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/lit/ - Literature

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16141018 No.16141018 [Reply] [Original]

is /pol/'s reading list a good introduction to politics?

>> No.16141031
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>a good introduction to politics?
Farthest thing from it
Read /pol/ shit only if you want to become a seething brainlet, OP

>> No.16141032
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Probably not, no. Running actual campaigns and exercising powers of office are much better teachers.

>> No.16141040

It's surprisingly not bad, I would add lots to it and swap a few things but nigga if you read a tenth of that shit you will already be expanding on your own and figuring out what you think for yourself. It's a good list of major names to chew on and doesn't simplify everything down to a single position like I have seen some lists do.


>> No.16141046
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>ayo, Cornel, you see what these bulbs readin?

>> No.16141045

* Just don't view it as a one stop shop, look at it as a general skeletal outline you will have to put your own meat on, and it would be a neat list

>> No.16141078
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>Brother Malcolm, those starch-faces have become so degraded they actually think some why there's a golden rhetorical message of such immense power it will on its own alter power, I hazard a guess that the subtext of their reading list is that such literariness makes them more powerful, and maybe they get lucky. Who knows? but if you ask them to demonstrate an example of rhetoric doing anything beyond amusing stenographers, you'll be waiting a long time, my brother.

>> No.16141088

Ever liquidated a bourgeoisie?

>> No.16141107

Thanks anon. Do you have any recommendations of what to read on top of this?

>> No.16141139
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is that some kinda mild citrus?

>> No.16141158


>> No.16141173

It's a good start. Don't be afraid or turned off to Marx or the Frankfurt school though, they have solid shit too. And contrary to popular /pol/ opinion they don't want to destroy the west.

>> No.16141190

any reading list that isn't 100% composed of the greeks is trash

>> No.16141328

This is not as bad as I was expecting but still not that great.

>> No.16141354
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This one's better.

>> No.16141362
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And a more comprehensive version.

>> No.16141433

poltards can read?

>> No.16141502

Why do people touched by continental philosophy speak like deranged homeless people?

>> No.16141510

AAVE, Pidgin and Patois are all kino. You are a tasteless pleb. Donate to BLM for penance, Alabaster.

>> No.16141652

The first thing every /pol/fag reads should be Samuel Francis Leviathan and its Enemies

Also these
https://www.counter-currents.com/tag/breaking-the-bondage-of-interest/ (all four articles)

Also use Bowden as a gateway to other things

>> No.16141678

do you have a version of this infograph that is actually legible?

>> No.16141686

>Kant, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Hegel and fucking Marcis Aurelius
Makes sense that a /pol/ poster would find undergraduate philosophy content so mind-blowing and distressful they warn against it

>> No.16141692

>Reading the entirety of Calvin's Institutes
Unless you're studying Calvinist theology, why?

>> No.16141706

>t. incel

>> No.16141717

Almost all of the books on the left are worth reading

>> No.16141732
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>> No.16141780
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>> No.16141819

If you haven't read For My Legionaries why are you even on /lit/ at this point

>> No.16141833

Can you give a quick review? What did you learn from it? I was looking at that recently, but passed on it for other works.

>> No.16141844

>Only read /pol/ for a good laugh.ü

>> No.16141965

Well yeah. They’re not strictly /pol/tier either though like Spengler is.

>> No.16141989

No Mein Kampf? If you are racist read it, if not you probably wont be able to.

>> No.16142012

Spengler is not /pol/ tier, he's not like Evola or something.

>> No.16142089

Community good, tradition good, jews subvert, jews bad.

>> No.16142100

How would one even go about finding an unabridged, original translation with nothing added?

>> No.16142130

Not sure exactly, but I'm told the James Vincent Murphy translation is the most accurate, seeing as he was commissioned by the Reich.

>> No.16142235
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>> No.16142241
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>> No.16142250
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>> No.16142256
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Probably the best one

>> No.16142295

/lit/ fears /pol/ because /pol/ goes beyond mere abstractions and theory, and actually aims to put their big brained years of studies into practice.

/lit/ is like the modern University where you're allowed to become a professor of Buddhism but not an actual Buddhist. You can study the Church Fathers but never find yourself in devotional agreement with them. This is an heresy against the dogmas of objectivity.

/pol/ on the other hand has gone beyond. They've reached the other shore. The holy life has been lived. There is no more this or that, now Being itself shows itself to be self-illuminating and clear. What had to be done has been achieved. The raft has been left behind. The journey is at its end.

