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/lit/ - Literature

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16128775 No.16128775 [Reply] [Original]

What are some examples of the best 21th century japanese literature?

>> No.16128796

there isn't any. the culture that allowed japan to create great literature ended when the empire did. the postwar greats were the last of a dying breed. also, that's a disgusting picture.

>> No.16128804

What about Ryu Murakami

>> No.16128833
File: 281 KB, 728x892, modifying retarded behavior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a sure sign that OP does not actually read literature, but is instead a LARPing animefag, probably the same one who posted the other thread.
OP, stop making threads on /lit/ and go back to /a/ where you belong.

>> No.16128848
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>> No.16128851

You've outed yourself, OP. Go back to /a/, please.

>> No.16128867
File: 365 KB, 1200x1200, kafka-on-the-shore-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kafka on the shore

the only work of his translated into english that he wrote in the 21st century is from the fatherland, with love

>> No.16128870

make me you inane retarded fruit, I am here to talk about literature not your autism.
based, thanks yo.

>> No.16128879
File: 33 KB, 265x396, nhk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically a great book. Exposes the incel psychology of some of you fuckers way better than anything else that I've read.

>> No.16128890

No you're not.
Not a book.
>kafka on the shore
Currently reading this. When does it get interesting?

>> No.16128895

>Welcome to the N.H.K. (Japanese: N・H・Kにようこそ!, Hepburn: N.H.K. ni Yōkoso!) is a Japanese novel written by Tatsuhiko Takimoto, with a cover illustration by Yoshitoshi ABe, and was published by Kadokawa Shoten in Japan on January 28, 2002.

>> No.16128906

> Not a book.
Uh, yes it is. Here's a link to the English language translation. It is worth reading, probably one of the best Japanese novels of the last ten years.


>> No.16128917

It's transparent to anyone and everyone what you're up to. You watched the anime and would like to incite discussion about it. Try again, this time on /a/.

>> No.16128923

Definitely a novel. Take it to /a/.

>> No.16128924

take your meds schizo

>> No.16128940
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You first.

>> No.16128950

Oh my god, just put the link into your Internet browser, you dithering cretin. It's a link to the novel. All you have to do to find that out is click on the link that I've already provided for you.
Basically everything ever in Japan has been made in an anime or manga at some point or another, you moron.

I haven't even seen the anime because I don't waste my time with that shit, I've only read the novel. Which, I will reiterate yet again, is very good and worth reading.

OP asked for seminal 21st-century Japanese literature. Welcome to the NHK is definitely relevant as fuck to 21st-century Japan. End of discussion.

>> No.16128957

Based, the anime is not that good its kind of a watered down version of the novel.
It has a good OST thought

>> No.16128958

The Japanese have nothing of any literary worth to say in the modern world (like most peoples). Japanese culture and emphasis on appropriate language (which is largely contextually inferred), is not conducive to philosophical expression or emotive content. If you are reliant on the many contexts for someone to understand why you said something like "yorishiku onegaishimasu", instead of a uniquely appropriate phrase, then there is a limit to what can articulated within a written work.
Not to say that there isn't an element of this in all languages, but Japanese is particularly burdened by the need for kinesthetics, hence their obsession with "kawaii" gestures, visual mediums like manga/anime and slaptstick comedy.
Heim Saban decided to adapt the Sentai shows into the Power Rangers because the battle footage was so visually striking and expressive that it could literally be used without context and edited to go alongside some california teen segments.
They are a nation of action, (used to be feudalism and agriculture, now its working in an office or entertainment craft), not contemplation.

>> No.16128961

b-b-but muh Zen!

>> No.16128966

>Based, the anime is not that good its kind of a watered down version of the novel.
Yeah, that's why I didn't watch the anime, actually. It seemed really watered down. For example, I read that they cut the out the drug use and some of the more sexually depraved aspects of the novel, which are pretty fundamental to the themes. Glad to find that there's someone else out there who's read the novel though.

>> No.16128968

Convenience Store Woman is the best novel of the century

>> No.16128969

Nah, not gonna do that.
>Basically everything ever in Japan has been made in an anime or manga at some point or another, you moron.
This is completely wrong, and shows how much time you yourself spend watching anime and reading manga. You really should stop. If you like /lit/ so much, why don't you try giving literature itself a try?
You are retarded. Please go back to wherever you came from. I'm assuming it isn't /a/.
There is no "seminal 21st-century Japanese literature" because the 21st century is barely even two decades old.

>> No.16128985

Underrated too, the protagonist is literally me (sans the penis)

>> No.16129001
File: 112 KB, 817x920, tired wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, I was just recommending a fucking novel, as OP requested. I haven't seen the anime. God, you people are so fucking insufferable. I swear I can feel my brain cells dying whenever I engage with people like yourself. Posts such as yours are a net loss to /lit/ and only serve to obscure discussion. Go back to /b/, where I assume they appreciate this kind of deliberate retardation a little bit more.

>> No.16129014

I tried to read Kafka on theShore, but it seemed like a cringey YA novel.

>> No.16129023
File: 130 KB, 785x1000, 1588932051154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude, I was just recommending a fucking novel, as OP requested. I haven't seen the anime. God, you people are so fucking insufferable. I swear I can feel my brain cells dying whenever I engage with people like yourself. Posts such as yours are a net loss to /lit/ and only serve to obscure discussion. Go back to /b/, where I assume they appreciate this kind of deliberate retardation a little bit more.
Back to /a/ with you.

>> No.16129038
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>> No.16129040

>You are retarded. Please go back to wherever you came from. I'm assuming it isn't /a/.
You can disagree with me, but don't pretend that anyone other boards generally articulate themselves at that level.

