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16113232 No.16113232 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about the Pleroma, why does it wear the veil of matter?

>> No.16113434

Is this drawn by my boy Moebius?

>> No.16113455

It's inflammation of the membranes that surround the lungs and line the chest cavity.

>> No.16115190

The process of uncovering itself is the closest it can get to the sensation of improving. This is the true redpill, anyone who gives you any other reason is just another hylic.

>> No.16115466

If you see through the veil will you die?

>> No.16115506

It would be extremely pneumaticizing.

>> No.16115537
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>> No.16116453

Whats the point?

>> No.16116688

For Thou.

>> No.16117163

got the next one?

>> No.16117232

it doesn't exist, the rest is up to you

>> No.16117877

Gnosticism sure is schizo

>> No.16117888

There was a thread earlier that an anon admitted none of them really believe their own bullshit and that they only attach to the name because they're pseudointellectuals. Then he went on to prove it by thinking Platos Symposium was Socrates defending the practice of having sex with boys, obviously wrong.

>> No.16117898
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why does it seem so real bros? us trapped here by an evil god explains everything. and all the religions have us worship him unknowingly.

>> No.16117906

Gnosticism was a jewish psyop to try and halt the spread of christianity. It is only catching on now because it mirrors the plot of its anime/scifi aesthetics.

>> No.16117911

This is written in an incredibly disgusting way.

>> No.16117919

people are afraid and don't want to die so they cling to this life and what they can do with it, it makes sense that the religions on this side are going to divinize this side, because the other side is no side. it's a very sad predicament imo. sometimes I'm almost overwhelmed by the possibility that this universe really is a black hole.

it's best to just take care of your family, reject being a shit-eating zog cog, cultivate wisdom and die with grace and never return to this place.

>> No.16117921

>why does it seem so real bros?
Because, being an incel and a failure, you have grown to resent this life and yourself - and thus everything else in existence. You are a resentful little being filled with scorn, and all the joys of a good life will forever be blocked from you and you know that.

>> No.16117924

>jewish psyops!


>> No.16117929

>incel incel incel

God just shut the fuck up already you tedious fucking cocksucker

>> No.16117932

It hurts you because you know its true. Why don't you just fucking neck yourself and free yourself from yourself you permaloser?

>> No.16117951

Gnosticism is quite the cope, huh?
Ask yourself, rationally, what seems more likely:
Is it possible that you, personally, individually, are responsible for the poor quality of your life and your own unhappiness?
Or is some magical stuffed animal in the sky making your life shit to bully you?

>> No.16117965

tedious normie responses. so goddamn, mind-numbingly tedious. refuting gnosticism with boomerisms like "you have to take responsibility for your life". read, or just stop fucking posting

>> No.16117980

Do you really honestly believe that there is some spacebully that has cursed you with acne and awkwardness which has crippled you socially and made you a depressed reject?

>> No.16117986

In this moment I am euphoric, not because of any phony demiurges blessing but because I am enlightened by my own gnosis.(which means knowledge, which is what I have)

>> No.16117994

you may be onto something because it teaches you the demiurge is the ultimate incel. it says the outsider, black sheep, and weirdo, is a mirror of the architect's mind

>> No.16117998

>do you honestly believe [tedious, politicized strawman]?

every time.

>> No.16118003

bruh the demiurge FUCKS. read the sethian texts

>> No.16118015


>> No.16118027

>(which means knowledge, which is what I have)
If someone has to say it about themselves then it probably isn't true.

>> No.16118035

It makes a lot more sense than god made this dimension to test our love through free will, and to follow jesus.
>most people will not learn who jesus is anyway
>5000 different religions

compare that to the demiurge's model
>I don't give a fuck what you believe you are trapped here to feed me.
>only the few people will be able to escape
>most religions are there to trick you into entering the judgment and being recycled.

>> No.16118038

Pseudointellectual cope is the only reason self identifying gnostics do so.

>> No.16118048

>It makes a lot more sense than
No, they are equally nonsensical. You can't even attempt to validate this argument because you know they are in essence the same thing. There is no reason to assume one is more reasonable than the other.

