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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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16140775 No.16140775[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

He just posted an update on youtube.

>> No.16140803

Link it?

>> No.16140832


>> No.16141017

I love this guy, but wtf how are fires this common in American forests

>> No.16141029

Heatwaves. This is how we’re going to die. Fires, famines, floods.

>> No.16141055
File: 23 KB, 200x282, 1597387462682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sad for all those trees, plants and animals burned

>> No.16141064

That's very sad, I will pray for all your animal friends bro. I think they work on a different rhythm from the one we humans do, some kind of collective unconscious, so their individual deaths are tragic but not final. God wouldn't make something as beautiful as a mouse or a squirrel and just leave it to fate, let alone to human cruelty, unless he had a backup plan.

Saying a prayer for you too, stay safe.

>> No.16141090

Hundred years from now a lot of it will go extinct.
What survives, won’t be written about.

>> No.16141327

Wow, just made a post to him in tribute and now this. Stay strong forest anon if you are reading this.

>> No.16141365

Places like California have massive tracts of forested land, the dry season that can last 8+ months with almost no rain, and 40 degree temperatures. Shit burns real easy this time of year.

>> No.16141380

rest in peace to his animals if it's gone this shit is heartbreaking

>> No.16141519

adding to that he was listening to the radio in one of his recent videos and it forecasted up to 114°F during a heatwave which is around 45°C

>> No.16141607

:( will he come back to us now or go back to the desert?

>> No.16141621

Someone tell him he can communicate on warosu ghost mode. Starpukes hasn’t banned that.

>> No.16141636

australians did it

>> No.16141747
File: 222 KB, 942x1418, 86A6DF99-9038-4F92-8794-11120A78651A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16141847


>> No.16141874

Those animals weren't his friends. He's gotta stop anthropomorphising, it's really lame.

>> No.16141912

Hans is based, stop being a dick.

>> No.16141952

who the fuck is this piss smelling skyrim faggot

>> No.16141954

Dead link

>> No.16141955

This is why St. Francis never preached to the faggots

>> No.16141969
File: 230 KB, 993x516, forest_anons_mouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ hermit who lives in the forest and loves animals. he used to post here until mods banned non residential ips
he had been with the mice since they were nursing on the mother they sat on his foot and ate from his hand and in one video he said he fed the animals because it gets lonely. prisoners befriend bugs. ted invented "grandfather rabbit". forest anon tamed pets. north pond hermit had a pet mushroom. to each their own.

>> No.16141983

The US had a very aggressive forest fire prevention program for decades that left huge amount of our forests filled with dead wood, add on top of that the effects of the worms (not native) which killed off much of the native ground cover which held moisture close to the ground and promoted rotting of fallen branches/trees and you are left with huge areas which are tinder boxes. If that was not enough we have choked our rivers with damns which has stopped the seasonal floods which used to give a good amount of forest lands good soakings and sped rotting creating massive natural fire breaks. Add a drought on top of that and guess what happens?

In our defense, we have had to figure this whole forest management thing out on our own, our parents (Europe) knew nothing of forests having cut down theirs long ago so they taught us nothing in this area. We have made great advances and really figured things out in the last 30 or 40 years, but we just have more forest than man power, and really, those fires are the best thing for them.

In another decade things will be doing very well, until then, humans are really in better shape than the forests and can take the hit this time.

>> No.16142003

>/lit/ hermit who lives in the forest and loves animals. he used to post here until mods banned non residential ips
fucking based,
why/when did mods banned non residential ips?

>> No.16142007

I'd love to leave my third world hellscape and go to take care of trees in America

>> No.16142023

You can absolutely do it, all you have to do is get into a US college for forestry and we will let you into the country. We will cover some of the cost and give loans for the rest. You will be able to work here in the meantime to make sure you are not blanketed in debt and able to feed yourself, we will even make it very easy for you to get citizenship once you have your degree. On top of that, you can get such degrees from cheap community colleges, no need to go to an expensive university. You really can do this if you want to anon, it just takes a little work.

