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16135299 No.16135299 [Reply] [Original]

Was he right about everything? Was he a modern-day prophet?

>> No.16135320 [DELETED] 
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No I wouldn't go that far, OP. Why do you ask?

>> No.16135334
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>> No.16135349
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AI has made astounding advancements in every field; and the late development in Natural-Language processing and research, coupled with Deep Neural Networks, will provide an environment in which modern human writers won't be able to compete.

>> No.16135354 [DELETED] 

Sounds like you read about AI but not markets. What a shame.

>> No.16135396
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I am right in everything I've said. There's no denying. I have some information that you don't; and I know for a fact that Elon Musk is going to release new information about his new NeuraLink project at the end of August. The technology is already there; he just needed to perfect it. I'd recommend you to buy Tesla's stocks and AGI virtual coins because they too will rise incredibly with Elon Musk's public announcement of his new technological breakthroughs. I'd recommend you do it quickly.

>> No.16135411

nah, fuck this chink looking cuck

>> No.16135423

i don't know what this guy is about, but his appearance on JRE was the funniest thing i've seen in a long time.

>> No.16135436 [DELETED] 
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>but his appearance on JRE was the funniest thing i've seen in a long time.
Nick Bostrom; born 10 March 1973) is a Swedish-born philosopher at the University of Oxford known for his work on existential risk, the anthropic principle, human enhancement ethics, superintelligence risks, and the reversal test. In 2011, he founded the Oxford Martin Programme on the Impacts of Future Technology, and is the founding director of the Future of Humanity Institutebat Oxford University. In 2009 and 2015, he was included in Foreign Policy's Top 100 Global Thinkers list.

>> No.16135451

Oh my fucking god, shut the fuck about AI already
>t. studying MSci Artificial Intelligence

>> No.16135455
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Nick Bostrom is a redpilled swedish philosopher who has got everything right.

>> No.16135470

The precise problem with computer science majors is that they're all unequivocally and uniformly autistic. You only see the trees and forget the forest; you don't think hard about the consequences of AI and it's possible outcomes beyond the problems you're solving right now. You only look at the problems of code in front of you; and then you try your best to solve it and don't think about the possible dangers that technology will have on society - no wonder. Your dreamjob is to work for Google or Facebook; and not to think hard about what will happen when AI has an immense impact on humanity.

>> No.16135504

A degree in AI is absolutely not a CS degree. I have more modules in neuroscience/psychology/philosophy than I have CS modules.
The rest I agree with completely, although I worry that in your mind
>think hard about what will happen when AI has an immense impact on humanity
reduces to watching Musk propaganda marketing and reading the "rationalist" faggots. There is very little good work being done on the subject, and that which is done requires quite an extensive understanding of the field on the technical level (to clarify - a combination of field knowledge and the familiarity with the method of philosophical inquiry). /lit/ is just not a place for it.

>> No.16135541


I am a postdoc researcher in AI (deep NLP) and this guy gets it

>> No.16135545

I pity anyone whose dream is to toil for kikes for cents on the dollar
I'd much rather be a sportsball player that makes 7 figures a year

>> No.16135549

I have 160 iq and this guy doesn't get it

>> No.16135566

No, we aren't living in a simulation. No, "super AI" is a meme, and is vastly overblown.

>> No.16135814

Is he at least coherent ?

>> No.16135889

the fact that by spelling it Bostrom and pronouncing it entirely wrong it sounds interesting but it's actually spelled and pronounced completely differently.

>> No.16135902

No he's a meme

>> No.16136318

Care to give any reasons to back up those statements?

>> No.16136392
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what makes him so smart? do we know?

>> No.16136469

yes he is right about everything, however unfortunate that is for humanity