>> No.16118051

Amazing how Gnosticism makes everyone seethe. You guys aren't at all repressing anything, right?

>> No.16118056

I'd add, though, that while they are equally unreasonable premises that the neither of which can be validated; gnosticism being a cynical incel ideology of misery and depression makes it the obviously inferior worldview.

>> No.16118072

early gnosticism was pushed and supported by disenfranchised roman and greek intellectuals who formerly occupied high positions in society. valentinus was as optimistic as Plotinus, Mani saw light in everything. it has nothing to do with America's culture war. stop posting

>> No.16118076

Have you considered that the world is what it is not because of an evil creator but because there is no creator and it's just a chaotic chain of causes and effects?

>> No.16118085

>disenfranchized roman and greek intellectuals
Wrong. They were Jews. That's why they operate in Biblical worldview.
The Greeks were by and large Neoplatonists, Egyptians remained defiantly Egyptian with Hermeticism.

>> No.16118090

But that would mean that I have to take responsibility for myself and that's scary

>> No.16118094

eve eats the apple (/mushroom) and sees the story from the start. cycle runs over and over, eventually exploding into meat as self replicating sense organs?

>> No.16118097

>The Greeks were by and large Neoplatonists, Egyptians remained defiantly Egyptian with Hermeticism.

>what is the city of Alexandria
>what was the language the Nag Hammadi texts were written in

Why the fuck do you people post about shit you haven't studied?

>> No.16118101

This is pretty cool, any proofs though?

>> No.16118105

I know you are a historical illiterate, but Platonist schools were wildly popular at the time in Alexandria - among Greeks. Native Egyptians held on to their ethnic and cultural identity with Hermeticism, Egyptian Jews adapted Gnosticism.

>> No.16118111


>> No.16118112

You have to accept some of the basic premises of the abrahamic religions but that they are subversions of the model built to control us. This is also confirmed how so much of our elite are freemason, kabbalistic and saturn worshipers. They worship yahweh, the architect of this domain. Most of the rulers of the world know we are in a demiurge reality of pure evil.

>> No.16118116

There is as much Platonic influence in gnosticism as there is Jewish, a theory of Jewish origins is as controversial as a purely Christian one. and lmfao hermeticism is a Hellenization of Egyptian thought you doof.

>> No.16118142

>hermeticism is a Hellenization of Egyptian thought you doof.
Egyptian thought was already Hellenized for quite a few centuries before Hermeticism. For native Egyptians, it was a way of maintaining what they viewed as the original religion which Platonism had sterilized of its Egyptian influence's notable characteristics and words.
>There is as much Platonic influence in gnosticism as there is Jewish
I'm not saying there isn't. I'm saying you are a moron and that Neoplatonist schools were still widely common for up to 200-300 years after Gnosticism was invented, and you are wrong about saying the people who created it were Greek intellectuals. This is made obvious by the fact that.. Gnosticism is Jewish.

>> No.16118153

>This is made obvious by the fact that.. Gnosticism is Jewish.

its influences are manifold. I can just as easily say it's a Platonic hermeneutic applied to Jewish scripture. "gnosticism is askhually [x]" is reductive and always pushed by some goof with an agenda.

>> No.16118165

Well, this might be a good time to remind you that you were the mouthbreathing troglodyte who said Gnosticism was started by Romans. If you cared about making reasonable estimations, starting with the assumption of, "WHO MIGHT JEWISH SCRIPTURE SEEM RELEVANT TO" would be a good start.

>> No.16118171


He is Yahweh the architect of this world. Most religions worship him unknowingly. The bloodline elite are in contact with him and offered worldly rewards and immortality in exchange for furthering his cause.

>What does he want

Not hard to know. Because he gave us his mind. What do 'we' want.

>infinite power
>total control
>everyone serving us.
>all our enemies punished.

You can also meet a form of him through the narcissist personality trait , and we see him in every movie villain. The dark lord Sauron. Lord Voldemort. Emperor Palpatine, Thanos.

Psychopaths are generally not him. The psychopaths are the monsters of this world. They are called the archons.

