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/lit/ - Literature

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16137935 No.16137935 [Reply] [Original]

>be teacher
>you're about to assign a book for the class to read

What is your chosen book, /lit/?

>> No.16137938

Which grade?

>> No.16137946

Why don't we let the children decide? Why should so-called "adults" decide everything for them?

>> No.16137949

because adults know better, no?

>> No.16137961

The book the core curriculum told him to give. Could be anything as long as the writer isn't a white male.

>> No.16137962

>, no?

post feet

>> No.16137963

The only thing we know is that adults think they know better.

>> No.16137964
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Lolita, I will give particular classes if you want girls

>> No.16137965

Good idea, future generations of children will probably already be more mature millennials

>> No.16137967

Impeachment of Man - Savitri Devi

>> No.16137973

*than millenials

>> No.16137987
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Liveblog, sincerely

>> No.16137991
File: 351 KB, 1200x1504, 1200px-Aleksandr_Solzhenitsyn_1974crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzenitsyn.

>> No.16137994
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>> No.16137999

don't remember any adults biting me in the arm at school

very funny

>> No.16138012

Who‘s paws are those?

>> No.16138016


>> No.16138030

Outlines of Pyrhhonism by Sextus Empiricus

>> No.16138036

Because people need outside stimulus to drive them forward to improve. They’d read LEGO tie in books their whole lives if you left it up to them.

>> No.16138058

Definitely not. You must have never been around kids and teens as it seems. Some, sure. But some adults also still exclusively watch star wars.

>> No.16138072

it's no wonder that people are so horrible when they start their life as children

>> No.16138082

Not all adults are horrible and neither are all kids.

>> No.16138120

>resident tripfag being retarded
Nothing new under the sun.

>> No.16138260

Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck

>> No.16138323

90% of the population should not know how to read

>> No.16138339

Death of A Salesmen
Good choice, however, I think TGOW would spark up much more discussion.

>> No.16138414

>said the child-brain

>> No.16138426

pretty sure that's the bitch who played Captain Marvel

>> No.16138606

Anything that's not 80+ years old and boring as shit

>> No.16138621

This one was almost convincing

>> No.16138734
File: 67 KB, 395x612, the_cannbials_of_candyland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cannibals of Candyland, so that I can identify who the monster girl fans in my class are and become friends with them

>> No.16138880

The Bible

>> No.16138895

Honestly I agree with that but you should impose some limits. Like maybe the book has to be at least 200 pages long.

>> No.16138916

Gas the adults, age-war now!

>> No.16139358

Culture of Critique

>> No.16139406

People here don’t understand the way education is going now, because this is exactly what we’re moving towards. I assign a few books throughout the year, and then at times I provide a long list of recommended books for them to choose from, and at times I let them pick whatever they want and help guide them to something that’s appropriate for their level and the work we’re doing.

>> No.16139446
File: 1.17 MB, 2400x3183, Carlyle painted by John Everett Millais.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The History of the French Revolution by Thomas Carlyle.

>> No.16140761

Ulysses, might as well filter them while they're young.

>> No.16140770



>> No.16140779

I’m actually a high school English teacher. I try to sneak in more difficult works when I can, but you can’t go hitting the kids with The Book of Disquiet, for example, when they’re still learning what it means to be moral, rational creatures.

>> No.16140784

How stupid are your students, on average?

>> No.16140805

Tbh senpai great literature should be reserved for the intellectual elite. The retard masses should not have access to the highbrow

>> No.16140810

Serious question, how do you handle the prime teen pussy?

>> No.16140883

Most of my students don’t give a shit about the language or literature in general. Frankly, not many are suited to studying it. Every now and again, though, a student comes along who shows real promise and just gets it, so to speak. Those types are a treat to work with.
It’s been a bit of a problem, I must say. One student in particular was very obviously into me, and to be honest, I wanted her, too. I was considering writing a novel about the scenario.

>> No.16140907

Do most male high school teachers struggle with this or are some able to compartmentalize better?

>> No.16141240

Tough to say. I’d say the guys are a bit better at setting boundaries. Most of the female teachers who get a lot of attention almost encourage it by failing to discipline their students when they push things too far.

>> No.16141267

Because, unlike you, most people develop mentally beyond childhood.

>> No.16141637

Why the fuck isn't my filter workinf? Fuck you

>> No.16141643

Are young attractive women even allowed to teach high schoolers? I never had any after elementary school. Seems like too much of a classroom distraction.

>> No.16141709

The Faerie Queene

I had an extremely hot female math teacher for two years in high school, starting in Freshman year. Who knows what I could be by now if I didn't spend such crucial years learning to suppress boners instead of basic math?

>> No.16141741

a book with 10 pages probably

>> No.16142062

Not actually butterfly, smoothbrains

>> No.16142343

A Clockwork Orange.

>> No.16142353

This but unironically

>> No.16142393

Bending the rule a bit but I would choose A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson and then I'd get them to read a chapter each, and do an oral presentation to the class on their chapter.

>> No.16142412


>> No.16142689
File: 68 KB, 850x400, quote-the-masses-have-never-thirsted-after-truth-whoever-can-supply-them-with-illusions-is-gustave-le-bon-53-9-0961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most of my students don’t give a shit about the language or literature in general.
>Every now and again, though, a student comes along who shows real promise and just gets it, so to speak.
How does it make you feel that the former will always have more power than the latter?

Also do you teach advanced placement English or Coretard English?

>> No.16142713

120 days of sodom

>> No.16142781

The entire Rougon-Macquart saga

>> No.16142930

The Prince

It was assigned reading my senior year.