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16131747 No.16131747 [Reply] [Original]

In your opinion, who are the must-read living intellectuals?

>> No.16131761

none, intellectuals are midwits by nature and worthless

>> No.16131828

I can only speak for the social sciences

Noam Chomsky
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Thomas Sowell
Henry Kissinger
John Mearsheimer
Daniel Kahneman
Francis Fukuyama
Steven Pinker
Greg Mankiw
Paul Krugman
Daron Acemoglu
Probably some other people I'm forgetting

t. idiot

>> No.16131899


>> No.16131912
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>> No.16131914

Gregory Clark - A Farewell to Alms

>> No.16131922


>> No.16131924

And me too

>> No.16131971

Count me in.

>> No.16131984

Dr. Michael Hudson.
He has lived an absolutely amazing life: a musician; an economist for the State Department (though the real client may have been the CIA), Wall Street, Senator Rockefeller; pioneer of Modern Monetary Theory. He literally left Wall Street to become an ancient Near Eastern archeologist in order to revolutionize our understanding of how debts were periodically cancelled in ancient Near Eastern civilizations in order to prevent societies and economies from unraveling.



>> No.16131989

> No Zizek

>> No.16132029

>Chomsky: has servicable early work in linguistics, but is overblown
>Taleb: straight up idiot
>Sowell: straight up idiot
>Kissinger: straight up idiot who dumb people take very seriously as some sort of sage political realist.
>Mearsheimer: pretty good
>Fukuyama: straight up idiot
>Pinker: tepid and fearful
>Mankiw: the biggest idiot on the list who is right leaning
>Krugman: the biggest idiot on the list who is left leaning. Difficult to tell if Mankiw or Krugman is actually dumber.
>Acemoglu: MEH

>> No.16132053

Got any recommendations based on those responses you gave?

>> No.16132076

Dr. Hudson also predicted the 2008 financial crisis, and he was the first economist to publish an article detailing the role of the dollar and US T-Bills as the world’s reserve currency

>> No.16132089

These anons

>> No.16132119

Alexander Dugin
Nick Land

>> No.16132132

Robert Brenner


>> No.16132232

Terry Tao
Andrew Wiles
Edward Witten
Grisha Perelman
Peter Scholze
Sheldon Axler
Donald Knuth
Michael Spivak
Allen Hatcher
James Munkres
Saul Kripke
Alvin Plantinga
Hartry Field
Crispin Wright
John Searle
Peter Denning

>> No.16132256

Peter Singer

>> No.16133003

Daniel Ellsberg has become especially relevant now that the US national security state has declared a fatwa against China and its allies. His book, “The Doomsday Machine” is required reading for anyone who wants to comprehend what kind of deep shit we’re in for.

>> No.16133188

Marcus Gabriel is pretty good

>> No.16133242

No, he's just a pretentious little twit who has not ever read much of anything

>> No.16133432


>> No.16133481
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>> No.16133504

Pirsig alive still?
Sowell too.
Neither are really intellectuals per se but worth reading.

>> No.16133552

t. Paul Krugman

>> No.16133644

Pinker? Come on
These are the people giving advice.

>> No.16133759

Maybe not a must-read but Will Kymlicka should probably have more of a public standard. Well read in his niche of political philosophy but not beyond that. Also a bit wacky with the whole give animals citizenship but once you get past that...

>> No.16133856

What is an "intellectual"? An academic author? Then it depends on the field. Or do you mean "public intellectual"? Those are for educating and/or influencing the filthy masses. Up your game.

>> No.16133982

Chomsky is a hack and his phd thesis was plagiarised.

>> No.16133983
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Exactly the point, there's not a single decent thinker. None of these people are worthwhile thinkers, they are laughingstocks and bullshitters stunted by our modern discourse and even then they don't challenge it in any meaningful way. Someone almost never heard of like Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic having infinitely more valuable concepts than these stooges is really indicative of our current level of bullshitting.

>> No.16134010

People who unironically think Taleb, Pinker and Sowell are "intellectuals" make me want to kill myself. And yes, I have read them, and no, I didn't find their thinking original or worthwhile. Sowell is probably the dumbest person I have ever seen be lauded as an intellectual. Trivially wrong, lacking basic analytic rigor, and incredibly dishonest in his discourse.

People saying Chomsky and Singer are based dudes.