>> No.16118187

good post

>> No.16118201
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>> No.16118203

>The 'Jesus' of the Gnostics is the Lucifer of our Bibles who tempted man to eat the fruit
>The 'God' of the Gnostics claims the God of our Bibles is not God
>The 'Jesus' of the Gnostics did not die for our sins and is not the son of Yahweh
1 John warned us about the spirit of antichrist.

>> No.16118217

Because you have teenager brain and you're too jacked up on anime

>> No.16118243


Good tastes anon.

>> No.16118256


But jesus taught essential antimaterial gnostic doctrine

>> No.16118262

Yeah, but what about proofs?

>> No.16118269

*essential antimaterial christian doctrine

>> No.16118270

>valuing spirituality over materialism means someone is gnostic
Retarded and wrong. They didn't invent, or even in any way improve this idea.

>> No.16118287

Not that anon, but speaking for me life is quite good. Of course I fail here and there but that's not the issue. I think of those who have it really bad and one just have to take a look on history to find the gnostic cosmology plausible without any projections of one's failures.

>> No.16118331

That was cool but from where do the author of this pic got this knowledge from? Where to start with gnosticism?

>> No.16118371

real talk how do we get back at this demiurge? fucking piece of shit.

>> No.16118465

Upon death you will be drawn into the famous white light at the end of the tunnel. This light will feel all loving and will feature images of your relatives and deity(s) inviting you to come to "Heaven". This is actually a between lives briefing area for judgement of your life. A movie will be shown to you featuring the most disappointing, and shameful moments of your life. A karmic judgement committee will judge you based on a rubric of service to self and service to others. To "graduate" you must have a score of at least 49% service to self and 51% service to others or 95% service to self and 5% service to others. The failure rate is 95.5%. The committee will tell you that you have one more chance to get things right and will return you to Earth (samsara) and you will reincarnate with amnesia and have to start all over again.

>> No.16118476

It's meant to appeal to low IQ hylics who want a quick "le funny epic" meme for everything.

>> No.16118489

You pseuds always overestimate your intellectual capabilities, then again you wouldn't identify as a gnostic if you didn't.

>> No.16118503


>> No.16118514

I'd like to point out that you have no idea who I am, what I believe in, or what I stand for.
That's pretty funny to me.

>> No.16118516

Step 1: Click Link
Step 2: Stay on Reddit
Step 3: Don't come back

>> No.16118521

>make retarded generalized adolescent statement about a wide swath of people
>get called retarded
>"Y-you dont even know me."
Looks like the you proved him right, kiddo.

>> No.16118524

>I am anon's utter lack of self-awareness

>> No.16118526
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>> No.16118527

>make retarded generalized adolescent statement about a wide swath of people
That never happened.
You're trying way too hard to insult me. I know you have a desire to inflict emotional harm on me but when your animus is so rabid and divorced from reality, your attempts just have no impact.

>> No.16118533

>low IQ hylics
Before you would be able to become self-aware you'd first need to have a soul.

>> No.16118540

At this point I'd also like to point out that you are incapable of comprehending my posts in totality which is why you have to constantly misrepresent them with chopped up greentext.
When I went with the you don't know me line, it's because you actually, factually don't.
You could be an adult and accept this, or you can keep fighting your own projections.

>> No.16118545
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>Silly hylics, I am a Gnostic, and this means I am an enlightened spiritual warrior who has transcended frivolous material desires by possessing knowledge(as you can tell by my identification as a gnostic) which I have purchased a gaming PC and internet in my studio apartment I pay rent for with my job at Wendy's so I can spread my wisdom and knowledge.

>> No.16118547

The only one who seems to be projecting here is you, though

>> No.16118551

If he weren't insecure about his intelligence he wouldn't have been drawn to identifying as a gnostic to begin with.
If he were actually intelligent his actions would align with the philosophy he espouses.

>> No.16118553

I think if you were to examine your posts and conduct here in good faith, you'd react a different conclusion.

>> No.16118554

>examine your posts and conduct here in good faith
You set the tone, so don't be confused now why the attitude you have taken is being turned around at you. If you really were so enlightened you'd cease to contradict yourself at every turn.