>> No.16142487

Go to /pol/ now there will be like 10 race bait threads and 5 threads about how women are bad. 2015-2016 was a good run for sure but still they aren't changing shit only shitposting for themselves.

>> No.16142516

What's the difference between traditional and reactionary?

>> No.16142566

>Uncle Ted
>Reactionary right

>> No.16142630

It depends a little as there isn't a specific reactionary policy, just a lot of stuff that is reactionary in response to a certain event.

The best description I can think is that G.K Chesterson wrote that if a fence post is a certain way, intact and painted white, the policy can't be to preserve it forever no matter how it withers through the ages. In order to preserve the post it requires different, reactionary tactics. If it's faded you need to repaint, if it's fallen pick it up.

So the difference between reactionaries and conservatives is an important one. "Today's conservatives are yesterday's liberals"

>> No.16142672

It’s amazing just how much better this chart is than all the others.

>> No.16142797


They kinda do but in a rise of phoenix way

Lol at list only having the new testament not even the bible

>> No.16144091

thank you

>> No.16144130

The OP is absolutely atrocious in its pretentiousness. Politeia and Leviathan as 'babby's first books', on par with Orwell and Huxley, sounds about right. Smith's 'Wealth of Nations' without ToMS while further up there's fucking Kant's 'Pure Reason' "Read these together" Practical Reason'; but don't worry, just get an edition "with notes", it will be "much much easier". For some reason the New Testament will "introduce you to the political discourse and its rules", so you can get "some serious political philosophy" (because Plato and Hobbes apparently isn't) with a smooth follow up: De Civita Dei. Get a random Calvin insert, and now jump between English Enlightenment and the French, all set for Hegel's Enclyclopedia! Did I mention the longest text insert is on Marx to notify the enlightened /pol/ack you should read people you (think you) don't agree with? Nevermind, I'm off to read Sein und Zeit! Glad IsabelleHuppert isn't with us to see this kind of shit get praised on /lit/

>> No.16144366

Thanks for this

>> No.16144464
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Esteemed gentlemen, allow me to rebute your claims by recalling that you're indeed two niggers.

>> No.16144478

Holy shit whoever made this is a fucking retarded faggot.
>Foucault's Pendulum
>Reactionary Right
Kindly contract aids

>> No.16144492

This is my question to anyone who reads or is going to read shit like the stuff in this chart: what do you think it will do for you? What are you planning to get out of honing your "political identity" and reading about "distributive ethics?" What is the point of reading about stuff like this?

>> No.16144524

yeah he is pretty right wing.

>> No.16144568

>ooga booga
>not reactionary

>> No.16144608

I can't read shit, do you have a version for humans?

>> No.16144639


>> No.16144695

So traditionalists want to leave it alone entirely, reactionaries want to repaint it white, and progressives want to paint a fucking rainbow or some shit?

>> No.16144704
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>> No.16144713

Have you read it?

>> No.16144736

>Alexander Dougin's the 4th political theory
>together with the 3rd political theory's (fascism/nazism) group

>> No.16144745

do you care?
It's a war chronicle

>> No.16144791

I can just imagine a /Pollack with that background trying to read the Phenomenology kek

>> No.16144805

>do you care?
Thought so.

>> No.16144814
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Which movements?

>> No.16144837

>right wing socialism

>> No.16144876

>/pol/ reading list
It should be 90% Qanon like bullshit or it's not representative of that board.

>> No.16145023

sorry but we only talk about people that didn't get conquered most of their history

>> No.16145091

War is a mere continuation of policy by other means.

>> No.16145117
File: 57 KB, 324x500, realism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left or right wing, this is a book everyone should read.
Now go to the BLM protests.
Fight the system, just do it!*

*Sponsored by Nike

>> No.16145130


>> No.16145458

Unironically used for rightwing propaganda.
Fucking liberals

>> No.16145792

Fascism for one

>> No.16145807

What aspect of fascism is inspired by Marx?

>> No.16145818

I miss when it wasn’t riddled with boomers

>> No.16145992

this one is great

>> No.16146012

nobody tell him

>> No.16146023

2014 /pol/ was pretty impressive, now they're just shitty caricatures. shadows of their former selves really.

