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16143322 No.16143322[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone recommend me some literature that can help me make sense of $500 T-shirts?

>> No.16143326

I’m gay

>> No.16143333

Imagine being poor and sour. Ouch

>> No.16143347

Wasted quads

>> No.16143348
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post face

>> No.16143351

Finally a picture of OPs boyfriend

>> No.16143357

I (OP) am mad at these 3 posts.

>> No.16143364

Can everyone with a (you) please not respond to this thread anymore, was looking for honest literature recommendations

>> No.16143370

I’m trans btw, not sure that matters

>> No.16143417


>> No.16143437

It says he's a post modernist though? doesn't that mean he's trying to replace white people with africans or something?

>> No.16143450

Lmao never mind I see why these people are making fun of you

>> No.16143453
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>It says he's a post modernist though? doesn't that mean he's trying to replace white people with africans or something

>> No.16143473

i mean they indirectly are desu

>> No.16143477

leave this board retard

>> No.16143487

American Psycho
he loves clothes more than he loves murder

>> No.16143489

unironically would like to see you try to refute it though

>> No.16143495

They are mentally handicapped don’t bother

>> No.16143506
File: 112 KB, 960x960, EC9B851A-6A7F-4E88-B21A-229DF292084D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baudrillard regularly writes about how things that lead to an increase in capitalism and technology destroy not only cultural forms but prevent things from dying, instead being denied their own end and forced to proliferate to forget their end so if anything he’s the exact opposite. But you’ve never read them, your engagement comes from mass media forms rather than their actual thoughts.

>> No.16143515

That makes no sense stop writ

>> No.16143531

Baudrillard is I'm guessing an antiracist though? I have found this in one of his texts:

>Many more things partake of that production of the Other, of that hysterical and speculative production: like racism, for instance, with its development throughout modernity and with its current outbursts. Logically, racism should have diminished thanks to Enlightenment's progress. But, the more we know that a genetic theory of race is unfounded, the more racism is reinforced. It is because racism is an artificial construction of the Other based on an erosion of cultural singularities (of their otherness between one another) and on an acceptance of a fetishistic system of difference. As long as there is otherness [alterite], strangeness, and dual relationships (event violent ones), there is properly speaking no such thing as racism. This was more or less the case until the 18th century, as anthropological reports indicate. Once such a "natural" relationship is lost, one enters an exponential relationship with an artificial Other. And nothing in our culture allows racism to be curbed since our entire cultural movement goes in the same direction [sens] which is that of a frenzied differential construction of the Other and of a perpetual extrapolation of the Same through the Other. An autistic culture which takes the shape of a fake altruism.

I mean this is full on Prog bullshit. Race can be defined genetically with increasing precision

>> No.16143544
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>That makes no sense stop writ
The issue is that the nomadic war machine that cuts the branch upon which it sits has subsumed an natural structure of a desiring machine to its own use; this assemblage has spread tentacular protrusions so deep that to remove a dividual from a given assemblage is only to replace them with another set of identical desiring machines. This hegemonic internalization of models of control is heralded by the flows that allow the dividual to be divided in order to maintain access to these machines.
Not really, his writings on race deal with the fact that all races are now consuming the same mass-produced goods, leading to a death of the alterity that defined racial relationships, leading to the hell of the same and racism. Also you’re an absolute faggot for thinking that human experience can be reduced to the material that constitutes our bodies. You’re like a tranny that think getting a fake cunt makes them a woman

>> No.16143547

he's also doing that thing where racism is supposedly a recent invention and not the basic outlook of humans to every new people they ever encounter

>> No.16143549

Uhkay roastie

>> No.16143551

>not really
But I have just given you a quote showing that he does. How are you possibly going to deny it while not even addressing the quote

>> No.16143554

>Also you’re an absolute faggot for thinking that human experience can be reduced to the material that constitutes our bodies.

Nice strawman my jew, do you have dual-citizenship?

>> No.16143562

Society of the spectacle

>> No.16143563

He’s describing modern racism as being different from an encounter with The Other, which are two different things. A big part of his idea here is how our view of people being “different but the same” rather than fundamentally irreducible to our cultural values leads to modern racism.
God you’re dumb. Read an actual book. He’s describing the conditions that lead to modern racism and describing how it functions rather than making an ethical claim.

>> No.16143565

>muh materialism
This truly is the religion of the last man

>> No.16143568

The conditions that lead to 'modern racism', for example the statement 'blacks are dumber on average' are the same as they ever were.

And you have not addressed the fact that he says outright wrong things like race not being founded in genetics.

>> No.16143570

literally no one made the claim that you/he were addressing you absolute brainlet

>> No.16143577

>Society of the spectacle
written by a marxist, why does everyone that seems to be anti-$500 t-shirts also wants to replace white people with blacks?

>> No.16143580

Thanks for letting me know you’re only capable of engaging with mass mediatized version of reality, I always appreciate it when people are upfront about the non value of talking to them
Anytime someone supports materialism I’m gonna call them a faggot

>> No.16143586

People thought blacks were dumber on average long before mass media. Most people who live in a black country or a black city also start to suspect it. The mass media is actually on Baudrillard's side, it is fervently antiracist against all evidence, and it also pretends race isn't genetically founded.

>> No.16143589
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this thread is funny because you made it seem like it was dumb to imply post-modernists want to replace whites with blacks then it got proven that post-modernists want to replace whites with blacks and now you're just autistically screeching

>> No.16143609

You dont have to agree with an author's views 100%. Anyway the loving niggers part isn't inherently marxist. Marx himself disliked nigger (and jews).

>> No.16143612
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Huysmans and Wilde


no gay anon would be enough of a fag to make this thread

>> No.16143619

Listen guys I hate blacks as much as the next guy, I’m just not a retarded bugman that basis it off “muh genetics”, I just see blacks, see they’re dumb, and dislike them. I don’t need some statistical modeling, or anything past my own experiences to convince me of a cultural reality.

>> No.16143629

if you had started all of your previous posts with the fact that you hate blacks i probably would have believed in a lot of what you said

>> No.16143636

Watching my cultural be cut up, defanged and then sold to all of the world instead of staying with my race is one of the shittiest experiences of being alive now. Baudrillard is really good at talking about that process, and everything around it.

>> No.16143641
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>go to thriftshop
>buy €800 euro coats for €10
>never pay retail again
Retards will be retards anon.

>> No.16143644

American psycho, the system of objects,

>> No.16143684

So ur gay and know one Aesop fable kek

>> No.16143734

>American psycho
does this book actually help you make sense of it though

>> No.16143749


Kurt Vonnegut's Hocus Pocus explains the 80's counter-revolution pretty well.

The books of the Old Testament bitch constantly about this kind of thing, it's "Babylon this" and "Babylon that." You can hear other voices that are just as annoyed as you are.

There's a nice medieval Japanese essay on simple living called Hōjōki (https://washburn.edu/reference/bridge24/Hojoki.html))

>> No.16143759

It's not about the shirt, it's about paying for the privilege to advertise for your masters.