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File: 63 KB, 694x1024, 1597179894421m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16107119 No.16107119[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>If feminists never raised the age of consent Nabakov would never have written "Lolita"

>> No.16107127

Imagine letting womeme tell you what age you can bang them at lmao

>> No.16107128

Is this the official cunny thread for tonight?

>> No.16107133

true. people should also decriminalize pedophilia.

>> No.16107135


>> No.16107138

I can't wait for you to go to prison.

>> No.16107143

For what? Making a thread on 4chan?

>> No.16107145

>how disappointed is OP going to be when he finds out Nabokov wrote it because he hated the highway system's implementation

>> No.16107148

you can wait a little longer, sweetie

>> No.16107153

For me, it's Angelina Polikarpova.

>> No.16107154

To be fair, OP doesn't even know the narrator never even claims to fuck her

>> No.16107155

more pics, less posts.

>> No.16107160

They raised the age of consent?
Uh oh.

>> No.16107169

I'm rangebanned from posting images across every board on 4chan for doing just that.

>> No.16107176
File: 1.98 MB, 3720x2836, banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16107179
File: 90 KB, 750x1150, H21186-L142902751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16107195

I hope the ones closest to you find your posts and shun you from their life.

>> No.16107198

The premise of the story wouldn't exist. Why would you have to keep your relationship with a 12 year old a secret when it's legal for you to fuck her anyway?
>Humbert never fucks Dolores

>> No.16107206

why'd you fuckin ghost me in that other thread m8

>> No.16107221

Which other thread?

>> No.16107225

nothing would make me happier, im only sticking around because im the best thing in their lives
if they shunned me i could leave them guilt-free, i would be free

>> No.16107237


>> No.16107245
File: 8 KB, 180x57, 20200812_001555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pedofelic shitposting weebs...........

>> No.16107271

Shit sorry I didn't check back after I posted. Ya that was me alright I cunny-posted too hard and too long. Got the entire ISP range banned. You can type but no more images because of """abuse""". Hopefully gookmoot takes it down at some stage it's shit being a half poster.

>> No.16107273
File: 22 KB, 595x477, PED_milestones_sexual_development.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not pedophilic if they hit puberty...

>> No.16107284

i got perma ban on all boards once for discussing pedophilia, then I got randomly unbanned