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16139256 No.16139256[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I read an essay a while back about how digging a holes to create a job is a fallacy because the work could be done on other things. Does anyone know the name of this? Also other mind opening essays like this?

>> No.16139284
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>mind opening
what would you even do with one, anon?

>> No.16139294

I hate women so much and normies, I could never make in this world.

>> No.16139296
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>> No.16139311


Broken window fallacy

>> No.16139316


btw like 70% of the American economy is broken windows. This also describes any kind of totally or nearly superfluous job. I'm sure spending 6-8 hours sending emails is really important

>> No.16139339

Googling what you typed just brings up Keynes's refutation of whoever you're quoting
>“If the Treasury were to fill old bottles with banknotes, bury them at suitable depths in disused coalmines which are then filled up to the surface with town rubbish, and leave it to private enterprise on well-tried principles of laissez-faire to dig the notes up again (the right to do so being obtained, of course, by tendering for leases of the note-bearing territory), there need be no more unemployment and, with the help of the repercussions, the real income of the community, and its capital wealth also, would probably become a good deal greater than it actually is. It would, indeed, be more sensible to build houses and the like; but if there are political and practical difficulties in the way of this, the above would be better than nothing.”

>> No.16139380

I'm pretty sure the Broken Window Fallacy, which is slightly different than what OP is getting at but is in fact what you're getting at, comes from Adam Smith.

I also wouldn't quite say that this is a "Refutation", as he's sort of just shifting the problem from the economic to the political.

>> No.16139444

Could never make what?

>> No.16139459

Economics are always political.

>> No.16139468

god i wish that were me

>> No.16139471

I bet this girl is into kinky shit. Those eyes don't eye.....

>> No.16139512
File: 2.73 MB, 450x800, sundress2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically want to experience what's it like to be a pretty 10/10 girl. Bet it would be like living in a different world. Just imagine the positive attention and shit you can do and get away with.

>> No.16139524

Maybe some dude would grope you and you'd realize all the stupid bullshit women put up with constantly

>> No.16139525
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The China Syndrome Theory of Value. We'll just bury ourselves in radioactive dust and chew on bitcoin.
Great thinking Keynes.

>> No.16139534

What I would give to own her...
She looks like the third and least attractive Botez sister.

>> No.16139559

That is very very rare. It's not hard being a woman.

>> No.16139589

There's an element of precariousness to women that I would like to unravel with a baseball bat. I'm not even an incel, and I just want to deck that girl in the face. Is there something wrong with me?

>> No.16139595

How would you know how rare it is? 1 in 6 American and women have been raped, think of how common lesser sexual assault must be in light of that

>> No.16139609
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>> No.16139623

Nope, i feel it as well. Its the dancing.

>> No.16139627

Why do you keep posting this unattractive woman you creep?

>> No.16139645

You guys are just misogynists

>> No.16139666

Whats your point?

>> No.16139681

Chill with that shit

>> No.16139688


>> No.16139692

got a problem, moralfag?

>> No.16139719

Why should 18 be the cutoff? Seems like an arbitrary number to me. The real AOC should be in the early 20s since that's when the PFC fully develops in a women, but we all know you moral fags don't actually give a shit about AOC as much you do about exercising power over other people. If Kamala Harris wants 16 year olds to vote, I think we should lower the AOC. KYS.

>> No.16139722

Nah lol

>> No.16139747

>you moral fags don't actually give a shit about AOC as much you do about exercising power over other people
Right back at you, you giant faggot

>> No.16139766


Oh yeah, and morality is also a contingency. Assuming we were a society that normalized arrange marriages, we wouldn't have a problem with it, not as much as we would now, so whatever you say is just your dumb opinion.

>> No.16139781

Like I said, whatever opinion you have is a product of a culture's arbitrary values at a given time. You're not upholding any fundamental value - no, you're just a butt hurt faggot because I don't agree with you.

>> No.16139796

>Like I said, whatever opinion you have is a product of a culture's arbitrary values at a given time
>Right back at you, you giant faggot

>> No.16139807

I'd take one guy that can dig a hole over a dozen people that can write emails.

