> No.16160144

Cardi B is a girl

>> No.16160222

I find myself in the same situation except for the bible part. Everything and everyone seem worthless.

>> No.16160280
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I think it's high time I admit to myself that I simply wasn't cut out for a college degree and that I've spent most of my adult years building up adamantine layers of cope around this.

>> No.16160321

Get a gf or better yet two

>> No.16160324

if i could say to myself that im supposed to be blue collar, i would go to trades and become wielder or something like that.
sadly, i cant.

>> No.16160374
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Where should I exercise the "courage muscle" if my phobias are mainly social?
>inb4 martial sports
I have plenty experience in martial sports and they don't induce fear in me.

Should I, like, get into an improv club, or try and organize big social events?

>> No.16160392
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How do I write female characters?

>> No.16160402

write a man, but take away reason and accountability

>> No.16160405

I fucked up and I fell for an absolute Dunning-Kruger moron from 4chan and now he's ignoring me even though he called me pretty

>> No.16160406

me feel bad head feel fuzzy no happy bad bad bad the lights too bright and the outside noises they must stop stop stop Now.

>> No.16160415

ya u always seemed p low iq ngl

>> No.16160423

Okay but seriously how do I do it

>> No.16160429

how many fights do you have? under what rules?

>> No.16160439

I really have absolutely no idea, I don't talk to women so I have no clue what they are like

>> No.16160460


>> No.16160520

Many. Don't know the exact number.
I started in judo and moved to MMA. No actual big (or well paying) organization though.

>> No.16160561

i feel u, i used to fight under thai and western boxing rules, it was good for some things, but it def does nothing for social avoidance/anxiety, just makes u depressed after a big win and then u go home alone to put ice on your shins and fap lol especially because when you're ripped in fight shape ppl will flirt with u, so when ur too autistic to do anything it just makes u self loathing

>> No.16160625


oh, so to actually offer an answer to your question, get a sales and/or services job where u have to deal with an endless stream of prospects/customers. u will see there are just certain personality types over and over again, and you will see so many fucking ppl every day that you'll realize the outcome of your interaction with any one of them doesn't matter because there are an endless supply of them

>> No.16160639

it's an election year, if you really want to push yourself, get a canvassing job knocking on doors for a candidate, extra balls of steel if you canvas for trump in a blue state lmao

>> No.16160662

I think fighting is sort of in our blood. I got nervous for fights, but it was boosting energetic nerves that only helped me - because that's what fear is for.
A person scared of embarrassment finds no help in fear, it actually only makes things worse. That makes it really frustrating and I'm now dedicated to getting rid of this fear, but don't know how to do it.

I honestly never got depressed from fights. Wish you progress in your struggles, mate.

>> No.16160694

I live in Europe, but fun answer for sure.
I can't see anything good coming out of the elections though until the voting system changes.

>> No.16160769

I missed the wojak Theological poster's latest post. Just read it now and it's a good one: >>/lit/thread/S16128462

>We can't generate ambiguous figures in our thoughts because we are one: by the ontological ego we don't mean some Secret Center, but knowing myself after the plan of my own knowing; I know myself as saved only if I am transcendentally inclined (through an act of grace coming from outside the system) to impute the character of “being-saved” to my primordial conceivability: in the Zone of Ichthys opened by the intersection of a reticular continuum with an intelligible light-world, the individual spirit neither pre-exists the body nor coemerges with it; it acquires its eternality retroactively, just “for having [once] arisen”: the empirical “I” acts a provisional opening into an omega-oriented deployment: just as the “subject which enunciates” anticipates/is anticipated by “the subject of the enunciation” in Lacan – that each part of a sentence grounds the whole that seals their meaning after the fact – so does death itself complete me like a sentence: like the set-up of a joke not being funny in the moment, but retrospectively: the Sethian Pronoia: “I became the seed of myself [in time]”: in other words, the gnostic savior intervenes at a contingent moment in history precisely for always having been destined to intervene in it, but final confirmation is postponed until the moment of death and ascension through the twilight region of the Archons, ie the Clear Light residuum of the nervous system experiencing its own decomposition: either I am saved, or exposed as the autorapist of my own transcendental bud in time





>> No.16161567

I need a day, maybe two to get some stuff in order. Im not letting this go.