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16120354 No.16120354[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we all at least agree the American university system needs to be dismantled and the civil rights act overturned, so college is no longer a necessity and selling yourself into a life of debt isn’t a necessity for young Americans?

>> No.16120415

>civil rights act overturned
I quite enjoy drinking out of the same fountain as the anyone else, so no.

>American university system
The financial side of the university system needs reform, and it will get it or collapse within our lifetimes. As for the liberal biases in universities, that is a sign of conservative failure in education, not a systemic flaw.

>> No.16120453

The Civil Rights Act is single handedly responsible for the success of the left in their long march through the institutions. Read Christopher Caldwell if yourr interested in understanding why, because your view on the matter is incredibly uneducated.

>> No.16120492

As a result of the Civil rights act you more or less have to have a university degree to enter the high paying
work force, there are of course exceptions but these are exceedingly rare, and in fact it’s becoming more necessary not to get a masters.

As long as this remains a necessity the price of it will continue to skyrocket, as people will not have a choice. 70% are still going to go no matter the price, because of its necessity and as well how media has brainwashed people into believing it’s the best place to spend your youth.

It was not like this prior to the civil rights act where apprenticeships and iq tests could be used to get a job instead of just college degrees.

>> No.16120500

*now to get a masters

>> No.16120513
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>liberal administration dismisses conservative professors
>liberal administration promotes liberal classes and makes diversity classes a necessity to graduate
>this is just conservative failure in education

>> No.16120515

It's the market that dictates that college is a necessity, not the law. Employers trust college degree certificates as markers of intelligence and conscientiousness.

>> No.16120526


>> No.16120530

but this was a result of the banning of IQ tests in interviews following the civil rights act.

>> No.16120532 [DELETED] 

Yeah Christopher Caldwell explains it in a very objective way. It’s about the fundamental shift of social change going from voting to court decisions.

I don’t think the Civil Rights legislation of the 60’s is why our Higher Education system is a fucking disaster. However it’s why I would never support a government funded or “free” college education that someone like Sanders advocates. Fuck giving those institutions that brag and compete over how inegalitarian they can be government subsidy.

You sound like you don’t think about things very deeply if you can take over 50 years of executive initiatives and judicial decisions and boil them down to “segregation bad”

>> No.16120540

It has nothing to do at all with the Civil rights act

>> No.16120554

To this day, employers still use forms of psychometric testing to distinguish candidates from eachother

>> No.16120564

I don’t think you’re right about that. The Civil Rights Act did not contribute to the rising cost and attendance of higher education.
That was not one of Caldwell’s points and should not have been a takeaway from his book.
It was never the norm for private industry to give roles to people without degrees over those that have them based on IQ tests.
Affirmative action prioritizes minorities but it doesn’t change the education qualification for civil service roles.
You’re talking about two separate issues

>> No.16120578

It was the civil rights act that made the other two forms invalid, since the employers now needed a degree from you to avoid discriminatory lawsuits in hiring practices.

>> No.16120581

Yes it does read Caldwell. Conservatives are failures because they refuse to tackle the Civil Rights Act, which is the foundation of their defeat

>> No.16120585

After the participants already have a degree, the degree wasn’t necessary prior.

>> No.16120587


Which is the whole entire problem anon
You've essentially gated something that is no longer optional behind a massive paywall
Health care is the same exact story
We've literally taken two of the most necessary things for having a healthy functional society and made them so much more difficult to access
And it's not gonna change as long as we allow the people who are massively benefiting from this system to prevent it from changing
It's like the textbook definition of a bloated and corrupt system

>> No.16120655

No they didn’t

I’ve read Caldwell (The Age of Privilege)
He describes the nature of the constitution changing since the Civil Rights acts and outlines the tradeoffs Americans made in their guaranteed rights (Free association, etc) when they agreed to the legislation. He describes how the Court system became the vehicle for social change versus democratic voting.

