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/lit/ - Literature

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16109580 No.16109580 [Reply] [Original]

Don't forget to actually read. What books are you reading currently. I'm reading think and grow rich by Napoleon hill

>> No.16109646
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Currently reading Propaganda by Bernays, should be done by tomorrow. After that I'm reading the Decameron.

>> No.16109657

Jurgen and The Crimes of Love by De Sade.

>> No.16109662

Reading the Phaedrus currently. Will set aside Plato when Hesiod's Theogeny arrives.

>> No.16109671

The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian
tell you the truth I'm enjoying it a ton; I got through about I think a third and I can see why this shit got so popular. My least favorite thing is sometimes Howard only comes up with one description for a thing so you'll see a thing described in a term that is fine, but not awe inspiring by any means, and then he'll use it a dozen times in the story or even twice in the same paragraph. Outside of that, I'm enjoying the stories a lot.

>> No.16109708

Clifford the Big Red Dog

>> No.16109714

Reading The Aeneid by Virgil though I'm close to done with it.

>> No.16109733

Fear and Trembling
The Holy Bible
Atlas Shrugged (with my wife)

>> No.16109752

I'm illiterate. I use page reading software as well as text-to-speech in order to shitpost.

>> No.16109803

-Don Quixote
-Schopenhauer's Essays and Aphorisms

>> No.16109810


>> No.16109863

i'm reading the iliad because i decided i needed to start at the beginning

>> No.16109870

I'm reading Therese Raquin. It is a good reminder that getting a gf is a bad idea

>> No.16109877
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>Don't forget to actually read.
Oh shit I forgot while being on the literature board, thanks for reminding me Op.

>> No.16109912

Currently reading:
>The Iliad (Fagles translation) - Homer
Really enjoying it, I’ve never read it all the way through, and apparently I can appreciate poetry more now, as I’m loving the descriptive language used.

>Revolt Against the Modern World - Evola
I’m in the second half now and I’m liking it better. It still baffles me how Evola can decry materialism and yet still fall for racial materialist views. Still a fascinating book.

>The Man who Solved the Market - Goldsomething
It’s about Jim Simons, this mathematician who became a hedge fund manager and became the most successful fund manager ever. It’s a typical book that WSJ / FT would recommend, easy to read and mostly used as a break from the more difficult works I’m reading

I didn’t like Hill, seemed very new thought inspired to me which I hate

Are you reading Bernays for metapolitical reasons?

I’ve heard the Conan stories are great, is that your first exposure?

Probably gonna read this next year, that or Divine Comedy will be the next epic poetry I read

Which translation?

>> No.16109978
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I haven't read in 6 days because i'm playing Baldur's Gate. but when i'm done with i'm going to read Buddenbrooks.

>> No.16110091

I finished Blindsight a week ago and ordered the Firefall hardback immediately afterwards so I could read Echopraxia and also have the omnibus.
It's not here yet. Damned pandemic, making me realize that I've been spoiled by two-day shipping.

>> No.16110241

Reading Stoner. About halfway through. It's been a long time since I put a book down, not because it had lost my attention but because I lost my composure. Why did she have to do all that to his daughter?

>> No.16110284

Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulation

>> No.16110380

I just finished The Catcher in the Rye

It was good.

>> No.16110387

I’ve been revisiting some books I read when I was younger, such as Flowers for Algernon

>> No.16110507

The Bible (thinking about dropping it)
Discourses by Epictetus
Capital Vol. 1 by Karl Marx

>> No.16110865

>capeshit fag reads self-help books

>> No.16110956


>> No.16110973

Shogun by James Clavell

>> No.16112025

>Are you reading Bernays for metapolitical reasons?
Not necessarily, even though his books are relevant (even though most of it is just how to market a product or get votes). The main reason was that I want to write a book where the protagonist is so oversocialized and completely lacking of individual consciousness.

>> No.16112565

Man shut the fuck up, since when is it uncool to try? Trying things. Suck my dick.

>> No.16112726

i'm reading fagles