>> No.16146030

Realization of Jewish banking

>> No.16146066

Being reactionary is wanting to revert back to a more recent time period (such as most reactionaries wanting a twisted 1950's 'fantasy', which isn't ideal because the 'traditional lifestyle' that the modern /pol/fag wants does not exist in this time era), while being traditional is to apply yourself to your 'rooted' cultural norms and activities that were passed down to you by hereditary means. Evola, Mishima, or Guénon are good reads if you want to keep learning about the Traditionalist mindset.
Mishima is kind of fucking weird, but like every other author who writes THEIR ideals, you should always take it with a grain of salt and take what you want to learn.

>> No.16146992

>book by greatest ever female "philosopher" is about why she should get hand outs

Why am I not surprised

>> No.16147286

>other means
Same means

>> No.16147500

I like how the chart recommends the cambridge edition of the world as will and representation before the second volume had even come out.

>> No.16147530

>Goes from straight from More to Hobbes
This is awful and the people thinking this is "good" should be ashamed.

>> No.16147553
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>> No.16147656

How would you improve it?

>> No.16147752

I agree because it's fairly short and entertaining, and as a civil servant I definitely found his criticisms of market Stalinism to be true, but it's not that insightful nor do his proposed solutions seem possible at all

>> No.16147942

State direction of the economy.

>> No.16147956

Progressives want to abolish fence posts for being a phallic symbol.

>> No.16147987

Marx ---> Sorel ---> Mussolini

>> No.16148055

My favorite part of these threads is always the midwits rolling through to show off their one drop of knowledge about something

>Thucydides?? That has never been read as a central text in political philosophy... It's just history book.... (I know who Thucydides is!)
>Thomas Mann??? I know about him from Wikipedia, he's just an author LOL!!! He never wrote anything anti liberal!!!
>Ummmm Ezra Pound sweetie that's a poet.... Poets are trans* latinx like me....


>> No.16148063

yeah eco was making fun of conspiracy tards

>> No.16148067
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>Running actual campaigns and exercising powers of office are much better teachers.


>> No.16148076
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>> No.16148137

It's totally fine if you stop at the third tier. The fourth tier has some writers worth reading, but nothing particularly instructive.

>> No.16148500
File: 29 KB, 600x740, unafraid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absence of self-respect
>absence of dignity
>obsequiousness to power structures, even their most unjust impositions
>fearful lashing out replacing any appearance of intellectual nature
>bandying slurs as a reflexive demonstration of your deep-seated and unresolved shame
you're the nigger, faggot, and there's no Brother Malcolm who can rescue you from this condition because you have chosen to embrace falsehood as your ideal. continue on this path and you finna be destroyed by God

>> No.16148512

except for the final ~20% or so, that's a very good chart

>> No.16148519
File: 382 KB, 830x589, dunbar_paul_laurence_WD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We wear the mask that grins and lies,
>It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,—
>This debt we pay to human guile;
>With torn and bleeding hearts we smile,
>And mouth with myriad subtleties.

>Why should the world be over-wise,
>In counting all our tears and sighs?
>Nay, let them only see us, while
We wear the mask.

>We smile, but, O great Christ, our cries
>To thee from tortured souls arise.
>We sing, but oh the clay is vile
>Beneath our feet, and long the mile;
>But let the world dream otherwise,
We wear the mask!

>> No.16148543

Cornel West is an embarrassing establishment shill. Wants blacks to remain perpetual victims and minstrel shows for white people like all the rest of these hucksters.

Black segregation would benefit both races immensely and there should be friendship between the two.

>> No.16148876

whatever you say, uncle mayo, but it's kinda obvious you've read less than nothing written by Dr. West, the term "not even wrong" comes to mind.
he pointedly and thoroughly addresses the challenges to Black Freedom presented by the creation of the Black middle class, drawing on themes as old as Ambassador Frederick Douglas' colonial role. that you cartoon "perpetual victims" and "minstrel shows" reveals just how niggerized America's whites have become. completely by design, America's whites have grown accustomed to knowing less than nothing about the state they uphold as exemplar, and these reading lists are about as useful to improving one's lot as an uncle tom whistling while he smooths the duvet

>> No.16149210

The greatest. Thank you for posting this.

>> No.16149397

It's is, as you said, short and can be finished in a couple of hours, a good reason to read it.
I think it's very good he expresses his ideas, who are quite insightful, they don't seem as insightful afterwards because they are obvious, but one seldom thinks of them like the author does.
As for the solutions I don't agree with the author but that's not the point. An 81 page book can't solve all problems, even if it's packed with information.

>> No.16149400

I miss having at least10 Doom Paul threads alive at all times.

>> No.16149404

>Cornel West is an embarrassing establishment shill.
What the fuck kind of establishment are you talking about?