>> No.16139814

>1 in 6 American and women have been raped, t
the criminal justice system says otherwise.
seriously, a womyn who does not report a real rapist is an enabler who allows the criminal to prey on future victims.
and all the attention whores who cry wolf are making it hard for legit rape victims to be heard. womyn are women's worst enemy.

>> No.16139817

Literally anybody can do either of those things

>> No.16139825

Ironically people like you are the reason women are hesitant to report rapes in the first place

>> No.16139828

You would think so, but I work in construction. There are people in this world who cannot dig a hole.

>> No.16139837

>concedes to my point thus rendering both our opinions worthless
I rest my case. Now, I'm going to go and jerk off to cunny and feel good about myself.

>> No.16139851

if 16 yo's are allowed to work, then they should be allowed to fuck. on the other hand, if a 35 yo is unemployed and can't afford a kid, get a coat hangar and/or snip the tubes

>> No.16139869

Read Bataille. That feeling is a logical reaction to beauty. You respond to the gift of her beauty by sacrificing it.

>> No.16139880

The movement of the eyes seem so affected and artificial I don't know how you could not burst out laughing at her pathetic attempt.

>> No.16139933

Explain. Why would I want to destroy something that's beautiful?

>> No.16139941

Haven't you ever seen fight club bro, tyler durden explains it so well

>> No.16139996

i used to work in shipping. there are people in this world who cannot tape a cardboard box.

>> No.16140012

>Why would I want to destroy something that's beautiful?
because of entropy, all things will die and decay. if you love it, set it free

>> No.16140029
File: 1.09 MB, 1474x1268, omph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be sincere for once, anon. tsk tsk tsk lmfao

>> No.16140038

Boo fucking hoo. Try being a woman in a muslim country before shitting on and attacking the one civ that gave you animals a chance of being treated like humans. And what do you do with that anomaly? Right. Get rekt you dumb fucking cunt.

>> No.16140057

Not doing yourself a ton of favors here you massive retard

>> No.16140066

Digging a hole is a fairly effortful activity. If there are roots and large stones in the ground it turns into an actually rather difficult task for which you need some tools.

>> No.16140074
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Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on 4chan by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid

>> No.16140075

Precisely not. Economics is *a* politics. It claims that value (ie: Marxian value) maximisation is "good." Despite the failure of utilitarianism to establish intersubjectivity.

Economics as a discipline is "a" politics, but it is not political except in the sense that economics is inflicted by economists.

>> No.16140079

He wants to murder it because its annoying and cant dance. simple as.

>> No.16140104

>b-butt other people have it worse!
Yes. Therefore incels should quit bitching up "muh roasties" and crying about not being able to have sex. You are privileged and sex isn't a human right, sweetums

>> No.16140105

You wanna make an actual argument or just keep throwing nonsense around.

Only the most priviliged in the most priviliged societies would come up with groping as a massive violation. How dumb are you? Why are you here? Stfu and lurk more you dumb niggerkike faggot

>> No.16140106

>Economics are always political.
you got that backwards.
politics are always about money
economics is not necessarily about politics
nothing political about buying a loaf of bread.

>> No.16140114

Only the most privileged in the most privileged societies would people complain about being an incel and interracial porn

>> No.16140118

This girl reminds me of a puppy I once almost drowned because it was so painfully cute. I kept holding it underwater until it would twist and turn and splash but I was too paralyzed by my unexpected capability of cruelty to unsubmerge the little whoolball. In the same manner, I feel a strong desire to squeeze the life out of this beautiful godesss. Just bind her and take her somewhere at night preferably where the stars are clearly lit, lay her down on her back and make sure she is as comfortable as one can be with your hands and feet fixated in an awkward position. After a prolonged episode of sniffing her feet and asshole, id multi hole rape her, not the violent kind of rape, but the romantic and passionate kind with a catholic ending in missionary position. Then, i'd tighten my hands around her neck and gratify her eye's primordal instincs of panic and shock as I would begin to squeel every last bit of life out of her perfect body and mentally anticipate to inhale her last breath conflicted wether I should mouth or nosebreathe it, I think nose for a fuller sensational experience and then toss her lifeless corpse in a dumpster along side discarded household items, steamy diapers, empty bottles, pregnancy tests and other objects once serving a useful purpose

>> No.16140128

>This ain't reddit, kid
Yeah the barrier to entry here is even lower than reddit. Just say some canned response like "fuck niggers xDDD" and get all the upvot-I mean (you)'s that you want from the swarm of normalfags and edgy, introverted upper middle class teenagers looking for something to blame like jews or minorities instead of their own mediocrity. Pretty simple really.