>> No.16129047

Plenty of people on other websites are capable of articulating themselves at that level.

>> No.16129097

Who hurt you

>> No.16129104

>If you don't fellate the Japanse in every facet of existence then you're an outsider to 4chan!
The fact you didn't even address my initial post in terms of its argument but instead skipped to the "you're not from round these parts, baka", is telling for your need to justify your own tastes.
It's ironic because I'm not anti-Japanese, I've read Shikibu, Kenko, Basho, Akutagawa and Mishima. I just don't need to pretend that it's equal to Western lit.

>> No.16129106

You did, by making and responding to these threads.

>> No.16129117

*responds to this thread*

>> No.16129118

Søyjakposters should be permanently range-banned.

>> No.16129128

Yeah, okay, cool. Please just go back to wherever you came from, you absolute fucking mong. Also, I've never heard of this Kenko, so I can only assume that you made him up.

>> No.16129131

>Shikibu, Kenko, Basho, Akutagawa and Mishima
>I read meme authors

>> No.16129150

> repeatedly tells people to go back to where they came from
> has contributed absolutely nothing of value to this thread
The absolute state of nu-/lit/.

>> No.16129163

I am contributing to the board, not to the thread, because this thread should not be here. Please go back.

>> No.16129192

Do you think I think the thread should be here?
What do you think this >>16128958 was?
A constructive way of saying "look elsewhere", you absolutely brain-addled spastic.


>> No.16129196

No, you aren't contributing to this board either. If you were really concerned, you would stop replying to this thread (hence, stop bumping it), and let it run its natural course. Or, if you were truly committed to "contributing to this board", you would make a more interesting thread to absorb people's attention bandwidth and divert discussion to "better" topics. Faggots such as yourself who have nothing to do but repeatedly bump threads they don't like and fill them with bullshit content are the ones polluting this forum.

>> No.16129204

None of that was constructive. It was pure swill.
No. An essential part in maintaining board quality is harassing users who do not comply with local norms. The jannies clearly don't care, so it's up to us.
Either way, neither you nor this thread belong here. Go back to /a/.

>> No.16129214

/a/ is not for the discussion of literature, absolute barrel.

>> No.16129233

This entire thread is a thinly-veiled invitation to discuss anime and manga. Go back to your containment board and leave /lit/ in peace.

>> No.16129246
File: 67 KB, 921x640, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> thread explicitly asks for Japanese literature on a board about literature
> is accused of not being relevant to a board about literature

>> No.16129254

Yes, because anyone with two braincells can see what you are actually trying to do.

>> No.16129270

Take a break from the internet, go for a walk or something. Jesus Christ.

>> No.16129283

I think the guy who insists on trying to discuss anime on a literature board is the one who needs go take a break from the internet. If you insist on staying inside, however, I suggest that you return to the boards that are meant to cater to the interests of cretins such as yourself, namely /a/ and /jp/.

>> No.16129284
File: 17 KB, 200x202, bait intensifies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16129371

I'm currently reading ちょろいんですが恋人にはなれませんか?. It's pretty good.

>> No.16129433

No one would give a novel that name. Take your autistic manga discussion to /a/ where it belongs.

>> No.16129702

That sounds like a ln title though

>> No.16129705

No it does not. Spend more time with actual books and you'll figure it out someday.

>> No.16129720

What do you think of あなたはたばこです? Does that sound like a title?

>> No.16130229

base retard

>> No.16130245

kekk'd tbph

>> No.16130268

> you are a cigarette
based cigaretteanon

>> No.16130308

You are wrong on both of those.

>> No.16130320

It doesn't get better, It's just a shitty YA for pretentious horny teens.

>> No.16130346

>"meme" authors
Are you completely retarded?

>> No.16130432

Yes they are, everyone in japan cringe at Mishima

>> No.16130454

Because he was GAY?

>> No.16130554

No, because he was a larping retard

>> No.16131281


>> No.16131329

>They are a nation of action, (used to be feudalism and agriculture, now its working in an office or entertainment craft), not contemplation
Shut the fuck up and read more Japanese novelists instead of the manga, LN and VN, anime and other shit for kids which have clearly rotten your brain.
The two Japanese writers who won the Nobel in literature (just to name an example which not only certifies a degree of quality, but also proves how they might be interesting to the West) wrote contemplative fiction.

>> No.16131380

Saucenao isn't helping, I need the fucking source.

>> No.16131681

What are you, gay?

>> No.16131716

Kenzaburō Ōe, Yōko Ogawa, Yoko Tawada

>> No.16131778


>> No.16131897
File: 68 KB, 1037x1200, 1589491097284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>File deleted

>> No.16131902

being gay is /lit/
thank you

>> No.16131944

>This is a sure sign that OP does not actually read literature
It's not though. It could be a sign he's ESL, which is often a point of pride in literary circles. Now if he fucked up 21ème or XXIe then you could say he's not literary, but at the moment it seems like you are a monolingual with no entrée to literary circles of any worth.

>> No.16131962

>b-but ESL literary circle
Holy shit go eat a dick you complete and total retard. Fuck off.

>> No.16132056
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>> No.16132294

>the monolingual is disturbed
lol why are you acting like I directed the implementation of a lingua franca for nobles and artists?

>> No.16132320
File: 181 KB, 2480x496, ryu murakami 21st century output.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i'm not

>> No.16133493

Did /lit/ chads just won?

>> No.16134556

What about 69? In the miso soup? Piercing?

>> No.16134561

My mistake I'm a retard Who doesn't remember those weren't 21st century

>> No.16134575

remains of the day kazuo ishiguro