>> No.16118567

I'm certainly not the one who is confused here.
You insist on ascribing labels to me such as gnostic and enlightened when I have never made such claims, and then you turn around and say I'm the one projecting.
And the reason for this is because you want me to be something that you have a desire to attack. And that's why you aren't here in good faith, you're here for battle. So don't bother with the "you set the tone" stuff.

>> No.16118582

>I'm certainly not the one who is confused here.
You most certainly were, you were being a petulant and passive-aggressive child acting out your impotent frustration on others by identifying them as mentally defunct materialists, and now you are pretending you are above such behavior.

The former is contradicted by your lack of adherence to an ascetic lifestyle, a little humility and self-awareness might have caused you not to place yourself so much above those you talk of with disdain.
The latter part, the contradiction is apparent. You acted like a faggot and as soon as you got called out you pretended you were above insults.

You're stupid, but that's okay; nobody expected better from you.

>> No.16118588

It isn't me you're calling out, it's some weird shadow complex you have of gnostics that live in your head.
You can't go a single post without introducing some new characteristic you supposedly know about me, for example now it's your insight into my supposed lack of an ascetic lifestyle.

>> No.16118601

I know you live in a delusional fantasy world where you think a pokeman in the sky bullied you into a loser, but I am calling you out specifically on this post:
What makes you so much above these so-called "hylics"(a gnostic term only LARPers use) whom your own lifestyle is precisely like?
What makes your intelligence above theirs when you can't even realize the contradiction of attacking others as 'stupid materialists' when you yourself are just like them?

>> No.16118604

>my supposed lack of an ascetic lifestyle.
If you had a truly ascetic lifestyle you wouldnt be here, dumbdumb.

>> No.16118611

This. Self-awareness doesn't really sit well with 4chinz "Gnostics"

>> No.16118618

>I know you live in a delusional fantasy world where you think a pokeman in the sky bullied you into a loser
You actually don't know this though, and that's what makes this series of exchanges so humorous.
I await to see with what new flourish you'll call me a faggot, retard, et cetera.

>> No.16118620

Totally disagree. Asceticism does not preclude this form of communication.

>> No.16118623

You're not approaching the substance of the post, you are not asking my questions. If you were so enlightened you wouldn't have felt the need to attack your fellow people which started this whole thing to begin with. You play victim, now that it is the eternally selfish -you- being called out - yet you continue to neglect this all began with your own hostility.

>> No.16118630

That may be your perception, and this makes rational sense you'd think that since you want to identify as "enlightened" and "ascetic" without actually having to practice any form of restraint or discipline. That's why your own impotent anger seeped out from the beginning and we are in this discussion.

>> No.16118634

You keep up this refrain of my enlightenment as though it's something I actually said.
Also, you are certainly not my "fellow people."
I'm not a victim. You aren't capable of victimizing me.
Where was the retard slur in your post by the way? I told you I was awaiting it. All tuckered out? Got it out of your system?

>> No.16118636

>Nuh-uh. I get to pick and choose what is and isn't asceticism.
Abdolute state of larping

>> No.16118650

More projection.
You're the one who made at least a partial definition of asceticism when you claimed an ascetic can't be on the internet.

>> No.16118654

>You keep up this refrain of my enlightenment as though it's something I actually said.
We are back to the subject of your lack of self-awareness. The haughty self-important hypocrisy is evidence enough of your perception as being so "transcendent" as compared to your fellow coworkers at Wendy's.
>Also, you are certainly not my "fellow people."
Yes yes, we know that you perceive yourself as being some kind of newage guru but you are still in fact only a human - as dumb and flawed as the people you so arrogantly look down on.
>Where was the retard slur in your post by the way?
I don't have to say it, you being an idiot is self-evident.

>> No.16118668

Ah there's the flourish. Good job - I knew you wouldn't be able to resist.
Anyways, you're starting to bore me. I'm going to repeat that you don't know if I believe I'm enlightened or whether I work at Wendy's or not. Do you have the humility to accept that?
And by the way, the reason you aren't my fellow people isn't because of some metaphysical system, it's because of your own character flaws.

>> No.16118684

yeah, no but seriously, i wanna fight yaldaboath.

i'll fist fight that fucking faggot in his stupid face.