>> No.16140134

Incels are created by the welfare state. Women can chase the top 20% of men and these relationships dont last they get money from the state for veing singke moms. The other 80% of them dont get barely any pussy. This creates feminism and incels. WOMEN are responsible for the incel epidemic but as always you are too vapid to see any causality to your own actions. If you only knew how much of a joke your sex is. Its not even funny.

>> No.16140154

Please don't reproduce
I met many retarded people in my years on this site but you easily made it into the top 10 with this

You actually don't understand shit, so please let me give you this one advice, and please take it:
You are horribly stupid and it hurts, don't ever try to spread the shit you believe to know about anything ever again.

Now please try to think about the shit you're telling us here for at least 5 minutes and maybe you find the giant flaws in your logic all by yourself.
No one is here to give you private lessons. Maybe google "How to count to 2020?".
If you still don't get it then, just kys

>> No.16140155
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Its time for you to go back.

>> No.16140167

>Incels are created by the welfare state
No. Incels are created by their subhuman genetics. Go die in a war or something sweety because you aren't of any use here ;)

>> No.16140174

>Despite the failure of utilitarianism to establish intersubjectivity.
Are you fucking retarded? Capitalism is literally causing globohomo as we speak. The Beatles were literally bigger than Jesus.

>> No.16140186

Out of arguments so soon champ? Why don't you take a quick trip back to /pol/ and collect some ready-made insults. Maybe post a 49% meme or a 13/50 and imply I'm non-white. Go on. I'll wait.

>> No.16140195

you realize you're replying to pasta anon

>> No.16140205

and it matters because...?

>> No.16140215

We all have twice the amount of female ancestors than males. Do you know what that means you dumb idiot? Add that the fact that women have become so disconnected from the real world that they rate 80% of men as unnatractive and only go for the absolute alphas. And then you run around and comlain about incels. Trust me atm incels arent a problem but they will be and it will be glorious. Women stabbed the society that men built for them in the back and its starting to rot. Soon no one will care to protect you. You idiots are dumb enough the get rid of the one power structure designed to protect you because you believe that cops with body cams that are being filmed by a randys smartphone on the street love nothing more than murder black people.

>> No.16140216

Because you took the bait like an idiot, and I'd wager that you're underage seeing that it's a pretty old pasta. That being said, go back to Plebbit where you belong, fag.

>> No.16140224

>I-it's bait!
You do realize copy pastas can be used sincerel, right? But of course you know this, but won't admit it or you'll lose the argument

>> No.16140232

Your a stupid fucking cunt. You think you can bully someone cause you think it's funny?, it's not fucking funny. How would you feel if someone made fun of your mom?, or your dad? What if your mom committed suicide because she was being bullied over the Internet?? What the fuck is your problem? Your a stupid bitch thinking you can make fun of someone where Tf u live at? I live in Purcell bitch fuckin meet me somewhere and I'll throw my hands like it ain't no other .

>> No.16140236

Thank you for conceding. Read Mills and any basic refutation of Mills.

>> No.16140239

>rate 80% of men as unnatractive
well most men are unattractive so...
>only go for the absolute alphas
so following human nature. Is it wrong to want the best?
> And then you run around and comlain about incels
Nah. Just laughing at you.
>but they will be and it will be glorious
Yeah keep jerking off to your revenge porn fantasies loser ;)
> Women stabbed the society that men built for them in the back and its starting to rot
You realize that men gave women the right to vote, right? If you don't like the consequences of your decision made you shouldn't have made that decision huh?
>You idiots are dumb enough the get rid of the one power structure designed to protect you because you believe that cops with body cams that are being filmed by a randys smartphone on the street love nothing more than murder black people.
???? nice non-sequitur. Literally have no idea what the point is

>> No.16140245

Based as all hell

>> No.16140250

You're right - that pasta very clearly aimed to evoke a response from you and you did like an idiot. Now you're just rationalizing like a pussy bitch faggot.

