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/lit/ - Literature

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16137658 No.16137658[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Greetings misogynists or closet racists (at least I know some of you hint hint). Yeah well, let's not worry about that today. I'm visiting from r/askscience! I was visting r/books and asked
what everyones favorite book was strange (strange I know don't ask) and wanted to compare their favorite books to yours.

>> No.16137666
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>> No.16137670

Good afternoon, faggot. Please go back to wherever you came from and never return.

>> No.16137673

Confessions by tolstoy

>> No.16137683

Yea, I figured I'd get this response...
Can't blame a guy for trying right? right? sigh

>> No.16137685

You asked what everyone’s favourite book was strange?

>> No.16137688

Plotinus, Plato, the Bible, heidegger, kierkegaard

>> No.16137698

Leave and never return. We already have enough cancer.

>> No.16137718

>Having a favourite book
Top cringe. The most I can say is that X(y) can say thathe boooooki licked et mos est Lesquiz & Lalange, handested from the phalange-like phanalges of Luisine Wolfson (Owhooo owhooo [howl'st])

>> No.16137722

I’m sorry you feel that way. Maybe 4chan isn’t for you?

>> No.16137728

>closet racists
I’m transparent about it because I can rationally justify it.
My favourite fiction book is Moby-Dick/The Whale, favourite non-fiction is Ethica. Now go back, faggot.

>> No.16137739

Can you just stop being a douche bag for once in your life?

>> No.16137744

Ulysses for greatness
Seymour: an introduction for personal relation

>> No.16137749
File: 2.77 MB, 2000x3700, Top 100 Books 2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16137751


>> No.16137780

Hello, r/books!

Come on in, I hope I can make you feel at home:

Hi, I've never really read before - except for the Harry Potter series 3 times - What book should I read?
Any books like 1984 and A Brave New World?
Greetings r/books, just read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and I loved it! Any more like this?

Hope you enjoy your stay, good sir. Have an upvote!

Edit: Wow, never expected this to blow up! Thanks for the gold!

>> No.16137807 [DELETED] 

I always found the favorite book question weird

Is it supposed to capture the subjective particularity of someone, in the same way you want to find out that super genius Nietzsche's favorite book isn't some philosophical heavy hitter but short stories by Gottfried Keller? In which case what does it matter without further information, asking some anonymous random faggot doesn't provide the necessary juxtaposition to make the "actually my favourite book is Voyage to Arcturus oddly enough"

But even then the question isn't sufficiently differentiated from "what do you regard as the best or most important book" so you get a lot of people saying Plato or the Bible out of obligation even if they barely enjoy reading those

Anyway my favourite book is Mein Kampf

>> No.16137811

You may ridicule their shit but with all the wojack posting and based yikes cringe posting introduced by dumb fucks and zoomers, this site hasn't been in a good way for quite some time.

>> No.16137820

George Floyd was Wholesome 100, completely deserving of all that Reddit Gold, but that bastard pig had to give him the ultimate downvote... what are some books dismantling critical race theory??

>> No.16137833

>the ultimate downvote
Audibly laughed, do those r/etards really say things like this?

>> No.16137838

7/10 bait

>> No.16137844

Nooooo you’re meant to post the censored posturing version!! Reddit will laugh at us!

>> No.16137853

Fuck niggers and women and jews

>> No.16137860

Wtf that's based

>> No.16137863

>Kant beneath the people sucking on his tits

>> No.16137869

I am literally taking a shit as I write this post and I have diarrhea.

>> No.16137882

If you were to parody the typical comments from a subreddit of your choice, you'd likely find yourself in a competition with the people who post those things in earnest.

>> No.16137883

Post a picture for us.

>> No.16137898

oh i agree
reddit >> 4chan
we're reddit's retarded little brother

>> No.16137906

Reddit has much more productive conversations. Usernames give everyone accountability and weed out the immature incels.

>> No.16137907

>caring about some popularity contest where very people voted
>oh no, they don't agree with my views!
You should start getting familiarized with the downvote/upvote feature and spending some bucks on Reddit gold.

>> No.16137915

>>caring about some popularity contest where very people voted
case in point - this guy can't talk

>> No.16137928

Huh, maybe you go there instead.

>> No.16137931

Sadly /lit/ is my home. I have been here far longer than you have.

