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16113858 No.16113858[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In a world where everyone is a troll, how does one go about trolling?

>> No.16113866

Make anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-memes

>> No.16113871
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>In a world where everyone is a troll, how does one go about trolling?

>> No.16113876

>In a world where everyone is a troll
the internet extends beyond social media and the world extends beyond the internet

>> No.16113880

God - I hate that fucking Forced & Retarded writing - "style" - he chooses to affect. It's gay.

>> No.16113885

this guy literally copy pastes em dashes into his Twitter posts to look """erudite"""" hahahaha

>> No.16113892


>> No.16113901

logo_daedalus is wrong about that, aren't they?

>> No.16113902

How does that make someone look erudite?

>> No.16113938


>> No.16113980

There’s less people trolling than ever, people have just redefined “troll” as any subversive method to start discussion or draw attention to any particular subject.
It used to literally just mean any way to make people seethe

>> No.16113987


Normies started using the internet and they don't like the culture they found. Usenet was here, then the eternal summer, and now normies are taking over and creating societal norms online. Which seems to be antithetical to the internet but usenetfags probably hate trolls.

>> No.16114001


>> No.16114023

Remember when we used to believe in Internet privacy and that information wants to be free? Good times.

>> No.16114025

Usenet was actually a lot more like Twitter than people want to admit. Back then all kinds of academic dickheads would post on Usenet with their IRL accounts@whatever.edu, and just like Twitter trolls would try to get them into pissed odd and flinging turds. It's just it was college kids, and college professors. Now Twitter is any b-list celebrity and the trolls are any kid with a phone. So it's a little worse, but not that different.

>> No.16114060

Retards like this classify giving a gender-bent movie sequel a bad review as “trolling”

>> No.16114068

Not an argument.

>> No.16114080

Not to get too schizoid but something about trolling and flame war is they are also a legitimate way of to hold intense conversations.

Reddit is going thru a wholesome renessaince right now and it makes me want to hurl. It's superficial and fake

>> No.16114094

bc was it was used far more often pre-20thc, so you must be ~so well read~ to imitate it

>> No.16114096

You fucking dumbass

>> No.16114130

Are you gonna cry?

>> No.16114138

You literal troglodyte

>> No.16114139

You just put out based reactionary content but no one will know whether you’re trolling or not, simple as

>> No.16114149

uhh they're used in the modern age too buddy, just read a new yorker article

>> No.16114151

Nah that’s what more than half of everyone under the age of 30 does online these days. That’s most of who the tweet in the OP is talking about.

>> No.16114156

Me reading things won't make you less dumb, unfortunately

>> No.16114162

posting twitter screenshots, for a start

>> No.16114164

You’re fighting back tears rn.

>> No.16114171

Cool, good to know.

>> No.16114172

>using an em dash is an affectation because it was used in the past

>> No.16114175

Logo is a black midwit. His takes are black israelite tier. Keep twitter in twitter you enormous faggot

>> No.16114176

nobody's a troll who has a job they want to keep and isn't anonymous

>> No.16114183
File: 13 KB, 266x400, B1E73F3B-C68D-4D3F-9A2C-3EB869B74456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reject the past. Embrace modernity.

>> No.16114186

Logo samefagging in the thread he made, no surprises there.

>> No.16114190

What’s your definition of troll?

>> No.16114226

>Reject the past. Embrace modernity.
that's such a stupid thing to say

>> No.16114234

I’m inverting an even stupider thing to say.

>> No.16114242

>In a world where everyone is a troll, how does one go about trolling?

up the ante.

>> No.16114249

>Everyone else is just pretending to beleive different things to make me mad

>> No.16114253

So just acceleration? Trolling is inherently about destruction rather than opposing the dominant order?

>> No.16114271
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legit one of the worst books I have ever read. this guy is a fucking moron and a fake who switched from being an alt right dweeb to the left wing for patreon bucks. it's pathetic.

excerpt from his garbage e-book

>> No.16114281

>quoting an e-fag on /lit/
saged, reported, hidden

stop shilling