>> No.16118689

>your own character flaws.
What ones are those? You don't know me.
I'm only dishing back to you just what you served and nothing more.
>you don't know if I believe I'm enlightened
I do though, by the very fact you have openly identified how you perceive yourself in comparison to your fellow coworkers at Wendy's. The "low-IQ hylics," as you called them.
>Do you have the humility to accept that?
Do you have the humility to accept that you acted like a dirtbag which is in direct contradiction with your belief you are living an ascetic lifestyle?
Considering you are the one who so desperately wants strangers on the internet to believe about your spiritual virtues, it may be a lot more pertinent for you to take on some humility right now and correct yourself accordingly.

>> No.16118705

You have many character flaws. I've spelled out some of them during the course of our discussion. You are a hypocrite, which, no surprise, is something you insist I am, as part of your compulsive engagement to swinging at your own shadow. For example, there's the jarring contrast between your appeals to some sort of universal humanism and your using the theme "working at Wendy's" as an insult rooted in social stratification.
That's a blatant hypocrisy and, unlike your "call-outs", it isn't one that I had to make up. It's right there in your posts.
But like I said, I'm getting bored. You are SO insistent on projection and telling me what I belief that it's easily apparent that you're intentionally doing it to troll. Of course this was obvious many posts ago but I thought you might have some other tricks. Guess not.

>> No.16118709

>You have many character flaws
Maybe the character flaws you are seeing are merely the reflection of your own behavior being held up in the mirror I gave you.

You want us to believe you are some kind of monk so high in his mountain above the "hylics" you spit on, but would such an otherworldly person really feel the need to come on 4chan and act like an asshole as you have?
>You are a hypocrite,
See above.

>> No.16118718

I dont see "working at Wendy's" as an insult unless and if a person believes it is below their station; which you've done by pretending you are better than others just trying to live their simple lives.

>> No.16118838

So why exactly Sophia and Aeons can't just defeat the Demiurge and free us? Are they unloving or just weak? Still, God of Reality seems to be much better than some distant, ideal beings.
This comic makes it seem like Aeons are giant faggots and Demiurge is based.

>> No.16118891
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>the virgin chaos vs the chad demiurge

>> No.16118911
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>> No.16119530

think how low iq black people, migrants, whatever, commit barbaric violence at dispro statistical levels, and leftists response is, "well you know, everyone is equal, the violence is due to poverty..." stuff like, "if someone breaks in your house, just give them what they want."

These beings. They cannot really conceive of evil. They are weak and impotent in their perfect world. Many people want to create transhumanism and become gods of this universe. Materialists who have no soul or people afraid to die. The reality is. We people with soul fighting for them. Most people are divored from that reality and find with serving the demiurge. If you have no connection to the soul, then we of us who have it, seem like total fools.

>> No.16119582

also they are attempting but it's like the matrix at the purest level, in the preloma they are trying to find more bothisavas to mount a campaign in here for mass awakening. some are theorizing they are already nearing to destroy the saturn trap that enslaves us. imagine all us souls go free and return home. that is the ultimate mission worth fighting. why I believe it. it's in every story there is. the desire to overcome impossible odds. defeat evil. return home. we already know we are enslaved subconsciously and it comes through storys and art. once I realized this everything makes sense.

>> No.16121064


>> No.16121183
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the Pleroma is the concept of fullness, so I would say that it does not take the veil of matter, it is supposed to be a syzygy of emptiness and existence and of all things.

Kinda wrong way to start talking about Pleroma bro. Matter as we know it seems to be a dissociation from one aspect of the universal mind, which itself is only one aspect of the aeon layers... etc etc. The whole system is pretty weird (but spiritually very healthy I would say) even before you start talking about the Demiurge and Archons and whatnot (usually associated with matter as we know it more than Pleroma is).

>> No.16121226

there are theories that early gnostics created special orders to watch the growth of proto-Abrahamic systems (one of them was called Archonites if I remember correctly, kinda tells you what they thought about Abrahamics).

the belief that gnosticism is younger than Abrahamic bullshit is silly btw

>> No.16121267

I get the feeling from prior Gnostics threads that this comic plus Wikipedia = 99% of what most posters understand about Gnosticism.

