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16146269 No.16146269 [Reply] [Original]

Last Day to Vote Edition
Poll: https://forms.gle/F8yDF6EoDBrfZ4N2A

>> No.16146352

I shall brew the schedule tomorrow at midnight, pacific hour.
Discord: https://discord.gg/s5caJF

>> No.16147578


>> No.16147617


>> No.16147642

Thanks I nearly missed this
>tfw I finished reading Don Quixote less than a month ago
I’ll be able to join in discussion but it won’t feel as special as reading along with you guys.

>> No.16147648

Anime is gay and for little children, little girls like You.

>> No.16147734

Neon Genesis is unironically on par with or superior to most literature. If any anime gets a pass it's that one.

>> No.16147745

Holy shit this is still going on? This is the longest poll ever I quit caring like 2 weeks ago

>> No.16147764
File: 578 KB, 859x1209, LoGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime is Degenerate. We must deal with this problem of our youth.

There can be fine anime entertainment, LoGH is the best possible example for its case, but we must accept that the majority of anime is degenerate, 99% of it. And we must acknowledge the common ridiculousness of it too, as a sort of degeneracy. For to make a man ignore such a thing, just general stupidity or sometimes perverseness(as common with anime), and "try to like it" is degenerating effect.

Such common ridiculousness, and its lonely cult of immature men;-- We all remember our cherished childhood investments, and this is fine when it is a cherished childhood, and not lived into adulthood. For make no mistake, the man that got into anime as a teenager and has grown up with it no less faltering in his often obsession, and love of it, is no different from the boy who grew up with his comic books and cartoons and never outgrew it. Perhaps there is the level of degree in which the weab is above the soiboy, but small matters of degree. Where the more "seriousness, violence" of anime(, has also in itself its common perverseness) , may allow a greater ease to which an adult can enjoy it, but it's still a ridiculousness, or embarrassment(of fatherly virtue), no less when he considers himself a committed watcher of anime, and we are speaking even irrespective of the perversity.

>> No.16147768
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And the actual topic of appreciating it, any supposed depression from anime, or a depressive character about it; that is, an impact from anime, is more the result of a mind zapped of its intellectual rigour, by his over devotion of his energies onto this emptiness -- wherein he must create something or lower himself to it -- , from focusing on unsymbolic forms for too long, an adjusted state to its type of language, mostly meaningless shapes which we must "learn" to understand. Take NGE for example, they the creators have to make up the lack of content in the show with explaining and more complicating monologues(not to say what they're saying is complex itself, but it feeds into the whole of the show), the only reason it's an anime with such value that it does have for an anime is because of such explorations in the medium.

But continuing, we must "get past" the silliness and stupidity to "appreciate it". The drawing style itself, with its big eyes, is stupid and made for little girls, arising out of the sedated and in many ways feminised post-war Japan, these are the shows that children watched. And there is nothing wrong with that, the original cartoons, like an Astro Boy(though of a racially different motivation to us, and as result in many ways emotionally incomprehensible as like many other cases from its country), which is similar to a Mickey Mouse. But we have as of yet, and do not intend to, actually go into detail of that 99% of anime, wherein there is an active force of perversity, consciously directed in such a way, and not by subconscious structures.

>> No.16147774
File: 57 KB, 550x780, Legend of the Galactic Heroes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the soiboy problem always comes back to the feminine, there is no blame for a man being physiologically feminine, but there is a blame for him to not try to self improve. And for him to willingly neglect himself to such a lowering thing. I remember the completely foreign character it had on my understanding in its every look and pronunciation when I first watched it, but I went through all the supposed "good" anime and after trying it all, I have only recapitulated my original beliefs of its oddness and pointlessness, though as I have said some may be fine entertainment. Cinema is a lazy modern medium, and limited by this, even after it has been championed by the midwit during the twentieth century as something better or more unique than it is; Anime is the even more so lazy medium.

So what do we do about its disturbing influence on the minds of so many? Do they not read?

>> No.16147872

This is only the 5th day, and the last one bro

>> No.16147881

nigger you’re writing this shit for no one just posting into the void about anime with faux Edmund Wilson syntax

>> No.16147890

>Anime is the even more so lazy medium.
>>Drawing is lazier than acting
Bro, have you seen the good stuff?

>> No.16147910
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>Edmund Wilson
He looks ugly and I take your comparison as an insult.


>> No.16147916

What do you have against drawing? Drawing and animating is a greater form of art than acting and most films.

>> No.16147922

Nothing, but this is not drawing, not true creation when you must rank it up as something which it is not; it is entertainment, and simple sketches with little intrinsic value as it does not stand in the contrast and whole of the show.

> Take NGE for example, they the creators have to make up the lack of content in the show with explaining and more complicating monologues(not to say what they're saying is complex itself, but it feeds into the whole of the show), the only reason it's an anime with such value that it does have for an anime is because of such explorations in the medium.

>> No.16147943

>not true creation when you must rank it up as something which it is not; it is entertainment
Inherently, it is objectively a form of creation. At what point does drawing become art and not entertainment?
Is not all art, a form of entertainment?

>> No.16148187


Looks like Don Quixote is going to be next months book, but it's such a long novel that I won't join you guys.

>> No.16148262


It's a different poll, the one before was that you had to type in your suggestion, while this new one has four choices.

>> No.16148293

>Inherently, it is objectively a form of creation.
Lmao so is murdering your mom retard but we call it destruction.

>blah blah truth is relative
Do you believe in any values or morals, any being, in which case I cannot talk to you if you do not.

>Is not all art, a form of entertainment?
Art is and must be entertaining but with such high thing as art the word entertainment will never do, while to put it so crudely, entertainment one will get little out of it other than merely that entertainment, think Pulp Fiction as an example.

>> No.16148303

Maybe only four people gave suggestions, or those four got in?

>> No.16148313
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Vote for the Brothers Karamazov, ok lads?

>> No.16148330

Stop talking about anime and start talking about why not enough people are voting for East of Eden.

>> No.16148364


Hasn't that already been made into an Anime where a guy gets castrated with a cigar cutter thing and the NEETs turn out to be heroes? But NEETs aren't heroes at all though, they just read about heroic things when not fapping to porn.

>> No.16148383

It doesn't seem like it would be "that great" of a book to me, like Don Quixote and TBK are

>> No.16148712

Donkey Show

>> No.16148717
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>mfw I google donkey show

>> No.16148810


>> No.16148835

Same, what is wrong with Mexicans?

>> No.16150013


>> No.16150030

Ill join in on this if East of Eden wins since I have a physical copy of it in my house.

>> No.16150174


>> No.16150599

What are you talking about? Eva is rather light on the jargon overall

>> No.16151322

Is this the poll that makes you sign in with your google account?

>> No.16151527

Oh shit, I started Don Quixote like two weeks ago and I'm on chapter 20, it's some of the tightest classical shit I've read. Looking forward to reading it with you guys

>> No.16152207
File: 52 KB, 592x580, B5C5BD58-A52B-45AC-8536-766842B82C2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every night forced to watch a different girl sleep with the donkey I loved...

>> No.16152923
File: 26 KB, 343x849, D84C0317-CD63-4448-8373-7E11F56DEB6A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are the 4 books that got in. It was debated on how low the finales should have been selected, and I decided that it would go down to 6 votes, so there aren’t too many or too few For the last poll.

>> No.16154259

so what's it gonna be