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1612870 No.1612870 [Reply] [Original]

>The library is not usually a place to pick up a date. But that didn’t stop several dozen singles, mostly in their 20s and 30s, from showing up on a recent Tuesday night at the main branch of the San Francisco Public Library for its first speed-dating session.


Remember when libraries were about knowledge?

>> No.1612885

My local library has more people on the computer messing around than reading.

In honesty, if they charged, say, a quarter for an hour use, there could be a lot of nice things in my library.

>> No.1612891

I did a speed-dating sorta thing tonight. It was uh... not at a library but in a hotel room.

ask me about it. I'd love to tell you more.

>> No.1612894

Geez fucking tell me about it.

>at college, go to library to put finishing touches on paper before printing
>all computers taken
>everyone on Facebook

>> No.1612902

Libraries always have social events of all types being held at them. I have no idea why you are angry at all.

Libraries carry movies, music, PC games, all kinds of entertainment and information. Hell, can you even call fiction books anything but entertainment?

Knowledge is kind of a raw deal these days to boot with the net around. Tell me you haven't picked up a non-fiction book that wasn't a pile of half-truths and dramatic rocket conclusions that clearly show themselves to be nothing better than a desperate grab for delicious sales to die hard republicans/liberals.

Look at the daily show when they have some new guy each night rolling out his little non-fiction title that can barely be called knowledge. Sure, you've got languages and mechanics and so on but no one gives a shit if you don't have a degree for half that stuff, and most is barely useful for around the house information.

In other words, libraries are not about knowledge, they are about media. But no, you're too busy stuck in the goddamn dark ages which is probably the only time that was fucking true.

>> No.1612903

Remember when knowledge was about getting laid?

>> No.1612904

did they pair people up on gender, age, etc. or just pure hardcore anybody?


>> No.1612909

tell me V Dubby

i'd probably go to a speed-dating night just for the experience, it seems terribly formulaic and so far away from meeting someone naturally that it's quite interesting

>> No.1612927
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alright I was gonna tell you in that other thread but I'll do it here.
>friend calls me at 11:30 tonight. The friend is what Lovecraft would describe as a savage, degenerate negro (not sure if that's important). He tells me to come to a hotel in another part of town. Says he's "looking at a fucking beautiful girl"
>arrive at the nicest hotel I've ever been in. >aforementioned girl is the heiress to a massive baijiu (liquor) fortune and rented a swanky-ass suite
>go to their room, their in robes.
>start drinking vodka & red bull with some sake
>she disrobes and gets up on me
>start fucking her while my friend tries to stuff his dick in her mouth
>She won't do that
>friend gets pissed and pushes me off of her after I was being a total bro about everything and encouraging her to suck him off
>she won't fuck him
>start fucking her again
>friend literally get right up in my ear and starts shit talking
>dude's breath all in my ear, man.
>lose boner, go home

Ima have some words with that muthafukka

>> No.1612930


>But no, you're too busy stuck in the goddamn dark ages which is probably the only time that was fucking true.
More like the golden age.

>> No.1612931
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>mfw "their" in place of "they're"
>mfw I'm still drunk
>mfw blue balls imminent

>> No.1612933

My library has a speed-reading event which is essentially a speed-dating service but you only are allowed to discuss books and literature with the other person.

I thought it was a neat idea but expected I would be the youngest person there by 15 years

>> No.1612939

why can't i stop laughing V Dubby?
just tell me why

>> No.1612949
File: 3 KB, 210x230, 1299263525339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i am glad that i am and not friends you

>> No.1612970

bro we are totes besties by now
I'm laughing too. Mostly because when she was sucking my dick on the couch he kept standing on the bed, doing this humping motion which made his dick slap against his stomach. Still kinda wish I could've finished up in her guts though.

>> No.1612974

dang she sounds like a good ol cum guzzling slut, i didn't know they had negroes in China, learn something new every day huh?

>> No.1612982

Yeah it was pretty cool. I left when she started bawling about her husband who died last month. Wasn't sexy in the least.