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File: 149 KB, 400x416, 088BD6BD-1AA0-415E-9DC0-FD989D116A1D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16105634 No.16105634 [Reply] [Original]

>have misophonia
>live in an apartment building
>Mexican family loves to blast music on my right
>upstairs neighbors have kids who make weird noises on the floor every day
>somali kids like to chase each other and scream unintelligible things to their parents in the hallway
>want to read but I need silence to fully take in what I’m reading


>> No.16105756

Do it yourself retard

>> No.16105819

>live next to some vlahs that have kids
>the walls are paper thin
>can hear them screaming and blasting their vlah music
>every time someone comes over they gove me weird looks
>every time someone comes over to them they scream when they laugh
>a baby from across the streat is constantly screaming on the balcony for some fucking reason
Kill me

>> No.16105900

wear earplugs or go insane after listening to bad bunny on repeat

>> No.16105906


>> No.16105922

>living within earshot of another human you're not having sex with
Get what you deserve cityfags

>> No.16105965

no because then I’ll go to hell and hell very bad place

>> No.16106046

>intelligent white in the ghetto
That's rough. Maybe try going to the public library.

>> No.16106218

So how's living with yer mum?

>> No.16106360

Romanians in denial who got sent to serbia and are larping as not being them
They think they're hot shit here and act tough in large groups, kinda like gypsies, but don't live in scrap houses

>> No.16106462

my hate for noise along with posts like these is enough to motivate me in school for a lifetime

>> No.16106478

I know, i'm moving out next year to start university
In a less shit and vlah infested city

>> No.16106509

good luck, anon, youre doing a good thing. hopefully your new dwellings will be more peaceful. all day i dream of being alone.

>> No.16106604

We can't all share a trailer with our sister and daughter-wife Cleatus.

>> No.16106620

You could buy some ear defenders. They help me when there's noise and I want to concentrate on reading.

>> No.16106632

>Living in a city
Have you lads tried not being niggers?

>> No.16106646

crack all the jokes you want, fag, but at least Cleatus doesnt have to listen to his neighbor's nigger music

>> No.16106672

You ever been in a trailer park?

>> No.16106679

Countryside sucks dick as well. Suburbs and towns are the best.

>at least Cleatus doesnt have to listen to his neighbor's nigger music
White people can be just as scummy as any other race.

>> No.16106699

>White people can be just as scummy as any other race.
yes they *can* be
and they *arent*

>> No.16106702

Suburbs are literally the worst of both worlds.

>> No.16106716
File: 35 KB, 400x266, MOKYP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rentcucks and cityfags blown the fuck out.

Enjoy your bottom of the barrel kitchens and cope existstance. If you retards only knew how bad you had it, you would either beat your landlord to a pulp and then theaten and black mail him for every last cent, or kill yourself. There is no in between. Imagine peacefully giving up 20% of your income for THIS.

>> No.16106725

Again, you ever been in a trailer park? Ever been to Jacksonville, Florida, or Wheeling, West Virginia, or Butte, Montana. Or countless other epicenters of white poverty? Some guy will try to fight you for a cigarette.

>> No.16106751

You've never lived next to genuine white trash. It's hell.

>> No.16106774

ive lived with black and white people of similar economic standing, and i must say i prefer the whites. im not saying theres no such thing as white trash, im just saying i hate niggers

>> No.16106803

op and black here. I used to live on the top floor where the white families live and it was the quietest thing. I had to move to the bottom floor because I lost my job and it has been noise hell ever since. I can't wait till I finish trade school, then i can move out of minority city

>> No.16106816

hang in there, niggerman. youre gonna make it

>> No.16106838

godspeed, cracker.

>> No.16106864

i hate loud races. they honestly should be confined to their own spaces. gentrifiers calling the cops is totally justified. im a hipster nationalist.

>> No.16106884

>calling the cops
hey, theres an idea, OP
plant drugs (if you even need to) or call cps or something. problem solved

>> No.16106951

Imagine living next door to niggers or monkeys as I like to call them lol. They are noisy

>> No.16106952

If you can afford it, get custom earplugs made. They're way better than the mass-produced foam version.

>> No.16106962


>> No.16107799

White noise, dude. Use it.

>> No.16107869

bro that sounds like hell

For me it's a white noise app and headphones. Hang in there brother.

>> No.16107900


Oh god if only you knew how bad it really is

>> No.16108021


>> No.16108803
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I know you guys are being ironic but I would kill myself if I didn't own my house 100%. I suffered in what was appeared then to be perilous poverty and I struggled to even own a vehicle to get out of my parents house and get a job. Even now, it still feels like it's all a house of cards and I need more money. I scold people for wasting money. I always say cope to posts and people post the stupid chart. Except I don't say it as an insult. I genuinely mean cope. Most people are coping. I'm fortunate to be in my situation but I'm still in constant fear and dread. I don't see how people don't strangle their landlords or act like giving 20% 30% 50% of their income which is already diluted by taxes away like it's nothing. The only thing I can think of is that their parents or grandparents were wealthy and there is always someone they can count on to help them out if things get rough. I never had this. My brother had this friend, he had an IQ of probably 90. Yet, he had a truck and ate food all the time. His parents in like manner were also dimwits. Yet they could spend freely without even the slightest worry. I just don't get it. I never installed or used any dating apps because I had a terrible life and no money at all, i couldn't even afford to eat at university. I can't imagine the misfortune and agony I would feel even in my present situation to have the misfortune of fatheting a child. Coicidentally, this was Kants main reason for not marrying. Midwits seem to cope the most delusionally when it comes to this and think that saving and skimping until they're in my position by their 40s and then saving for retirement in their old age only to die shortly after. It's pointless. At least the poor person cope is better with lottery tickets and has accepted his condition. I don't think most people are aware they're all going to die one day. It doesn't make sense to value distant rewards so heavily. What's wrong with everyone?