>> No.16149470

chart ugly

>> No.16149500

he might have meant Ta-Nehisi Coates

>> No.16149515

>unironically using midwit

>> No.16149525

Why though? I'm reading it now. There's speeches, and some back room politicking but I feel like there are other works that could do the same thing better

>> No.16149791
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>> No.16149819

What is ToMS?

>> No.16149828
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lmao look at the bulb sputter his empty speech, ain't nobody scared of you

>> No.16149866

>he's gay and jewish
Read /pol/ for social policy and /leftypol/ for fiscal policy. Leftists have always had awful ideas on social policy.

>> No.16149870

It’s under 24 hour psyops.

>> No.16149974

>is /pol/'s reading list a good introduction to politics?
Not really.
'In a period of history which anyone nominate themselves infallible supervisor of the coherence of others, it's worth reminding such distinct people that Aristotle himself, inventor or first formulator of the rules of logic and sophistic refutations, warned that these instruments were of no use without a long previous training in the arts of language and
exercise in comprehension.
With prudence, put previously the learning of syllogistic ( and it's dumb sister, sophistry ), the treatises in interpretation, the categories ( or types of predicates ), the antepredictions ( or level of predicates ), the psychology of discourse ( or rethoric ) and the art of distinguishing between real and apparent contradictions ( the topica, or dialectic ).
On top of it all was placed the technique of coherent scientific discourse, which was named analytics, latter called "logic".'
In other words, people jump all of it and start spreading bullshit for all the world to hear/read, and that is why you see leftists using intellectual dishonesty in order to win arguments.
Since we all have our examples of leftists or simply useful idiots talking about things without measuring their words.

Actual guide:
Knowledge isn't transmitted by osmosis, living in the present we are the most blessed and rich in comparison to the past - obviously - for the amount of accumulated material, but this list is neglected in colleges all around the world.

The process is tough, but simple: fulfill the traditional tasks of the academic study provided in the Introduction - in the order which was presented -, dominate the trivium, learn to write by imitating the classics in three idioms
at least:
1.Read a lot of Aristotle - all the works.
2.Plato - #.
3.Thomas Aquinas - #.
4.Leibniz - #.
5.Schelling - #.
6.Husserl - #.
Absorb as much as you can from the German and Austrian universities in the first half of the XX century, know very well the Comparated History of two or three civilizations, absorb the classics of theology and mystic of at least three religions - at your choice -, and afterwards, and only after you finished those tasks, read:

If after this regime you still feel impressed with what these latter three wrote, it's because you're really an idiot and there's nothing anyone can do for you.

>> No.16150021

>No Leibniz, Schelling, Husserl, Eric Voegelin... not even Josiah Royce
No wonder this board is a flaming pile of garbage.

>> No.16150038

Running in county or state elections and trying to push legislation and economics that encourages local growth. i.e.
>Farmer's Market organizing
>Getting local tax breaks for co-ops, credit unions, etc
>Organizing an artists' guild for locals who sell on Etsy or at the aforementioned market
>Increasing your area's interest in unionization, at least for those working for larger companies
>Promoting business development with the local chamber of commerce
That's just rattling off some of the things you should be doing if you're a Distributist. Knowing some things about how to run successful businesses would be beneficial, and understanding co-operative models can help ensure that the local business people don't fail in their efforts.

>> No.16150056

>Running in county or state elections and trying to push legislation and economics that encourages local growth. i.e.
You mean he should read that with the sole purpose of bettering his household budget?
Might as well tell him to learn a trade and do honest job.

>> No.16150062

Theory of Moral Sentiments

>> No.16150103

You can do both, you know. Depending on your locality, some city and county elected offices are very part time jobs. If you work a job that pays OK while doing part time local governance, you can actually be involved in the political process and do something other than mental masturbation with your education.

>> No.16150175

My elementary school library had a copy available for check out.

>> No.16150229

There's like 3 Qanon posters, and nobody takes them seriously.

>> No.16150331

OP here, thanks for the guide, I've only recently delved into political theory, so a comprehensive study list is greatly appreciated!

>> No.16150380

Why would these be on a political phil chart you giant double nigger fag?

>> No.16150392
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>woah, why doesn't a political philosophy chart have all these metaphysicians and my personal favourite literal-who!
The only one of those should be included is Voegelin.

>> No.16151395
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>/pol/ reading list
Pol doesn't read don't be stupid they just get emotional and make controversial statements.

>> No.16152388

Why are you trying to convince?

>> No.16152918