>> No.16140257

You just do you honey. Tik tok tik tok...

>> No.16140258

>so following human nature. Is it wrong to want the best?
It's a bit complicated, we are somewhere between monogamy and harems and it probably varies quite a bit by ethnicity. Some women are content being in a harem but many want a man to themselves. Likewise some men have no intentions of raising children or loving one woman, while others get attached to a woman and help raise the kids as much as her. These natural inclinations are mediated by culture of course.

>> No.16140262


>> No.16140270

hehe nice one ^.^ hey I think that was a super cool comment, it was pretty just like u haha I'm sorry am I flirting xD I usually don't talk to pretty girls online so I lose my flying spaghetti xD

>> No.16140283

Dude just stop. You done goof'd and everybody whitnessed.

>> No.16140284
File: 37 KB, 360x344, 1594165967233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound upset. May I suggest you take a seat after that ass blasting and head on over to Reddit and take up permanent residence there? I think it would be the best for both parties.

>> No.16140296

Real alphas dont start families with whores. They use you and then the your are the one crying 'all men are pigs' because all you ever did was hunt alpha cock and get tossed. This is what creates 3rd and 4th wave feminists. Jfc read a book for once you dumb roasty

>> No.16140297

Still mad I responsed to your epic copy pasta? "B-but it's just silly memes! You can't respond seriously to it! Don't notice that my entire rhetoric and thought process was been almost entirely influenced by image board culture and the content posted on this website!"

>> No.16140299

>Nah. Just laughing at you.
So you're telling me you came to 4channel with the sole purpose of laughing at incels on a literature board, yet here you are actively participating getting triggered in the process. lmao when will you women learn.

>> No.16140310

>I-If I depict her as an ugly cartoon character surely I'll win the argument! G-gotcha!

>> No.16140311
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>> No.16140323
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Are you Jewish by chance? It's not always about winning y'know - it's about doing what's best, and I think it'd be best if you go back to Plebbit.

>> No.16140332

>It’s just silly memes bro! Don’t take it seriously!Sure my sense of self, even my vocabulary has been irrevocably altered by the content produced here but it’s just silly memes! You’re cringe for thinking it’s more than that!
Yeah don't think about how valuable of a space this is when it comes to determining the confines of discourse & consent manufacturing, right?

>> No.16140340

>Da jooooooooos! DA JOOOOS! Y-you're jewish because I say you are and I can't provide an argument!

>> No.16140347

Why would i be mad that you responded to pasta. Thats exactly what i wanted. I never gave you a single normal reply. This is the first one. All you did was argue against stale ass pasta from the very beginning.

Ask yourself, how many times have you come here trying to play the big wise man pwning dem dere nahziehs in le chonz and all you and your friends did was argue against stale pasta thinking you are saving the world playing weekend warrior, while anons cant stop giggling watching yoh fight windmills. Dumb tard.

That other anon was even trying to be nice and save you from furthering your shame but damn man, like the typical leftard you just crave the abuse, it fits your self-image so good. Beta af lmao

>> No.16140359

It's not very valuable at all, it's so small compared to twitter and reddit that it may as well not even exist

>> No.16140363

>S-stop! It's just silly memes! You can't just respond seriously to it!

>> No.16140366
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>> No.16140371

>it's so small compared to twitter and reddit
That's what makes it one of the most valuable bang for your buck spaces to “influence.”

>> No.16140392

>determining the confines of discourse & consent manufacturing

>> No.16140395
File: 28 KB, 416x295, 1580579371542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you not get this? The fact that you are responding seriously is what makes you the joke.

>> No.16140399

But what's the point? You can meme some anons into reading a book or something I guess, what does this accomplish?

I'm aware that there are 'shills' on /pol/, that is people from organizations actually paid to post threads to distract the users, but I don't think they go anywhere else on 4chan but that board.

>> No.16140404

and lots of twitter posters, especially on the dissident right get their content from this site or are at least influenced by it

>> No.16140415

>It's just silly memes! Pay no mind that my vocabulary and thought process has been altered by this site!

>> No.16140429

Why do you communicate like this? Just tell me what you think, how have they altered my vocabulary and thought patterns and for what purpose?

