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16138296 No.16138296[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 3rd day of nofap
Yo I’m really fucking horny.


>> No.16138318

Day 16 for me

Would fuck a jar of peanut butter

>> No.16138321
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Ready the gas chambers

>> No.16138369

If you fap, you'll be hearing the rebel yell.


>> No.16138380

It you're experiencing horniness, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.16138388
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Day 4 reporting in. Im starting to get the hang of suppressing the lust. feels good lads, feels good.

>> No.16138389

after 5 days of nofap i get a gigantic urge to rape a woman and usually jerk off before i cannot stop myself

>> No.16138429
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>masturbate 4 times a day
>super horny all the time

>practice nofap
>horniness goes away and I'm not thinking sexual stuff all the time

If you're experiencing horniness on nofap, you're failing at it and still are fueling your lust with thoughts and sexual images.

>> No.16138433


>> No.16138447

go to the gym and sweat a bit, works for me

>> No.16138451
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>everyone been practising for no more than a few days
It's like every thread I see these type of numbers and I wonder, you guys aren't just failing and failing over again are you?

>> No.16138469

I always get to a point that I'm formlessly horny but not actively aroused, more like so irritable that it's unbearable and I'm getting angry over stupid things, and then when I'm in this state I'll see something arousing for 5 seconds and be fully horny for days afterwards

That's what gets me every time, five seconds of mistake takes 3 days to wear off.

>> No.16138493

You're a product of what you do and the body responds to sexual activity and stimuli by impelling it to go after more of it to maximize mating success. When devoid of any partners, stimuli, thoughts the sexual faculties go into hibernation mode as their activity serves no point to individual survival or evolutionary success at that point.

>> No.16138508

But don't you guys the prolonged sexual gratification, to defer some meaningless gratification of it and extend it to give some inspiration to your thoughts like a poet, this is a very pleasurable experience and most of the time FAR better than actually consummating it(since most people do it on a purely meaningless whorish level today), and obviously could never be captured by something like masturbation.

>> No.16138521

How can I stop being horny, then

>> No.16138527


>> No.16138530

Arousal does nothing for me and the only reason I engage in nofap at all is because it is the one thing that reliably lowers horniness overall. Stop mass replying too. It isn't a motivator. It's a distraction that festers and gets worse the more you itch it.

>> No.16138557

stop going on the internet and looking at porn

>> No.16138565
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>Arousal does nothing for me
Then stop wanking and it will you coomer.

>> No.16138571

I tried to do it but only lasted about 5 days. I've never considered myself a coomer even though I usually fap once a day, to me it always just felt like a biologically imperative itch that would be satisfied for the day after a 10 minute fap. It's easier for me to just do the deed and forget about it than trying to not think about the urge.

>> No.16138572
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Modify habit, routine. Avoid all sexual images and stop thinking sexual thoughts and fantasies. Notice when you become aroused and what led to it and if it was idiopathic, it is a sign you aren't filling your day with enough things. Seriously attempt nofap and if you get aroused to the point precum is produced, consider it a failure. Relapse to playboy or sports illustrated images only. Get it over with in 15 minutes or less. Using your mind will draw you back to video porn. Try again next time and what remember what caused the failure that time. Eventually you'll learn to minimize horniness. If you've associated morning wood with erections, take phenibut at night to prevent them.

>> No.16138588

You've clearly never had sex. I don't want either. I want to be free from sexual release for good.

>> No.16138589

This. I too could only endure for a few days before a lust starts to possess me. It is not an active desire, but the one that permeates everything you do. You thoughts start to circle around sexual stuff, you start to think of excuses to break the streaks, you literally start ogling women and their bodies (I hate this the most), you start having weird dreams. Once the desire overfills you, you lose your ground, and start the suffering again.

>> No.16138598

>>When devoid of any partners, stimuli, thoughts the sexual faculties go into hibernation mode as their activity serves no point to individual survival or evolutionary success at that point
>trust me bro, the most important biological drive is just like, an illusion bro
>all those instincts to reproduce will just go away if you like, dont pay attention to them bro
>also, did you know you can stop being hungry if you just dont think about food for a week?

>> No.16138611

What about nudes in movies or even here? What about lewd picture in, say, Instagram? Do they count as porn?
Also, could I masturbate, if I were to relapse, with memories instead of sexy images?

>> No.16138631

>if you get aroused to the point precum is produced, consider it a failure
i had to learn this by experience, if you drop the ball even once the urge won't leave you for days
i just ended a 5-day streak yesterday (which, for me, is actually almost a personal best). the days where i wasn't thinking about it at all were blissful, the day where i lost was miserable
i want so badly to leave this thing behind me, the suffering it causes me is immeasurable

>> No.16138639

The drive responds to stimuli which is why if you see big tits of a healthy female you should get an erection if you are a male. Its continuance is maintained through horniness which is mostly habitual. Funny that you mention food as fasting/starvation does decrease ghrelin secretion after ketosis is achieved. So, in point of fact, it does lower hunger. The best the cure for the morbidly obese is forcing them to go without food for days. These natural drives have become hijacked and turned into habit greatly multiplying the effect they have on the individual.

