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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 258 KB, 1156x1600, Arthur-Schopenhauer-1855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16144806 No.16144806 [Reply] [Original]

>classmate asks what I'm reading
>The World as Idea and Representation
>do you even know what it is?
>no but I would like if you told me
>it's Schopenhauer
>what's Schopenhauer?
>he's a German philosopher but I don't think you would find him interesting
>month later classmate claims to be getting into Schopenhauer and loving his work but asks if I could help
>oh and what do you think about his essay on women?
>don't know, why don't you tell me about it
>explain it
>well he lived in the 1800's, he didn't know better
>I see so you're just reading him for what you already agree with, and whatever sounds good you love,and whatever you don't he's wrong
>she says sorry

She was actually really nice about it at least but it's still annoying

>> No.16144836

Can you retards stop it with On Women? Not even a bad essay but the way you retards bring it up is always pure cringe. We are trying to establish his status again but you always have to ruin it.

>> No.16144846

>want to establish Schopenhauer's genius
>censor him
Makes perfect sense

>> No.16144852

>do you even know what it is?
That was some cringe mansplaining move. If she wanted to know she would have asked. Are you that autistic anon? She just wanted to make smalltalk because she either finds you cute or was feeling sorry for you for always being the loner.

>> No.16144867

I hope you're joking anon, unless you really hate women and don't want to be with one. People don't usually actually follow through on reading/listening/watching reccomendations unless they like you.

>> No.16144866

You don't re-establish a forgotten philosopher by bringing up an especially minute portion of his work that is in stark contrast with socially accepted beliefs, retard.

>> No.16145135

Philosophy should conform us, if you only choose philosophy that confirms with society then what good is it?

I didn't recommend anything

>> No.16145221

>well he lived in the 1800's, he didn't know better

>> No.16145259

>>I see so you're just reading him for what you already agree with, and whatever sounds good you love,and whatever you don't he's wrong
Do you honestly agree with everything Schopenhauer says?

>> No.16145304

>its another "hurr durr why doesnt the average peerson read philosophy im so superior" thread

>> No.16145385

You're giving him too much credit. He doesn't even know about most things Schopenhauer says.

>> No.16145475

Find a flaw

>> No.16145541

You're a disgusting clown. She sounds like a decent woman.

Schopenhauer also said this on women later in his life
>I have not yet spoken my last word about women. I believe that if a woman succeeds in withdrawing from the mass, or rather raising herself from above the mass, she grows ceaselessly and more than a man.

>> No.16145669

Schopenhauer is a retarded, hypocritical, melodramatic faggot. Enormous douche to everyone he knew including his mother. Didn't live in accordance with his philosophy. Was not able to financially support himself.

>> No.16145689

It's actually a very good essay, filled in a lot of gaps that my experiences were lacking explanations for.

>> No.16145698


>Hey Anon, you're cute and I want to talk to you about something you're interested in
>begone thot

>> No.16145728


>> No.16145778
File: 327 KB, 2000x1404, prettyPrincess_05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking freakshow sperg. The normies have rooted you out now, you will be lucky if this normie lets it slide at all. If it's a women especially prepare for the gossip and that weird inauspicious feeling you get when all the normies you don't even know start avoiding and softly rejecting you.

Let me explain to your mutant monster sperg freak brain how you're supposed to respond:

First, do not read a book with a visible cover unless it's socially ""normal"" within the peer group context that your reading will be visible in. Do not read shit in public in view of others unless you actually plan on using it as a social reference beforehand. Every visible product behavior is a form of conspicuous consumption and you have to see it in light of that. Everything visible to others is a social cue, retard. You nonce

Second, you can read whatever the fuck you want if it's etext on a tablet, phone, PC, or kindle. Or if the cover is discreet and hard to distinguish at a glance. Just tell the normie it's something socially acceptable, likely some kind of middle class midwit material. Tell normielass that you're reading a Toni Morrison novel that your lit professor recommended, maybe some kind of pop history like King Leopold's ghost and how bad the nogs had it then. But don't come across as an effete pussy, even when talking to men or roasties it doesn't matter. Glib and superficial is the best approach almost always unless you're talking to a genuine friend or family member.