He does not say that Civil Rights and affirmative action led to an increase in the cost of college or the increase in college attendance. That would be incorrect.

College costs went up because of government subsidy and because College’s are greedy. The idea that an institution is necessarily more expensive because of increased class sizes is literally a bullshit line colleges try and use to explain why costs have gone up 3000% more than inflation since the 70s.

Yes American Education sucks and universities are rip-off artists. Yes affirmative action sucks. But you’re attributing an argument to the author that isn’t in his book.

>> No.16120679

Yes it was, the Civil Rights act did not make it necessary to have a college degree to get any particular job

>> No.16120690

Sorry its *The Age of Entitlement

>> No.16120798

>It's the market that dictates that college is a necessity, not the law.
>Employers trust college degree certificates as markers of intelligence and conscientiousness.
Yes and no. I mean it might be one of their motives but it's definitely not the only one. Hiring someone with a degree means they don't need to waste money on training them as well. There are certainly many jobs that don't require a degree. 99% of humanities degrees for instance are useless.

>> No.16120813

>My gift of sentience is spent wageslaving, consuming media, messing around with hobbies that will never fill the void, eating, shitting, cleaning. And that is all there is

It’s kind of comfy in how dark it is. Makes you realize how any time spent in genuine internal enjoyment or internal motivation is much better then doing something because of outside influences.

>> No.16120888

>Employers trust college degree certificates as markers of class status


>> No.16120896

natalism must be dismantled

>> No.16120908

I never sais that the Civil Rights Act has anything to do with thr cost. What it does have to do with is the degradation in the system. The most egregious fact of the matter isn't just that costs have inflated, but that quality has decreases as well.

>> No.16120911

That fact that most anti-natalists do not commit sodoku upon accepting their philosophy is proof that anti-natalism is a edgy attempt to seem deep, nothing more.

>> No.16120949

Okay but my point is your misrepresenting Caldwell’s points by saying that Civil Rights destroyed American education.
Or maybe you understood them fine and articulated them badly.
Unless you really hated the book and this low-quality shitposting is just a way to discredit it.

>> No.16121208
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>btfo’d by a roastie over 2000 years ago

>> No.16121272

I'm not misrepresenting anything. The price of education is purely a function of economics. The decrease in the quality of education is a result of many things, the Civil Rights Act among them.

>> No.16121308

what is "beauty"
is it aesthetics, virtue, youth, wisdom?
not an anti-natalist, it's just that that paragraph doesn't say much if beauty is left undefined.

>> No.16121327


Something attractive. It doesn't have to be universally attractive. Beholder and all that.

Attraction itself, maybe?

Sorge. Thesaurus. I suggest using the dictionary definition/colloquial usage. No need for jargon.

>> No.16121339

cope mope and soap honkey

>> No.16121630

2k years ago world was huge. but you stupid pederast still live larping prehistoric faggots.

>> No.16121643

it is a proof your mom sucked cocks after anal

>> No.16122114

Why start with the Constitution? The Constitution, the existence of a centralized government, and the belief social contract theory can limit the role of government. History has shown it does not. Fascists are retarded statists; they're just upset the state doesn't work for them when the Leviathan is out.

>> No.16122162

If college is producing Marxists and Communists; why would you want to go their? Why assume college is a politically neutral institution, or even necessary, for your own education. You're in front of a computer.

>> No.16122674

There is no reason to take a positive action of suicide as an anti-natalist, because at that point you have already been brought into existence. The act of committing suicide would likely increase the suffering in the world (i.e. in family members) and would cause intense short-term suffering in the self. You are also assuming that all anti-natalists are materialists and do not have some religious or spiritual reason not to commit suicide.

>> No.16122694

Anti-natalists have a moral obligation to commit worldwide genocide. As quickly painlessly as possible of course. Any suffering that might occur during the course of the genocide would be nothing compared to the prevention of all future suffering.