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16124846 No.16124846 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16124850


>> No.16124873 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16124876

is it mean not withstanding or not with standing

>> No.16124879
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>> No.16124882

and wtf is withstanding

>> No.16124888
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>> No.16124920

are you ESL?

>> No.16124929

Lmao i unironically say this sometimes

>> No.16124932


>> No.16124941

No wait THIS is the one I say. . Where tf did I get this habit

>> No.16124962
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>> No.16124963
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>> No.16124987
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That would be some cute wordplay.
The later would be “not-with-standing” IE you get sit.
*In spite of*— there being no chairs

Withstanding something, or yeah-withstanding, is not spiteful

>> No.16124998

i'm so confused! notwithstanding your explanation i am not with standing in these matters

>> No.16125005

Well, you can sit. It’s okay.

>> No.16125009

inasmuch as I can sit, sure, but notwithstanding insofar as I cannot.
i wonder if capcha engineers mind that i flag rumble strips as crosswalks and motorcycles as bicycles.

>> No.16125019

And a crop of bushes as “hills or mountains”

>> No.16125027

You've never heard 'to withstand'? I withstood a great deal.

>> No.16125031

insofar is a good word

>> No.16125033

Do english speaking negros really?

>> No.16125048

They used to with more frequency, but it has unfortunately become archaic

>> No.16125672


Great, you repeated the thing. Good job.

>> No.16125715

>tfw you can't say whence without sounding ridiculous
there is no substitute for it, why did it die out?

>> No.16125845


Notwithstanding lack of sense
I earned myself a lot of pence
So that, when they inquired "Whence?"
regards my sense I showed them "Thence!"

And Thus it was, Moreover, too,
These querelous, and Witches, too,
had not my sense, but Hitherto
my pence Thereat in mental brew.

The which I could not, inasmuch
reveal to them, so forasmuch
I deigned to keep myself, and such
that that had had my purse's clutch.

Henceforth, and soft, betook myself
to take my breakfast at my shelf
consulting volumes to elide
The which to whom the Woe Betide

Bethought, behoove, became was mine
Be-rewing my own grand design
eliminate all foes who live,
no matter which: whom-s't-d-ve.

So that it was, and came to pass
albeit qualifying sass
which issued from my Billy Bass,
a trinket from a friendly ass,

That I perfected perfect Schism
glorious, cap-i-tal-ism
and notwithstanding their complaints
They buy my wares absent a feint.

Which witch who dies, it matters not
That that is not my real plot
It does not matter where they lie
as long as we kill Butterfly.

>> No.16125862


>> No.16125962

Ignore what scorn you may get. Use it with confidence

>> No.16125997

Bleak the rat
Reeks of fat,
he Eats a cat,
he Beaks a bat
and shits on your mother