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/lit/ - Literature

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1614401 No.1614401 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a junior at a private liberal arts college and I don't live on campus because I commute and live about 30 minutes away

since I don't live on campus and it is a relatively smaller school, people who do live on campus already know each other due to living there

>realize it's hard as fuck to make friends here since I'm off-campus
>realize I just go to class and go home everyday

what do?

>> No.1614414

gtfo of /lit/

>> No.1614409

Be cool and forever alone like me. 8)

>> No.1614420

Join a club.

>> No.1614421

Make friends in class. Go over to their rooms to do homework. Worm your way into their social circle & make friends with all their friends.

>> No.1614426

>Go over to their rooms to do homework

>> No.1614427

Not gonna happen.
Those kids who commute have pariah stamped all over 'em.
You gotta get your ridiculous ass a dorm, OP. Not kidding. This is imperative for your well-being.

>> No.1614440

getting a dorm is out of the question for me, any other ideas

>> No.1614442


Unite with all the other pariahs and burn down the dorms.

An arson investigation is a great way to bring people closer together.

>> No.1614443


I do my homework at friends' houses when I have time between classes, rather than leave campus and return. Pretty normal shit, bro.

>> No.1614448
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"people cannot endure the barrenness and futility of their lives unless they have some ardent dedication in which they can lose themselves."

you need to join a mass movement so you can be special

>> No.1614451


I commute from my apartment & throw parties on weekends. It's much better than living on-campus; dorms are like petri dishes.

>> No.1614453
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>An arson investigation is a great way to bring people closer together.

>> No.1614474

yes but you would have to have had friends on campus to be throwing parties to begin with

>> No.1614475


Invite classmates over to watch Inception.

>> No.1614481

during undergrad i did my homework at friends places all the time, no problem. i had never lived on campus, just talked to people after class. now during my masters i'm in a couple reading groups where i've made friends from different subjects, all interested in lit.


>> No.1614503

Invite classmates over to watch porn

>> No.1614517

I commute, and the vast majority of my friends are people I know from school.

I guess it helps, though, that I'm a good student and very helpful anytime a classmate has a question about what we're studying. Especially if it's a cute girl.

>> No.1614521

I'm a freshman in a similar situation, but I don't go straight home after classes. Stay a while, go somewhere with friends, join a club, etc. Chances are most people don't go home after classes and instead hang out doing whatever. Most of the times we get together at the cafeteria to eat and afterwords find something to do. I'm not a party person so I usually avoid parties.

>> No.1614526

No seriously, join a club.

But not one of those clubs that doesn't actually do anything (Anime club, etc). Join like, a Rotaract or something.

>> No.1614522

Play Black Ops with the lads.

>> No.1614551

stop bothering /lit/ with your petty bullshit

reported, saged, and told

>> No.1614554


Or your college's radio station. I made some awesome friends that way.

>> No.1614555

lol! he called the shit, poo!

>> No.1614560


>> No.1614569

I don't see whats wrong with joining a 'fun' club. To summarize what my chem professor said, while in college you should join three types of clubs: a fun club, a leadership organization, and a club based on your major (e.g. if your major is Electrical Engineering then join IEEE).

>> No.1614573


I think crippling loneliness is something everyone on 4chan can agree with. U mad OP is ascending into the ethereal light that is a social acceptance while you are trapped in the gloom of your basement?

>> No.1614591

Invite them to your house.


>> No.1614593

Eat steak and chips with the lads.

>> No.1614598

petri dishes where a good deal of the fun happens.
where do you even throw parties if you aren't near campus? do people actually come out to your place or something? they don't
Get a house or apartment adjacent to campus. You really gotta be up on that bitch brajh.

>> No.1614605

Never take advice from Virginia W00F.

>> No.1614616

Are you afraid of Virginia W00F?

>> No.1614627


There are buses that students can take for free. & sometimes my friends even own their own cars! Wow.

>> No.1614634

Why are you asking for social advice on /lit/?

I mean, you know we're all fucking shut-ins who bitch in greentext stories about when people try to talk to us while we're reading in public, right?

>> No.1614637
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>> No.1614801

I like the part where D&E implicitly stated that his silly tripcode identity on a degenerate image board was not petty

thanks D&E, I had a little troubling figuring you out before but now you have given me certainty