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16110357 No.16110357[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The final conclusion of philosophy will be that Plato was right all along

>> No.16110368

About what, the Forms? But yes I agree if you mean about being.

>> No.16110375
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>Late to the part Platonism
Not a chance

>> No.16110377

Of course. And if you've read Plato and his competitors, you already know that Plato was right about everything.

>> No.16110390

Well, of course, but the thing is, whos interpretation of plato is right?

>> No.16110400

It already is.
Quantum physics is part of the proof of this.
We've stretched practical mathematics to such a point that we were forced to acknowledge the problem of scientific knowledge and can only exercise models of ideality about indemonstrable theorems. It is philosophy.

Digressing from this point about Plato's idealism; if something is to be true then it must be independently discoverable by other people even in isolation from influence. The spiritual component to Plato's work has been repeated throughout history. It's similarities to other profound religious systems such as the Vedantas and Taoism are testament to its own depth. I personally believe they are on the right path.

>> No.16110402

>still the most valid ontology and epistemology after 2300 years of "progress"
>his intuitive understandings of concepts in economics, biology and sociology etc. weren't expressed scientifically/logically by the rest of us until a century after the "enlightenment"
yep, based

>> No.16110414

Plato was the first philosophy filter. No one cared about him, but greeks.
Also, he was not the best philosopher of his own time; he was like the nu metal of philosophy, pure shit.

>> No.16110421

>doesn't name an alternative
opinion discarded

>> No.16110422

t. never readed philosophy

>> No.16110425

>No one cared about him, but greeks.
Historical illiterate

>> No.16110429

you don't need anyone besides Plato

>> No.16110436

Heraclitus was the climax of ancient thought, even if he lived before Plato.
You could check ancient iranian history or ancient chinese history if you want to know about better thinkers. Plato was a scam, and all his fans are but incel brainlets (latin stoics and germans)
>inb4 the stoics were not platonist
Stoicism is just spinozist-platonism. There is no difference because stoic immanence is still platonic.

>> No.16110438

Youtube educated americans should be hanged in a rope.

>> No.16110444

>You could check ancient iranian history or ancient chinese history if you want to know about better thinkers.
That's funny, because if you weren't an ill informed dumbfuck you would be aware that Plato was wildly popular in Persian culture throughout the Islamic Golden Age. Even they knew he was great.

>> No.16110448

A sophist, nominalist, atheist, materialist monist, nihilist, panmobilist professor was teaching a class on Heraclitus, known weeper.

“Before the class begins, you must momentarily accept that a new class is beginning every moment, and that once the class is over you will never be able to recall the same class (or infinite number of classes made up of an infinitude of moments, as it were) again.”

At this moment a brave Platonic, Aristotelian, Thomist who full understood that the problem of universals was the central problem of all metaphysics and philosophy and who knew that all modern philosophy was the misguided following of Ockham’s nominalism, stood up and said:

“Everything flows, panta rhei; is that right, professor?”

The amorphous professor smirked quite formlessly and ambiguously replied, “Yes, it’s been approximately 2500 years since Heraclitus established the doctrine that everything flows.”

“Wrong. If everything flows, as you say, then the statement "everything flows” also flows, making it as permanent or established as the proverbial river that was no doubt was made up of babby Heraclitus’ tears, probably because he knew that he would never be a true philosopher.“

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his copy of "Wild Ones ft. Sia” by Flo Rida. He stormed out of the room crying those nominalist tears. The same tears that are not the same tears when they leave the eye as when they hit the floor. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Jacques Derrida, had contemplated the Forms instead of peddling ancient sophisms among a degenerate Academia. He wished so much that he had a self to kill, but he himself had argued that the self is nothing but a transitory event in the great flow of things!

The students applauded and all read the Republic and accepted that everything derives its existence from one universal Form, Αγαθών. The Apology was read several times, and Socrates himself showed up and acted as midwife for all the noble truths that the students’ souls were pregnant with.

Nothing became of the professor because according to his own logic he ceases to be by the end of this post.

Χαλάζι Πλάτωνα.

>> No.16110451

Yeah you should. KYS.

>> No.16110453

Checked and based.
Cringe and gay.

>> No.16110464

>“Wrong. If everything flows, as you say, then the statement "everything flows” also flows,
That would be a great argument if it wasn't Plotinian brainrot: "everything flows" means that every material part of the [c]world[/c] flows, not that "every part of the soul flows", as becoming. Heraclitean being is not nominalism, but war imperialism.

>> No.16110472


>> No.16110478

You can't ask platonist scum to be aware of the world. They believe Guenon was a mystic and shill their judeochristian scam everywhere lmao

>> No.16110486

well, that is the nature of platonism, desu

>> No.16110491

Samefag. One can be aware of the """""immense intellect""""" on this one where his every post is a midwit shitpost and everything else is actual discussion.

>> No.16110504
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The guenonian, my friends, making threads about philosophers he haven't read.

>> No.16110511

Are you some kind of Mexican?
Why do you write like a retard?

>> No.16110517
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Platonic scum are worse than jews. Well, at the end, they are the same.

>> No.16110521

You should be over 18 to post here.

>> No.16110532

not an argument

>> No.16110540

It's a fact, there's nothing to argue; come back in 3 years when you're old enough to post here.

>> No.16110606

Is Guenon against Plato?

>> No.16110656
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>Quantum physics

>> No.16110663

Did your little brain implode?

>> No.16110673

Socrates sounds like a bro but you can keep platonism.

>> No.16110691

>Χαλάζι Πλάτωνα
On purpose or not

>> No.16110713

I have waited many moons to see this post.

>> No.16110754