>> No.16138641

But how would that even impede on my advice? And yes, I have had sex.

>> No.16138658

Anything that causes or can cause sexual arousal should be avoided, otherwise nofap instead of being a productive force is just a horniness filled period of fighting against yourself.

>> No.16138660

>also, did you know you can stop being hungry if you just dont think about food for a week?
only a terminal coomer could think for a moment that they actually need sex in order to live

>> No.16138666

8th day. No particularly strong urges, just morning wood

>> No.16138697

After slaving away at the gym I was approached by this wonderful girl and I think I like her. She has this sweetness to her that most women seem to have lost. I think I'll give her kiss tomorrow

>> No.16138705

if I don't fap for 3 days I start thinking about jumping in front of a train

>> No.16138715

you will never reach a point of not feeling hunger, no matter how long you starve yourself. these desires have a function, and the function is to survive and reproduce. it is the only reason you sense anything at all, and if you ever stopped feeling those drives, its either because youre a genetically challenged freak of nature, or because youve suffered some serious damage.
anon, why are you on this board if you cant read?

>> No.16138718

If it's still a trigger, take phenibut to prevent morning wood. 500mg is enough

>> No.16138724

based and checked

>> No.16138756
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The last time I did nofap for a week was the week up to the 2016 election. I had thought my sexual energy would give Trump the edge. Apparently it worked. Wat means?

>> No.16138767
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We're up against much worse this time, you may have to up the ante

>> No.16138774

Now you're the one generalizing. Abstaining from food and being in a state of ketosis, absolutely does get rid of intense hunger and this can be objectively seen with hunger hormones decreasing. The glutton isn't responding to his natural drives. The 5 times a day masturbator isn't satiating his carnal appetites , he reinforces them.


Not to mention, it's clearly associated with a habitual drives. If someone snacks all the time. It follows the body responds by cueing the natural drive for hunger as part of the reward cycle.


>> No.16138785

>you will never reach a point of not feeling hunger, no matter how long you starve yourself
t. fatty cope. you never fasted.. or did keto

>> No.16138819

I'm on like day 5 but I had a wet dream on day 3. I feel amazing. Been exercising like a mad man, reading a ton, etc.

>> No.16138825

>/lit/ - Literature/

>> No.16138831

Reading and virtually anything you do is just a cope unless you rise above being a fleshslave.

>> No.16138832

Cont. btw my wet dream was so fucking hot, I was literally fucking some brazilian loira with a huge bunda in a pool, she was rubbing her huge ass against me and I coomed inside her in the dream and also in person. Had to wash my sheets but it was worth it

>> No.16138844


>> No.16138859
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>what the fuck

Fine I’ll do nofap for a full month. Trump better start really doing some shit next term.

>> No.16138868

The fact that you revel in and stir it up again is proof that you're not taking this seriously and will fail.

>> No.16138879

>will fail.
maybe, idk, i'm pretty good with no cooming. but i think wet dreams are cool, honestly it's amazing how much the brain can conjure up

>> No.16138893


>> No.16138905

Good job man.

>> No.16138919

You’re such a fag for believing in this bullshit

>> No.16138933
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I've been attempting Nofap for 4 years now, and I think I'm going back to cooming.

Nofap didn't do anything for me, besides removing some of my brain fog.
Didn't improve my confidence, my social skills, I still have no friends or a girlfriend, still a virgin.
Still live with my parents, don't have a driver's license, no job, no future prospects.
So what's the point in semen retention to "preserve muh energy" if my life is going down the drain?

Someone give me some instas of hot blondes with big tits to COOM to, pls.

I am officially done with this Nofap pseudo-garbage.

>> No.16138956
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>> No.16138974

Nooo that's against the WHOLE ethos of this thread STOOOOP

>> No.16138977

yes i am sure cooming will definitely get you where you want to go

>> No.16138980

you can't just do nofap, nofap is just to give you more energy, you have to use that energy productively or there's no point

>> No.16138994
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Shut the fuck up and post some blonde bitches with big tits, cunt
It's too late now

Fuck off with your sarcasm, cunt

>> No.16139002

i failed. 4th day. its usually around that time where some thought bothers me for hours upon end and i just cant take it anymore. I cant focus on anything fully because its always looming there. wat do

>> No.16139003

try again

>> No.16139007




>> No.16139017

ive been doing that for a year. not working. Although ive made, mostly, steady progress. I guess i should just keep trying. How long did it take for you guys to get a decent spree? like 1 months plus

>> No.16139019

>you have to use that energy productively
I did!
But that didn't make the urges go away, I always ended up giving in

What's the point of Nofap if the result is just endless sexual frustration and stained underwear in the morning?
It's impossible to not fap or ejaculate, your body will force the sperm out whether you like it or not