>> No.16142028


>> No.16142029
File: 216 KB, 399x399, 1594409435999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope his mouse buddy made it out

>> No.16142038

i think they did it sometime this year, and im sure the reason is people were abusing it to evade bans or something

>> No.16142048

Load desktop view if on tablet etc. It won't load if you're using m.youtube

>> No.16142068

do you work in forestry? your concise explanation of forest fires was insightful

>> No.16142095

I will honestly keep it in mind, thanks for taking the time to help me, anon. Maybe I could try to apply after finishing college, since I'm studying a rather worthless degree.
Do you work in forestry, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.16142099

based nature schizo, this is what happens when you do too much weed and shrooms. with the climate changing so rapidly it's pure insanity to live out in the wilderness.

>> No.16142126

No, I just lived my life in the forest so it is an area of great interest, I do have friends and family in that field and have put a fair amount of study into it.

>> No.16142156

Have sex

>> No.16142272
File: 29 KB, 462x434, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he was so happy in his natural world, why did he post here?

>> No.16142276

Because when you're truly happy you long to share that happiness with others

>> No.16142293

probably better forests in third world

>> No.16142294

literature. not everyone is as depressed as you are.

>> No.16142302

sheep are really cute though

>> No.16142305

>a disgusting fucking rat
he couldn't make friends with a bobcat or something i know he was being chased by one last time he posted

>> No.16142573

Why the fuck would you bind yourself back to the world of civilization? He has everything he could possibly want.

>> No.16142667

why dont you ask him? he replies to every comment. i cant speak for him. he probably doesnt hate the world as much as you.

>> No.16143022
File: 50 KB, 420x545, 1596757429233s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this shit cringe
all the kaczynski larpers should be gassed

>> No.16143100

I just think he's a LARP attention whore. I don't care to feed his ego

>> No.16143115


>> No.16143144
File: 557 KB, 1274x1578, brrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not global warming that's for sure.

>> No.16143150

so why are you here getting your panties twisted lmfao you seem to care way too much for not caring.

>> No.16143168

Global cooling is a thing that's why they say climate change now. Cooling pollutants have been in short supply this year, because few planes are flying and many factories are closing for months at a time, so it's unsurprising that it's a particularly warm year.

>> No.16143338


California planted highly flammable eucalyptus trees. Eucalyptus trees produce flamable resin on purpose so fires are common and they grow back the fastest. Its tree on tree warfare.

>> No.16143572

>the forests are supposed to catch on fire in smallscale, not very dangerous conflagrations that are ultimately necessary for the health of the forest
>californians decided lmfao fuck that
>this makes the fires worse when they do, inevitably happen
can c*li just sink into the fucking sea already?

>> No.16144041

No, it’s not. They used to call it the greenhouse effect. There’s more moisture in the air evaporating from all the extra heat, so there’s an illusion in some places of normalcy. California did not experience Palm Springs type weather statewide on the regular 30 years ago.
Stop spreading disinformation about topics you know shit of

Can climate change deniers just get in the sea?

>> No.16144170

>big city starbucks lurking tranny detected

>> No.16144433

Forest fires are natural. Taiga and equivalent Canadian forests have fires but nobody lives there so nobody gives a shit about it

>> No.16144576

The US had a spat of massive forest fires in the late 19th/early 20th century that destroyed a good number of cities and killed many people including the largest fire in recorded Californian history, This led to the aggressive fire suppression campaign that lasted into the 60s. Most of the country's forests quickly reached an new equilibrium once fire was allowed to do its thing but California's large population and diversion of rivers to water the desert made things more difficult, they were not able to just let fire do its thing. They did well in the more remote areas and the forests are doing well there, but all those areas filled with people and forest have been wanting to burn for a century now, nothing could stop it and it was just a matter of time.