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/lit/ - Literature

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16135047 No.16135047[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16135117

*still waiting for someone to read your book*

>> No.16135132

How does it feel to spend years writing a book which is immediately panned and then forgotten about?

Pure desperation shilling this here still. You had your 15 minutes and all it cost you was a decade of your life, your dignity, and the shattering of your fragile ego. Was it worth it?

>> No.16135177

You clearly did not read the book. Of course the troglodytes on this imageboard "panned" my work, this is the definition of being "filtered".

>> No.16135204

Hi Horcia. Congratulations on having written a book. What is it about? What philosophical problem does it attempt to solve, if any?

>> No.16135208

It's literally in the title; it synthesises the objective and the subjective.

>> No.16135213

That does not help at all. What do you mean by "synthesis"? Why is there a need for it?

>> No.16135215

Thank you.

>> No.16135219

You have been filtered, thank you very much.

>> No.16135224

Filtered how? By your inability to explain what the book is about?

>> No.16135227

Bro I already debunked your shit in the introduction and the first chapter hahahahaha

>> No.16135236

Post the refutation here then if you're so smart.

It is literally impossible to explain it in simpler terms.

>> No.16135239

>Claims to be waiting for a refutation
>Someone asks the most basic question about the book
>Refuses to engage

>> No.16135245

I forgot to put the link:


Please also leave a good review on Goodreads:

>> No.16135260
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>With no previous background in philosophy, the author brings a fresh, personal perspective to tackle every conceivable topic, both big and small

>> No.16135280

I have not read this or any of the threads on this but did you not shill this book super hard a few weeks back? I remember seeing like 11 threads about it in the catalog. thats kinda retarded dude.

>> No.16135283

Fuck off janny and stop shilling your book.

>> No.16135284

Get a job.

>> No.16135324

You have been filtered, thank you very much.

>> No.16135372

>post the refutation
Aside from the obvious, dripping self-fellating about how you're so smart and creative, you have offered no (0) proof for either your claim that animals desire self-awareness nor your claim that man lives because he desires to know god. The claim that man wants to know god is more easily translated into extant human endeavors so I'll grant you that. But on what basis do you claim that animals desire self-awareness?

>> No.16135393

It's evident in their ability to be domesticated; just as it is evident in man's ability to be civilised.

>> No.16135495

>being a slave means you're closer to god

>> No.16135498

You have been filtered.

>> No.16135537
File: 182 KB, 602x740, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah people named your faggy shit when I posted my book coming out in <3 weeks. Interesting to see that you have a big dumb ego and took years to write this work. Did you actually do anything with this work?

>> No.16135557

Amazing. One narcissist calling out another narcissist without even a hint of self-awareness.

>> No.16135558
File: 77 KB, 1071x427, uk review.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds interesting. I just ordered my copy

>> No.16135570

Animals don't desire self awareness, they desire consciousness. They aren't looking to figure out themselves but figure out the best place for themselves and how to be it. Looking at the intimate relationship between Alexander the Great and his horse you can see the connections between spirituality but you still see how the animal clings to ones owner.
you should order my book next month thnx

>> No.16135599

>they desire consciousness
Arguments? Scientific proof? Frivolous interpretation as an anecdotal evidence? Is that it?

>> No.16135607

>god exists because my mind wills it
yeah, no, your synthesis is shit. A college freshman could write something more feasible than that.

>> No.16135612

I interact with animals a lot

>> No.16135624

what's that book even about, man? there's never been a guy quoting it, but everyone's talking about it because the author cringeposted.

>> No.16135632

from what I can gather it's /lit/s attempt at a non mystical version of my book

>> No.16135637

I don't see a single reference that proved his point. Yea, sure, ADHD blah blah blah. What even is consciousness of animals if we struggle to find one in humans? Sounds like a fucking reification

>> No.16135661

I thought your book's point is to debunk mysticism.

>> No.16135665

The fact that animals seek to learn about their greater world and what is affecting them proves they have consciousness. This is what happens when you introduce an apartment cat to the outdoors or in the apartment common area. They do it because they are interested in where they live, not because they are just trying to run away somewhere. They desire to live and have control of their own lives. You should seriously sit down and question your own intelligence before you reply with a ramble like that to someone again because it makes you look really stupid and arrogant.

>> No.16135680

Where'd you get that from? If anything it is to prove that mysticism is the work of the Spirit, giving credit and reasoning for the Catholic interpretation of Christianity; while saying that Christianity was created by the Greeks

>> No.16135688

>P1 animals seek to learn about their greater world and what is affecting them
>C they have consciousness
Do animals learn the say way that we do?
>They desire to live and have control of their own lives

>> No.16135696

>say way
nice reply? are you even here to have a conversation? why'd you post?