3rd, never ever fucking talk about philosophy to normies. Not even intelligent normies. Philosophy and even higher literature has very very low regard in American culture and if you're European the situation is likely similar. Normie Germans may have pretended to have some regard for Kant or sumfin a long time ago but we're not living in that timeline any longer. Brutal nigger grunge is the current social and aesthetic atmosphere and you will fucking conform or die. The death drive is the current animating spirit, go with the flow or be destroyed. Fake sublimated works like "mainstream" NYT approved social justice history, authors of color or LGBT, that is what you need to focus on, if you wish to use reading as a social reference in the current social mileu which you occupy. Otherwise you will have no success at all.

Welcome to reality aspie. I hope it's not too much to take in all at once

>> No.16145794
File: 1.80 MB, 320x180, download.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"And then I said to her like listen you're cute and all, but I really don't have time for your logical fallacies. How about you go to the back of the line and try again in a few days?"

>> No.16145798

Autistic cringe.

>Not even a bad essay
Unironically, have sex.

>> No.16145808

There zero reason to believe in "will" as he takes it.

>> No.16145812

You type like a redditor

>> No.16145821


you respond like a newfag trying too hard to fit in

>> No.16145893

Read the Root

>> No.16145899

you are a moron. or maybe you're homosexual
>girl asks about book
>girl wants you to explain book
>she claims she's into reading schopenhauer after a month
>she asks you to explain stuff again
she was either interested in reading or she was interested in you. and your responses are like
>do you even know what it is [smugface]
>you wouldn't like it [smugface]
>hurr women

>> No.16145932

oh and
you are 100% highschooler, if you were in a collage or uni a she'd know about schopenhauer. there's a high chance of you being underage. it feels like you're trying to fit in here but please don't show this autism in real life

>> No.16145937

This is the power of the autist

>> No.16145946

Its more liekly that the story is fake and gay

>> No.16146013

Mr. A. Sperg, why the fuck do you think she read Schopenhauer after seeing you read it when she hadn't heard of him before? You even told her that she wouldn't find it interesting, which means she wanted to prove you wrong. Instead you double down with the on women essay instead of taking advantage of the situation.

>> No.16146020


Only like 5% of uni students could even recognize the name lmao

>> No.16146029

the problem is not with censoring him, it is you people.

>> No.16146412

i hardly disagree and i live in middle east

>> No.16146433

>girl want to be OPs traditional submissive waifu to the point that she begins reading Schopenhauer just to show how willing she is but OP is too much of a social retard to get it
Were you like this before you read Schopenhauer or is it a product of his philosophy?

>> No.16146437
File: 564 KB, 640x638, dis dain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she also wanted the d

>> No.16146455
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For me it's "The Art of Being Right" by Arthur Schopenheimer

>> No.16146461

> if you were in a collage or uni a she'd know about schopenhauer
You are absolutely clueless.

>> No.16146513

>trad wife

>> No.16146537

you are cringe made person. this girl is probably interested in you and she's starting to read philosophy because of you, and you find no better way to reciprocate someone trying to become a friend of knowledge than to reccomend an essay on women wrote by an old bastard who died a virgin whose only contact with women was his bitch ass mother.

>> No.16146561

She's gonna make it, OP. Not you, unfortunately.

>> No.16146581

Ask me how I know you went to a bottom 50 uni.

>> No.16146589
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This, she wants your dick or to connect somehow bur you're a jaded dumdum who for all his intelligences can't into social opportunity.

>> No.16146625

he was fucking rich(heir) He made a huge buck with his aphorisms.

>> No.16146671

>another things that didn't happen women bad thread
Could you gullible retards please start ignoring these threads? You only encourage the incels and poltards to come up with more greentext spam.

>> No.16146721

most people do it on good faith to try and make the incel not be a retard

>> No.16146785

The incel doesn't care. He hardly interacts with women or he exaggerates things. He has already adopted a position. And/or he's a troll and posts this shit to laugh at you for wasting your time.
Not once in the history of these bait threads has the OP changed his mind no matter how sensible the arguments and advice provided to him.
It's not even a fun greentext (like the Kali Yuga pasta or the commence transaction one).
It's all too tiresome and you keep fanning the flames.

>> No.16146908

Why should i care about literal NPC's?

>> No.16146910

Not sure how this story makes women look bad

>> No.16147083
File: 155 KB, 500x420, ebony nibba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tell normielass that you're reading a Toni Morrison novel that your lit professor recommended, maybe some kind of pop history like King Leopold's ghost and how bad the nogs had it then

>> No.16147106

>he did all these autistic shit
>he even dares to boast on this subforum