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/lit/ - Literature

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1614107 No.1614107 [Reply] [Original]

Question /lit/.
Does someone's tastes correlate with intelligence in any way?

Like if someone enjoys Twilight, can we automatically assume he/she is stupid?

Same with let's say, Nietzsche. If we see someone reading Also Sprach Zarathustra, can we assume he/she is smart?

(Because the attitude I usually see is that yes, tastes do indeed correlate with intelligence, in other people's eyes.)
I personally think that notion is silly. But what does /lit/ think?

>> No.1614110


>> No.1614109
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>> No.1614116

If someone likes Twilight, you can deduce that they are the kind of person who doesn't think about what they enjoy.

That's all.

>> No.1614134

I believe there is a correlation. But that belief doesn't mean much without rigorous scientific studies indicating intelligence causes certain tastes.

>> No.1614145

Here's your rigorous study:
The masses are stupid
Avatar sucked.
The masses enjoyed Avatar.

>> No.1614147
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i think it's silly. i'm one of the smartest on this board, all things considered. and i like taste's that might seem embarassing like Twilight or Foal's second album.

>> No.1614161

Horrific syllogism fail. I'm just glad onionring didn't see that.

>> No.1614240

Good thing people like you aren't scientists.

>Like if someone enjoys Twilight, can we automatically assume he/she is stupid?
Not really. You can enjoy it for what it is; a trashy novel to masturbate to. The difference is the reason why people enjoy the things they read. I have friends who liked Twilight and claimed it was the best novel ever, and friends who liked Twilight but saw it as it was. The former I consider stupid, the latter normal.

>> No.1614314

Yeah, anon, it should have been something more like:
Stupid people enjoy things that suck.
The masses are stupid.
Avatar sucked.
∴ The masses enjoyed Avatar.

Which, by the way, is a valid argument. But I would disagree with the premises.

>> No.1614320

>Stupid people
>The masses

Fallacy of vagueness, disqualified. "People" could be anywhere from 2 to 2000

>> No.1614332

taste correlates far more with the amount of time you spend idle and alone than with intelligence

you're deluding yourself, OP

>> No.1614336

Okay, then.
>If a person is stupid, that person enjoys things that suck.
>The masses are comprised entirely of stupid people.

You know, now that I actually pay attention to you for the first time, I'm noticing you're even more insecure than TyBrax.

>> No.1614340

ADDENDUM: there's a book out there called "theory of the leisure class"

you should read it and think about it

>> No.1614349

I haven't read Veblen in so long. I should go through that again.

>> No.1614357

>I'm noticing you're even more insecure than TyBrax
hey what's that supposed to mean?

>> No.1614363

Yeah, there isn't a good answer to your question OP. I'm going to respond, even though you might be trollin.

There is no objective rule for what makes a book smart or stupid. You identified Twilight as a stupid book. You've probably never read Twilight, so how could have made this identification? Simple, you've identified the people who enjoy it as "not your kind of person".or to use your words, Stupid.

Nietzsche might be a smart book (I have no interest of getting in to Nietzsche specifically here), but obviously anyone can place it in their hands and gaze. They don't even need to be literate. If you were to ask them to read it aloud to you, you could be certain they can have literacy (which is a kind of intellegence).

>> No.1614368

I'm the smartest person on the internet and all I read is NBA/DBZ crossover fanfic. The one where Kevin Durant goes super saiyan mid-dunk is my favorite.

>> No.1614416
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Don't think we've forgotten.

>> No.1614422

Living in Oklahoma City and having attended many a Thunder game, I can say that that portion of the story is not fictional.

>> No.1614439
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>> No.1614447

I know a guy who liekd Twilight and will tell you why in intelligent detail.

I also know a guy who enjoys So You Think You Can Dance and has a whole schpiel about why that's pretty interesting.

no i don't think taste correlates with intelligence

>> No.1614461

*Bro grab*
My first live NBA game was watching the Thunder style on Kobe and watching Kobe mope on the bench.
shit was so cash.
You know Tulsa has a pro basketball team now too right?
it's WNBA. mfw

>> No.1614471

My mother-in-law lives in Tulsa and loves the Shock.

>> No.1614494

saved. thx.
I lived there until 5 months ago and I'd gladly give the shock back to Detroit if it meant I could keep watching sick-ass Oilers/ Blazers games

>> No.1614501

I don't really miss the Blazers, because we have the Barons now. Although the turnpike rivalry was fun.

>> No.1614509

Well, shit. Is this the /lit/ Okie meetup thread or something?

>> No.1614529

It's a subtle invasion from /soc/.
Is your body ready?

>> No.1614574
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Oklahomos up in here brajh.
brajh that's not my intent. brajh I don't even go to /soc/. brajh I just wanted to have a quick chat with my Oklabromans.

>> No.1614611




Hey. I ain't mad at you. Normanbro here. Spent all day finishing up The Crippled God and doing basically shit else lol.