>> No.16135698

same way*

>> No.16135700

>where'd you get that from
You telling me that your book disproves occultism.

>> No.16135705
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You say that Te is feminine and Ti is masculine, but the two most common mbti types for men use Te and the two most common mbti types for women use Ti as an inferior process and consequently do not use Te. What's worse is that you literally chose Ti as masculine thinking because you thought that men use it more than Ti.
Further on you said that World War Two was a struggle between feminine and masculine thinking, defining Hitler as a 'feminine thinker', which is actually coincidentally correct because he uses Fe, a predominantly feminine thought process, but you defined Fe as masculine so that messed up everything.
If you're going to comment on mbti, at least learn about it. I think you took this 'no reading, original thoughts' idea too far when you started to comment on other peoples ideas because you need to read about them in order to really understand them.

>> No.16135732

I thought occult was about magic. My book can't be disproving mysticism as I'm writing with mysticism. I am not entirely sure how it works yet which is why I am having problems but it's in the same way in which great writers wrote, like Plato and Augustine. I speak on how Augustine is called the prince of mystics by the Pope.

Disproving the idea of the occult is actually interesting as it's sort of a proof. If you want to believe in the idea of the occult you would believe something that I mention in my third chapter with Alexander and how Aristotle made claims on their being two spirits, one good and one bad and that these were the working gods on Earth. This is more the idea of how the Greeks created Christianity before, this being good vs evil on Earth. If you want to think about what the occult is, it's just people using manipulative language of the Spirit to convince people to commit evil instead of good

>> No.16135744

>what the occult is, it's just people using manipulative language of the Spirit to convince people to commit evil instead of good
But that's wrong. Occultism is simply the study of "hidden" knowledge. What one does with that knowledge is a different question. The difference between occultism and mysticism is like the difference between water and h2o. It's just pedantic semantics. Look at the etymology of both words and you'll see

>> No.16135747

They way you think about world is flawed. Your sentences make no sense.
1.There is no such thing as consciousness. It is just a reification. Does cat have some qualities that are not explained by their evolutionary aquired reflexes?
2.What is desire to live and control their lives? What is it. I don't undersand.

>> No.16135768

you just rephrased what I said to sound smarter
>no such thing as the thing we are talking about so you are wrong
why are you commenting?

>> No.16135775

>you just rephrasrf what I said
But I didn't you imbecile. You said occultism exists for the purpose of manipulating people into doing evil. I said that's not true.

>> No.16135780
File: 64 KB, 500x654, redditRISEup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This could have been a funny meme, but the fag spamming it and the reddit retards who can't understand memes or bait ruined it.

>> No.16135785

you know how you try to have a place to sleep at night? it's like that, they decide where to sleep every night based on the lives around them. This is why pets run away
that is true. that's what my book is proving. your statement you call occultism and mysticism the same thing when I said they are the same thing but occultism is about manipulating for evil reasons not good, so essentially the same meaning behind our words

>> No.16135801

But they literally cannot be the same if their whole purpose is supposedly different.

>> No.16135804

>It is literally impossible to explain it in simpler terms.
That brainlet can't comprehend the big wordy words in your title lmao. Fiction fags everyone

>> No.16135818

why not? it's about control, the book is called mind control theory

>> No.16135847

From what I gathered you equate mysticism with good and occultism with evil despite both being ostensibly the same thing. Logically then you'd have to equate good with evil for occultism and mysticism to be the same

>> No.16135854
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>yeah u just don't understand the memes like i do reddit0r!!!!

>> No.16135865

No I don't I correlated it to what you were saying, you called them the same thing when you compared them to water and h2o. I compared this to how in the book I talk about how Aristotle speaks of a good and bad spirit because the book is talking about how Christianity was developed by the Greeks. To equate them the same is true, as again, part of the book is on satan. Satan works for god and always asks permission before acting, that's how this is a layer of mind control. The people are using a layer of manipulation and forcing scenarios on people they have indoctrinated into the occult, and their acts are justified in the existence of this mysticism which is the Spirit.

I am saying they are the same thing, satan works for God in the Bible directly a multitude of times.

>> No.16135883

A mindless insect could do as much.

>> No.16135896

you mean life? yeah of course it can, it's creation

>> No.16135901

You cannot derive a conclusion from just one premise. That would be to beg the question. You need at least two declarative statements serving as propositions to commect a train of thought to a conclusion.

>> No.16135918

wtf there is actually some author pathetic enough to spam 4chan with their work?
jesus christ

>> No.16136055

Refute my diary Belcea, and I shall refute yours

>> No.16136096

Why are these threads still up, while that Searle thread get deleted immediately?

>> No.16136135

>jannies delete on-topic searle thread
>this shill thread isn't even touched
FUCK you Horia you FUCKING janny.