>> No.16134156

Great owl-monkey spirit, tell me who I should vote for

>> No.16134238

definitely can't give you an exhaustive list but here's what I have:
Noam Chomsky
Alain Badiou
Antonio Negri
Jacques Ranciere
Slavoj Zizek
Paul Virilio
Nick Land
Ray Brassier
Sadie Plant
Reza Negarestani
Mario Tronti
Franco Berardi
Byung-Chul Han
Peter Sloterdijk
Paolo Virno
Maurizio Lazzarati
Andre Gorz
Etienne Balibar
Maurice Godelier

>> No.16134351

>tfw watching the whole thing only to learn he's a chinese asset in the last 10 minutes

>> No.16134520


>> No.16134527

Parenti if you want the non-CIA approved version of Chomsky

>> No.16134534

Avoid these absolute retards and memes

These people are correct

>> No.16134565

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
Ben Shapiro
Sam Harris
Bill O'Reilly
Dinesh D'Souza

>> No.16134570

wheremst is Baudrillard?

>> No.16134574

good list, especially because Ranciere

>> No.16134687
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>> No.16134701
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>> No.16134707

Richard Dawkins
Sam Harris
Daniel Dennet
Ray Kurzweil
Malcolm Gladwell
Bill Maher
Ben Shapiro
Dave Rubin

>> No.16134714

Krugman and Chomsky? You’re making me wanna puke.

>> No.16134748

It smells like midwit in here.

>> No.16134755

he's dead lol

>> No.16134764

best list in thread

>> No.16134766

Anyone who says 'social sciences' is automatically a pseud and this list proves it.

>> No.16134771

just realized gorz died 13 years ago, dunno why i thought he was still alive

>> No.16134824

wtf no way

>> No.16134835

Based list, except for Negarestani, who I am convinced is pulling some sort of long con in the philosophy world because I have yet to meet a single person who can comprehend let alone understand him.

>> No.16134842

uhhhh no WOCs? That’s a big yikes

>> No.16134846

Based pwnage of Mankiw, Sowell, Taleb, and Pinker. Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of Acemoglu either. I've read some of his papers and I was not impressed.

>> No.16134858


>> No.16134859

Christ you are a brainlet, you should be ashamed of yourself

>> No.16134863

wet ass p word loser

>> No.16134888

Peter Sloterdijk
John David Ebert
Alexander Dugin
Matthew Raphael Johnson
Wendell Berry
Lawrence Susskind
Slavoj Zizek
Noam Chomsky
Jay Dyer
Alain De Benoist
Eric Gans
Kerry Bolton
Chris Bond
Aaron Kemis
Patrick J Deneen
James Kalb

Probably the best list here

>> No.16134975

Anthony Zirbas

>> No.16135029

Biden. Form a local initiative and press the (local) government to submit to the will of the people because both Biden/Trump are absolutely awful choices and will contribute to present and future problems being mismanaged.
Time to take matters into your own hands :^)

>> No.16135129

Richard Kulisz

>> No.16135142

must for what?

>> No.16135371

The correct response

>> No.16135590

He didn't revolutionise anything
Only arrogant academic historians didn't believe in the debt cancels ancient historians actively spoke about

>> No.16135598

You haven't actually provided any arguements
You've only demonstrated yourself to be an arrogant asshole

>> No.16135638
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>> No.16135684

>arrogant asshole
Stop coping with your low IQ and KYS, snowflake retard, I can shit on Sowell, Taleb, Stephanie Meyer, Rupi Kaur, Ben Shapiro, college SJW's, Peterson and other subhumans of this kind without rigor because anyone who actually likes them is a brainwashed zomboid beyond help

Proving them to be worthwhile intellectuals is a burdain which rests on your shoulders anyway, but alright, here's an example of the ignorance and dishonesty they display: https://www.jsmp.dk/posts/2019-06-16-talebiq/#iq-and-fat-tails

Also kinda Sowell at interviews, no? There are entire 1 hour long videos on youtube (which ones? all of them) where he shits on Marxism without providing a single fucking argument and just repeats the same empty sentences about how he "became disillusioned"

>> No.16135703

It is actually beyond sad how faggots get upset the moment you call out their midwit laymen-targeting propaganda marketers. Shut the fuck up about Taleb if you are not educated in statistics, and no, reading meme books for zoomers doesn't count. Shut the fuck up about Sowell and shut the fuck up about Peterson. They are not proper philosophers, they are not scientists, they are not political theorists. They are professional businessmen making money by convincing midwits they have learnt anything after reading their pamphlets.

>> No.16135713

Eliot Weinberger and Dave Hickey, of course. I always keep an eye on Thomas Meaney and Jon Baskin. There are a lot of jounalists/writers, but idk what definition of intellectual we’re working with here. That could mean anything from op-ed hacks like David Brooks to hyperspecialized workers who just happen to have a public platform like Stanley Fish.

>> No.16136814

>Someone almost never heard of like Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic having infinitely more valuable concepts than these stooges is really indicative of our current level of bullshitting.
I tried watching one of his videos and it was literally just run of the mill /pol/tard talking points. Saying how people are depressed because of multiculturalism and identity politics. lel

>> No.16136821
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Nick Land

>> No.16137005

Fukuyama, Chompsky and Taleb are actually ok.