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/lit/ - Literature

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16148532 No.16148532 [Reply] [Original]

I am absolutely new in literature and philosophy, but very determined. I would be grateful if someone could post a guide reading everything I need to know to understand the philosophy of the traditionalist school / Renê Guenon / Julius Evola. Beyond mysticism / Metaphysics in general

>> No.16148568

Plato, the Bible, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Vedas, Dhammapada, Corpus Hermeticum, Quran, de Maistre, Blavatsky for starters

>> No.16148571
File: 102 KB, 1866x593, evola3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two Evola charts or lists, there's the main niced up one and then this guy who I believe disliked the main one

>> No.16148577
File: 1.77 MB, 3712x2020, Arnaldo Dell'Ira - Piazza sul mare a Livorno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16148579
File: 2.72 MB, 5000x3827, evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the main one

Posting Guenon one momentarily

>> No.16148603
File: 3.81 MB, 6161x5009, guenonchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the Guenon one. WARNING, it is made by none other than Guenonfag himself, so it has poo and crazy on it.

I must say it's a pretty damn good chart, thanks guenonfag.

>> No.16148628

You are amazing, thank you very much. What should I read more about mysticism etc? Nietzsche, Greek authors? Do you recommend what about poetry and fictional works that have these themes?

>> No.16148636

>what do you recommend

>> No.16148802

Glad to help, all credit goes to the people who made them of course

To be honest if you're just getting started reading authors like the traditionalists it will probably take a while for you to get your own water legs, a few false starts, and by the time you get there you will start to have your own ideas about how to proceed further. There are obvious names like Plato and Aristotle of course, but do you want to read Pseudo-Dionysius and Eriugena eventually? Do you want to immerse yourself in classic secondary literature like say Findlay's Plato's Unwritten Doctrines, Jaeger's Paideia, or Yates' Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition? You can't get to all of them at once so start a running list and file things away.

Try reading introductory materials that have introduced past generations into these themes, plus more modern scholarly treatments. Manly Hall's Secrets of all Ages and Colin Wilson's The Occult will deluge you in these ideas, and can be supplemented by more modern thinkers like Wouter Haanegraff, Antoine Faivre, Joscelyn Godwin, Goodrick-Clark, etc.

If I were you I would try to get some basic structure down of what I want to know ultimately, and then start immersing myself. Do you want to know the general history of esotericism, mysticism, and/or gnosticism? That's a real goal, and concrete despite being very ambitious, but it will take you a couple years no matter what. And in any case you need to start building up the constellation of names, terms, ideas, and so on, to create the raw matter for later syntheses in your own understanding. This initiatic process is covered by authors like Guenon and Evola.

You can also use them as guides. The first time you read Guenon you might feel overwhelmed, but there are people who felt that way at the beginning too and now they feel mastery over the material, which reveals that as a possibility for you too. Evola was extremely knowledgeable about different hermetic and ancient traditions but also deeply read in Nietzsche, so if you want to set that as a goal for yourself, go for it. Dugin is controversial but no one can argue he doesn't have an deep reading of Heidegger.

The most important thing is to make a beginning, imo. But there are relatively smarter and relatively less smart ways to get started. Read overviews while also jumping deep into something that interests you. Create the raw material and the initial constellation of (at first) hazily correlated and interconnected things/ideas/names like I said.

>> No.16148910

Bro, you're amazing. Thank you so much, I will start with Evola and then I'm going to guenon.