>> No.16136137

because this is on topic you dumb retard

>> No.16136166

cant wait to shitpost my book here to make nerds mad lol

>> No.16136178

Smart move getting the janny gig. You might be the first janny to actually get paid.

>> No.16136188

So does Hiro look at 4chan feedback at all or is there some other way to contact him? Fuck Horia seriously he needs to be taken out, obviously jannies won't help when he's a janny himself. I sent Hiro feedback way back when Horia mass banned and mass-deleted threads. Evidently nothing happened.

>> No.16136203

The posted review is an argument from authority.

>> No.16136223
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>> No.16136226

>Horia reducing himself to posting wojaks

>> No.16136249

if you guys hate him so much why do you keep posting in this thread

>> No.16136259

Cry more you seething troglodytes

>> No.16136261

i'm a faggot

>> No.16136269

reply to my book post

>> No.16136279

who are you?

>> No.16136280

Stop pretending to be me.

>> No.16136292

Get a job, Horia.

>> No.16136294


>> No.16136299

no, you are the one whos pretending to be me.

>> No.16136308

I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned the fact that this is literally the most notable work of philosophy to come from Romania. LOL!

>> No.16136319

thank you i will send you a copy of my new book "biases on the faggot and the faggotry"

>> No.16136320

read your own thread retard

>> No.16136327

OP Get a real job, stop shilling your gay little diary.

>> No.16136333
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>> No.16136335

but i don't have a...... thread.

>> No.16136338
File: 7 KB, 200x200, edws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He hasn't read Gabriel Vacariu's Epistemologically Different Worlds

>> No.16136342
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>> No.16136348

yeah kys not interested in you

>> No.16136355

Stop pretending to be me or I legitimately will ban you from this board.

>> No.16136358

even if you have moot on your payroll your book is still shit.

>> No.16136366

Seriously guys.... If you haven't read my book, don't criticise it. It's not funny anymore. My wife has already left me when she found out the things you have been saying about me on here...

>> No.16136369

this is for you >>16136358

>> No.16136378

I told you to stop. My wife has not left me and yes, you should not be criticising a book which you have not read.

>> No.16136386

>My wife has not left me
yet, hasn't left ME yet.

>> No.16136389

I am a published author, what have you done?

I am not Romanian, my mother is Jewish and my father is Czech.

>> No.16136406

why i feel you 're talking just like butter

>> No.16136426

It's called speaking English

>> No.16136440

>It's called speaking English
make sense, did my book help you to think that way?

>> No.16136444

This is your FINAL warning. STOP impersonating me or you will face legal action. I've had enough of being mocked, ridiculed, laughed at incessantly. I have struggled with serious mental health concerns since I first posted extracts from my work on /lit/.Then my wife left me for a guy known as "Sean Goonan". It isn't funny, and you need to grow up

>> No.16136463

Ok, that's it. I am filing a report about this - this is totally unacceptable. How dare you do this to me? I pour my heart and soul into my work and present it to /lit/ and this is how they treat me?

>> No.16136472

It's obvious that you people are simply trying to discredit me just like the Amazon reviewers who are in collusion with mainstream academia. I hope that the people will see that you are unable to attack my arguments and thus must resort to these character assassinations and imitations in order to sully me name. This is the end of the thread.

>> No.16136512

That's it. I want to speak to the Manager of /lit/. You won't get away with this.

>> No.16136513

which one of us is the real horia?

>> No.16136519

it's me

>> No.16136548

No it's me

>> No.16136553

but you're.....me?

>> No.16136598

You should have read some philosophy before writing it, don't you think?

>> No.16136601

without a refutation, you can simply assume that alpha's play call of duty and that you are correct

>> No.16136620

>read some philosophy before writing it, don't you think?
i don't like your condescending tone, besides you're an idiot if you read on a subject before writing on it.
seeth more bitch.

>> No.16136920

Why are you doing this?

>> No.16136933


>> No.16136988

isn't it clear? i mean you destroyed us, splitting the psyche into multiple fragments, you thought you can get away with it didn't you.

>> No.16137102


>> No.16137128

oh... hi

>> No.16137144

I have come to like Horia.

>> No.16137210

I have come to like your mother

>> No.16137211

>turn male and female into platonistic forms
Yes, let's stop there.

>> No.16137211,1 [INTERNAL] 

Here's a review:

This is an alias for Master Necro Mega-Damage Rapeface/MNMDR. The book has identical patterning to his books Behead All Satans and The Tainted Turd - both books, manifestos, that Jeff Bezos swiftly BANNED.
I suggest anyone deter from reading this book. It is psychologically unhealthy to expose yourself to.
No doubt, and as I am in conversation with Amazon, it will be banned, too.

>> No.16137211,2 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think there's anything more unhealthy to human psychology than 4chan itself.