>> No.16137937

Ah hello fellow r/scholar! I’m afraid; rather quite; rather I am -quite- afraid (afraidus) that you have stumbled; no doubt accidentally as a fellow r/fuckinglovescience browser; to a rather sad, dark age humdrum of God fearing cavemen, sci fi scoffing at Neanderthals and; dare I say; word salad (saladua) posting tricksters. The enlightenment and its emancipating science, logic, atheism and all round epic ness never trickled (triculus) down unto such a cave (cavernus) as this; I would recommend taking your Dawkins, your 1984 and your Aurelius to a more deserving crowd: our humble home is Reddit. These people won’t appreciate it

>> No.16137952

EDIT: gold? Wow! This blew up!

>> No.16137953


>> No.16137966

very few*
Now what do you want to "talk" about, anon? Are you going to make another shallow observation?
You could leave at any time.

>> No.16137979
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good bait op, most people here are to retarded to get it even though you are laying it on thick.

also I liked Japan:An Attempt at Interpretation

>> No.16137980


>> No.16137989


>> No.16138010

how would you fix all the motorcycles incorrectly labeled bicycles?

>> No.16138013

Yikes my dude.

>> No.16138025

>OMG Japan!!!

>> No.16138038
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>Usernames give everyone accountability and weed out the immature incels.
Usernames quickly turn into ego trips for the poster, or "ad auctoritate" arguments. Anonymity works better because each post stands on its own merit. It's the lack of moderation that turns any place into a shithole, usernames don't do shit in that regard. People are monkeys, and adapt to the existing culture. If you see shit all over the street and no one is cleaning it, you'll assume it's fine to shit on the street.

>> No.16138050

yes. i also liked his work on louisiana too. its more Hearn’s writing than anything else.

>> No.16138073

I am not racist i am "white identitarian"

>> No.16138085

>"ad auctoritate"
Imagine using a Latin locution and getting the preposition wrong. Embarrassing.

>> No.16138084

>rationally justify it.
You can't

>> No.16138266

Hey, this isn't very nice thing to say! NGE is great animu with deep religious commentary and it explores themes like nonheteronormativity and mental problems (anxiety) very well.

>> No.16138319

maybe YOU can't

>> No.16138358

Aquinas makes the list. A Dogmatic Aristotelian retard.

>> No.16138386

Kill yourself whitoid tranny redditor

>> No.16138399

>right? right? sigh
you type like such a Redditer, also can you find a more boring and useless surrogate activity?

>> No.16138407

pretty good bait actually

>> No.16138427

imagine the smell

>> No.16138448


>> No.16138504

Mein Kampf.

>> No.16138533

This is so fucking plebeian.

>> No.16138544

Fuck you anon, 10/10

>> No.16138558

kill yourself

>> No.16138708

Have you tried not being an autistic loser?

>> No.16138928
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>I’m transparent about it because I can rationally justify it.

>> No.16139020
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>> No.16139040
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probably notes from underground desu

>> No.16139054

I can actually. Though I’ll admit that the racism is more in the form of believing one should care for ones own race even to the expense of others, I don’t believe in inherent racial superiority, which is usually a cope. The nature of life and evolution is in large part competition, in social organisms (eg humans) this competition most greatly takes the form of competition between groups, groups will have higher genetic relatedness in themselves, this encourages kin altruism that helps the survival of genes you share with other individuals aiding evolutionary success. Those other groups are less related and show reduced kin altruism, this also means that if a group (like a nation) has a variety of groups within it, those groups will compete with each other and cause instability and a lack of social cohesion. This effect is particularly exacerbated with human races because of obvious physical differences that encourages the subconscious acknowledgement of difference. Additionally, if it is the evolutionary drive of social organisms to succeed to the detriment of outsiders then we should follow that drive.
Have sex

>> No.16139067
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>> No.16139084

I guess we should eradicate you because you're a fucking parasite

>> No.16139214

Very angry reply xd, your words are still empty though

>> No.16139305
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Greetings fellow citizen of the internet!

Consider the following books, kind stranger. All have strong female lead characters, which I find empowering:

>Mein Kampf
>Mein Kampf
>Mein Kampf
>Mein Kampf
>Mein Kampf
>Industrial Society and its Future

>> No.16139309
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>Very angry reply xd, your words are still empty though
No, you.

>> No.16139415

Hail satan. So if science is a slave to profit it's bad, and it's equally bad for it to be a slave to the interests of the state. I agree, but what is the other option? As of now those seem to the only two choices.