This is in fact a picture depicting (imperfectly) the cosmology of the Apocryphon of John. Gnostics were not a single sect, and not all of them embraced this book. It's part of the Sethian tradition.

In and case, it doesn't seem to be meant to be taken literally, which is true of Genesis too, with its two parralel creation stories.

>> No.16121278

What would you recommend for someone trying to understand the gnostic mindset and philosophy without turning it into a fetish object or video game cosmology?

I wonder if the shallow gnostics know or even care how many people they turn away with this childish behavior.

>> No.16121283

That's literally true of Symposium though. Not sex, but adolescent male attractiveness is.

>> No.16121301

The Gnostics Bible has a good, short introduction and you can read the actual texts.

The Teaching Company actually did a pretty good course on the Gnostics too.

>> No.16121315

Would you recommend it as the main anthology I should read? I'm a little confused about whether I should read an older collection and then read the Nag Hammadi library, or vice versa, or if there is a lot of overlap..

There's the gnostic texts website, that looks really good, although I notice a lot of it is GRS Mead who I believe is a theosophist. I don't hate theosophy or anything but I don't want to get anything filtered through a specifically theosophical interpretation.

Could you post some of the sources/authors you are thinking of? Sounds interesting.

>> No.16121996

The Gnostics Bible organizes the texts in rough chronological order, and also groups similar texts together in different sections.

Gnosis.org has free translations, multiples of more popular works. I just like having a paper copy and the intro notes and footnotes are useful.

Hans Jonas, The Gnostic Religion: The Message of the Alien God and the Beginnings of Christianity and
Jacques Lacarriere, The Gnostics are good.

If you want to get into Jungian, modern Gnosticism, I started reading Hoeller, Gnosticism: New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing.

A lot of "new age stuff," is pretty bad. Falsified history, misrepresentation of ideas to add authority to arguments, and misunderstood science. This didn't seem like that.

I feel like you get more out of Jung and modern takes once you actually have a grounding in the history and the texts though.

Contrary to popular opinion on /lit/, there is plenty of interesting stuff you can say about the parallels between mystical and "demiurgic" traditions across the world, it's just that there is a lot of /x/tier nonsense to sort through when you look for that analysis.

>> No.16123129

this thread is full of pseuds

>> No.16123368

People focus on the Secret Book of John and the Hypostasis of the Rulers because they have one of the more fleshed out cosmologies (a lot of Gnostic works are "wisdom literature," collections of wisdom and instructions on living and prayer).

They also have the most shocking rearrangement of Genesis stories people are familiar with. I get that this makes it the most interesting in terms of novelty, but it's also a less than perfect work for understanding the ideas that tie "Gnostics" together thematically as a group (since we're talking about multiple sects over centuries). You have Aeons swooping down into the material world to stop Norea from getting gang banged. It's dissonant with other Gnostic works.

This then makes people dismiss the concepts as a whole. Of course the orthodox Bible has supernatural entities, rapes, incest, child sacrifice to Yahweh in Judges, a God who can't find Adam in the Garden, and who Lot has to bargain with to avoid having him genocide Innocents. However, people are used to these stories and don't find them shocking in the same way. There are explanations for them in non-liberal terms, often as notes in study Bibles.

With the Gnostics texts, people jump in reading them literally because they have no context. This actually makes these two works among the worst to start with if you want to get to know Gnosticism.

>> No.16123386

Great posts

Although Jephthah sacrificing his daughter is not depicted as pleasing to God

>> No.16123394

*Non-liberal terms.

Even in antiquity, perhaps moreso in antiquity given the rise of fundementalists, people read the Bible allegorically and symbolically. Gnostic works from the same period should be interpreted the same way.

>> No.16123415

Correct, but people approaching that passage in a different text with no context could easily come away with that interpretation. The same mistakes are bound to happen when leaping into unfamiliar texts that have been lost for a thousand years.

>> No.16123425

None of you actually believe any of this shit right

>> No.16123967

I do.