>> No.16140431

>Social media, whether for right or for wrong, alters your thought process
>4chan alters your though process for the worst
Yet here you are

>> No.16140455


>> No.16140484

That's not sincerity you faggot, sincerity for something because it's "sincere" isn't sincerity you gay faggot, sucking dick because it's "sincere" isn't fucking sincere you faggot.

I feel like vomiting everytime i see this woman's face.

>> No.16140500

Me responding in a serious manner is based because I'm a serious intellectual. I sharpen my mind like a sword on your childish dumbassery. Let me tell you a little about myself so that you numbskull can learn something today. I only go out for direct needs. My get up, or should I say outfit, is one that reflects my mood: persistently inquisitive, yet enigmatic and seemingly aloof. During such tasks, I am equipped with a black Sony music player (slightly greased because we're all human) with Linkin Park and other miscellaneous tunes. My pick is usually L'Park, especially as I browse with my smartphone the Reddit seciton reserved for analytical minds. I'm sure to have the ear buds pumping high volume from my ears to attract any eavesdropping female ears who so desire to attribute the escaping musical notes as my life's soundtrack. Yes, I understand quite thoroughly the ways in which fedora headgear is maligned, but I consider my character that of an independently evolved, highly adept one where nothing affects me. You could step in front of me at checkout in Taco Bell and I would proclaim, "I don't care." I've experienced it all and when I decide to go outside, I'm more ready than ever to bust through that door.

>> No.16140509

Is this satire?

>> No.16140521
File: 30 KB, 317x475, 52182126._SX318_SY475_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mock me as much as you'd like, this does not mean a thing. Firstly, you don't "get" me. I have an extraordinary mind not only as said by me, but also by far more intelligent people than me. I have a friend who's currently studying engineering physics who says I'm one of the few people that can keep up with him in a complicated conversation. Secondly, to your surprise, yes I do have friends, I met my best friend 17 years ago and we're like brothers since, he's aware that I'm a brainiac and sometimes calls me a walking encyclopedia, and I don't see why here I have to dumb down myself for the sake of attracting the affection of "internet people". I am who I am and you know nothing about me, all you can do is make assumptions based on a few internet comments. I can't stop you doing it, but I can choose to either take it seriosly or just entertain myself. And to end with - “The thing about smart people is that they seem like crazy people to dumb people

>> No.16140549

It is a critique of marginalism's incapacity to form "the good." You are aware of the failure of utilitarianism, the field specifying limits of Marginalism, and that keynes, while merely bourgeois liberal, was an intellect and capable of advocating for that which he knew to be wrong?

Jesus fuck, take first year.

>> No.16140553

Shut the fuck up. I'm so tired of being disrespected on this goddamn board. All I wanted to do was post my opinion. MY OPINION. But no, you little bastards think it's "hilarious" to mock those with good opinions. My opinion. while not absolute, is definitely worth the respect to formulate an ACTUAL FUCKING RESPONSE AND NOT JUST A SHORT MEME OF A REPLY. I've been on this chat for 4 years: 4 YEARS and I have never felt this wronged. It boils me up that I could spend so much time thinking and putting effort into things while you shits sit around (probably jerking off to Gardevoir or whatever furbait you like) and make fun of the intellectuals of this world. I've bored you? Good for fucking you. Literally no one cares that your little brain is to underdeveloped and rotted to comprehend my idea...MY GREAT GREAT IDEA. I could sit here all day whining, but I won't. I'm NOT a whiner. I'm a realist and an intellectual. I know when to call it quits and to leave the babybrains to themselves. I'm done with this goddamn chat and you goddamn immature children. I have lived my life up until this point having to deal with memesters and idiots like you. I know how you work. I know that you all think you're "epik trolls" but you're not. You think you baited me? NAH. I've never taken any bait. This is my 100% real opinion divorced from anger. I'm calm, I'm serene. I LAUGH when people imply I'm intellectually low enough to take bait. I always choose to reply just to spite you. I won. I've always won. Losing is not in my skillset. So you're probably gonna reply "lol epik trolled" or "u mad bro" but once you've done that you've shown me I've won. I've tricked the trickster and conquered memery. I live everyday growing stronger to fight you plebs and low level trolls who are probably 11 (baby, you gotta be 18 to use 4chan). But whatever, I digress. It's just fucking annoying that I'm never taken serious on this chat, goddamn.