>> No.16108823

>neighbours to one side have kids who yell while either playing basketball or in their pool
>Neighbours on other side are quieter, but put in fires when it's above 25c
>Parents bitch about neighbours and everything else

I just want to read

>> No.16109014


>> No.16109068
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I've been contemplating it for a bit. I really should move

>> No.16109212

Reconcile moving with this >>16108803

>> No.16109233

>live with hot Norwegian lassy
>quarantined from home working a do nothing IT job
>purposely don't answer emails because I'm masturbating and getting high
>can play with my cat whenever

Maybe I'll grill a steak tomorrow.

>> No.16109299

I realize that most people are idiots, including myself. Same with dieing. It helps long-term, but not in the short-term

>> No.16109304

Go to the roof of the building I guess.

>> No.16109423

Then do what

>> No.16109474
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Jump off

>> No.16109527

Good idea for rentcucks.

>> No.16109789

get a good pair of headphones and an amp
learn to appreciate drone
tune out the world

>> No.16110781

You know how I know this is a larp? Because if you were actually quarantined with a Norwegian women for several months you would have committed suicide
Mvh En nordmann

>> No.16110798

>Not even bothering to write "books for this feel"
kys immediately

>> No.16111140
File: 37 KB, 443x550, AB2897CC-B0AC-410C-8040-B8C464231C33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t even get inner peace long enough to read a book for the feel you ass hole

>> No.16111268

Noise-cancelling headphones are a good investment OP

>> No.16111941

You've suggest a cope, not a solution.

>> No.16111957

Copes are never good investments.

>> No.16111958

I live on a tract but have an apartment in downtown los angeles.

I hate being there but its a must have for having sex with arts district thots.

I suggest leaving the city.

>> No.16111966

the solution would be to buy a gun and threaten anyone who makes a sound.

>> No.16112031

>pretty nice appartment in the middle of the city
>flat directly above me gets turned into social housing for whatever faggot lefty reason
>Gypsy niggers move in
>literally not one single second of silence for the past 2 years
>hear them abusing their 3 kids ages 1 to 11 from 7am to 1am every single day

Hoping for a self defense situation with the parents one day

>> No.16112419
File: 76 KB, 785x1000, B9689EA7-DBBA-481D-BA7F-770FF9ED6FF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate Mexicans bro. They were having a fiesta next to my room and I banged the wall furiously for like ten seconds. An hour later a police man was at my door saying they called 911. Apparently they believe they’re allowed to make noise but I’m not.
Shit like this makes me want to kiss trumps feet.

>> No.16112734

You can't just fucking do that.

>> No.16112804

>rentcuck and fleshslave

>> No.16112898

Based country boy, enjoy your hives city fags.

>> No.16112907

>Romanians in denial
No, no, you can keep them.

>> No.16113115

As a Mexican’t, I hate being Mexican’t and hate every single other Mexican’t

>> No.16113450

can you report them for child abuse

>> No.16114196

More effective to beat them yourself in Switzerland.

>> No.16114209

Solves nothing.

>> No.16114342

>neighbors are Chinese family and speak moon rune occasionally
>everything is quiet and peaceful otherwise

>> No.16114379

>neighbour's shitbull is barking the entire night again

>> No.16114506

>not being the cunt making the noise
Never going to make it OP.

>> No.16115161

You're allowed to self defend yourself against pitbulls.

>> No.16115566 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 500x375, Loud_environment_headphones-e1443710932167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just get a pair of these or an earbud equivalent. I use the earbud version for sleeping so all those fucking boomers mowing their lawns at 5AM don't wake me up, I'm sure you can find them at relatively cheap since it doesn't sound like an unlimited resource for you.
Or just put wax in your eyes, it kept Odysseus' crew safe from the Sirens, I'm sure it'll work with your Mexican family next door

>> No.16115573
File: 30 KB, 500x375, Loud_environment_headphones-e1443710932167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>16105634 (OP)
Literally just get a pair of these or an earbud equivalent. I use earbud hearing protection for sleeping so all those fucking boomers mowing their lawns at 5AM don't wake me up, I'm sure you can find them at relatively cheap since it doesn't sound like money is an unlimited resource for you.
Or just put wax in your eyes, it kept Odysseus' crew safe from the Sirens, I'm sure it'll work with your Mexican family next door

>> No.16115866
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Follow his footsteps.

>> No.16115937

fucking kill yourself cuck

>> No.16116389

Literally cope.

>> No.16116409

Yeah it's a cope in the physical sense, do you expect him to overcome the sound of blaring Mexican music and the other disturbances of crowded urban life by pure willpower alone? While you might I think, given the forma mentis of and pic used by OP, it's unlikely