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16103692 No.16103692 [Reply] [Original]

What books to understand girls that identify as boys?

>> No.16103696

I want to fight him.

>> No.16103705
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Idk why i hate it. I love women but not this kind of... women...

>> No.16103709

Epistle to the Romans, chapter 1.

>> No.16103715
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>ITT: just imageboard moderator things

>> No.16103728
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He/they will beat you up

>> No.16103737

I know a girl who identifies as a boy. Not something she can help, really. Says seeing her own femininity disgusts her. She struggled with the issue a lot before she started identifying as male. I pity her.

>> No.16103739

>be man
>think men are superior to woman
>woman wants to be man
>WHY the FUCK would SHE do THIS?

>> No.16103756

That isn't struggling kill yourself faggot and take her with you

>> No.16103783

I wonder how long it will take before we look back at this "gender theory" business like an emo phase we all want to forget about. My bet is that in 5 years or so people have sort of outgrown the entire thing, and/or killed themselfs.

>> No.16104678

Also thought about it. Just as how we look at the Tabula Rasa meme right now. I think it may take longer than 5 years for whole of western society though.

>> No.16104729

eh, this whole fad started in 2016 or so, and the pronouns stuff became as big as it is a couple years later. What comes fast goes fast, as with any fad.

>> No.16104741

It's only going to get worse. Social engineering and increasing boredom due to sedentary lives will see to it.

>> No.16104746

> fad
You haven't been paying attention to the last few decades, have you? The pronouns game is the newest and most extreme (for now) expression of the gender theory crap that has been pushed for a long time.

>> No.16104764

Its bound to collapse at some point, but yes it will have to get quite a bit worse before people realize its a pointless battle. Its based off of nothing, there are no studies that prove it, and even if the whole "social gender" business was real, referring to eachother with gender-neutral pronouns wouldn't fix shit. Because reactionary people would still just see some faggot with blue hair, and the "progressive" types are already fine with ignoring gender as a whole, so you really get anywhere with it. A problem with the individual isnt fixed by making the society adapt to it. Its only made worse.

>> No.16104773

hope this dumb bitch sterilizes herself with test. the world doesnt need anymore 5heads

>> No.16104785

I have been paying attention, and yes there have been weakminded people being intimated by group identity for ages. But all the attention around it these past years, is just a fad. You cant change our understanding of gender, which is as old as civilization itself, based on a group of angsty teenagers impulses and temporary feelings. Its a fad, and it will be nothing more.

>> No.16104806

It is really simple. Some people don't like the body they were born into, so they change it to the opposite one. Now since it doesn't make sense to call someone who looks feminine as "he", we use the female pronoun.

>> No.16104808


>> No.16104818

Its not really simple no. And insisting that it is just makes it worse for yourself. Psychology is not very simple, and you cant dumb it down and oppress speech to fit your own agenda. It wont work, and it wont help you or people in your situation.

>> No.16104821

Trannyism is just a Twitter meme. And young girls are easily manipulated. It doesn't require a book.

>> No.16104845
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I am going to study Psychology the coming years. Haven't started yet. I think this whole gender identity and other personal beliefs are going to be a problem in practice.
Are any Psychology students or working reading this in the same boat? Also any advice from anons not studying in that field?

>> No.16104882

You will not get a job with a psychology degree.

>> No.16104887

I suggest you keep your views on trannies to yourself. Psychology is in a rough spot right now because it is not socially acceptable to treat their mental illness as it is; we are actually compelled to indulge in their delusion, like one of those hippie mental institutions in which the workers treat the guy with schizophrenia who thinks he is Superman as actually Superman instead of some unstable motherfucker. Anyone in neuroscience or psychology knows that trans people are just mentally ill deep down, but the culture in which we live in actually forces these professionals to encourage and support the patient's mania and even assist them in ruining their bodies.

>> No.16104901
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>> No.16104922

I'm attracted to her, am I gay?

>> No.16104923

Holy kek

>> No.16104937

I've been watching a lot of YouTube videos from detransitioners recently. Wanted to see them before they are banned. It's interesting how many detransitioners on YT are FtMtF.

>> No.16104955

What the fuck is a detransitioner?

>> No.16104964

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

>> No.16104989

A mentally ill person who happily was able to overcome their illness and their desire to LARP 24/7 as the other sex just because when he was a boy he liked dolls and pink instead of sports and blue. This person is able to see how it was all a stupid, retarded thing, but sadly they started to ruin their body with hormones and/or mutilation in order to live out their fetish and be a unique little snowflake, which was not worth it at the end of it.

