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/lit/ - Literature

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16127185 No.16127185 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Harry Potter still make /lit/ seethe so much?

>> No.16127203
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Why does [Thing i get criticized for liking/participate in] make [Person who criticizes me for liking/doing it] so [buzzword]

>> No.16127212

Read another book.

>> No.16127256
File: 48 KB, 896x294, RowlingCrowling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16127259
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Harry Potter' must be the dullest franchise in the history of book franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert. The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs." I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

>> No.16127270

i read the first harry potter independently during class in grade 1 (lol). it makes /lit/ seethe because it's at the reading level of a goddamn 6 year old, and because most roasties are that moronic. also the writing is awful. when i was in high school and the deathly hallows came out, i couldn't even read it because the writing was so bad. that being said, i still love harry potter. lots of happy childhood memories reading it

>> No.16127278
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how is she the hottest she's ever been in her 50s?

>> No.16127279

I'm reading it rn but instead of people who read literature people who are LARPing as being in the army and are patroots criticize me for being so childish

>> No.16127285

i grew up reading harry potter and i've never read stephen king, wtf.

>> No.16127288


>> No.16127289

Plastic surgery

>> No.16127291

because /lit/ is currently full of redditors

>> No.16127293

Rowling looks better with age.

>> No.16127306

thanks for this thread. i was just thinking about how much i hate women. but i don't hate j k rowling. thanks for harry potter jk

>> No.16127338

I'll proudly confess that the Harry Potter books are the only books I've ever read (besides some Stephen King shortstories) and I love them deeply and I'm 22. Maybe some people who wouldn't read otherwise started to become interested in reading books due to HP but for me, reading HP didn't make me interested in reading other books because nothing compares to Harry Potter. Also, the fact that she's a TERF makes me like her even more.

>> No.16127369

>this post probably isn’t bait
The absolute state of /lit/. People now openly admit to only reading escapist kids books because they lack the maturity and focus or intelligence for anything more.
Rowling is a milf, and her opinions on trannies are correct, that doesn’t make her books any less shit.

>> No.16127429

It absolutely is bait, you stupid nigger

>> No.16127484

A..at least the films are good

>> No.16127497


>> No.16127508

Imagine if you were on a date and a woman told you that the Nancy Drew series is the peak of literature and it is all she reads. Now do you understand?

>> No.16127710

Maybe I should add that I didn't actually read them but listened to them as audiobooks, except HP 3 I read that one time I visited my grandma. Simpler times. Still, I listened to them so many times, I know HP inside and out.

>> No.16127789

adrenochrome harvested from infants
sick bitch

>> No.16127791

Pretty good.
It’s really people just bragging about how their tastes haven’t evolved at all since they were 12.
/lit/ is pretty hypocritical though since people here are generally pretty enthusiastic about board-approved YA like Tolkien and Watership Down. It’s just nostalgia clouding objectivity.

>> No.16127822

who are we to define for others what constitutes the peak of literature

>> No.16127892
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It's a tranny thing.

>> No.16127944

>i stand with transphobes who harass children
these ((people)) truly believe this

>> No.16127975

Dubs of truth

>> No.16128054

I thought the >”fiction bad real literature good” was a meme so I went and got a Tolkien set.
I read thru the Hobbit with ease, wasn’t really hooked with the whole story. Then I tried the first lords of the rings and idk it felt like more of something I wasn’t really enjoying.
I’m reading Mishima right now and enjoying it.
I’m going back to Tolkien soon because the set was expensive and I’m not going to let that money gather dust. I hope Dune is better than Tolkien

>> No.16128093

>I read thru the Hobbit with ease
yeah, it's a children's book - made to be easily read
smol brain doggo :)

>> No.16128248

Yes :)

>> No.16128331

is Harry Potter an occultist allegory?

>> No.16128344

>I thought the >”fiction bad real literature good” was a meme
It is a meme but you’ve confused fiction with genre-fiction

>> No.16128349

are the wands dicks? some things we'll never know

>> No.16128357

Harry Pottron

>> No.16128362

It's a masonist screed like Catcher in the Rye

>> No.16128444

The Catcher in the Rye was a subliminal messaging CIA OP but some grammar got erroneously changed in the printing and the results got all fucked up

>> No.16128453

sure it did

>> No.16128467

Trips of truth

>> No.16128648

Never have I encountered more based trips.

>> No.16128654


>> No.16128658

Why do you think that's true?

>> No.16129016

fucking based, is it pasta?

>> No.16129025

>you know we won't buy your books right

Bitch everybody bought these books

>> No.16129037

I think it's a Harold Bloom quote.

>> No.16129043

thus spoke the trips

>> No.16129053

o how I miss you, (((old Harry)))

>> No.16129064


>> No.16129070


>> No.16129102

cos its a gay series of books

>> No.16129108

Because they see it as beneath them yet it is more popular than anything they like or ever will do and it reminds them of the girls they never got to fuck

>> No.16129142

It really does kinda cheese me off how little known Pynchon is, yes.

>> No.16130176

One lass I never got to fuck was obsessed with Harry Potter.
She was also completely insane, but I only found that out later.

>> No.16130496

that pic is really low effort

>> No.16130511

hello newfriend

>> No.16130542

Anon, you must protect the canon

>> No.16130936

>cheese me off
you're a cool person anon

>> No.16131286

Absolutely this. The actual writing is mediocre but the characters and settings are beloved by an entire generation. Some of the best childhood memories I have are of my dad reading a chapter of the Philosophers Stone to me every night. The Chamber of Secrets was the first full book I read by myself. A lot of people will never separate that type of warm nostalgia and I'm not sure they should either. Let the bisexuals with mental health issues have their happy childhood memories, their fathers molested them instead of reading to them.

>> No.16132145

>Let the bisexuals with mental health issues have their happy childhood memories