It took me a significant amount of time to get here. I grew up in an non-religious household. I converted to Christianity after meeting my wife, and embarked on a wide ranging course of study of Christian and Jewish history, comparative religion, and theology. I was buying and going through full graduate theology textbooks; it was one of my more productive periods.

I got my BS and MS in neuroscience and worked as a research associate at a university when I met my wife. I never found a research niche I really liked. I focused on long term memory because my mentor did and because it has a tie in to "the big questions." The big questions I wanted to deal with were the nature of identity and the hard problem of conciousness, but the work I was doing was iterative. I got a promotion, but that left me managing and doing finance work more.

So, my big move was to pursue a PhD in philosophy at a program that had a track in philosophy and cognitive science. I got to read a lot and explore new fields in more depth, physics, information science, AI, and most of all math.

I eventually got really into wanting to fully understand non-Euclidean geometries and also the history of the esoteric traditions. This is when I read more of the Gnostics and became acquainted with Kabbalah. I wasn't very religious by this point.

I also began experimenting with mind altering substances to get different perspectives on qualia. The ones that really worked best and were legal were THC, the dissassociative anesthetic DXM, nitrous oxide, and salvia, which I would use in conjunction with sensory deprivation to bring on ego death. I actually had a break through with some mathematics I was being taught soon after beginning. Anyhow, my thoughts during this period fill a giant stack of notebooks.

-need to run for a second I'll finish later.

>> No.16124059

You sound like happy, busy man anon. Don't go mad.

>> No.16124239
File: 557 KB, 1248x1906, n2o vape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16124688

I did none of that and work as a dishwasher and believe it. the truth don't care where you come from. We are in a slave planet ruled by a demon and his archon minions and their jewish minions. Don't go into the light.

>> No.16124751

So uh, when you die and you're in the white light, how do you know that isn't an evil spurdo trick? I don't want to reincarnate. I want to escape.

>> No.16124813
File: 80 KB, 1024x683, D29AE50B-FC56-4F6C-AC26-665BFF3CF95F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember you wont come back without your permission. if the light gets you. do not take their deal. do not believe their lies. they will often take the form of your family members, or your deity. This is not god. They are archons tricking you. God would not try to trap you ina. contract. You know who would. Attorneys. Starting to sound familiar. I call them... the intermediaries.

>> No.16124818

Its pretty funny assholes like you don't kill yourselves so you can exercise your little trick

>> No.16124838

I am a bodhisattva. I came here intentionally to awaken as many people as I can. Right now is the most crucial time in humanity. The mark of the beast will entrap us all in the grid ensuring no soul can ever leave.

>> No.16124887

nice larping but we are not living in an anime

>> No.16125071

or are we

>> No.16125085

We aren't

>> No.16125131

How did you become convinced this story is the "right" story? What makes you think da joos, archons or boogeyman of the hour aren't behind that story too?

>> No.16125659
File: 559 KB, 1000x1657, 3F3FA9E7-8C41-4259-B3C7-D70AB252E973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

partially because all the elite rulers of this world believe it. there is freemason/saturn symbol everywhere you look.

>> No.16126688
File: 8 KB, 276x268, streamers2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crescent depicted in the first image attached to your post was that of Saturn, not the Moon; the star below Saturn was Mercury, which received plasma streams emanating from Saturn; the star following it was Mars.

The (hyper)cube is, and always has been, the nuclear symbol of Zion, pawn of Satan/Jupiter/YHWH; no computergenerated image can alter that.

The demonization of Saturn is merely another example of the bottlenecking tactic of Zionism, whereby it precludes revelation of the truth in the popular opinion of the vulgus by insidiously projecting its own perverse ideology, and symbolism, onto anything that is adverse to it.

Saturn/Kronos/Sabaoth/Enlil/Ilos/Kumarbi is the original King of the Aryans, and companion of Sofia.

>> No.16126700

>...The crescent depicted in the first image...
>...The crescent depicted in the [...] image...

>> No.16126802

the pleroma is an orgasm
gnosticism is a cope for people who can't fuck

>> No.16126905

why do they worship saturn?

>> No.16127034

Judaists, and Judeoislamists, worship Satan/Jupiter/YHWH, not Saturn; regardless of that, only God should be worshipped.