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/lit/ - Literature

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16121600 No.16121600 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: silly "identitarian" /lit/ for angry pseuds

>> No.16121614
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>> No.16121624

>the guy who started Order of Nine Glowniggers is in the same category as poojesh poosuza

>> No.16121633
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remove the shit trilogy

>> No.16121667


Why can't you be normal?

>> No.16121682

In more ways than either side wants to admit

>> No.16121693

lol the level of damage control truly is ridiculous, gee I wonder who could be behind this.
>Pajeet D'Souza
>the man formerly known as David Myatt
>conservative punditry in general
You might as well put the "internet dark web" in there, neonazi Joe Rogan or insane radical aryanist Ben Shapiro....
Antifa types think that nazis are nothing but radical conservatives because they themselves are nothing more then radical kosher liberals. It is called "third position" for a reason

>> No.16121719

You're sounding a lil autistic tbqh

>> No.16121942

It's third position because it isn't capitalistic or for "small government." It may not be fiscally or neo-conservative, but it's quite closely related to national, religious, and paleo-conservatism. Read a book.

>> No.16122335


>> No.16123023


>> No.16123034

Is Myatt really pseud? I thought he was still at least slightly obscure

>> No.16123191

I've sadly been on /pol/ off and on for a decade and read through a great deal of Alt-Right literature for work. There is no intellectually coherent third position. It's grievance literature on a level with the worst "woke" texts.

They don't deal with real science and its implications. Both schools are filled with authors preaching to the choir, with the goal generally being either evangelical, or a cynical way to grab money.

I've had to read to much of this trash because I work researching terrorism, and the parallels between it, the literature of Islamic extremists, and 19th century anarchist and communist polemics is striking.

There is the conversion story where the initiate realizes, in almost religious terms, the evils of the current system
The elucidation of "secret" knowledge
The explanation of social problems in a simplistic, manichean form
The call to brotherhood between those with this secret knowledge
And finally the call to action.

These get tied together with long lists of facts and citations to give the works an academic veneer. The leaps from coincidences and weak connections to conclusions that fit the preconceived narrative in Alt-Right and woke literature are generally on a level that would even embarrass Noam Chomsky.

What Alt Right work does do somewhat different, is also spend a lot of time doing careful analysis of some of its opponent's work. Of course the subjects of this analysis are cherry picked, but the rigorous use of data and analysis to debunk opponents gives the works a veneer of credibility, although nowhere is this same level of analysis used to vet assertions that for Far Right narratives.

>> No.16123807

>dat list
Jesus Christ the self victimization is unreal.
Right wingers and conservatives run the world but they have to cope some evil into existence cause introspection is gay

>> No.16124072

Very good description, makes me think of True Believer. Also, a job in counter terrorism research sounds awesome

lol based

>> No.16125106
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