>> No.16140575

Sorry brother I have to go back to work. I'll call you later. Remember Terry loved you and he knew you loved him and you were there for him. Remember the good times he would want you to smile and laugh not be sad. He was a good one never forget that and he will live on forever in our memories. Talk to you soon brother

>> No.16141221


>> No.16141301
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>taking economics seriously

>> No.16141334

This is the most epic meltdown ive seen yet


>> No.16143049

So it is satire.

>> No.16143188

Can confirm. Not construction but I used to work on a dig site digging several holes on a daily basis.

>> No.16143249

by the statistic you quoted, you are very likely to argue how bad women have it to an actual rapist.
this world sucks

>> No.16143992

Stop. Consequences will Never be the same.

>> No.16144093

just a bit too old for me, dawg.

>> No.16144254
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>>16139256 >>16139284 >>16139294 >>16139296 >>16139311 >>16139316 >>16139339 >>16139380 >>16139444 >>16139459 >>16139468 >>16139471 >>16139512 >>16139524 >>16139525 >>16139534 >>16139559 >>16139589 >>16139595 >>16139609 >>16139623 >>16139627 >>16139645 >>16139666 >>16139681 >>16139688 >>16139692 >>16139719 >>16139722 >>16139747 >>16139766 >>16139781 >>16139796 >>16139807 >>16139814 >>16139817 >>16139825 >>16139828 >>16139837 >>16139851 >>16139869 >>16139880 >>16139933 >>16139941 >>16139996 >>16140012 >>16140029 >>16140038 >>16140057 >>16140066 >>16140074 >>16140075 >>16140079 >>16140104 >>16140105 >>16140106 >>16140114 >>16140118 >>16140128 >>16140134 >>16140154 >>16140155 >>16140167 >>16140174 >>16140186 >>16140195 >>16140205 >>16140215 >>16140216 >>16140224 >>16140232 >>16140236 >>16140239 >>16140245 >>16140250 >>16140257 >>16140258 >>16140262 >>16140270 >>16140283 >>16140284 >>16140296 >>16140297 >>16140299 >>16140310 >>16140311 >>16140323 >>16140332 >>16140340 >>16140347 >>16140359 >>16140363 >>16140366 >>16140371 >>16140392 >>16140395 >>16140399 >>16140404 >>16140415 >>16140429 >>16140431 >>16140455 >>16140484 >>16140500 >>16140509 >>16140521 >>16140549 >>16140553 >>16140575 >>16141221 >>16141301 >>16141334 >>16143049 >>16143188 >>16143249 >>16143992 >>16144093
at what age women peak

>> No.16144368

45. But only specific ones

>> No.16144582

Too many posts and no sauce for the pouty.


>> No.16144780

Macey Ravndalen.

>> No.16144790

For me, it's 15.

>> No.16144797
File: 122 KB, 1080x1266, hnng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any age between 12 and 17, depending on the girl.

>> No.16145535

This is one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen in my life.

>> No.16145553

Hate to say it, but 18 for this one.

>> No.16145864


>> No.16147237

before the pandemic started i asked a hot girl out on a date, she rejected me lol

>> No.16147241
File: 418 KB, 1400x1540, 5gd7uz71oqf11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats rare as was explained. also as a man you are at constant risk of physical attack by other bitter but more aggressive men who want to take it out on someone and are just looking for an excuse to kick your teeth in (but consider it poor sport to hurt a woman)
its like being a living god. even being a 6/10 is god mode. everyone pays attention, everyone is happy to help, you're always invited , always in demand, always validated

>> No.16147252

Nope you just realize that this video is supposed to squeeze clicks, simp bucks or simply your attention out of you. You recognize that she is a whore and needs serious patrolling. Nothing is wrong with you

>> No.16147261
File: 523 KB, 1200x1850, male social hierarchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16147280

what a bunch of bullshit fake red pills. im sure its a complete coincidence that the alphas are all male models and the deltas are ugly yet all it comments on is intelligence and ambition and other victim blaming