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/lit/ - Literature

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16121105 No.16121105 [Reply] [Original]

Can you frens recommend me some Marxist literature?

>> No.16121116

go back

>> No.16121125

yes charles, the police are marxists

>> No.16121135

Sure, anon! Here's my suggested list:
The Iliad
The Odyssey
The Greek Plays
The Aeneid
The Torah
The Bible
The Quran
The Vedas

That's a good start! Feel free to branch out to more complex Marxist works once you have the background needed to understand the complexity of Marx's work.

>> No.16121144

I hate politics. I hate that people have political opinions. I bet in China life is actually pretty good because instead of political arguments anyone with a tantrum gets marched to a camp. The rest probably discuss LITERATURE all day. Saged, of course.

>> No.16121154
File: 61 KB, 1012x922, apu frenszone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you frens recommend me some Marxist literature?
No, frens do not recommend toxic harmful things to frens.

>> No.16121212

Fanged Noumena

>> No.16121233

>druggie chinese ancap
Maybe the only thing worse than marxism

>> No.16121238

>itt we post like it's 2015 and don't understand that capitalism was the real nation killer all along

>> No.16121265

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.
Go to /his/ you fucking faggot.

>> No.16121287

Right which is why I am here asking for Marxist LIT-ER-A-TURE.

>> No.16121368

He’s right though
Hatred of niggers
Redistribution of wealth such as to reduce class divide
Is Jewish

>> No.16121446

You got me interested but it turns out that you're a lying piece of shit

>> No.16121461


>> No.16121549

The ABC of Communism, Dialectics of Nature by Engles, On Contradiction by Mao. There's lots of Marxist literiture.

>> No.16121939

marx is good fren

>> No.16121966


>> No.16121973

Truth be told most leftists will be happy with corporate military industrial rule and totalitarian police state as long as they get rainbow flags and mandatory privilege checking seminars. Being an unironic marxist is an excentric hypermediated consumer identity with no impact on the real world.

>> No.16121984

Land isn't ancap lol

>> No.16121985

It's really not.

>> No.16122048

lol. Look at this retard.

>> No.16122050

posts like this are what happens when u know a little, but not a lot

yh but it is though u fucking half wit

>> No.16122065

if they believe that, then they aren't leftists retard

>> No.16122070

If you start a thread about literature you should have specific books in mind already you want to discuss, as it says in the sticky. You clearly just want to meme about marxism so go to /his/

>> No.16122113

For every tru marxist tranny neet larper there are a thousand shitlibs who will call you a racist for not supporting kamala harris

>> No.16122295

this but unironically
there's a story where an interviewer asks kojeve what protesters should do next and he says that they should learn greek

>> No.16122356

if you want to understand Marx, don't read. Just go work at McDonald's for a few years. You will be crushed under the heel of capital day after day and you will watch as your coworkers degrade themselves to the point of near-hilarity as they work themselves like rats, desperately trying to claw out of a situation of debt servitude in a job that is actively trying to kill them. When you see the look of utter indifference in the eyes of the franchisee owner when he comes to survey the floor once a year and reap the hundreds of thousands of dollars of your surplus-value, your hours spent taking shit from Karens and NEETs, your hours spent cleaning child puke out of the McPlayground ball pit; you will wish he at least looked at you with open contempt. Because, if you knew that he hated you, at least you could know that he sees you as a human.

>> No.16122378

Why are conservatives so out of touch? Kamala Harris is reviled by Marxists.

>> No.16122569

Just as liberals consider anyone right of Obama a Nazi, conservatives see everyone left of Bush Marxists.

>> No.16122767

I think it can really be summed up by the fact that most people don't actually avidly read the news, much less read on a regular basis, and so they're all retarded when attempting to discuss politics.