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/lit/ - Literature

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16116195 No.16116195 [Reply] [Original]

The utility of ebooks is obvious, but does anyone else find that the thrill of collecting is part of the hobby as a whole?

Perhaps I'm a stupid coomlector, but I very much enjoy the totality of the experience.

>> No.16116209

I can honestly say no. All the books I have around from my pre-ebook days are just inconvenient to have around. I hate yellowed paperbacks I think they smell gross.
I’ve actually bought several books I already owned the physical copies of although really I ought to have pirated them

>> No.16116223

I regret ever telling my parents to buy me books for Christmas. I ended up never reading them, and if I did want to read them, they are free online.

I would only ever buy a book AFTER I have read it. To support the author, and to fill out the library. Perhaps for a reread some time.

>> No.16116237

a true coomlector will go through phases of obsessively amassing both physical and digital archives before he finds out who he truly is

>> No.16116246

i definitely love the practicality of my e-reader but I still have packed shelves. i try to prune it regularly and keep only the special editions and my definite rereads (my signed meiville, a weird edition of burmese days, grandpa's east of eden, my waterlogged copy of brideshead revisited that i became weirdly obsessed with one summer). i also have a large collection of pulp 60s/70s scifi that i can't bear to part with. Cyber Pope!! Space Whores!! Mallworld?!! The content may be trash but they are so eye-catching.

>> No.16116281
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>before he finds out who he truly is

What's the trick to discovering your true purpose?

>> No.16116318

Female mindset.

>> No.16116329

I've used Ebooks as a way to find out which books are worth having. My collection is fairly cumbersome now, but full of what I think are essential works that I want available no matter the electricity situation.

>> No.16116463
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The world's most notable bibliomanes are all men.

>> No.16116483

Collecting things is typically male. Females just want to throw away old stuff.

>> No.16116520

Men will be at the extremes of literally everything.

>> No.16116740

The essential consoomer

>> No.16116758

No. I've been slowly getting rid of my physical books. I don't have much reason to keep a collection around.

>> No.16116770

I don't currently own any physical books, but when I buy a house I will begin building out my library. The only logical way to do that is to buy books that you've already read, in hardcover, that you would like to re-read in perpetuity. Buying a book you've never read? What a wasteful excess.

>> No.16116792

>The utility of ebooks is obvious
no it isn't. its insanely more practical and less fatiguing to have physical reference volumes on a shelf in front of you when researching. ebooks are for genre fiction midwits

>> No.16116800
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>used to be a hardcore physical fag for my main hobbies (reading, music collecting and gaming)
>slowly become a digital fag
>first with music in the early 10s, then gaming a couple years ago, and now reading (bought an ereader Last week)

Having a physical collection is neat but it takes up a lot of space if you have more money than sense

>> No.16116816
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I'm obsessed with my digital collection.

>> No.16116821
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I'm obsessed with your digital collection too. Nice hentai collection

>> No.16116965

I read books on my kindle and order physical copies to have them in my library.

I read a lot of non fic on my kindle and won’t by the physical but if something blows my mind I’ll order a physical. I love collecting them ! But also love reading on my kindle paper white

>> No.16116976

When I first started browsing lit I realized most of the books recommended here I could buy at value village or a similar store. So I bought a ton and since then I've rarely bought any because I still haven't read most of them.

>> No.16118626

No - I always try to get rid of them, asap I find the digital version, it's gone.

>> No.16118657

>collecting is part of the hobby as a whole?
you sound like some coomsoomer.faggot even this thread is coomsoomer tier. Why not say something about a book you are reading ? reddd*t faggot

>> No.16118713


Yeah, that's why I referred to it as 'coomlecting' you moronic nigger.

>> No.16118737

Did I say you didn't refer to it as 'coomlecting'? I was just reaffirming it, you moronic amerishit. Are your cognitive abilities perhaps lacking? It honestly seems as if I upset you, coomsoomuer brainlet.

>> No.16118745


If you are not American, your opinion means nothing. Every country besides the United States is irrelevant, and pretty much a non-country.

>> No.16118746
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aagghhh i must CONSUUUM

>> No.16118752

most of the books i buy i dont read, im also afraid of getting rid of books so on my shelf i can see the the prince and the sublime object of ideology straddeling the official digimon character guide, i have begun reading all 3 at different points but only ever finished one of them, well i say finished, it is more of a reference book you dip in and out of

>> No.16118759

The thrill comes from the search of finding a new book you didn’t know about, not so much the buying of it in the end.

>> No.16118776

I only read physical. I make a few exceptions for stuff that I simply can't get a hold of without pawning off my unborn son, so I just download that in a PDF or epub and read it at home on my monitor. But both my job and and a lot of my free time involves dealing with computers, meaning lots of time spent sitting in front of a screen. So I do my best to keep my hobby of reading clearly seperate and away from screens.

I have a nice collection of about two hundred books, although at this point I won't be getting any more until I have an actual house which has enough space for this kind of stuff.

>> No.16119203


Yes, I agree with that.

>> No.16119414

I'm sick of putting my free time in tech companies hands, paper books are the last hope of an analogic world. I can't stand people obsessed with technology and science who want to end centuries of tradition. Sure one can pirate books for free and save a lot of money but I don't and I won't. Besides I can lend a book to someone (how sterile would be saying "give me your USB I'll put you some cool books in it") or if I see it on my bookshelf it remind me of what it is about and make me want to re-read it.
Last thing is that I can always sell it online, so if I didn't like it no big deal.

>> No.16119422


Scientism is just a neo-religion, that's all.

>> No.16119990

Yeah, sadly it is.