>> No.16105033

Provide some link?

>> No.16105054

>be woman
>think men are privileged
>can't comprehend why so many "men" are injecting themselves with hormones and mutilating their genitals to try and be women
>thinks a bunch of girls cutting their hair short and wearing bowties and button down shirts is the same thing, and not just a fashion statement

>> No.16105087

It's all so tiresome...

>like one of those hippie mental institutions in which the workers treat the guy with schizophrenia who thinks he is Superman as actually Superman instead of some unstable motherfucker.
So when I confront with a trans or repressor, I should just put on a little show even when I don't agree on doing it. Thought about it, but I don't know if I could.
There is always a little bit of doubt in me that I might be wrong about this whole subject. I think there is not enough long-term evidence, and that alot of research is biased. But I could also be absolutely wrong.

>> No.16105174


>> No.16105207

I'm way ok with people dressing the way they want, fucking who they want, making up their own names, having surgeries if they want and whatever, it's their life.

I just can't wrap my head around this essentialist turn the gender debate got into as if "man" and "woman" were well defined categories, I would never expect that from people who think of it as fluid and all.

How the fuck could a man identify as a woman (or vice-versa) if not because this guy had an initial idea of what being a woman is about for him to identify with?

If gender is a social construct and I believe it is, it's not about genitals but it's not an abstract thing inside our heads either, it's all in our relation with others. If you wear skirts, society reads that as girly thing, but not really if you are wearing a kilt in Scotland. Decades ago women wearing pants was outrageous and guys with long hair were bizarre, now those things do not even enter the gender debate. It all depends on how yourself and others read it. When I think of what being a man is supposed to be about according to the signs society gives, some of the things I identify with, some of the things I don't and it makes no difference.

If we ought to respect everyone and treat men and women and everyone alike, then what's the difference how you identify with? Why make more categories and subcategories for gender and sexuality? Shouldn't we be doing the opposite? Realizing people are free to do as they want, fuck who they want, with no name for it, no preconceptions and prejudices? If someone messes up in an email or something thinking I'm a woman, I'm not offended by that, why would I?

I have actual trans and gender fluid friends but I can't even begin this subject without offending them, it's so fragile. At the same time, conservative idiots don't accept my premises, they think it's all "degenerate" and throw it all away. Everyone is crazy, I don't get it.

Do you guys know of arguments in gender theory that either deny, support or explain what I'm going on about here?

>> No.16105240

she is a prisoner, and she is not aware of it.

>> No.16105295

She's hot, I would like to see her when she was a ''man''.

>> No.16105299

there are pics in one of the videos. looks like a loser as a man.

>> No.16105358

My question is do these people actually go through multiple back-and-forth surgeries and hormone treatments or are they just doing it on an aesthetic level? Also where are the MtFtM?

>> No.16105426

My sister once told me that sometimes she see herself as a man when dreaming. That's quite strange, because in my dreams I am always a man.

>> No.16105504

I think there are fewer MtFtM videos for a few reasons. There are a significant number who went into it purely as a fetish, which is embarrassing to talk about. The fetish angle just doesn't appear in the FtMs. There are also a lot who detransitioned because they couldn't pass. It seems far more of the women are able to pass as men than vice versa.

>> No.16105842


>> No.16106153
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Christ it's real. How could they do that to a kid?

>> No.16106448


>> No.16106903

I'm inclined to think she never had the surgery and never had a penis. Too feminine from beginning.

>> No.16107239

John Money obv. But why would you like to enter the hallucination of a literal psycho pedophile?

>> No.16107268

I wanna fuck HIM in HIS PUSSY

>> No.16107291

>I have actual trans and gender fluid friends but I can't even begin this subject without offending them, it's so fragile. At the same time, conservative idiots don't accept my premises, they think it's all "degenerate" and throw it all away. Everyone is crazy, I don't get it.

Welcome to Gender in the 21st century. You're either subscribe to the Victorian concept of sex and gender roles or do everything to oppose it. There's no such thing as alternative models.

>> No.16107306

Hope this thing dies of COVID

>> No.16107322

It's hilarious how much better men are than women.

>> No.16108663

chopping out your genitals isn’t «change it»

>> No.16108678
